HP STORAGEWORKS 4100 User Manual

Version 2.0
User Manual
Copyright© 2007 Emulex Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means nor translated to any electronic medium without the written consent of Emulex Corporation.
Emulex, AutoPilot Installer, BlockGuard, cLAN, FabricStream, FibreSpy, Giganet, HBAnyw are, InSpeed, In traLink, LightPulse, MultiPulse, SAN Insite, SBOD and Vixel are registered trademarks, and AutoPilot Manager, EZPilot, SLI and VMPilot are trademarks of Emulex Corporation. All other brand or product names referenced herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Emulex provides this manual "as i s " wi thout any warranty of any kind, either express ed o r i mp lie d , i nclud i ng but n ot limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Emulex Co rpo ration may make improvements and ch ang es t o t he pr odu ct des cribed in this manual at any tim e and w ith out an y n ot ice. Emulex Corporation assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result. Periodic changes are made to information contained herein; althou gh thes e chang e s will be incorporated into new editions of this manual, Emulex Corporation disclaims any undertaking to give notice of such changes.
EZPilot User Manual Page ii
Installing EZPilot .....................................................................................1
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1
Prerequisites .....................................................................................................1
Operating System Requirements ................................................................ 1
Hardware Requirements ............................................................................. 1
Installed Software Components.........................................................................2
Installing EZPilot to Create a Windows Management Server ..................................3
Prerequisites .....................................................................................................3
Procedure.......................................................................................................... 3
Installing EZPilot to Create a Windows Non-Management Server ........................... 8
Prerequisites .....................................................................................................8
Procedure.......................................................................................................... 8
Installing the Emulex Driver and Utilities for Linux.................................................10
Using EZPilot Manager.........................................................................11
Introduction............................................................................................................ 11
Starting EZPilot Manager.................................................................................12
The EZPilot Manager Window.........................................................................13
The Menu Bar ...........................................................................................13
The Toolbar............................................................................................... 14
The Discovery-Tree................................................................................... 15
Property Windows and Property Pages..................................................... 16
Status Bar.................................................................................................16
Discovering SAN Elements....................................................................................16
Modifying Discovery Properties .......................................................................17
Viewing Discovery Information ........................................................................ 18
Viewing Discovery Information (Storage View).......................................... 18
Viewing Discovery Information (Host View)............................................... 19
Viewing Discovery Information (Switch View)............................................ 20
Viewing Host Information....................................................................................... 21
Working with Logical Drives ................................................................................... 22
Renaming a Logical Drive ............................................................................... 23
Viewing a Logical Drive’s Disk Details............................................................. 24
Expanding a Logical Drive............................................................................... 24
Managing Host Bus Adapters ................................................................................27
Viewing an HBA’s General Information............................................................ 27
Resetting an HBA............................................................................................ 28
Editing an HBA’s Name ...................................................................................29
Reverting to an HBA’s Default Name ............................................................... 29
Viewing an HBA’s Firmware Information.......................................................... 30
Updating Firmware or BIOS on an HBA ......................................................... 31
Enabling or Disabling BootBIOS on an HBA....................................................32
Managing a Switch ................................................................................................ 33
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 33
Viewing Fabric Information..............................................................................33
Renaming a Switch .........................................................................................34
EZPilot User Manual Page iii
Using the Switch Mgmt. Tab............................................................................ 35
Changing the Switch’s IP Address................................................................... 35
Managing Storage Devices.................................................................................... 37
The Storage Management tabs.................................................................37
Viewing General Storage Information.............................................................. 37
Viewing a Controller’s Port Information .....................................................38
Viewing a Port’s Attached Logical Drive Information .................................39
Working with Logical Drives ............................................................................39
Viewing Logical Drive Details.................................................................... 40
Renaming a Logical Drive .........................................................................41
Expanding a Logical Drive......................................................................... 42
Deleting a Logical Drive ............................................................................43
Assigning a Logical Drive to a Host........................................................... 43
Adding a Logical Drive ..............................................................................45
Viewing Physical Disk Information................................................................... 49
Introduction............................................................................................................ 50
EZPilot Manager Cannot See Other HBAs or Hosts........................................50
Cannot See New LUNs (Windows) .................................................................. 50
Cannot See New LUNs or Targets (Linux) ....................................................... 51
Introduction............................................................................................................ 52
Adding a Second Switch.................................................................................. 52
Adding a Second Disk Shelf............................................................................ 52
Adding New Disks to a New Disk Group ................................................... 52
Adding New Disks to the Existing Default Disk Group............................... 53
EZPilot User Manual Page iv

Installing EZPilot


EZPilot™ from Emulex enables you to c onfigure y our Storage Area Network (SAN). This section describes how to:
Install EZPilot for a Windows EVA management server.
Install EZPilot for a Windows non-management s erver.
Install the Emulex Linux driver and util itie s for a Linux non-management server.


