HP Pay per use User Manual

HP Utility Meter User's Guide for version 8.13

Fifth Edition
HP Part Number: T2805-90008 Published: August 2008
© Copyright 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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Table of Contents

About This Document...................................................................................11
1 Intended Audience.............................................................................................................................11
2 Publishing History..............................................................................................................................11
3 Document Organization......................................................................................................................11
4 Common Utility Meter Tasks................................................................................................................12
5 Locating This Guide............................................................................................................................13
6 Typographic Conventions....................................................................................................................13
7 Related Documents.............................................................................................................................13
8 HP Encourages Your Comments...........................................................................................................13
1 Introduction.............................................................................................15
1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................15
1.2 What is New for Version 8.13...........................................................................................................17
1.3 Reminder of What was New in Version 8.12.03...................................................................................17
1.4 Recommended Hardware.................................................................................................................17
1.4.1 Swapping Utility Meter Hardware..............................................................................................17
1.4.2 Disk Space Requirements..........................................................................................................17
1.4.3 Supported URS Platforms..........................................................................................................18
1.4.4 Supported PPU Platforms..........................................................................................................19
1.5 Software.........................................................................................................................................19
1.5.1 Utility Meter Software Dependencies..........................................................................................20
1.5.2 Utility Meter Software Back Up..................................................................................................20
1.5.3 Utility Meter Directory Structure.................................................................................................20
1.6 Installation and Support Services.......................................................................................................21
1.7 Data Sent to HP...............................................................................................................................21
1.8 Missing Usage Reports.....................................................................................................................21
1.9 Data Transport Methods...................................................................................................................22
1.10 Utility Pricing Solutions Web Portal...................................................................................................23
1.11 Ordering.......................................................................................................................................23
2 Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software.....................................25
2.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................25
2.2 Skills Required................................................................................................................................26
2.3 Before Going to the Customer Site.....................................................................................................26
2.4 Configuring the HP-UX System Parameters...........................................................................................27
2.5 Installing the HP Systems Insight Manager Software.............................................................................27
2.6 Installing the Utility Meter Software....................................................................................................28
2.6.1 Installing the Utility Meter Software from the HP Software Depot....................................................28
2.6.2 Installing the Utility Meter Software from the Software Media (CD or DVD).....................................29
2.6.3 Completing the Utility Meter Software Installation........................................................................30
2.7 Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters.............................................................................................30
2.8 URS XP Only – Installing the XP CV AE CLI Software............................................................................34
2.8.1 Avoiding CLI Conflicts..............................................................................................................35
2.9 email Masquerading.......................................................................................................................35
2.9.1 Automated email Masquerading................................................................................................36
2.9.2 Manual email Masquerading....................................................................................................36
2.9.3 Verifying email Masquerading..................................................................................................37
2.10 Configuring PPU Partitions and URS Devices......................................................................................39
2.11 Verifying the Utility Meter Operation.................................................................................................39
2.12 Completing the Utility Meter Installation and Configuration..................................................................39
2.13 Upgrading the Utility Meter Software to Version 8.13..........................................................................39
Table of Contents 3
3 Performing Utility Meter Tasks....................................................................41
3.1 Starting the Utility Meter GUI............................................................................................................42
3.2 The Main Window..........................................................................................................................44
3.3 Utility Meter Help Information...........................................................................................................47
3.4 Utility Meter Configure Tasks............................................................................................................48
3.4.1 Network Configuration.............................................................................................................49 Utility Meter Software Parameters.......................................................................................50 To Change the Utility Meter Software Parameters.................................................................51
3.4.2 Copy the Meter's Configuration................................................................................................53
3.4.3 Load the Meter’s Configuration.................................................................................................53
3.4.4 Storage Devices Namespace Configuration................................................................................53
3.5 Utility Meter Devices Tasks................................................................................................................55
3.5.1 Configure a Device (Add Device)...............................................................................................56 Add an EVA Device..........................................................................................................57 Add an XP Device............................................................................................................59 Add a PPU WBEM Partition/Server....................................................................................61
3.5.2 Modify Device........................................................................................................................63 Change a non-URS Disk Array to URS................................................................................63 Change PPU WBEM Partition/Server Configuration Parameters.............................................65
3.5.3 View Device...........................................................................................................................65
3.5.4 Remove Device.......................................................................................................................66
3.5.5 Discover Physical Devices.........................................................................................................67
3.6 Utility Meter Diagnose Tasks.............................................................................................................68
3.6.1 Meter Connection Status...........................................................................................................69
3.6.2 Device Connection..................................................................................................................70 Verify Device Connection..................................................................................................70 Device Connection - PPU WBEM Partition/Server................................................................71
3.7 Transfer Data through CD Task..........................................................................................................73
4 Verifying Utility Meter Operation................................................................77
4.1 Verifying the Utility Meter Hardware is Operational.............................................................................77
4.2 Verifying the Utility Meter Software is Operational..............................................................................77
4.3 Verifying the Correct Version of HP SIM is Installed..............................................................................78
4.4 Verifying the CIM Server Software Is Operational................................................................................78
4.5 Verifying Connectivity from the Utility Meter to HP...............................................................................80
4.5.1 Data Transfer by HTTPS............................................................................................................80
4.5.2 Data Transfer by email.............................................................................................................81
4.6 Verifying the Data Acquisition Server is Running..................................................................................82
4.7 Verifying the Utility Meter Data Transport Method................................................................................82
4.8 Verifying a PPU Partition...................................................................................................................82
4.8.1 Verify PPU WBEM Partition/Server Configuration.........................................................................82
4.8.2 Verify PPU Agent Configuration.................................................................................................82
4.8.3 Test Connection from PPU Agent to Utility Meter..........................................................................83
4.8.4 Test Connection from PPU Partition to UPS Web Portal..................................................................83
4.9 Verifying a Storage Device...............................................................................................................86
4.9.1 Verifying a Device is Configured in the Utility Meter.....................................................................86
4.9.2 Verifying a Device is Connected to the Utility Meter.....................................................................87
4.9.3 Verifying the Connection from the Utility Meter to HP...................................................................87
4.9.4 XP Only – Verifying the Correct Version of XP CV AE CLI is Installed..............................................88
5 Troubleshooting the Utility Meter.................................................................89
5.1 Troubleshooting Overview.................................................................................................................89
5.2 Utility Meter Software......................................................................................................................90
5.3 Troubleshooting a Device.................................................................................................................91
5.3.1 Troubleshooting a Storage Device..............................................................................................91
5.3.2 Troubleshooting a WBEM Device..............................................................................................92
5.4 Fixing a Disconnected Device (with Red Box)......................................................................................93
4 Table of Contents
A Site Preparation Form for Pay Per Use..........................................................95
A.1 Networking details on the PPU WBEM Partition/Server........................................................................96
B Site Preparation Form for Utility Ready Storage.............................................97
B.1 Networking Details for the Command View XP AE Server......................................................................98
B.2 Networking Details for the Command View EVA Server........................................................................99
C Data Fields Sent from the Utility Meter to HP..............................................101
Table of Contents 5
List of Figures
1-1 Flow of Metered Usage Data............................................................................................................16
2-1 Utility Meter GUI Main Window.......................................................................................................32
2-2 Network Configuration Dialog Box....................................................................................................33
3-1 Utility Meter GUI Main Window.......................................................................................................43
3-2 Utility Meter GUI Main Window Panes..............................................................................................45
3-3 Utility Meter GUI Managed Devices Tree............................................................................................46
3-4 Closing the Utility Meter GUI............................................................................................................47
3-5 GettingStarted Tab..........................................................................................................................48
3-6 Configure Tab................................................................................................................................49
3-7 Network Configuration Dialog Box....................................................................................................52
3-8 Save the Meter's Configuration Message...........................................................................................53
3-9 Namespace Configuration Dialog Box...............................................................................................54
3-10 Devices Tab.................................................................................................................................56
3-11 Add Device Dialog Box for EVA Device............................................................................................58
3-12 Add Device Dialog Box for XP Device..............................................................................................60
3-13 Add Device Dialog Box for PPU WBEM Partition/Server....................................................................62
3-14 Modify EVA Device Dialog Box......................................................................................................64
3-15 Modify PPU WBEM Partition/Server Dialog Box...............................................................................65
3-16 View Device Window....................................................................................................................66
3-17 View Device Error Window............................................................................................................66
3-18 Remove Device Window................................................................................................................67
3-19 Discovery of Physical Devices Message............................................................................................68
3-20 Diagnose Tab...............................................................................................................................69
3-21 Meter Connection Status Message...................................................................................................70
3-22 Diagnose Device Window.............................................................................................................70
3-23 Diagnose Device Results Window...................................................................................................71
3-24 Diagnose PPU WBEM Partition/Server Window................................................................................72
3-25 Diagnose PPU WBEM Partition/Server Results Window......................................................................72
3-26 Diagnose PPU WBEM Partition/Server Send Test Report Window........................................................73
3-27 Network Configuration Dialog Box — Data CD................................................................................74
3-28 Utility Meter GUI with SaveDataToCD Tab........................................................................................75
3-29 SaveDataToCD Tab.......................................................................................................................76
4-1 UPS Portal Welcome Page................................................................................................................84
4-2 Meter Connectivity Input Page...........................................................................................................85
4-3 Meter Connectivity Verification Page..................................................................................................85
4-4 Meter Connectivity Failure Page........................................................................................................86
4-5 Utility Meter GUI Managed Devices..................................................................................................87
5-1 Disconnected Device (with red box)...................................................................................................94
List of Tables
1 Common Utility Meter Tasks..................................................................................................................12
1-1 Recommended Minimum Hardware...................................................................................................17
1-2 Disk Space Requirements for 1,000 PPU Partitions...............................................................................18
1-3 Disk Space Requirements for 1,000 URS Devices.................................................................................18
3-1 Utility Meter GUI Tasks....................................................................................................................41
3-2 Starting the Utility Meter GUI with Specific Tabs..................................................................................44
A-1 PPU Site Preparation Form................................................................................................................95
A-2 Networking Details for the PPU WBEM Partition/Server.......................................................................96
B-1 PPU Networking Details Form...........................................................................................................97
B-2 Networking Details for the Command View XP AE Server.....................................................................98
B-3 Networking Details for the Command View EVA Server........................................................................99
C-1 PPU Partition Usage Data Fields Sent from the Utility Meter to HP.........................................................101
C-2 XP and EVA Usage Data Fields Sent from the Utility Meter to HP.........................................................102

