HP Service Processors User Manual

3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide

3PAR Inc. 4209 Technology Drive Fremont, CA 94538 USA
Part No. 320-200247 Rev B April 2011
This is the second release of this manual. A complete revision history is provided at the end of this document.
The material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy, 3PAR Inc. assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this document or from the use of the information contained herein. 3PAR reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users.
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Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Supported Service Processors 1.2
1.2 Audience 1.2
1.3 Related Documentation 1.3
1.4 Organization 1.4
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
1.5 Typographical Conventions 1.4
1.6 Advisories 1.6
2.1 Service Processor Connectivity 2.2
2.2 About SP Mode 2.2
2.3 About Secure Network Mode 2.3
2.4 SPMAINT 2.5
2.4.1 Accessing SPMAINT 2.5
2.4.2 The SPMAINT Interface 2.6
2.4.3 Accessing the Interactive CLI 2.6
2.5 CPMAINT 2.6
2.5.1 Accessing CPMAINT Interface 2.7
2.5.2 The CPMAINT Interface 2.7
Table of Contents
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
2.6 Policy Manager Overview 2.7
2.7 Secure Service Agent Overview 2.7
2.8 SPOCC Overview 2.8
3 SP Control Functions
3.1 Setting Up the Network for the Service Processor 3.2
3.2 Displaying Firewall Status or Altering Firewall Rules 3.2
3.3 Mounting or Unmounting a CD-ROM 3.4
3.4 Stopping/Starting InServ-Related Processes 3.4
3.5 Changing the SP Default Route 3.5
3.6 Changing the SP IP Address 3.5
2.8.1 Logging in to SPOCC 2.8
3.2.1 Displaying Firewall Status 3.2
3.2.2 Altering Firewall Rules 3.3
3.7 Changing the Service Processor Netmask 3.6
3.8 Changing the Service Processor Default Gateway 3.6
3.9 Changing Transfer Media Settings 3.7
3.9.1 Changing the Transfer Media 3.8
3.9.2 Changing the Remote Operations Transfer Media 3.8
3.10 Resetting the Quiesce State in Transfer Process 3.9
3.11 Administrating an SP File Transfer Trigger 3.9
3.12 Managing Date and Time Settings 3.10
3.12.1 Changing the Date 3.10
3.12.2 Changing the Time 3.10
3.12.3 Changing the Time Zone 3.11
3.13 Managing NTP Configuration 3.11
3.13.1 Displaying the NTP Configuration 3.12
3.13.2 Adding an External NTP Server 3.12
3.13.3 Removing an External NTP Server 3.12
3.14 Defining the Service Processor Process Control Parameters 3.13
Table of Contents
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
3.14.1 Editing File Transfer Processes 3.13
3.15 Running a SPLOR or an MSPLOR 3.16
3.16 Maintaining Service Processor Software 3.16
3.16.1 Updating Service Processor Software 3.17
3.16.2 Reverting to an Earlier Software Revision 3.17
3.16.3 Downloading a Software Revision 3.18
3.17 How to Maintain Service Processor Files 3.18
3.17.1 Displaying the Backup Control List 3.19
3.17.2 Editing the Backup Control List 3.19
3.17.3 Recovering a Previous Backup List 3.19
3.17.4 Backing Up Service Processor Rescue Data 3.20
4 Secure Service Agent Functions (CPMAINT)
4.1 Overview of the Secure Service Agent Menu (CPMAINT) 4.1
4.2 Changing Transport Mode 4.3
4.3 Displaying the 3PAR Secure Service Agent Configuration 4.3
4.4 Testing the Connection to the 3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager 4.3
4.5 Testing the Connection to the 3PAR Secure Service Collector Server 4.3
4.6 Querying Status of the Secure Service Agent 4.4
4.7 Reconfiguring the 3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager 4.4
4.8 Reconfiguring the 3PAR Secure Service Collector Server 4.4
4.9 Starting, Stopping, and Restarting the Secure Service Agent 4.5
5 3PAR Communication Settings
5.1 Introduction 5.1
5.2 Customer Controlled Access 5.2
5.2.1 Selecting the Settings 5.2
5.2.2 Changing the CCA Setting 5.3
5.3 Using the File Transfer Monitor 5.3
5.4 Managing Connection Portal Controls 5.4
Table of Contents
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
6 Local Notification Service
6.1 Setting Up Local Notification 6.3
6.2 How to Use Notification Maintenance Utilities 6.5
6.3 How to Configure Sendmail 6.5
6.4 How to Edit the Sites Table 6.6
6.5 How to Editing Default Shifts and Exceptions 6.10
5.4.1 Activating Secure Network Mode 5.5
6.1.1 Enabling Local Notification Access 6.3
6.1.2 How to Configure Local Notification Settings During Initial Setup 6.4
6.4.1 How to add a Site 6.6
6.4.2 How to Edit the Product Table 6.6
6.4.3 How to Predefine Symptoms 6.8
6.5.1 How to Use the Global Default Shift Pattern 6.10
6.5.2 How to Use Prime Shift Patterns 6.11
6.5.3 How to Use Prime Shift Exceptions 6.11
6.6 How to Enable and Disabling RAP Forwarding 6.13
6.7 How to Manage Notification Records and User Profiles 6.13
6.8 Managing User Profiles 6.14
6.8.1 Adding a User Profile 6.14
6.9 How to Manage Local Notification Records 6.15
6.9.1 How to Add a Notification Record 6.15
6.9.2 How to Edit a Notification Record 6.16
6.9.3 How to Delete a Notification Record 6.17
6.10 How to Disable Local Notification Access 6.17
A SP Process Rebuild Kit
RH Revision History
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
In this chapter
1.2 Audience 1.2
1.3 Related Documentation 1.3
1.4 Organization 1.4
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
1.5 Typographical Conventions 1.4
1.6 Advisories 1.6
This guide describes how to administer the service processor that accompanies the InServ
Storage Server. The Service Processor (SP) offers two user interfaces that enable you to perform
various administrative and diagnostic tasks in support of both the InServ and the SP. This guide
explains the functions performed by the SP, shows you how to access both of its user interfaces,
and demonstrates how to perform administrative and diagnostic tasks using those interfaces.