Operating System Requi rem en ts
For Windows Management and Non-Management Servers :
x86 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise E dition Service Pack 2
x64 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise E dition Service Pack 2
For Linux Non-Management Servers:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (latest update)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (latest s ervic e pack)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (latest s ervic e pack)
Hardware Requirements
Note: All servers must boot from a loc al disk. SAN boot is not sup por ted by E ZPil ot .
Single Switch Configuration (Non-redundant)
One Windows 2003 server configured as an EVA management server
Up to three non-management servers
One HP StorageWorks A8002A 4Gb PCI-e HBA per server
One HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) 4100 storage system
One HP StorageWorks 4/8 Base SAN switch with eight licensed ports
Additional non-management servers may be add ed if add ition al swi tch po rt li cen ses are purchas ed. Contact your HP representative for more information.
EZPilot - Installation Section Page 1
High Availability (HA) configuration (Dual-switch)
The following configuration requires the pur chas e of an ad dition al s witch. It a llows the SA N to co ntinue to function fully even if an HBA, switch, or stor age contr olle r fails.
One Windows 2003 server configured as an EVA management server
Up to five additional non-management ser vers
Two HP StorageWorks A8002A 4Gb PCI-e HBAs per server
One HP StorageWorks EVA4100 storage system
Two HP StorageWorks 4/8 Base SAN switches with eight licensed ports each
Additional non-management servers may be add ed if add ition al swi tch po rt li cen ses are purchas ed. Contact your HP representative for more information.

Installed Software Components

The following is a list of some of the EZPilot so ftware compon ents. All of thi s software is automatic all y installed on Windows sytems (if necessar y) by the installation process.
Emulex Storport Miniport driver
Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (EVA Management Servers only)
Microsoft Multipath input/output (MPIO)
HP MPIO Device Specific Module (MPIO DSM)
HP Virtual Disk Service (VDS) HW Provider for the E VA (EVA Management Servers only)
EZPilot SAN Setup Wizard
EZPilot EVA Setup Wizard (EVA management servers only)
EZPilot HBA Wizard
EZPilot Switch Wizard (E VA Management Servers only)
EZPilot Manager
HP Command View EVA Software Suite (EVA Management Servers only)
Adobe Acrobat Reader*
Note: *Acrobat Reader is not automati cally installed, but it is contained on the Emulex
Installation CD.


The following Emulex and HP terms differ:
The EZPilot GUI and documentation refer to LUNs (Logi cal Unit Numbe rs) as “logic al driv es”. Logical drives are synonymous with HP’s terms “vir tual di sk” or “V Dis ks”.
The Emulex phrase “Assigning a host” is synony mous with HP’s phrase “Presen ting a host”.
EZPilot - Installation Section Page 2

Installing EZPilot to Create a Windows Management Server

Note: You must install one and only one management ser ver.


If older versions of Emulex, Brocade or HP StorageWorks software were previously installed on the system you must remove them. Use the Windows Add/Remove Programs feature to remove the software. If you are prompted to reinstall the Emulex HBA driv er during EZP ilot i nstallation , click Yes.
To automatically obtain network settings for the switch during EZPilot installation, you must have a DHCP server setup on the IP network and a switch with DHCP support that is enabled. Otherwise, you must have an IP address available to assign to the switch and know the gateway address and subnet mask.