About This Document

This document provides instructions for installing, configuring, and verifying the operation of version 8.13 of the HP Utility Meter software (HP products T2805AA and T5462A) on supported HP servers running either HP-UX 11i v2, or HP-UX 11i v3.

1 Intended Audience

This guide is intended to primarily be used by HP personnel who initially install and configure the Utility Meter hardware and software for Pay per use (PPU) and Utility Ready Storage (URS) customers.
This guide is also intended to be used by PPU and URS customers who:
Reinstall the HP Utility Meter software and make configuration changes.
Use the HP Utility Meter software graphical user interface (GUI) to change Utility Meter parameters.
Verify operation of the Utility Meter.
Troubleshoot the Utility Meter. (For example, if HP stops receiving usage data from the Utility Meter
and corrective action is necessary.)
The audience of this guide is expected to have the following knowledge:
HP-UX operating system concepts, commands, and configuration
PPU Agent software commands and configuration (for PPU installations using the PPU Agent software
to send reports to the meter)
WBEM Services and providers installation on HP-UX and Linux (for PPU WBEM installations).
Disk array configuration and Command View product experience (for URS installations)
sendmail experience and understanding of detailed information in the appropriate (11i v2, or 11i
HP-UX Mailing Services Administrator's Guide

2 Publishing History

This is the fifth edition of the Publication Date: August 2008 This guide supersedes the previous guides:
The initial and is located at: /opt/meter/share/doc/UtilityMeterUserGuide.pdf
The and is located at: /opt/meter/share/doc/UtilityMeterUserGuide.pdf
HP Utility Meter User's Guide for version 8.13
HP Utility Meter User's Guide for version 8.12.03
HP Utility Meter User's Guide for version 8.13

3 Document Organization

For initial installation and configuration of the Utility Meter hardware and software, the following chapters should be read:
Preface (this chapter)
Chapter 2 (page 25)
Chapter 4 (page 77)
For customers who reinstall or reconfigure the Utility Meter, the following chapters should be read:
Preface (this chapter)
at: http://docs.hp.com.
(HP part number: T2805-90008).
which is included with the Utility Meter software
which is included with the Utility Meter software
Chapter 1 (page 15)
Chapter 2 (page 25)
Chapter 4 (page 77)
The other chapters in this guide are provided for more specific information, such as Chapter 5 (page 89). You can use the
to find specific topics of interest, such as installing the Utility Meter software.
1 Intended Audience 11
IMPORTANT: In some of the screenshots in this guide it has been necessary to either blur information or input invalid information in order to ensure the security of certain HP IP addresses and system names. These edits do not affect any Utility Meter procedures.