3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide

1.1 Supported Service Processors

Use the following table for referring to Service Processor (SP) code version:
The following table lists supported SPs.
Table 1-1. Supported Service Processors
Part Number Description SP ID Range
F970-0017-01 Service Processor, 2U (Cal Digital) SP00001–SP00199
F970-0085-* Service Processor, 1U (DELL-650) SP00300–SP00399
F970-0088-* Service Processor, 1U (DELL-750) SP00400–SP00899
F975-0009-50-R5 Service Processor, 1U (WINTEC) SP00900–SP01999
F979-200051 Service Processor, 1U (SuperMicro) SP02000–SP02999
F975-200010 Service Processor, 1U (SuperMicro II) SP03000–SPxxxx

1.2 Audience

This user’s guide is intended for system and storage administrators who use the Service
Processor (SP) and InServ Storage Servers. The tasks described in this manual assume that the
administrator is familiar using an SP to access, monitor, and configure for communication with
3PAR headquarters.
Supported Service Processors

1.3 Related Documentation

The following documents also provide information related to InServ Storage Servers and the
InForm Operating System:
For information about… Read the…
CLI commands and their usage InForm OS Command Line Interface Reference
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
Related Documentation
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide

1.4 Organization

This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction (this chapter),
Chapter 2, Overview, provides and overview of the 3PAR Service Processor.
Chapter 3, SP Control Functions, explains SP control functions for configuring the Service
Chapter 4, Secure Service Agent Functions (CPMAINT), explains Secure Service Agent
Chapter 5, 3PAR Communication Settings, explains how to set up communications settings
between the customer site and 3PAR HeadQuarters.
Chapter 6, Local Notification Service, explains how to set up and configure Local
Notification Service.
This guide also contains a revision history for your reference.

1.5 Typographical Conventions

This guide uses the following typographical conventions:
Typefac e Meaning Example
ABCDabcd Used for dialog
elements such as
titles, button
labels, and other
screen elements.
ABCDabcd Used for paths,
filenames, and
screen output.
When prompted, click Finish
to complete the installation.
Open the file
Typefac e Meaning Example
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
ABCDabcd Used to
differentiate user
input from screen
Used for variables
in filenames,
paths, and screen
Used for variables
in user input.
# cd \opt\3par\console
Modify the content string by adding the -P<x> option
-jar inform.jar
#.\java -jar inform.jar
Typographical Conventions
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide

