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The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements
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Ping, tracert, and system debugging commands ······································································································· 1
NQA server commands ················································································································································· 77
display nqa server ················································································································································· 77
nqa server enable ················································································································································· 78
nqa server tcp-connect ·········································································································································· 79
nqa server udp-echo ············································································································································· 80
EAA commands ······················································································································································· 287
Port mirroring commands ······································································································································· 356
Information center commands ································································································································ 416
Support and other resources ·································································································································· 452
Contacting HP ······························································································································································ 452
Subscription service ············································································································································ 452
Related information ······················································································································································ 452
Index ········································································································································································ 455
Ping, tracert, and system debugging
Use debugging to enable debugging for a module.
Use undo debugging to disable debugging for a module.
debugging { all [ timeout time ] | module-name [ option ] }
undo debugging { all | module-name [ option ] }
Debugging functions are disabled for all modules.
User view
Predefined user roles
all: Enables all debugging functions.
timeout time: Specifies the timeout time for the debugging all command. When all debugging is enabled,
the system automatically executes the undo debugging all command after the timeout time. The time
argument is in the range of 1 to 1440 minutes.
module-name: Specifies a module by its name, such as arp or device. To display the current module
name, use the debugging ? command.
option: Specifies the debugging option for a module. The option number and content differ for different
modules. To display the supported options, use the debugging module-name ? command.
Usage guidelines
Output of debugging commands is memory intensive. To guarantee system performance, enable
debugging only for modules that are in an exceptional condition.
# Enable debugging for the device management module.
<Sysname> debugging dev
Related commands
display debugging
display debugging
Use display debugging to display the enabled debugging functions.
display debugging [ module-name ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
module-name: Specifies a module by its name. To display the current module name, use the display
debugging ? command.
# Display all enabled debugging functions.
<Sysname> display debugging
DEV debugging switch is on
Related commands
Use ping to determine whether the destination IP address is reachable, and display related statistics.
ip: Distinguishes between a destination host name and the ping command keywords if the name of the destination host is i, ip, ipv, ipv6, l, ls, or lsp. For example, you must use the command in the form of ping
ip ip instead of ping ip if the destination host name is ip.
-a source-ip: Specifies an IP address of the device as the source IP address of ICMP echo requests. If this
option is not specified, the source IP address of ICMP echo requests is the primary IP address of the
outbound interface.
-ccount: Specifies the number of ICMP echo requests that are sent to the destination. The value range is
1 to 4294967295, and the default is 5.
-f: Sets the "do-not-fragment" bit in the IP header.
-h ttl: Specifies the TTL value of ICMP echo requests. The value range is 1 to 255, and the default is 255.
-i interface-type interface-number: Specifies the source interface for ICMP echo requests. If you do not
specify this option, the system uses the primary IP address of the matching route's egress interface as the
source interface for ICMP echo requests.
-minterval: Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) to send ICMP echo requests. The value range is 1 to
65535, and the default is 200.
-n: Disables domain name resolution for the host argument. If the host argument represents the host name
of the destination, and if this keyword is not specified, the device translates host into an address.
-ppad: Specifies the value of the pad field in an ICMP echo request, in hexadecimal format, 1 to 8 bits.
The pad argument is in the range of 0 to ffffffff. If the specified value is less than 8 bits, 0s are added in
front of the value to extend it to 8 bits. For example, if pad is configured as 0x2f, then the packets are
padded with 0x0000002f to make the total length of the packet meet the requirements of the device. By
default, the padded value starts from 0x01 up to 0xff, where another round starts again if necessary,
such as 0x010203…feff01….
-q: Displays only the summary statistics. If this keyword is not specified, the system displays all the ping
-r: Records the addresses of the hops (up to 9) the ICMP echo requests passed. If this keyword is not
specified, the addresses of the hops that the ICMP echo requests passed are not recorded.