4 Common Utility Meter Tasks

Common Utility Meter Tasks lists the common tasks related to the Utility Meter and provides links to the
information in this guide.
Table 1 Common Utility Meter Tasks
Upgrade the Utility Meter software to 8.13
email address)
Chapter 2: “Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software”Get information about installing and configuring the Utility Meter
Configuring the HP-UX System ParametersConfigure the HP-UX system parameters for the Utility Meter
Section 2.13: “Upgrading the Utility Meter Software to Version
Installing the Utility Meter SoftwareInstall the Utility Meter software
Configuring the Utility Meter ParametersConfigure the Utility Meter parameters
Starting the Utility Meter GUIStart the Utility Meter GUI
To Change the Utility Meter Software ParametersModify the Utility Meter parameters (such as Utility Meter contact
Copy the Meter’s ConfigurationCopy the Utility Meter's current configuration to a backup file
Storage Devices Namespace ConfigurationConfigure (add) a storage device namespace
Add DeviceAdd a device to the Utility Meter
Modify DeviceModify a device in the Utility Meter
View DeviceView information for a PPU WBEM Device
Remove DeviceRemove a device from the Utility Meter
Discover Physical DevicesDiscover the physical devices (disk arrays)
Transfer Data through CD TaskTransfer the usage data on a CD to HP
Meter Connection StatusEnsure the Utility Meter's data acquisition server is running
Get information about the Utility Meter Site Preparation Form
12 About This Document
Device ConnectionTest the connection between a device and the Utility Meter
Chapter 4: “Verifying Utility Meter Operation”Verify the Utility Meter's operation
Chapter 5: “Troubleshooting the Utility Meter”Troubleshoot the Utility Meter
Verifying a PPU PartitionVerify a PPU partition is communicating with the Utility Meter
Verifying a Storage DeviceVerify a storage device
Appendix A: “Site Preparation Form for Pay Per Use” Appendix B: “Site Preparation Form for Utility Ready Storage”
Recommended HardwareGet information about the recommended Utility Meter system
Utility Meter GUI TasksGet information about the Utility Meter GUI tasks
Utility Pricing Solutions Web PortalGet information about the Utility Pricing Solutions Web portal
Locating This GuideObtain this guide
Related DocumentationFind documentation related to the Utility Meter
Appendix C: “Data Fields Sent from the Utility Meter to HP”Get information about what data is sent to HP by the Utility Meter
Missing Usage ReportsGet information about missing usage reports

5 Locating This Guide

This guide is available from the following sources:
The HP Technical Documentation Web site: http://docs.hp.com/en/netsys.html#Utility Pricing Solutions
After the Utility Meter software has been installed, a PDF of this guide is located at:
IMPORTANT: The guide included with the Utility Meter software is the initial version for this release. Check the HP Technical Documentation Web site for the latest revisions of this guide.
HP-UX Instant Information

6 Typographic Conventions

(1) HP-UX manpage. In this example, “find” is the manpage name and “1” is the
manpage section.
Book Title
Linked Title
http://www.hp.com A Web site address that is a hyperlink to the site.
Command Command name or qualified command phrase.
user input Commands and other text that you type.
computer output Text displayed by the computer.
Enter The name of a keyboard key. Note that Return and Enter both refer to the same
term Defined use of an important word or phrase.
variable The name of an environment variable, for example PATH or errno.
value A value that you may replace in a command or function, or information in a display
<element> An element used in a markup language. attrib= An attribute used in a markup language.
Title of a book or other document. Title that is a hyperlink to a book or other document.
key. A sequence such as Ctrl+A indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while pressing the A key.
that represents several possible values.
media (CD or DVD)

7 Related Documents

The following HP documentation is related to the Utility Meter:
HP Utility Computing Services: http://h20219.www2.hp.com/services/cache/96797-0-0-225-121.html
Pay per use User's Guides: http://docs.hp.com/en/netsys.html#Utility Pricing Solutions
HP Storage Array Systems documents: http://docs.hp.com/en/storage.html#Storage Array Systems

8 HP Encourages Your Comments

HP encourages your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to:
Include the document title, manufacturing part number, and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
5 Locating This Guide 13

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

The Utility Meter is a component in the setup of a Pay per use (PPU) or Utility Ready Storage (URS) solution. PPU and URS are part of HP's Utility Pricing Solutions (UPS) program. In this program, customers are charged according to usage of the PPU and URS computing resources (servers and storage) under a UPS contract. For more information on this program, see the Metered Capacity link on the Utility Pricing Web page: http:/
For version 8.13 of the HP Utility Meter software, the HP “Utility Meter” is a combination of both an HP server running HP-UX and the HP Utility Meter software. For the list of compatible Utility Meter HP-UX servers, see Recommended Hardware.
The Utility Meter is usually located at the customer site along with the customer’s UPS computing resources. The Utility Meter only needs to connect to a UPS computing resource through the TCP/IP protocol. There is no geographical limit as to where the UPS computing resources are located.
The main task of the Utility Meter is to receive usage information from UPS computing resources that are under an HP UPS Utility contract (such as HP servers and HP storage devices) and send the usage data in a secure way to HP. The Utility Meter tracks the usage of:
Enterprise servers – A specific set of both HP Integrity servers and HP 9000 servers are supported in the PPU Utility program. The supported PPU enterprise servers are partitionable and each PPU partition must be configured to be metered by the Utility Meter. In version 8.13 there are now two ways to monitor a server: via the PPU Agent software or (new to version 8.13) by adding a PPU WBEM Partition/Server to the meter.
For PPU Agent devices, communication can be configured between the PPU partition and the Utility Meter through the appropriate PPU Agent software command on each PPU partition. Refer to the
User's Guide
Agent software sends PPU usage data to the Utility Meter, then the Utility Meter sends the data securely to HP.
For a PPU WBEM Partition/Server, communication can be configured by adding a PPU WBEM Partition/Server to the Utility Meter via the Utility Meter GUI.
(see Related Documentation) for details of the PPU Agent software commands. The PPU
Storage devices – Specific EVA and XP storage devices are supported in the Utility Ready Storage (URS) program. Both the Command View server and its disk arrays, which are to be metered by the Utility Meter, must be configured using the Utility Meter software's graphical user interface (GUI). Usage data is obtained in the following ways:
XP: Usage data is retrieved through the HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition
Command Line Interface (CLI) software that is installed on the Utility Meter. The CLI software communicates with the HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition server that is on a separate system.
EVA: Usage data is retrieved through the HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) database on the
Utility Meter. The HP SIM database receives its data from the HP StorageWorks Command View EVA server through the SMI-S service that is on a separate system.
The Utility Meter software sends the URS usage data securely from the Utility Meter to HP.
NOTE: A single Utility Meter can meter up to 1,000 metered instances (server partitions plus storage devices).
See Flow of Metered Usage Data for details of the usage-data flow from the UPS computing resources to HP.
The Utility Meter sends PPU and URS usage data to HP securely over the Internet through HTTPS or email on a daily basis. Data sent to HP is encrypted before transmitting.
The Utility billing engine processes usage data from the Utility database once per month and billing information is sent to the customer.
1.1 Overview 15
The monthly bill contains a fixed amount (for the hardware, software and services) and a variable amount. The variable amount is based on the usage of the UPS computing resources (disk space and processor cores). The PPU and URS usage data is stored in the Utility database at HP on a per-UPS-computing-resource basis.
Customers can monitor their usage information on the secure HP Utility Pricing Solutions Web Portal: http:/
Figure 1-1 Flow of Metered Usage Data
The communication from the Utility Meter to the PPU Partition is secure WBEM (HTTPS on port 5989). This port must be open from the Utility Meter to any PPU partition that needs to be metered. Consult the network administrator if special firewall configuration is necessary.
No proxy server can be configured between the PPU partition(s) and the Utility Meter. There can be a proxy server between the Utility Meter and the Internet for HTTPS traffic.
16 Introduction

1.2 What is New for Version 8.13

Version 8.13 of the Utility Meter software is the fifth release of the Utility Meter 8.x software. Version 8.13 includes the following changes:
Multi-Tiering billing support for XP storage whereby billing can be based on the different disk types in the array. Previously all XP disks were charged the same amount.
A change in how usage is reported for THP on an XP storage device. Now usage is reported for the amount used whereas previously usage was reported for the amount set aside in THP pools.
8.13 will be the first release that supports XP20000 and EVA4400.

