HP MC68360, MC68EN360, 64780A User Manual

Graphical User Interface User’s Guide
MC68360/68EN360 Emulator/Analyzer (HP 64780A)
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New editions are compl et e revisions of the manual. Many produ ct upda te s and fixes do not re qui re manual changes, and manual correct ion s ma y be do ne without accompany ing produ ct change s. The refore, do not expe ct a one-to -one correspondence between product updates and manual revisions.
Edition 1 B3091-970 00, Dec embe r 1993
Edition 2 B3091-970 01, April 199 6
Safety and Certification and Warranty
Safety information, and c ert if ic at ion and wa rra nty info rm at ion can be found at the end of this m anu al on the pag es be fore the bac k co ver .
The HP 64780A Emulator
The HP 64780A emulator sup port s the Moto rol a 68360 and 68E N360 microproce ssor op era ting a t cloc k spee ds up to 25 MHz.
The emulator suppor ts bot h 5V an d 3.3V ope rat io n. The emulato r plu gs dir ec tly into a PGA socket, and it can be plugged into a PQFP target system using optional accessories.
The emulator plugs int o the mo dul ar HP 64700 in stru ment at ion card cage and offers 80 channe ls of pr oce ssor bu s ana lysi s wit h the HP 64794 A or HP 64704 A emulatio n-bu s ana lyz er . Up to eight megabytes of em ul at io n mem ory m ay be installed on the probe. High pe rfo rm ance download is achieved through t he use of an optional LAN or RS-422 interface. A pair of RS-232 port s and a firmware-re sident interface all ow deb uggi ng of a target system at remot e locati ons.
For software develop me nt , the HP AxCASE envir onm en t is availabl e on SUN SPARCsystems and on HP workstations. This environmen t includes an ANSI standard C com piler , assem bl er/ linke r, a debugg er, the HP Soft ware Perf orm an ce Analyzer that allo ws you to optim ize your prod uct software , and the HP Branc h Validator for test suit e veri ficat io n. The C compile r, assembl er /l ink er, an d debugger are also availabl e for MS-DOS syste ms.
Languag e support is also ava ilab le from severa l th ird -pa rty vend ors. Th is capa bil ity is provided through t he HP 64700’s a bil ity to consume severa l indust ry sta nda rd output file formats.
Ada language support is pro vid ed on HP 9000 work sta ti ons by thir d-pa rt y ven dors such as Alsys and Verdix. An Ada application develope r can use the HP emulator and any compi ler tha t gene rat es H P/ MRI IE E E- 695 t o do ex hau sti ve, real -ti m e debugging in-circuit or out-of-circuit.
HP 64780A Emulator
25 MHz active probe emulator
5V and 3.3V operatio n
No wait states to target mem ory up to 25 MHz
Fast termination c ycles to targe t mem ory up to 25 MHz
Unlimited software breakpoints
Symbolic support
36 inch cable and 219 mm (8.8") x 102 mm (4") prob e, term inati ng in PG A
Backgroun d and fore grou nd m oni tor s
Simulated I/O with work sta ti on inte rfa ces
Consumes IE EE-695, HP-OMF, Motorola S-Reco rds, and Extended Tek Hex
File form ats directly. (Symb ols a re avai la ble with IEE E- 695 a nd HP-OMF formats.)
Multiprocesso r emul ation
synchronous st art of 32 emulati on sessionscross triggera ble from anoth er e mu lator , logi c an alyze r, or oscil losc ope
Demo board and se lf test module inc lu ded
Emulation-b us analyzer
80-channel emu lati on-b us analy zer
Post-processed de que ue d trace wit h symbol s
Eight event s, each consist in g of ad dre ss, st at us, and data compa ra tor s
Events may be sequenc ed eight levels deep and can be used for comp lex
trigger qualification and selective store
Emulation memory
Up to 8 Mbytes of em ul at io n me mory
All emulation memo ry is du al-por te d
Mapping resolut io n is 256 bytes
No wait states re qui red for emul at io n mem ory fo r proc esso r spee ds up t o
25 MHz
Fast termination cycles to emul ation memo ry support ed up to 10 MHz
In This Book
This manual shows you how to use the HP 64780 A em ulato r thr ough its Graphi ca l User Interface for t he MC68360 micro proc essor. It is divided into the followi ng parts:
Part 1 contains the Quic k Sta rt Guide . It shows you how to qui ck ly beco me productive with the emulati on system.