-s packet-size: Specifies the length (in bytes) of ICMP echo requests (excluding the IP packet header and
the ICMP packet header). The value range is 20 to 8100, and the default is 56.
-t timeout: Specifies the timeout time (in milliseconds) of an ICMP echo reply. The value range is 0 to
65535, and the default is 2000. If the source does not receive an ICMP echo reply within the timeout,
it considers the ICMP echo reply timed out.
-tostos: Specifies the ToS value of ICMP echo requests. The value range is 0 to 255, and the default is
-v: Displays non-ICMP echo reply packets. If this keyword is not specified, the system does not display
non-ICMP echo reply packets.
-topologytopo-name: Specifies the topology to which the destination belongs, where topo-name is a
case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the destination is on the public network, do not specify this
-vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the destination belongs,
where the vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the destination
is on the public network, do not specify this option.
host: Specifies the IP address or host name of the destination. The host name is a case-insensitive string
of 1 to 253 characters. It can contain letters, digits, and special characters such as hyphen (-), underscore
(_), and dot (.).
Usage guidelines
To use the name of the destination host to perform the ping operation, you must first configure the DNS
on the device. Otherwise, the ping operation will fail.
To abort the ping operation during the execution of the command, press Ctrl+C.
# Test whether the device with an IP address of is reachable.
<Sysname> ping
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=2.137 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=2.051 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=1.996 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=1.963 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=1.991 ms
--- Ping statistics for --5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.963/2.028/2.137/0.062 ms
# Test whether the device with an IP address of in VPN 1 is reachable.
<Sysname> ping -vpn-instance vpn1
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=2.137 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=2.051 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=1.996 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=1.963 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=1.991 ms
--- Ping statistics for in VPN instance vpn1 --5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.963/2.028/2.137/0.062 ms
# Test whether the device with an IP address of is reachable. Only results are displayed.
<Sysname> ping -q
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
--- Ping statistics for --5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.962/2.196/2.665/0.244 ms
# Test whether the device with an IP address of is reachable. The IP addresses of the hops that the
ICMP packets passed in the path are displayed.
<Sysname> ping -r
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=4.685 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=4.834 ms (same route)
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=4.770 ms (same route)
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=4.812 ms (same route)
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=4.704 ms (same route)
--- Ping statistics for --5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 4.685/4.761/4.834/0.058 ms
The output shows that:
• The destination is reachable.
• T h e r o u t e i s < - > { 1.1.1. 2 ; 1.1. 2 .1 } < - > 1.1. 2. 2.
Table 1 Command output
Field Descri
Ping ( 56 data
bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0
ttl=254 time=4.685 ms
Test whether the device with IP address is reachable. There are
56 bytes in each ICMP echo request. Press Ctrl+C to abort the ping
Received ICMP echo replies from the device whose IP address is If no echo reply is received within the timeout period, no
information is displayed.
• bytes—Number of bytes in the ICMP echo reply.
• icmp_seq—Packet sequence, used to determine whether a segment
is lost, disordered or repeated.
• ttl—TTL value in the ICMP echo reply.
• time—Response time.
Routers through which the ICMP echo request passed. They are
--- Ping statistics for --- Statistics on data received and sent in the ping operation.
--- Ping statistics for in VPN
instance vpn1 ---
5 packet(s) transmitted Number of ICMP echo requests sent.
5 packet(s) received Number of ICMP echo replies received.
displayed in inversed order, which means the router with a smaller
distance to the destination is displayed first.
Ping statistics for a device in a VPN instance.
0.0% packet loss Percentage of unacknowledged packets to the total packets sent.
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev =
4.685/4.761/4.834/0.058 ms
ping ipv6
Use ping ipv6 to determine whether an IPv6 address is reachable, and display related statistics.
-a source-ipv6: Specifies an IPv6 address of the device as the source IP address of ICMP echo requests.
If this option is not specified, the source IPv6 address of ICMP echo requests is the IPv6 address of the
outbound interface. (The address selection rule is defined by RFC 3484.)