1.3 Reminder of What was New in Version 8.12.03

Version 8.12.03 of the Utility Meter software was the fourth release of the Utility Meter 8.x software. Version
8.12.03 included the following changes:
An alternative method for metering HP-UX servers was made available. Previously, this could only be accomplished by installing and configuring the PPU Agent software on each HP-UX partition. For Version
8.12.03 HP-UX partitions could be metered by installing the standard CIM/WBEM software, usually done when the OS was installed.
Metering of Linux partitions (SUSE and RHEL) was possible via the CIM/WBEM software installed on the metered server.
Version 8.12.03 was the first release that did not support HP-UX 11i v1 for the meter operating system, however, the meter continues to measure servers using HP-UX 11i v1.

1.4 Recommended Hardware

CAUTION: The hardware used to run the Utility Meter 8.13 software must be used exclusively for the Utility Meter software application. That is, no other software applications or services are allowed on the Utility Meter hardware.
The Utility Meter 8.13 software runs on many HP Integrity servers and HP 9000 servers; however, HP recommends the following minimum Utility Meter hardware:
Table 1-1 Recommended Minimum Hardware
HP-UX 11i v3
rx2620 or rx3600
HP-UX 11i v3
1 To increase redundancy, the two disks are preferably placed in a RAID 1 configuration using a hardware RAID controller, such as
the Smart Array Controller 6402 (HP product number A9890A).

1.4.1 Swapping Utility Meter Hardware

If you want to change the current Utility Meter hardware from one HP-UX server to another, you need to contact an HP services representative to perform this task.

1.4.2 Disk Space Requirements

2 GBHP-UX 11i v2, or
2 GBHP-UX 11i v2 or
NetworkingPeripheralStorageMemoryOperating SystemServer Model
One Ethernet portDVD RW2 x 72 GB in RAID
One Ethernet portDVD RW2 x 72 GB in RAID
Depending on whether Pay per use (PPU) servers or Utility Ready Storage (URS), or both, are metered by the Utility Meter, the /opt and /var directories must have enough space allocated to accommodate the Utility Meter's usage reports.
The Utility Meter's /opt directory is a fixed size and must have a minimum of 2.5 GB of disk space allocated.
1.2 What is New for Version 8.13 17
The size of the Utility Meter's /var directory depends on how many PPU partitions or URS devices are being metered (plus about 500 MB of overhead). Here are some /var directory disk space requirements for 1,000 metered instances:
PPU Partitions — 48 usage reports are created on a daily basis. Each report is 8 KB in size. 91 days of usage data is retained in /var. For 1,000 PPU partitions to be metered:
48 * 8,000 * 91 * 1,000 = 34,944,000,000 (~35.5 GB including 500 MB of overhead) would be required for /var.
Table 1-2 Disk Space Requirements for 1,000 PPU Partitions
Disk Space in Giga BytesLogical ExtentsFile System
2.5 GB313/opt
35.5 GB4,400/var
URS Devices — One usage report is created on a daily basis. Each report is 8 KB in size. 91 days of usage data is retained in /var. For 1,000 URS devices to be metered:
1 * 8,000 * 91 * 1,000 = 728,000,000 ( ~1.25 GB including 500 MB of overhead) would be required for /var.
Table 1-3 Disk Space Requirements for 1,000 URS Devices
Disk Space in Giga BytesLogical ExtentsFile System
2.5 GB313/opt
You can estimate the disk space needed for /var for a combination of PPU partitions and URS devices.
NOTE: When initially configuring the Utility Meter system, you can allocate any remaining disk space to /var to ensure there is enough space for usage reports.

1.4.3 Supported URS Platforms

The following Utility Ready Storage (URS) platforms are supported:
IMPORTANT: URS XP installations must have version 6.0 (or later) of the HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition software installed on all XP Command View servers. Also, version
6.0 (or later) of the HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition Command Line Interface (CLI) software must be installed on the Utility Meter. The version of the CLI on the meter must be equal to or lower than the version of the CV software installed on the XP Command View server.
1.25 GB157/var
18 Introduction
IMPORTANT: URS EVA installations must have version 6.x (or later) of the HP StorageWorks Command View EVA Advanced Edition software installed on all EVA Command View servers.

1.4.4 Supported PPU Platforms

Below is a list of currently supported PPU WBEM platforms:
Redhat Enterprise Linux, versions 4 U5 and 5 U1 (not yet GA)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1
For the list of currently supported PPU Agent platforms, refer to the specific
http://docs.hp.com/en/netsys.html#Utility Pricing Solutions

1.5 Software

Version 8.13 of the HP Utility Meter software is available as the following HP products:
For Pay per use (PPU) installations: T2805AA
For Utility Ready Storage (URS) installations: T5462A
That is, PPU customers order T2805AA and URS customers order T5462A. The Utility Meter software is compatible with HP-UX 11i v2, and HP-UX 11i v3. The HP-UX Base Operating
Environment (BOE) or HP-UX Foundation Operating Environment (FOE) is adequate to run the Utility Meter software application. The Utility Meter 8.13 software is supported on the following operating systems:
HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23) – May 2005 or later
PPU User's Guide
HP-UX 11i v3 (11.31) The Utility Meter software is available from the following:
The HP Software Depot Web site: http://software.hp.com (search for either “T2805AA” or “T5462A”)
The Utility Meter software is a selectable product in swinstall. (See the manpage of the swinstall command.)
The Utility Meter software is different from the required PPU Agent software or the WBEM provider software that is installed on the partitions of a PPU server. The Utility Meter software, version 8.13, is compatible with the PPU Agent software versions 7.0, or later. The PPU Agent software and the WBEM provider software both use port 5989 for communication with the Utility Meter.
IMPORTANT: Although technically possible, HP does not recommend installing the Utility Meter software on a server's partition that is under a PPU contract.
The Utility Meter software, version 8.13, is compatible with the WBEM provider software versions listed below:
HP-UX has the following dependencies:
WBEMSvcs A.02.05.08 or later
Utilization Provider A.01.06
nPar Provider
HP-UX Application Software
HP Utility Meter software products.
HP-UX 11.23 B.
media (CD or DVD) that is sent to a customer when ordering either
for details
HP-UX 11.31 B.
1.5 Software 19
vPar Provider
HP-UX 11.23 B.
HP-UX 11.31 B.
VM Provider A.03.50 (The Integrity VM package also contains this provider)
Linux has the following dependency:
Support Pack 4.07 for RHEL5, RHEL4, RHEL3, SLES10, SLES9
NOTE: The WBEM dependencies listed above pertain to the metered server (the PPU device being metered), NOT the Utility Meter (that does the metering).
For information about upgrading the Utility Meter software to version 8.13, see Section 2.13: “Upgrading
the Utility Meter Software to Version 8.13”.