1.6 Advisories

To avoid injury to people or damage to data and equipment, be sure to observe the cautions
and warnings in this guide. Always be careful when handling any electrical equipment.
NOTE: Notes are reminders, tips, or suggestions that supplement the procedures
included in this guide.
CAUTION: Cautions alert you to actions that can cause damage to equipment,
software, or data.
REQUIRED: Requirements signify procedures that must be followed as directed in
order to achieve a functional and supported implementation based on testing at
WARNING: Warnings alert you to actions that can cause injury to people or
irreversible damage to data or the operating system.
2 Overview
In this chapter
2.1 Service Processor Connectivity 2.2
2.2 About SP Mode 2.2
2.3 About Secure Network Mode 2.3
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
2.4 SPMAINT 2.5
2.4.1 Accessing SPMAINT 2.5
2.4.2 The SPMAINT Interface 2.6
2.4.3 Accessing the Interactive CLI 2.6
2.5 CPMAINT 2.6
2.5.1 Accessing CPMAINT Interface 2.7
2.5.2 The CPMAINT Interface 2.7
2.6 Policy Manager Overview 2.7
2.7 Secure Service Agent Overview 2.7
2.8 SPOCC Overview 2.8
2.8.1 Logging in to SPOCC 2.8


3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
The InServ Storage Server Service Processor (SP) is a hardware device mounted in the storage
server rack. It is designed to provide remote error detection and reporting, and to support
diagnostic and maintenance activities involving InServs. In general, only one SP is required per
operating site. However, additional SPs might be required depending on the number of
storage servers and the customer network topology.
The first storage server installed at the operating site includes an SP installed in the same
cabinet as the storage server controller nodes.

2.1 Service Processor Connectivity

The data collected by the Service Processor (SP) is used to maintain, troubleshoot, and upgrade
the SP and storages servers at the operating site. Depending on the SP’s connection mode, the
SP either communicates with a 3PAR Connection Portal or with the 3PAR Collector server.
During storage server setup, the SP can be setup in either SP mode or Secure Network mode. In
SP mode, the SP communicates with the 3PAR Connex server via a connection portal. In Secure
Network mode, the SP communicates with the 3PAR Collector server using 3PAR Secure Service
Agent software.
The connection between the SP and the connection portal can be made using either your
network and the Internet or a point-to-point connection with a modem. Connections that use
your network pass through your firewall, while connections that use a modem bypass the
The 3PAR Secure Service Agent (SSA) is a server-based software feature that enables the SP to
communicate with the Collector server. Unlike direct SSH connections to your SP, with the SSA
it is not necessary to open additional ports on your firewall since communications are
performed with HTTPS.
SP mode and Secure Network mode are discussed further in the following sections.

2.2 About SP Mode

SP mode enables communication between an SP and the 3PAR Connex server located at 3PAR
Central using a connection portal. The Connex server provides software updates, Service
Processor Onsite Customer Care (SPOCC) service tools applications, and access to resources such
as the Document Control System (DCS). In SP mode, the Service Processor (SP) and any
connected InServ Storage Servers are supported and maintainted using the SPMAINT utility.
Service Processor Connectivity
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
Customer Site
3PAR Central
The following figure illustrates the SP to 3PAR Central relationship in SP mode:
Figure 2-1. The SP to 3PAR Central Relationship in SP Mode
When a designated management workstation sits on the same network as the SP and is
configured to access theSP, you have the option of external communications at any time using
the Customer Controlled Access (CCA) feature, which is accessible via SPMAINT.
For information about SPMAINT, see 2.4 SPMAINT on page 2.5.
For information about SPOCC, see 2.8 SPOCC Overview on page 2.8.

2.3 About Secure Network Mode

In Secure Network mode, the SP communicates with the 3PAR Collector server using the 3PAR
Secure Service Agent (SSA). Like the Connex server, the Collector server provides software
updates, access to service tools applaications such as SPOCC, and access resources such as DCS.
Rather than using a connection portal to connect to 3PAR Central, an SP in Secure Network
mode requires the following for connection:
3PAR Secure Service Agent - The 3PAR Secure Service Agent (SSA) facilitates communication
between the SP and Collector server. Communications are done with HTTPS. For additional
information about the SSA, see 2.7 Secure Service Agent Overview on page 2.7.
About Secure Network Mode
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
Customer Site
3PAR Central
Policy Manager
Administered communication policies using either 3PAR Policy Manager or Customer
Controlled Access.
3PAR Policy Manager is a host application that admininsters the communication policies
between the SP and Collector server. For information about 3PAR Policy Manager, refer
to the 3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager User’s Guide.
If you do not have Policy Manager, you can use the Customer Controlled Access feature,
which is accessible via SPMAINT to administer communication policies between the SP
and the 3PAR Collector server.
Secure Network mode provides access to both the SPMAINT and CPMAINT utilities. As with SP
mode, in Secure Network Mode, SPMAINT allows you to support and maintain the SP and any
connected InServs. CPMAINT allows you to support the SSA, the Collector server, and Policy
The following figure illustrates the SP to 3PAR Central relationship in Secure Network mode:
Figure 2-2. The SP to 3PAR Central Relationship in Secure Network Mode
For information about SPMAINT, see 2.4 SPMAINT on page 2.5.
For information about CPMAINT, see 2.5 CPMAINT on page 2.6.
For information about SPOCC, see 2.8 SPOCC Overview on page 2.8.
About Secure Network Mode