Minimum/average/maximum/standard deviation response time, in
-ccount: Specifies the number of ICMPv6 echo requests that are sent to the destination. The value range
is 1 to 4294967295, and the default is 5.
-i interface-type interface-number: Specifies the source interface for ICMPv6 echo requests. This option
must be specified when the destination address is a multicast address or a link local address. If you do
not specify this option, the system uses the primary IP address of the matching route's egress interface as
the source interface for ICMPv6 echo requests.
-minterval: Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) to send an ICMPv6 echo reply. The value range is 1
to 65535, and the default is 1000.
-q: Displays only the summary statistics. If you do not specify this keyword, the system displays all the
ping statistics.
-s packet-size: Specifies the length (in bytes) of ICMPv6 echo requests (excluding the IPv6 packet header
and the ICMPv6 packet header). The value range is 20 to 8100, and the default is 56.
-t timeout: Specifies the timeout time (in milliseconds) of an ICMPv6 echo reply. The value range is 0 to
65535, and the default is 2000.
-tc traffic-class: Specifies the traffic class value in an ICMPv6 packet. The value range is 0 to 255 and the
default is 0.
-v: Displays detailed information (including the dst field and the idx field) about ICMPv6 echo replies. If
this keyword is not specified, the system only displays brief information (not including the dst field and the
idx field) about ICMPv6 echo replies.
-vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the destination belongs,
where the vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the destination
is on the public network, do not specify this option.
host: Specifies the IPv6 address or host name of the destination. The host name is a case-insensitive string
of 1 to 253 characters. It can contain letters, digits, and special characters such as hyphen (-), underscore
(_), and dot (.).
Usage guidelines
To use the name of the destination host to perform the ipv6 ping operation, you must first configure DNS
on the device. Otherwise, the ipv6 ping operation fails.
To abort the ping ipv6 operation during the execution of the command, press Ctrl+C.
# Test whether the IPv6 address (2001::2) is reachable.
<Sysname> ping ipv6 2001::2
Ping6(56 data bytes) 2001::1 --> 2001::2, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=62.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=23.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=2 hlim=64 time=20.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=3 hlim=64 time=4.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=4 hlim=64 time=16.000 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 2001::2 --5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 4.000/25.000/62.000/20.000 ms
# Test whether the IPv6 address (2001::2) is reachable. Only the statistics are displayed.
<Sysname> ping ipv6 –q 2001::2
Ping6(56 data bytes) 2001::1 --> 2001::2, press CTRL_C to break
--- Ping6 statistics for 2001::2 --5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 4.000/25.000/62.000/20.000 ms
# Test whether the IPv6 address (2001::2) is reachable. Detailed ping information is displayed.
<Sysname> ping ipv6 –v 2001::2
Ping6(56 data bytes) 2001::1 --> 2001::2, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 dst=2001::1 idx=3 time=62.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 dst=2001::1 idx=3 time=23.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=2 hlim=64 dst=2001::1 idx=3 time=20.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=3 hlim=64 dst=2001::1 idx=3 time=4.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001::2, icmp_seq=4 hlim=64 dst=2001::1 idx=3 time=16.000 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 2001::2 --5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 4.000/25.000/62.000/20.000 ms
The output shows that:
• The destination is reachable, and ICMPv6 echo requests are replied.
• The minimum/average/maximum/standard deviation roundtrip time of packets is 4 milliseconds,
25 milliseconds, 62 milliseconds, and 20 milliseconds.
Table 2 Command output
Field Descri
Ping6(56 data bytes)
2001::1 --> 2001::2, press CTRL_C to
An ICMPv6 echo reply with a data length of 56 bytes is sent from
2001::1to 2001::2.
Press Ctrl+C to abort the ping IPv6 operation.
Received ICMPv6 echo replies from the device whose IPv6 address is
• The number of data bytes is 56.
56 bytes from 2001::2,
icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 dst=2001::1
idx=3 time=62.000 ms
• The packet sequence is 1.