To create a management server:
1. Install the HBA(s) in the system. Refer to the HBA’s Installation Manual for instructions.
Caution: Do not install the driver from the CD that shipped with the HBA. EZPilot will install the
necessary driver automatically.
2. Insert the EZPilot CD into the system’s CD-ROM drive. The EZPilot Installer verification window appears. The window closes automatically when the file
verification process is complete.
Note: Verification may take several minutes.
The EZPilot EVA Installer welcome page appears.
Figure 1: The EZPilot EVA Installer welcome page
3. Click Next. The EZPilot Installation Options dialog box appears.
EZPilot - Installation Section Page 3
Figure 2: The EZPilot EVA Installation Options dialog box
4. Check HP EVA Management Server and click Install. The SAN Host box is checked by default.
Note: If a recent version of the Java Runti me E nviro nmen t is not alr eady instal le d, E ZPil ot
will install it as depicted in Figure 2. This option cannot be unchecked; it is required for the management se rv er.
5. The License Agreement dialog boxes ap pear. Check I agree to these terms and conditions and click Next for each dialog box.
The EZPilot EVA Operation in Progress dialog box appears. The dialog box c loses whe n the necessary files are copied to th e sy stem.
The Welcome to EZPilot SAN Setup Wizard dialog b ox appears.
Figure 3: The Welcome to EZPilot SAN Setup Wizard dialog box
6. Click Next to perform SAN setup.
7. The EZPilot SAN Setup Prerequisites dialog box appear s. E nsure al l pr erequis ites are m et and click Next. The HP EVA driver, Emulex HBA driver and HP MPIO DSM are installed.
HP’s StorageWorks Command View EVA Software Suite installation begins.
Note: This installation will take several mi nut es.
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Figure 4: The EZPilot EVA Setup License dialog box
8. The EZPilot EVA Setup License dialog box appears enabling you to install a Command View license. The license is obtained from the HP Webware password center. You may install a license now or later. Emulex recommends that you install the license now. It will simplify using EZPilot Manager.
To obtain a Command View License: a. From the EZPilot EVA Setup License dialog box, check Install a license now.
b. Select the WWN value and press Ctrl-C to copy it for use in step d . c. Double-clic k the http://webware.hp.c om li nk on th e EZPi lot EVA Setup License dialog
box. The HP Password Delivery Service page appear s in a Web browse r.
Note: If the server does not have internet access, enter the URL into an Internet browser on a computer with internet access and follow these instructions .
d. Enter your HP order number at the web site. Follow the instructio ns in the “HP Storage-
Works EV A4100 SAN Starter Kit quick installation” guide. T o type the WWN, press Ctrl-V to paste the WWN you copied previously. Using the “paste” method ensures there are no typing mistakes. However, you may also manually type in the WWN.
Note: The WWN is also displayed on th e oper at or contro l panel of th e EVA. This enables you to obtain the li cen se be fo re instal ling EZ P ilo t. M ake sure you ty pe t he WWN exactly as shown, including the dashes.
EZPilot - Installation Section Page 5
e. The License/Password certificate page of the HP Webware site includes a li nk to save
the license key/password file. Click on the link to save the file. Make sure you remember the name and path you assign to the file. Do not change the file’s .dat extension.
f. Exit the browser. If you are not accessing the Web site from the management server,
copy the file to the management server or place it on a network share that is accessible from the management server.
g. Click Next in the EZPilot EVA Setup License dialog box. The Open License Password
File dialog box appears.
h. Navigate to the license password file you saved an d cl ick Op e n.
To install a Command View License later: a. From the EZPilot EVA Setup License dialog box, check Defer license installation and
click Next. If you choose this option you can create logical drives for 180 days. After 180 days you can no longer create logical drives without i nstalling a licens e.
Figure 5: The EZPilot EVA Setup Configure dialog box
9. The EZPilot EVA Setup - Configure Enterprise Virtual Array dialog box appears. Enter the array name as you want it to appear on the front panel of the two array c ontrolle rs. The array n ame may contain a maximum of twenty characters. The Number of di sk d rives field d isp lay s the number of disk drives discovered in the EVA. The Spare Policy feature enables you to set aside storage space in case a disk drive fails . You can choose to set aside no space or to set aside enough space to save data from one or two failed drives.
Note: When you set aside space for failed drives, you are reducing the space available for
Uncheck Permit <account name> Windows accoun t to log on to Comma nd V ie w EVA if you don't want to allow your account to log on to Command View EVA. This does not affect the ability
EZPilot - Installation Section Page 6
to use EZPilot Manager. See the Command View EVA documentation for the steps necessary to grant permission to another account.
Note: The check box label in Figure 5 disp lay s your acco un t name. In th e exa mpl e, the
standard Windows Admini str ator acc oun t is be in g use d to install EZPi lot . T he Command View password will be the same passwor d as the Wind ow s Admin ist rat or account.
After making your selections, click Next. The EVA is initialized and the VDS provider is installed.
Note: This process may take a minute.
Figure 6: The EZPilot Switch Setup dialog box (Single switch configuration. DHCP supported and enabled)
10. If you have not previously configured a sw itch , the EZP ilot S witch Setup d ialog box ap pear s. Enter the switch's name, IP address, subnet mask and gateway address. If DHCP is supported and enabled, you can check Obtain network settings automatically. Click Next.
Note: Configuring the switch’s ne twor k sett ing s may take a min ute.
11. If there is another switch to configure, cli ck Next Switch when prompte d and ente r the s witc h's name, IP address, subnet mask and gateway address .
12. You are notified when the switches are configured. Click Continue.
13. The Installing HP MPIO screen appears. When the installation is complete, you are prompted to restart Windows. Click OK. After Windows is restarted, you will be notified that the installation is complete.
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Installing EZPilot to Create a Windows Non-Management Server