The SPMAINT utility is the primary interface for the support (configuration, maintenance, and
firmware update) of both the InServ Storage Server and its SP. The features of this utility are
divided into the following major categories:
Control of the SP.
Communications with 3PAR Central or a local service provider.
Setup and administration of local notification.

2.4.1 Accessing SPMAINT

SPMAINT allows you to affect the current status and configuration of both the InServ Storage
Server and the service processor. For this reason, only one instance of SPMAINT can be run at a
time on a given storage server.
CAUTION: Many of the features and functions available through SPMAINT can
adversely affect a running InServ Storage Server. To prevent potential damage to
the system and irrecoverable loss of data, do not attempt the procedures
described in this manual until you have taken all necessary safeguards and
solicited customer involvement as appropriate.
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
NOTE: Because the Service Processor is designed to support connections to
multiple InServ Storage Servers simultaneously, when using the SPMAINT
interface you will encounter selection menus that allow you to select a particular
storage server on which to execute SPMAINT functions.
To access SPMAINT:
1 Initiate a Secure Shell (SSH) session to establish a connection to your SP.
2 Enter your user name and password.
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide

2.4.2 The SPMAINT Interface

The SPMAINT terminal user interface is the primary user interface for the support of both the
InServ Storage Server and its Service Processor (SP).
The following information appears at the top of each SPMAINT menu:
SP serial number - The serial number uses the format SPXXXXX, where XXXXX is a 5-digit
Menu name - Menu names are not necessarily unique. Menus that are accessible from the
same menu often share the same name as the menu itself.
Vector key code - A vector key code identifies each menu, submenu, and many of the
screens available through SPMAINT. Use these codes to navigate quickly to a specific menu
or function.
Transfer media - The Transfer Media field indicates the current method for outbound
communications (for example, Ethernet).
Transfer status - The Transfer Status field indicates the status for the most recent data
transfer transaction.

2.4.3 Accessing the Interactive CLI

SPMAINT offers the interactive Command Line Interface (CLI) option, which enables you to
issue InForm CLI commands on a selected storage server, or execute commands directly on the
controller nodes.
To access the interactive CLI, enter 1.7 in the SPMAINT menu.


The CPMAINT utility provides a range of administrative Secure Service Agent (SSA) functions
not available on the SPMAINT interface.
CPMAINT allows you to:
Change transport mode (Secure Network mode/SP mode).
Display the SSA configuration.
Test the connection to the 3PAR Policy Manager.
Test the onnection to the 3PAR Collector Server.
Query the status of the SSA.
Reconfigure the 3PAR Policy Manager.
Reconfigure the 3PAR Collector Server.
Start/stop/restart the SSA.

2.5.1 Accessing CPMAINT Interface

To access the CPMAINT interface:
1 Initiate a Secure Shell (SSH) session to establish a connection to your SP.
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
2 Enter the user name
cpmaint and your password.

2.5.2 The CPMAINT Interface

The CPMAINT terminal user interface is the primary user interface for the support of the 3PAR
Secure Service Agent, as well as a management interface for the 3PAR Policy Manager and
Collector server.

2.6 Policy Manager Overview

3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager is a host-based application, which allows you to set the
rules (policies) by which your Service Processor communicates with the 3PAR Collector server.
For complete information about Policy Manager, refer to the 3PAR Secure Service Policy
Manager User’s Guide.