• The hop limit value is 64.
• The destination address is 2001::1. Specify the -v keyword to
display this field.
• The index for the packet inbound interface is 3. Specify the -v
keyword to display this field.
• The response time is 62 milliseconds.
--- Ping6 statistics for 2001::2 ------ Statistics on data received and sent in an IPv6 ping operation.
5 packet(s) transmitted Number of ICMPv6 echo requests sent.
5 packet(s) received Number of ICMPv6 echo replies received.
0.0% packet loss Percentage of unacknowledged packets to the total packets sent.
round-trip min/avg/max/ std-dev
Minimum/average/maximum/standard deviation response time, in
Use tracert to trace the path the packets traverse from source to destination.
-a source-ip: Specifies an IP address of the device as the source IP address of probe packets. If this option
is not specified, the source IP address of probe packets is the primary IP address of the outbound
-f first-ttl: Specifies the TTL of the first packet sent to the destination. The value range is 1 to 255, and the
default is 1. It must be no greater than the value of the max-ttl argument.
-m max-ttl: Specifies the maximum number of hops allowed for a probe packet. The value range is 1 to
255, and the default is 30. It must be no smaller than the value of the first-ttl argument.
-p port: Specifies an invalid UDP port of the destination. The value range is 1 to 65535, and the default
is 33434.
-qpacket-number: Specifies the number of probe packets to send per hop. The value range is 1 to 65535,
and the default is 3.
-t tos: Specifies the ToS value of probe packets. The value range is 0 to 255, and the default is 0.
-topology topo-name: Specifies the topology to which the destination belongs, where topo-name is a
case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the destination is on the public network, do not specify this
-vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the destination belongs,
where the vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the destination
is on the public network, do not specify this option.
-w timeout: Specifies the timeout time in milliseconds of the reply packet for a probe packet. The value
range is 1 to 65535, and the default is 5000.
host: Specifies the IP address or host name of the destination. The host name is a case-insensitive string
of 1 to 253 characters. It can contain letters, digits, and special characters such as hyphen (-), underscore
(_), and dot (.).
Usage guidelines
After identifying network failure with the ping command, use the tracert command to locate failed nodes.
The output of the tracert command includes IP addresses of all the Layer 3 devices that the packets
traverse from source to destination. Asterisks (* * *) are displayed if the device cannot reply with an
ICMP error message. The reason might be the destination is unreachable or sending ICMP
timeout/destination unreachable packets is disabled.
To abort the tracert operation during the execution of the command, press Ctrl+C.
# Display the path that the packets traverse from source to destination (
<Sysname> tracert
traceroute to (, 30 hops at most, 40 bytes each packet, press CTRL_C to
1 ( 673 ms 425 ms 30 ms
2 ( 580 ms 470 ms 80 ms
# Trace the path to destination ( over an MPLS network.
<Sysname> tracert
traceroute to, 30 hops at most, 40 bytes each packet, press
CTRL_C to break
1 ( 0.661 ms 0.618 ms 0.579 ms
2 ( 0.861 ms 0.718 ms 0.679 ms
MPLS Label=100048 Exp=0 TTL=1 S=1
3 ( 0.822 ms 0.731 ms 0.708 ms
MPLS Label=100016 Exp=0 TTL=1 S=1
4 ( 0.961 ms 8.676 ms 0.875 ms
Table 3 Command output
Field Descri
traceroute to (
hops at most
bytes each packet Number of bytes of a probe packet.
press CTRL_C to break
Display the route that the IP packets traverse from the current device to the
device whose IP address is
Maximum number of hops of the probe packets, which can be set by the -m
During the execution of the command, press Ctrl+C to abort the tracert
Probe result of the probe packets whose TTL is 1, including the following:
• Domain name (or IP address, if the domain name is not configured) of the
1 ( 673 ms
425 ms 30 ms
first hop.
• The round-trip time of the three probe packets.