Note: You must install EZPilot on all Windows no n-man ag emen t se rver s in th e SAN .


If older versions of Emulex, Brocade or HP StorageWorks software were previously installed on the system you must remove them. Use the Windows Add/Remove Programs feature to remove the software. If you are prompted to reinstall the Emulex HBA driv er during EZP ilot i nstallation , click Yes.


To create a non-management server:
1. Install the HBA(s) in the system. Refer to the HBA’s Installation Manual for instructions.
Caution: Do not install the driver from the CD that shipped with the HBA. EZPilot will install the
necessary driver automatically.
2. Insert the EZPilot CD into the system’s CD-ROM drive. The EZPilot Installer verification window appears. The window closes automatically when the file
verification process is complete.
Note: Verification may take several minutes.
The EZPilot EVA Installer welcome page appears.
Figure 7: The EZPilot EVA Installer welcome page
EZPilot - Installation Section Page 8
3. Click Next.
Figure 8: The EZPilot EVA Installation Options dialog box
4. The EZPilot EVA Installation Options dialog box appears. Click Install.
Note: Do not check the HP EVA Management Server check box. You are creating a
Non-Management server.
5. The License Agreement dialog boxes ap pear. Check I agree to these terms and conditions and click Next for each dialog box.
The EZPilot EVA Operation in Progress dialog box appears. The dialog box c loses whe n the necessary files are copied to th e sy stem.
Figure 9: The Welcome to EZPilot SAN Setup Wizard dialog box
6. The Welcome to EZPilot SAN Setup Wizard dialo g box a ppear s. Click Next to perform EZPil ot SAN setup.
7. The EZPilot SAN Setup Prerequisites dialog box appear s. E nsure al l pr erequis ites are m et and click Next. The HP EVA driver and Emulex HBA driver are installed.
Note: This installation may take several min utes.
The HP MPIO DSM is installed. The Microsoft MPIO framewor k wil l autom atically be in stalled if it is not already installed.
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8. When the installation is complete, EZPilot pr ompts you to res tart Windows. Clic k OK. After Windows is restarted, you will be notified that the in stallation i s comple te.
Repeat steps 1-8 to install EZPilot on all Windows non-manag ement s erv ers in the SA N.

Installing the Emulex Driver and Utilities for Linux

Please refer to the manuals on the Emulex Linux Installation CD for instructions on installing the Emulex drivers and utilities for Linux.
As an overview, to create a Linux non-management server:
1. Ensure a supported version of the Linux oper ating s ystem i s in stalled on the m achi ne.
2. Update with the Proliant Support Pack (for HP servers).
3. Install the Emulex driver for Linux.
4. Install the Emulex HBAnyware® utility to configure the HBAs with the c orrect fir mwar e/BIOS.
5. Install the Emulex MultiPulse® utility on your system to enable multipathing in a High Availability (HA) environment.
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Using EZPilot Manager


Emulex’s EZPilot Manager provides a simple confi guration an d manag ement tool for m anaging a Storage Area Network (SAN).
The EZPilot Manager utility enables you to d isc ove r and chec k the status of loc al and remote Emul ex HBAs, hosts, switches, storage devices and logic al dr ives ( LUNS) con tained in the SAN.
EZPilot Manager enables you to:
Add, expand, rename or delete a logical drive.
Assign a logical drive to a host.
Create, initialize, format and assign a path to a logical dr iv e.
Monitor the EVA.
Configure and monitor switches.
View an HBA’s attributes.
Reset an HBA.
Enable and disable an HBA’s BootBIOS.
Update the BootBIOS on an HBA.
Update the firmware on an HBA.
Note: Do not run EZPilot Manage r and Co mmand View con cur rent ly. Running both
applications concur rent ly may caus e ina ccu rate disco ver y in fo rmati on to be displayed.
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Starting EZPilot Manager