2.7 Secure Service Agent Overview

The 3PAR Secure Service Agent (SSA) is a software application that resides on your Service
Processor (SP). SSA enables the communication between the SP and the 3PAR Collector server.
Unlike direct SSH connections to your SP, with the SSA there is no need to open additional
ports on your firewall since communications are done with HTTPS.
The 3PAR Secure Service Agent (SSA) is configured to communicate with the 3PAR Policy
Manager and one or more Service Processors within your network, as well as with Customer
Support at 3PAR Central. The Secure Service Agent serves as the centralized communication
point for all communications between your site and 3PAR Central. All diagnostic data transfers
and remote service connections established through the SSA are secure and controlled by your
Policy Manager Overview
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
network administrators. The SSA is configured for encrypted communication through the
Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) protocols.

2.8 SPOCC Overview

Service Processor Onsite Customer Care (SPOCC) is a suite of service tools applications with a
Web-based graphical user interface that is available to you for support of the InServ Storage
Server and its service processor. SPOCC provides a vehicle to review logs and files, to store
various types of support documentation, and to manually record storage server configuration
details not directly available from the storage server itself. SPOCC offers you a Web-based
alternative to accessing most of the features and functionality available through SPMAINT.
One important feature offered by SPOCC, but not available through SPMAINT, is the ability to
create subscription-based local notification lists. Local notification is a feature designed
primarily for those who want to be automatically notified of specific events or symptoms from
a particular storage server or operating site. SPOCC allows you to enable or disable local
notification and to manage how and when you are notified of important system events.
Because the SPOCC is a Web-based interface, it is possible to have several active SPOCC sessions
running at the same time, regardless of user privilege levels.
There are many tasks that can be performed using either the SPMAINT interface or the SPOCC
interface. Because the SPMAINT interface is the primary user interface available for the
support of both the InServ and its Service Processor (SP), this guide focuses on performing tasks
through SPMAINT. When a task cannot be performed through the SPMAINT, this guide shows
you how to perform that task using the SPOCC.

2.8.1 Logging in to SPOCC

NOTE: It is also possible to access the SPOCC through a management workstation,
a machine that has been defined in the SP’s public firewall rules. One or more
management workstations are typically defined as part of the installation and
setup of the storage server and SP, as described in the 3PAR InServ Storage Server
Installation and Deinstallation Guides. See 3.2.2 Altering Firewall Rules on
page 3.3 for instructions on adding additional management workstation through
To log into SPOCC:
SPOCC Overview
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
1 Type the IP address of the SP in the Web browser and then press ENTER; the Service
Processor Login menu appears
2 Press
The Enter Network Password dialog box appears
3 Type your user ID and password, then click OK.
SPOCC Overview
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
SPOCC Overview
3 SP Control Functions
In this chapter
3.1 Setting Up the Network for the Service Processor 3.2
3.2 Displaying Firewall Status or Altering Firewall Rules 3.2
3.3 Mounting or Unmounting a CD-ROM 3.4
3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
3.4 Stopping/Starting InServ-Related Processes 3.4
3.5 Changing the SP Default Route 3.5
3.6 Changing the SP IP Address 3.5
3.7 Changing the Service Processor Netmask 3.6
3.8 Changing the Service Processor Default Gateway 3.6
3.9 Changing Transfer Media Settings 3.7
3.11 Administrating an SP File Transfer Trigger 3.9
3.12 Managing Date and Time Settings 3.10
3.13 Managing NTP Configuration 3.11
3.14 Defining the Service Processor Process Control Parameters 3.13
3.15 Running a SPLOR or an MSPLOR 3.16
3.16 Maintaining Service Processor Software 3.16

SP Control Functions

3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
3.17 How to Maintain Service Processor Files 3.18

3.1 Setting Up the Network for the Service Processor

The SP Network submenu allows you to manage the network and dialup settings for the
Service Processor.
To access the SP Network submenu, type the following menu options from the SP main menu:
1 Typ e 2 for Network Configuration and press
2 Typ e 4 for Change Public Network Interface Parameters and press
The current values are displayed along the right column. As you edit the values displayed in
this menu, the new values appear to the right of the current values. Modifications made with
this submenu are not permanent until they are saved or activated from this menu using menu
option A. The modifications are not retained if you quit this menu without saving or activating

3.2 Displaying Firewall Status or Altering Firewall Rules

The SP Control FW (Firewall) submenu provides you with the ability to display and alter the
status of the Service Processor resident firewall.

3.2.1 Displaying Firewall Status

To access the SP Control FW submenu, select the following menu options from the SPMAINT
main menu:
1 Typ e 2 for Network Configuration and press
2 Typ e 3 for Firewall Manipulation and press
3 Typ e 1 for Display Firewall Status and press
Setting Up the Network for the Service Processor
+ 56 hidden pages