The number of packets that can be sent in each probe can be set through the
-q keyword.
ICMP timeout packets on an MPLS network, carrying MPLS label information:
•Label—Label value that is used to identify a forwarding equivalence class
MPLS Label=100048 Exp=0
TTL=1 S=1
• Exp—Reserved, usually used for class of service (CoS).
• TTL—TTL value.
• S—MPLS supports multiple levels of labels. Value 1 indicates that the label
is at the bottom of the label stack, and value 0 indicates that the label is in
another label stack.
tracert ipv6
Use tracertipv6 to display the path that the IPv6 packets traverse from source to destination.
-f first-hop: Specifies the TTL value of the first packet. The value range is 1 to 255, and the default is 1. The
value must be no greater than the value of the max-hops argument.
-m max-hops: Specifies the maximum number of hops allowed for a packet. The value range is 1 to 255,
and the default is 30. The value must be no smaller than the value of the first-hop argument.
-p port: Specifies an invalid UDP port of the destination. The value range is 1 to 65535, and the default
is 33434.
-qpacket-number: Specifies the number of probe packets sent each time. The value range is 1 to 65535,
and the default is 3.
-ttraffic-class: Specifies the traffic class value in an IPv6 probe packet. The value range is 0 to 255, and
the default is 0.
-vpn-instancevpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the destination belongs,
where the vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the destination
is on the public network, do not specify this option.
-w timeout: Specifies the timeout time (in milliseconds) of the reply packet of a probe packet. The value
range is 1 to 65535, and the default is 5000.
host: Specifies the IPv6 address or host name of the destination. The host name is a case-insensitive string
of 1 to 253 characters. It can contain letters, digits, and special characters such as hyphen (-), underscore
(_), and dot (.).
Usage guidelines
After identifying network failure with the ping ipv6 command, you can use the tracert ipv6 command to
locate failed nodes.
The output of the tracert ipv6 command includes IPv6 addresses of all the Layer 3 devices that the packets
traverse from source to destination. Asterisks (* * *) are displayed if the device cannot reply with an
ICMP error message. The reason might be the destination is unreachable or sending ICMP
timeout/destination unreachable packets is disabled.
To abort the tracert operation during the execution of the command, press Ctrl+C.
# Display the path that the packets traverse from source to destination (2001:3::2).
<Sysname> tracert ipv6 2001:3::2
traceroute to 2001:3::2(2001:3::2), 30 hops at most, 60 byte packets, press CTRL_C to break
1 2001:1::2 0.661 ms 0.618 ms 0.579 ms
2 2001:2::2 0.861 ms 0.718 ms 0.679 ms
3 2001:3::2 0.822 ms 0.731 ms 0.708 ms
Table 4 Command output
Field Descri
traceroute to 2001:3::2
hops at most
byte packets Number of bytes of a probe packet.
1 2001:1::2 0.661 ms 0.618
ms 0.579 ms
Display the route that the IPv6 packets traverse from the current device to
the device whose IP address is 2001:3:2.
Maximum number of hops of the probe packets, which can be set by the
-m keyword.
Probe result of the probe packets whose hoplimit is 1, including the IPv6
address of the first hop, and the roundtrip time of three probe packets. The
number of packets that can be sent in each probe can be set by the -q
NQA commands
NQA client commands
Use advantage-factor to set the advantage factor to be used for calculation of Mean Opinion Scores
(MOS) and Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (ICPIF) values.
Use undo advantage-factor to restore the default.
advantage-factor factor
undo advantage-factor
The advantage factor is 0.
Voice operation view
Predefined user roles
factor: Specifies the advantage factor in the range of 0 to 20.
Usage guidelines
The evaluation of voice quality depends on users' tolerance for voice quality. For users with higher
tolerance for voice quality, use the advantage-factor command to set an advantage factor. When the
system calculates the ICPIF value, it subtracts the advantage factor to modify ICPIF and MOS values for
voice quality evaluation.