Part 2 explains how to a ccomplish common task s, o f te n req uiring use of se veral emulator/an al yzer co mma nds to get her. This par t assu mes you kn ow how to use th e commands to cont rol the emul ator. Instruct io ns are giv en to help you connec t the emulation probe into a target system , get the desir ed interfa ce on scree n, and use the emulator/ anal yzer co mma nds to control the emulation proc essor while maki ng emulation measu rem e nts. This pa rt also sho ws you how t o use the emu lati on-b us analyzer for debu ggi ng, use the Sof twa re Perfor ma nc e Measure m ent Tool suppli ed with the emulat or, and cou ple two or mor e emul ators t o coo rdi nat e measurements involvin g more than one proce ssor.
Part 3 shows you how to change the appear ance or behavi or of the Graphi ca l User Interface, and desc ri bes i n detai l each of th e comma nds av ai lable in the emulator/an al yzer, and lists ea ch of the message s you m ay see while usin g the MC68360 emula tor /a nalyz er, along with sugge sted corrective actio ns.
Part 4 of this book shows you how to instal l the Graphi ca l User Interfa ce and Softkey Interf ac e softwar e, and how to updat e your em ulat or/ an alyze r firm ware with the progfl ash c om mand, an d disp lay cur ren t firm ware ver sion info rm ation .
The Hewlett -Pac ka rd M68360 Emulator/Analyzer Installation/Service/Terminal Interface User’s Guide shows you how to insta ll the emul at or ha rdwa re into the card cage, install SRAM modul es a nd cover s on the emulat ion probe , and how to connect the probe to the de m o boa rd an d ver ify perf ormance of the emulation hardware. It also provi des a thorough analysis of possible pro blem s and thei r solutions. It also list s the compl ete spe cific at io ns and charac teri sti cs of t he M68360 emulator. It shows you how to connect the emulator into an MC68360 target system and ove rco me differ enc es betwe en the spec ifica tions a nd characterist ic s of the targe t mic ropr ocessor a nd th ose of the emula to r.
Part 1 Quick Start Guide
1 Getting Started
The Emulator/Analyzer Interf ace — At a Glance 4
The Softkey Interface 4 Softkey Interf ac e Conven ti ons 5 The Graphica l Use r Int erf ac e 6 Graphical User Interfa ce Conv entio ns 8
The Getting Started Tutorial 11
Step 1. Start the de m o 12 Step 2: Displ ay the progra m in mem ory 13 Step 3: Run from the transfer address 14 Step 4: Step high-level source lines 15 Step 5: Display the previous m ne monic displa y 16 Step 6: Run until an addre ss 17 Step 7: Display data values 18 Step 8: Display registers 19 Step 9: Step assembl y leve l instru ctions 20 Step 10: Trace the program 21 Step 11: Display memo ry at an addre ss in a registe r 23 Step 12: Ex it the emulator/a na lyzer int erf ac e 24
Solving Problems 24
Part 2 Using The Emulator
2 Plugging into a Target System
Connecting the Emulator to the Target System 29
Step 1. Turn OFF power 30 Step 2. Connect the probe to the targe t system 31 Step 3. Turn ON power 32
Plugging into the Motorola QUADS Target System 33
To connect the emulator to the Motorol a QUADS 34
3 Starting and Exiting HP 64700 Interfaces
Starting the Emulator/ Analyzer Int erf ace 41
To start t he e mulator /a nalyzer i nte rfa ce 41 To start the interfa ce usin g the def ault confi guration 42 To run a command file on interface startu p 43 To display the status of emula to rs 43 To unlock an inte rfa ce tha t was left loc ke d by anoth er use r 44
Opening Other HP 64700 Interface Windows 45
To open add it ion al em ula to r/analyz er window s 45 To open the hig h le vel deb ugge r in te rfa ce windo w 46 To open the software performance analy zer (SPA) inte rfa ce windo w 46
Exiting HP 64700 Interfaces 47
To close an interface wi ndow 47 To exit a debug/emulati on session 48
4 Entering Commands
Using Menus, the Entry Buffer, and Action Keys 51
To choose a pulldown menu it em using th e mouse (method 1) 52 To choose a pulldown menu it em using th e mouse (method 2) 53 To choose a pulldown menu it em using th e keyboard 53 To choose pop-up menu it em s 55 To place values into the ent ry buffe r usin g the key boa rd 56