To start EZPilot Manager:
1. On your Management Server’s desktop, click Start.
2. Select Programs>Emulex>EZPilot Manager.
EZPilot Manager starts and the Discovery Information screen i s di spla yed. Storage View is the default setting the first time you run EZPilot Manager.
If there are no logical drives configured, you will be prompted to configure them. If you want to configure logical drives now, see “Adding a Logical Drive” on page 45 and begin at step 4. You can also configure them later if you wish.
Note: If you did not obtain a Command View license wh en yo u ins talle d EZPi lo t Man age r
you will prompted to obtain one when you attempt to create logical drives. Refer to “To obtain a Command View License:” on page 5 for instructions .
Figure 10: EZPilot Manager at startup with no logical drives configured (Storage View.)
Note: The illustrations in th is manua l ar e fo r in stru cti ona l pu rp ose s onl y. The actual
information displaye d by E ZPil ot Ma nager may var y.
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The EZPilot Manager Window

The EZPilot Manager window contains five basic c ompon ents: the menu bar, the toolbar, the discovery­tree, the property tabs and the status bar.
Figure 11: The EZPilot Window with Elem en t C a ll O uts ( Storage View wi th s to rag e d evi ce s ele c te d.)
Note: The element you select in the discovery-tree determines whether a menu item or
Toolbar icon is active. For example, if you select the local host or other system host, the Reset Adapter it em on the Ada pt er menu is unav ail ab le. The Reset Ada pter Toolbar button is unavailable as w ell.
The Menu Bar
The Menu bar contains command menus that enable you to perform a variety of tasks such as exiting EZPilot Manager, resetting HBAs and sorting items in the discovery-tre e vi ew. Many of the Menu bar commands are also available from the Toolbar.
The File menu enables you to exit EZ Pil ot Manag er.
The View menu enables you to turn off and on the Toolbar, Status Bar, and Item Help Tips. You can also choose to display di scover ed el ements starting from the Storage Devices, Hosts, Switches or Local HBAs Only options (see “ The Toolbar” on page 14). You can also enable or disable Advanced Mode.
Note: You must be in Advanced Mode to see the Maintenance tab, update an HBA’s
firmware/BI OS an d to mana ge a swit ch.
The Adapter menu enables you to reset a se lec ted adapte r (see “Res etting an HBA” on page 28), edi t its name (see “ Editing an HB A’s Name” on page 29) or use i ts default name (see “Reverting to an HBA’s Default Name” on page 29).
The Discovery menu enables you to mod ify d iscove ry properti es (see “Mod ifyi ng Discov ery Properties” on page 17) and to refresh the discovery.
EZPilot - Management Section Page 13
The Help menu displays the EZPilot Ma nager versi on as well a s tech supp ort an d sy stem information.
The Toolbar
The Toolbar contains buttons that enable you to refresh the discovery-tree view, reset the selected HBA and sort the discovery-tree view. Many of the Toolbar functions are also available from the Menu bar.
Figure 12: The EZPilot Toolbar (Host View with an adapter selected)
Note: If a Toolbar button does not apply to a sel ect ed disc ove ry-t re e elem en t, it is disa ble d.
The Toolbar is visible by default. Use the Toolbar item in the View menu to hide the Toolbar. If the item is checked, the Toolbar is visible.
The Toolbar Buttons
The Toolbar buttons perform the following tasks:
Click the Discovery Refresh button to refresh the dis covery-tree di spl ay.
Click the Reset button to reset the selected HBA. (You must select an HBA in the discovery-tree to enable this button.)
SAN elements can be displayed in the discovery- tree by Storage View, Host View, Switch View and Local HBAs Only View.
Click the Storage View button to view the discovery-tree starting with the storage eleme nt. (This is the default view the first time EZ Pil ot Manag er is run.)
Click the Host View button to view the discovery-tree starting with the host element.
Click the Switch View button to view the discovery-tree starting with the fabric elemen t.
Click the Local HBAs Only button to view local only or both loca l and remote HB As in the discovery-tree.
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