# Set the advantage factor to 10 for voice operations.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type voice
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-voice] advantage-factor 10
Use codec-type to configure the codec type for a voice operation.
Use undo codec-type to restore the default.
codec-type { g711a | g711u | g729a }
undo codec-type
The codec type for the voice operation is G.711 A-law.
Voice operation view
Predefined user roles
g711a: Specifies G.711 A-law codec type.
g711u: Specifies G.711 μ-law codec type
g729a: Specifies G.729 A-law codec type.
# Set the codec type to g729a for the voice operation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type voice
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-voice] codec-type g729a
community read
Use community read to specify the community name for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c probe packets.
Use undo community read to restore the default.
community read { cipher | simple } community-name
undo community read
The SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c probe packets use the community name public.
SNMP operation view
Predefined user roles
cipher: Sets a ciphertext community name.
simple: Sets a plaintext community name.
community-name: Specifies the community name. This argument is case sensitive. If you specify the
simple keyword, the name must be a string of 1 to 32 characters. If you specify the cipher keyword, the
name must be a string of 33 to 73 characters.
Usage guidelines
Execute this command to specify the community name on the NQA client if the SNMP agent runs
SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c. The specified community name must be the read-only community name that has
been configured on the SNMP agent.
If the SNMP agent runs SNMPv3, you do not need to specify the community name on the NQA client.
For security purposes, the community name configured in plain text or cipher text is saved in cipher text.
# Specify readaccess as the community name for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c probe packets.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type snmp
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-snmp] community read simple readaccess
Use data-fill to configure the payload fill string for probe packets.
Use undo data-fill to restore the default.
data-fill string
undo data-fill
The string is 0123456789.
ICMP/UDP echo operation view
Path/UDP jitter operation view
Voice operation view
Predefined user roles
string: Specifies a case-sensitive string of 1 to 200 characters.
Usage guidelines
If the payload length is smaller than the string length, only the first part of the string is filled. For example,
if you configure the string as abcd and set the payload size to 3 bytes, abc is filled.
If the payload length is greater than the string length, the system fills the payload with the string cyclically
until the payload is full. For example, if you configure the string as abcd and the payload size as 6 bytes,
abcdab is filled.
How the string is filled depends on the operation type.
• For the ICMP echo operation, the string fills the whole payload of an ICMP echo request.
• For the UDP echo operation, the first five bytes of the payload of a UDP packet are for special
purpose. The string fills the remaining part of payload.
• For the UDP jitter operation, the first 68 bytes of the payload of a UDP packet are for special
purpose. The string fills the remaining part of the payload.
• For the voice operation, the first 16 bytes of the payload of a UDP packet are for special purpose.
The string fills the remaining part of the payload.
• For the path jitter operation, the first four bytes of the payload of an ICMP echo request are for
special purpose. The string fills the remaining part of payload.
# Specify abcd as the payload fill string for ICMP echo requests.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type icmp-echo
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] data-fill abcd
Use data-size to set the payload size for each probe packet.
Use undo data-size to restore the default.
data-size size
undo data-size
The default payload size of a probe packet for different operations is described in Table 5.
Table 5 Default payload size of a probe packet
eration type Codec type
ICMP echo N/A 100
UDP echo N/A 100
UDP jitter N/A 100
UDP tracert N/A 100
Path jitter N/A 100
Voice G.711 A-law 172
Voice G.711 μ-law 172
Voice G.729 A-law 32
Default size (bytes)
ICMP/UDP echo operation view
Path/UDP jitter operation view
UDP tracert operation view
Voice operation view
Predefined user roles
size: Specifies the payload size. Available value ranges include:
• 20 to 8100 bytes for the ICMP echo, UDP echo, or UDP tracert operation.
• 68 to 8100 bytes for the UDP jitter or path jitter operation.
• 16 to 1500 bytes for the voice operation.
Usage guidelines
In ICMP echo and path jitter operations, the command sets the payload size for each ICMP echo request.