1.5.1 Utility Meter Software Dependencies

The Utility Meter software is dependent on the following independent HP software:
HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) version 5.1 (For details, see Installing the HP Systems Insight
Manager Software.)
For Utility Ready Storage XP installations: HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition Command Line Interface (CLI) version 6.0 or later (For details, see URS XP Only – Installing the XP CV
AE CLI Software.)
That is, if you have Utility Ready Storage XP devices that need to be metered, then you must also install the HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition Command Line Interface (CLI) version 6.0 (or later) software on the Utility Meter.

1.5.2 Utility Meter Software Back Up

The Utility Meter does not need to be backed up on an ongoing basis because all relevant information is sent daily to HP. However, HP recommends that an Ignite-image backup is created in case there is a need to restore the Utility Meter on the same type of hardware.

1.5.3 Utility Meter Directory Structure

CAUTION: Do not write, delete, or modify any files in the following directories, including their subdirectories:
These directories are used exclusively by the Utility Meter software. Adding, removing, or modifying files in these directories affects the operation of the Utility Meter.
The Utility Meter software creates the following new directories and files:
/opt/meter/bin — Executables for Utility Meter installation and troubleshooting
/opt/meter/sbin — Executables for HP SIM and sendmail configurations
/opt/meter/images — gif images for the Utility Meter GUI
/opt/meter/newconfig — Master copy of all files installed
/opt/meter/security — PAM library
/opt/meter/share — Documents, including this guide, and manpages
/opt/meter/wbem — WBEM libraries for PPU
/etc/opt/meter — Utility Meter configuration file (meter.xml)
20 Introduction
/var/opt/meter — Location of transport directories and files sent off
/sbin/init.d/umeter — Startup/shutdown script for Utility Meter software

1.6 Installation and Support Services

The initial installation of the Utility Meter cannot be implemented by the customer. An installation service (either HP part number HA113A1 Option 57B for PPU or HA113A1 Option 57U for URS) is required for Utility Meter installation. An HP services representative installs the Utility Meter by using both the
Delivery Guide
However, customers can upgrade, reconfigure, and reinstall the Utility Meter software. For details of installing the Utility Meter software, see Chapter 2: “Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software”.
Hardware maintenance is covered by the standard warranty that comes with the HP Integrity or HP 9000 server. Software support is delivered by the local country's HP Response Center.
(SDG) and the
Utility Meter User’s Guide

1.7 Data Sent to HP

Usage data flows from UPS computing resources (PPU partitions and URS disk arrays) to the Utility Meter. The Utility Meter encrypts the data and transmits it over the Internet to HP. No usage data, invoices, or other potentially sensitive information ever flows from HP into your Utility Meter, PPU partitions, or URS devices.

1.8 Missing Usage Reports

IMPORTANT: HP recommends an email address is configured (and monitored) as the Utility Meter's system contact. This ensures that notification email is sent to the designated Utility Meter's system contacts in case HP does not receive PPU or URS usage reports from the Utility Meter.
An email alias or distribution list, which can contain more than one person's email address, is recommended so that the email alias is controlled independently from the Utility Meter's configuration data. Only the meter email is currently being used. Other email addresses loaded into the meter tied to devices or partitions being monitored by the meter, are NOT currently being used and can be ignored. Use an email alias with a small number of contacts. For details of configuring a Utility Meter system contact, see Configuring the Utility Meter
(this guide).
PPU and URS usage reports are written to the /var/opt/meter/sent directory. The Utility Meter system retains the last 90 days of usage reports. For a complete history of your usage reports, go to the Utility Pricing Solutions (UPS) Web portal. (For details of the UPS portal, see Utility Pricing Solutions Web Portal.)
HP computes the average system usage every day. If on any given day usage data was collected for a minimum of 23/24 percent of the time the meter was running, the PPU or URS computing resources are considered to have sufficient usage data to compute the daily average. If HP does not receive sufficient data, the
missing data rule
Depending on the type of HP Utility contract (PPU or URS), the following usage is billed:
PPU — The missing data rule is based on the last-computed day’s usage for the first 14 (calendar) days
of missing data. After 14 days, HP assumes 100% utilization for PPU computing resources that did not report usage.
URS — The missing data rule is based on the last-computed day’s usage for URS computing resources
that did not report usage.
If, for whatever reason, HP does not receive PPU or URS usage data for two consecutive days, the Utility Meter system contact is notified through email and HP applies the missing data rule to derive usage for the PPU or URS computing resources with missing usage data.
You can use the Utility Pricing Solutions Portal (http://www.hp.com/go/payperuse) to determine whether HP is receiving usage data or if the missing data rule has been applied to derive data.
so that an accurate invoice is delivered to the customer
Most often a problem occurs after one of the following situations:
is triggered.
It is imperative that the customer work with HP to repair any communications breakdown
1.6 Installation and Support Services 21
A new PPU partition was created without installing the required WBEM components.
A new PPU partition was created without installing the PPU Agent software on the partition.
A new PPU partition was created, the required WBEM components were installed, but the partition
was not configured for being metered at the Meter device. For details, see Verify PPU WBEM
Partition/Server Configuration
A new PPU partition was created, the PPU Agent software was installed, but not properly configured by using the appropriate command on the PPU partition. For details, see Verify PPU Agent Configuration.
The PPU partition configuration information has changed since the PPU WBEM Partition/Server was added using the Utility Meter GUI.
A network configuration, for the network that the Utility Meter is installed on, has been changed.
A proper shutdown was not performed on the PPU partition, resulting in the PPU partition sitting at a
boot prompt and still being detected by one of the other partitions. See Troubleshooting Overview.
The email or HTTPS configuration on the customer's network was modified and the change has broken the transport of the usage data to HP.
The HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) software (or the required 5.1 version) is not installed or is not properly configured. For details of the HP SIM installation and configuration, see Installing the HP
Systems Insight Manager Software.
For URS XP installations only: The HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition Command Line Interface (CLI) software (or the required 6.0 version) is not installed or is not configured to avoid CLI conflicts. For details of the XP CLI installation and configuration, see URS XP Only – Installing the
XP CV AE CLI Software.
See the following information to verify Utility Meter operation or troubleshoot the Utility Meter:
Verifying operation: Chapter 4: “Verifying Utility Meter Operation”
Troubleshooting: Chapter 5: “Troubleshooting the Utility Meter”

1.9 Data Transport Methods

HP’s PPU/URS metering system is designed with the customer’s security and confidentiality foremost in mind. Usage data flows unidirectionally from the Utility Meter to HP’s usage database. The Utility Meter can be configured with either of the following data transport methods:
HTTPS – HTTPS is the default data transport between the Utility Meter and HP. SSL encryption, with 1024-bit key, is used to ensure data privacy. The HTTPS connection to HP can be through a proxy server (optional) if the customer’s network does not permit direct HTTPS connections to the Internet. HTTPS is the recommended data transport between the Utility Meter and HP.
email – Customers can also choose to transport data using encrypted email. The email data transport is unidirectional – it only transmits usage data from the Utility Meter to HP. The Utility Meter does not receive any email from HP. A disadvantage of this data transport method is the absence of a “closed-loop” receipt after the information was successfully transmitted to HP.
CD – Customers who cannot send their usage data over the public Internet, or their Utility Meter does not have a connection to the public Internet, can physically send usage data to HP on media (CD or DVD). For details of this procedure, see Transfer Data through CD Task.
CAUTION: The datagram nature of email does not verify that usage data has reached HP. Consequently, there is no retransmission mechanism to recover from transmission failures. Using the email transport can result in lost usage data.
For details on verifying the configured data transport method on a fully functioning Utility Meter system, see
Verifying the Utility Meter Data Transport Method.
The frequency of usage reports sent from the Utility Meter to HP are:
For PPU: 48 times per day per partition
For URS: 1 time per day per disk array
22 Introduction

1.10 Utility Pricing Solutions Web Portal

HP maintains a public Web portal that displays the usage data for UPS computing resources under a PPU or URS contract. The Utility Pricing Solutions (UPS) Web portal is located at: http://www.hp.com/go/
payperuse. Access to the portal is controlled by a username/password. All users of the portal must first
register for a private account, which is identified by their email address (username). Registration to the portal is free. The UPS Web portal provides usage information for the following UPS programs:
Instant Capacity (iCAP)
Pay per use (PPU)
Utility Ready Storage (URS)
Customers and HP people already registered for access to the iCAP portal can reuse their logon information to access PPU and URS information. The account username on the UPS Web portal must be a valid email account because a one-time password is sent to this email address for initial access to the portal . The user is forced to change the password after the first successful logon. Note that the password for the portal expires every 90 days.
Users that have a valid account on the portal, but lost their password, can recover their password by following this procedure:
1. Go to the portal and sign in with your username and any password.
2. A new sign in screen appears. Click the send me a new password link. A new temporary password will be sent to you through email.
Users attempting to log in using the wrong credentials are locked out after five failed attempts. If locked out, users must contact the HP leasing administrator listed on their UPS bill to reaccess the Utility Pricing Solutions Web portal.
Viewing the usage of a UPS computing resource on the portal is secure because a unique identifier is required to register a PPU server or URS disk array (see View Device for information about finding the unique identifier for a PPU WBEM Partition/Server). Additionally, a customer may request that their PPU or URS usage data is not viewable from the UPS Web portal.

1.11 Ordering

Each of the following items must be ordered from HP to build a Utility Meter:
An HP 9000 or HP Integrity server to run the Utility Meter software (for details, see Recommended
The appropriate HP-UX operating system for the Utility Meter hardware:
For T5462A: either HP-UX 11i v2 or HP-UX 11i v3
HP recommends HP-UX 11i v3.
HP Utility Meter software and installation service—to ensure the initial Utility Meter software installation
is performed successfully by the appropriate HP personnel, the following HP products must be ordered:
For Pay per use (PPU):
For Utility Ready Storage (URS):
The following HP Utility Meter items are included on the HP-UX media (CD or DVD) from the HP factory when the Utility Meter version 8.13 software product T2805AA is ordered:
For T2805AA: either HP-UX 11i v2, or HP-UX 11i v3
T2805AA (
HA113A1 option 57B (Utility Meter installation service for Pay per use)
T5462A (
HA113A1 option 57U (Utility Meter installation service for Utility Ready Storage)
HP Utility Pricing Metering Software
HP Utility Ready Stor Utility Meter SW
1.10 Utility Pricing Solutions Web Portal 23
The Utility Meter software for either HP-UX 11i v2, or 11i v3—on the appropriate
The 11i v3)
HP Utility Meter User's Guide for version 8.13
HP-UX Instant Information
(this guide)—on the appropriate (HP–UX 11i v2, or
HP-UX Application
NOTE: Customers must order the Utility Meter hardware separately from the Utility Meter software. For details of the recommended Utility Meter hardware, see Recommended Hardware.
24 Introduction

2 Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software

2.1 Overview

This chapter provides information and procedures for two different audiences:
HP services representatives who initially install and configure the Utility Meter software on new Utility Meter hardware that is turned on for the first time
Utility Meter customers who perform the following tasks on existing Utility Meter hardware that was previously installed and configured:
Reconfigure HP-UX system parameters
Reinstall the Utility Meter software
Reconfigure the Utility Meter parameters
Configure newly added XP or EVA disk arrays into an existing Utility Meter for metering
Configure a newly added PPU WBEM Partition/Server into an existing Utility Meter for metering.
HP services representatives who are initially installing and configuring the Utility Meter software must read this entire chapter and perform all procedures in this chapter.
Utility Meter customers who are either reconfiguring HP-UX system settings or reinstalling or reconfiguring the Utility Meter software can begin at the appropriate sections:
Utility Meter HP-UX system reconfiguration: go to Configuring the HP-UX System Parameters
Utility Meter software reinstallation: go to Installing the Utility Meter Software
Utility Meter software reconfiguration: go to Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters
Configure newly added XP or EVA disk arrays into an existing Utility Meter: go to Add Device
Configure newly added WBEM PPU devices into an existing Utility Meter: go to Add a PPU WBEM
This installation and configuration chapter assumes:
The Utility Meter hardware has been installed.
IMPORTANT: Arrange for the Utility Meter hardware to be rack mounted (with power), and have a network connection, prior to installing and configuring the Utility Meter software. The Utility Meter hardware must have a keyboard, mouse, and video (capable of running X Windows applications) for the Utility Meter software installation and configuration.
The appropriate version of HP-UX has been installed and configured.
The network has been properly configured, including any firewall configuration.
For Utility Ready Storage (URS) installations, the appropriate HP StorageWorks Command View
application software is installed and configured to manage all URS devices. (Note that the Command View software is installed on hardware separate from the Utility Meter).
For PPU installations using WBEM to pull reports from the metered partition or server, the appropriate WBEM software must be installed prior to adding it in the GUI. (Note that the WBEM software is installed on the metered partition or server, not on the Utility Meter).
The HP-UX operating system is pre-loaded onto the Utility Meter hardware at the HP factory. For HP services representatives who are performing the initial Utility Meter setup, the initial Utility Meter setup consists of the following main steps:
1. Have the customer fill out Appendix A “Site Preparation Form for Pay Per Use” or Appendix B “Site
Preparation Form for Utility Ready Storage”. Make sure that this information is accurate and up to date.
2. At first boot of the Utility Meter, fill out the screens presented for items such as: hostname, IP address, network mask, and DNS servers. This information is taken from the form mentioned in Step 1.
3. Install the version 5.1 HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) software. For more information about this type of installation, see Installing the HP Systems Insight Manager Software.
2.1 Overview 25
4. Install the Utility Meter software. For information about this installation, see Installing the Utility Meter
Software. Note that a reboot of the Utility Meter system and verification of the Utility Meter processes
and services are required.
5. Configure the Utility Meter software parameters by using the Utility Meter application GUI. For more
information about the Utility Meter configuration, see Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters.
6. If there are Utility Ready Storage (URS) XP devices that need to be metered, install the version 6.0 (or
later) HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition Command Line Interface (CLI) software. For more information about this type of installation, see URS XP Only – Installing the XP CV AE CLI
7. If there are URS XP or EVA devices that need to be metered by the Utility Meter, configure the devices
in the Utility Meter GUI. For more information about this type of configuration, see Utility Meter Devices
8. If there are Pay per use (PPU) server partitions that need to be metered by the Utility Meter, configure
every PPU partition by adding the partitions as a PPU WBEM Partition/Server in the Utility Meter GUI or configure the partitions with the appropriate PPU Agent software command. For more information about configuring partitions with PPU Agent software, see Related Documentation for a link to the
User's Guide
9. Verify the Utility Meter operation (see Chapter 4: “Verifying Utility Meter Operation”).