In UDP echo, UDP jitter, UDP tracert, and voice operations, the command sets the payload size for each
UDP packet.
# Set the payload size to 80 bytes for each ICMP echo request.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type icmp-echo
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] data-size 80
description (any NQA operation type view)
Use description to configure a description for an NQA operation, such as the operation type or purpose.
Use undo description to remove the description.
description text
undo description
No description is configured for an NQA operation.
Any NQA operation type view
Predefined user roles
text: Specifies a case-sensitive string of 1 to 200 characters.
# Configure the description as icmp-probe for an NQA operation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type icmp-echo
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] description icmp-probe
destination ip
Use destination ip to configure the destination IP address for the operation.
Use undo destination ip to remove the destination IP address.
destination ip ip-address
undo destination ip
No destination IP address is configured for the operation.
DHCP/DLSw/DNS/SNMP/TCP/voice operation view
ICMP/UDP echo operation view
Path/UDP jitter operation view
UDP tracert operation view
Predefined user roles
ip-address: Specifies the destination IP address for the operation.
# Specify as the destination IP address for the ICMP echo operation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type icmp-echo
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] destination ip
destination ipv6
Use destination ipv6 to configure the destination IPv6 address for the operation.
Use undo destination ipv6 to remove the destination IPv6 address.
destination ipv6 ipv6-address
undo destination ipv6
No destination IPv6 address is configured for the operation.
ICMP echo operation view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-address: Specifies the destination IPv6 address for the operation. IPv6 link-local addresses are not
# Specify 1::1 as the destination IPv6 address for the ICMP echo operation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type icmp-echo
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] destination ipv6 1::1
destination port
Use destination port to configure the destination port number for the operation.
Use undo destination port to remove the destination port number.
destination port port-number
undo destination port
The destination port number is 33434 for the UDP tracert operation.
No destination port number is configured for other types of operations.
TCP/voice operation view
UDP echo operation view
UDP jitter operation view
UDP tracert operation view
Predefined user roles
port-number: Specifies the destination port number for the operation, in the range of 1 to 65535.
# Set the destination port number to 9000 for the UDP echo operation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type udp-echo
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-udp-echo] destination port 9000
display nqa history
Use display nqa history to display the history records of NQA operations.
display nqa history [ admin-name operation-tag ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
admin-name operation-tag: Specifies an NQA operation by its administrator name and operation tag.
The admin-name argument represents the name of the administrator who creates the NQA operation.
The operation-tag argument represents the operation tag. Each of the arguments is a case-insensitive
string of 1 to 32 characters that cannot contain hyphens (-). If you do not specify an NQA operation, the
command displays the history records of all NQA operations.
Usage guidelines
The display nqa history command does not display the results or statistics of UDP jitter and voice
operations. Use the display nqa result or display nqa statistics command to verify the UDP jitter and
voice operations.
# Display the history records of the UDP tracert operation with the administrator name administrator and
the operation tag tracert.
<Sysname> display nqa history administrator tracert
NQA entry (admin administrator, tag tracert) history records:
Index TTL Response Hop IP Status Time
1 2 328 Succeeded 2013-09-09 14:46:06.2
1 2 328 Succeeded 2013-09-09 14:46:05.2
1 2 328 Succeeded 2013-09-09 14:46:04.2
1 1 328 Succeeded 2013-09-09 14:46:03.2
1 1 328 Succeeded 2013-09-09 14:46:02.2
1 1 328 Succeeded 2013-09-09 14:46:01.2
# Display the history records of the NQA operation with the administrator name administrator and the
operation tag test.
<Sysname> display nqa history administrator test
NQA entry (admin administrator, tag test) history records:
Index Response Status Time
10 329 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:26.5
9 344 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:26.2
8 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:25.8
7 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:25.5
6 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:25.1
5 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:24.8
4 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:24.5
3 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:24.1
2 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:23.8
1 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:23.4
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