2.2 Skills Required

The Utility Meter software installation and configuration requires the following skills:
HP-UX operating system concepts, commands, and configuration
PPU Agent software commands and configuration (for PPU installations that use PPU Agent software)
CIM commands such as cimserver and cimprovider (for PPU installations that use PPU WBEM
Disk array configuration and Command View product experience (for URS installations)
sendmail experience and understanding of detailed information in the appropriate (HP–UX 11i v2,
or 11i v3)
HP-UX Mailing Services Administrator's Guide

2.3 Before Going to the Customer Site

For initial Utility Meter installation and configuration, make sure you have the following items before going to the customer site:
The HP-UX server that is used as the Utility Meter system needs a keyboard, mouse, and video (capable
The Utility Meter system's password for the user root. You can obtain this password from the customer.
Utility Meter Site Preparation Form
Preparation Form for Pay Per Use” or Appendix B “Site Preparation Form for Utility Ready Storage”.
The preparation form contains the networking and Utility Meter information you need to complete the Utility Meter installation. You must work with the customer to complete this preparation form.
IMPORTANT: HP recommends that the IP address and hostname of the Utility Meter are entered into the customer's DNS tables prior to installing and configuring the Utility Meter software. The propagation of the Utility Meter's IP address and hostname into DNS may take some time to occur.
of running X Windows applications) only for Utility Meter installation and configuration. After installation, the keyboard, mouse, and video are not required. You must ensure that the customer can provide (or was included in the order) a keyboard, mouse, and video (capable of running X Windows applications) or you will need to provide them yourself. (Customers have many keyboard, mouse, and video alternatives, including: direct connection, KVM switch, Web, remote, and other methods.)
must have all values filled out. For details, see Appendix A “Site
at: http://docs.hp.com.
Access to the Utility Meter software (either HP product T2805AA for PPU or T5462A for URS):
26 Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software
Available from the
for PPU or “T5462A” for URS). Alternatively, you can download and save the Utility Meter software's depot file from the
Also available from the appropriate (HP-UX 11i v2, or 11i v3)
(CD or DVD)
Access to the version 5.1 HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) software, which is available from the
HP Software Depot
download and save the HP SIM 5.1 software's depot file from the such as a CD or flash drive.
This guide – print a copy of it for your reference. Note that this guide is available from the
Web site. See Locating This Guide for details.
HP Software Depot
HP Software Depot
(http://www.software.hp.com—search for “HP SIM 5.x”). Alternatively, you can
(http://www.software.hp.com—search for either “T2805AA”
to writable media, such as a CD or flash drive.

2.4 Configuring the HP-UX System Parameters

In order for the Utility Meter to connect to the network, you must configure HP-UX networking parameters. The values for these parameters are contained in the by the customer. Follow the procedures in this section to configure the HP-UX network parameters for the initial setup or if you need to make changes to the network information after the initial setup.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that port 5989 is not blocked or used by any other software. If there is a firewall between the Utility Meter and a PPU partition, then port 5989 must be open. Note that this is true for both PPU WBEM partitions and PPU partitions running PPU Agent software.
During the initial Utility Meter system (hardware) startup, a system and network configuration dialog is displayed on the system console. Use the questions asked.
This dialog can be re-executed at any time by running the /sbin/set_parms command as root.
information by executing this command on an HP-UX 11i v2, or 11i v3 system: man set_parms. After system initialization, set_parms can be called with the following parameters to alter the configuration:
hostname – sets the system hostname and domain name. The hostname specified needs to be resolvable on the public Internet.
timezone – sets the system time-zone information.
is described in chapter 3, task 5 of the HP-UX installation manual. You can also get set_parms
Utility Meter Site Preparation Form
Utility Meter Site Preparation Form
HP-UX Application Software
HP Software Depot
to provide answers to the
to writable media,
, which is filled out
HP Technical
date_time – set the system date and time interactively.
root_passwd – set/change the password for the system's root user.
ip_address – sets the system's Internet Protocol address, netmask, and default route (gateway address.)
Any site-specific configuration of the network should be executed after the initial setup of HP-UX is complete. For example, ensure that the speed setting of the Utility Meter's LAN interface matches the speed setting of the Ethernet switch in use.
IMPORTANT: After changing the HP-UX system parameters, the Utility Meter software parameters must be reconfigured to match the HP-UX system parameters that were changed. See Configuring the Utility Meter

2.5 Installing the HP Systems Insight Manager Software

CAUTION: The HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) version 5.1 software must be installed prior to the Utility Meter software installation.
The HP SIM version 5.1 software must be installed on the Utility Meter. For details of the HP SIM version 5.1 software installation, see the located at: http://docs.hp.com/en/netsys.html#HP Systems Insight Manager.
Basically, you use swinstall to install HP SIM 5.1 on the Utility Meter. Be sure to select all subpackages in the swinstall GUI or specify \* on the command line.
HP Systems Insight Manager 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for HP-UX
2.4 Configuring the HP-UX System Parameters 27
IMPORTANT: The Utility Meter must be rebooted after the install of HP SIM 5.1. The reboot can take many minutes due to configuring the HP SIM filesets.
You need to only perform the basic HP SIM installation that is discussed in the following
Manager 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for HP-UX
Chapter 2 “Installation overview and requirements”
Chapter 3 “Installing HP SIM on the CMS for the first time”
NOTE: Configuration of the HP SIM software is not required. The HP SIM software is automatically configured and started during the Utility Meter software installation.
The HP SIM 5.1 software installation can take up to an hour to complete. A reboot of the Utility Meter system occurs automatically if this is an initial installation of the HP SIM software.

2.6 Installing the Utility Meter Software

NOTE: You should check the
For patch management information, refer to the available at http://www.docs.hp.com/en/oshpux11iv2.html#Patch Management
For software installation information using SD-UX, see
Installing, or reinstalling, the Utility Meter 8.13 software may overwrite configuration files that have been changed since the previous Utility Meter software installation.
, part number B2355-90154, also available on the HP Technical documentation Web site at
HP Software Depot
Patch Management User Guide for HP-UX 11.x Systems
HP Systems Insight
Web site for the latest information about patches: http:/
Managing HP-UX Software With SD-UX: HP 9000
IMPORTANT: If you are running the swinstall GUI, select all subpackages that are included in the T2805AA or T5462A bundle. Alternatively, if you are running swinstall on the command line, use /*
when installing T2805AA or T5462A. During the swinstall installation phase, most T2805AA or T5462A subpackages are not installed because they already were installed during the previous HP SIM 5.1 installation.
The Utility Meter software swinstall takes between 20 minutes and one hour to complete. If you are installing using the swinstall GUI you will see the installation temporarily hang at 100% Complete, specifying it is in the “Configure” phase. Do not interrupt the processing in the swinstall GUI or on the command line—wait until it finishes.
The Utility Meter software is available from the following:
The HP Software Depot Web site: http://software.hp.com (search for either “T2805AA” or “T5462A”)
Follow the instructions in one of the following sections to install the Utility Meter software:
Installing the Utility Meter Software from the HP Software Depot
Installing the Utility Meter Software from the Software Media (CD or DVD)
HP-UX Application Software
HP Utility Meter software products.
media (CD or DVD) that is sent to a customer when ordering either

2.6.1 Installing the Utility Meter Software from the HP Software Depot

Follow this procedure to install the Utility Meter software from the
1. Go to the
2. On the installations).
3. On the for PPU or Utility Ready Stor Utility Meter SW for URS) that was returned from the search in Step 2. Clicking this link displays the Utility Meter Overview page.
HP Software Depot
HP Software Depot
HP Software Depot
at: http://www.software.hp.com.
, search for either “T2805AA” (PPU installations) or “T5462A” (URS
, click the appropriate link (Utility Pricing Metering Software
HP Software Depot
28 Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software
4. After reading the information on the Utility Meter Overview page, click the Installation link, which is near the bottom of the Utility Meter Overview page. Clicking this link displays the Utility Meter Installation page.
5. On the Utility Meter Installation page, click the Receive for Free button (near the bottom of the page) and follow the download instructions for the Utility Meter software's depot file.
6. If the downloaded depot file is not already on the Utility Meter system, copy the depot file to the Utility Meter system.
7. On the Utility Meter system, log on as root and use the swinstall command to install the Utility Meter software from the downloaded depot file. In the following example, <path-to-depot> is representative of the file name you downloaded. Execute the following (appropriate) command to install the Utility Meter software:
For PPU installations:
/usr/sbin/swinstall -s <path-to-depot> T2805AA /*
For URS installations:
/usr/sbin/swinstall -s <path-to-depot> T5462A /*
8. Follow the instructions in Completing the Utility Meter Software Installation to complete and verify the Utility Meter software installation has been successful.

2.6.2 Installing the Utility Meter Software from the Software Media (CD or DVD)

Follow this procedure to install the Utility Meter software from the appropriate (HP-UX 11i v2, or 11i v3)
HP-UX Application Software
1. On the Utility Meter, log in as root.
2. Insert the
system. Alternatively, the system running HP-UX, or a copy of the running HP-UX.
3. If using the locally attached drive, do the following to install the Utility Meter software from the media;
otherwise, go to Step 4: a. Start the swinstall GUI by executing the following command:
HP-UX Application Software
# /usr/sbin/swinstall
This command starts either:
media (CD or DVD):
media into the optical drive (CD or DVD) on the Utility Meter
HP-UX Application Software
HP-UX Application Software
media may be loaded into a drive on another
media may be on another system,
The swinstall Graphical User Interface (GUI) — on a system with an X11 graphical display
The swinstall Terminal User Interface (TUI) — on a system without an X11 graphical
display (for example, the Utility Meter console)
NOTE: The swinstall command automatically mounts the optical drive if it is not already mounted.
b. Close any swinstall error windows. c. In the Specify Source window, click the Find Local CD button. d. In the SD Install window, mark the Utility Meter software (T2805AA or T5462A) bundle for
installation and install the bundle.
e. After the Utility Meter software installation is complete, close the swinstall GUI (or TUI).
You are finished with the Utility Meter software installation and can skip Step 4.
4. If using a software depot on a remote system, do the following:
a. Determine the hostname of the system containing the software depot. b. Determine the pathname of the software depot on the above system. c. Using the above information, install the Utility Meter software with the following swinstall
# /usr/sbin/swinstall –s hostname:pathname T2805AA \*
2.6 Installing the Utility Meter Software 29
Where hostname is determined in Step 4a and pathname is determined in Step 4b.
After installing the Utility Meter software, follow the instructions in Completing the Utility Meter Software
Installation to complete and verify the Utility Meter software installation has been successful.

2.6.3 Completing the Utility Meter Software Installation

After you have installed the Utility Meter software, perform the following steps to complete the software installation:
1. Inspect the following log files for any installation errors:
2. Next, reboot the Utility Meter by executing the following shutdown -r command:
# /usr/sbin/shutdown -r
Wait for the reboot to complete.
3. After the reboot completes, execute the following command:
# /opt/meter/bin/monitor status
The output should be similar to this:
Status: tnameserv...running, pid=1639, responding das_SERVER...running, pid=1647, collecting transporter...running, pid=1689 monitor...running, pid=2273 wbem...running http...running
All of the above Utility Meter processes must be running. If any processes are not running, stop and restart the Utility Meter application by executing the following commands:
1. # /opt/meter/bin/monitor stop
2. # /opt/meter/bin/monitor start
The Utility Meter software installation is now complete. You are now ready to configure the Utility Meter parameters using the Utility Meter application GUI.
IMPORTANT: After the Utility Meter software is installed, you must perform the procedures in the next section, Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters.

2.7 Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters

The Utility Meter software has its own set of configuration parameters. You use the Utility Meter application GUI to enter the configuration parameters into the Utility Meter. These parameters are saved in the /etc/opt/meter/meter.xml file.
CAUTION: Do not edit the /etc/opt/meter/meter.xml configuration file directly because if you cause an XML syntax error, the Utility Meter application will not operate correctly. Instead of editing the meter.xml file, use the Utility Meter GUI to make any changes to the Utility Meter configuration.
Follow the procedure below to enter the Utility Meter parameters. The following procedure assumes:
You are running the Utility Meter GUI on the Utility Meter system
A graphical display, running X11, is attached to the Utility Meter system.
Follow this procedure to start the Utility Meter GUI on the Utility Meter system:
30 Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software
+ 76 hidden pages