To copy-and-p aste to the entry buffer 56 To recall entry buffer valu es 59 To use the entry buffer 59 To copy-and-p ast e fro m the entr y buffer to the comman d line entry area 60 To use the action keys 61 To use dialog bo xes 61 To access help information 65
Using the Command Line with the Mouse 66
To turn the com m an d line on or off 66 To enter a com m an d 67 To edit the command line using the command line pushbut to ns 68 To edit the command line using the command line pop-up menu 69 To recall commands 70 To get help about the command line 70
Using the Command Line with the Keyboard 71
To enter multipl e co mma nds on on e comm a nd line 71 To recall commands 72 To edit commands 72 To access on-l ine hel p in form a ti on 73
Using Command Files 74
To start loggi ng c om mands t o a comm a nd fi le 77 To stop logging com mand s to a comma nd file 77 To playba ck (execu te ) a co mm a nd fi le 78
Using Pod Commands 79
To display the pod comma nds sc reen 80 To use pod comm an ds 80
Forwarding Commands to Other HP 64700 Interfaces 81
To forward com mands t o the hig h level deb ugge r 81 To forward com mands t o the soft ware perform a nce analy zer 82
5 Configuring the Emulator
Using the Configuration Interface 85
To start the confi gur ation interface 86 To modify a co nfi gura ti on se ct ion 88 To apply confi gur at ion change s to th e emul at or 90 If apply to emula tor fai ls 91 To store configuration chan ges t o a file 92 To change the con fig ura ti on directo ry context 93 To display the con fig ura ti on conte xt 93 To access help topics 94 To access help for a configu ration item in a dialog box 94 To exit the confi gur at ion interface 95 To load an exi sti ng co nfiguration file 95
Verifying the Emulator Configur ation 96
To display information abo ut chip select s 96 To display inform at io n about bu s interf ac e ports 97 To display inform at io n about the mem or y map 97 To display information abo ut the reset mo de confi gur at ion 98 To review the upper add ress m ode of th e presen t configuration 98 To display information abo ut the present clock input mode 99 To display assemb ly lang uag e instru ct ion s for set ting up the SIM 99 To check for confi guration inco nsist en ci es 100 To verify the emulator con fig ura ti on 101
6 Using the Emulator
Using the EMSIM Registers 105
To view the SIM regist er di ffe re nces 107 To synchronize to the 68360 SIM registe rs 107 To synchronize to the EMSIM registe rs 108 To restore def ault valu es in the EMSIM regi ste rs 108 To assign an MBAR value for the M68360 re gist er set 109
Loading and Storing Absolute Files 110
To load absolute files 110 To load absolute fil es withou t sym bol s 111 To store memory conten ts in to absolute files 111
Using Symbols 112
To load symbols 112 To display global symbol s 113 To display local sym bol s 114 To display a symbol’s pa ren t sym bol 118 To copy-and-p ast e a full symb ol nam e to the entry buf fer 119
Using Context Commands 120
To display the curren t direc to ry and sym bol contex t 121 To change the directory con te xt 122 To change the curren t work ing symb ol cont ext 122
Executing User Programs 123
To run program s from the cur ren t PC 123 To run program s from an addre ss 124 To run program s from the transfe r ad dre ss 124 To run program s from rese t 124 To run program s from soft reset 125 To run program s until an add ress 125 To stop (break from) user progr am execu tion 126 To step high-level sou rce lines 126 To step assembly-level instruc ti ons 127 To reset the emulati on pro cessor 128
Using Software Breakpoints 129
To display the breakp oin ts li st 130 To enabl e/disable break points 131 To set a permanent breakpoint 133 To set a temporary break poi nt 135 To set all breakp oin ts 135 To deactiv at e a brea kpoi nt 136 To re-ac ti vat e a brea kp o int 136 To clear a break poi nt 138 To clear all break points 140
Displaying and Modifying Registers 141
To display regist er cont ent s 141 Obtaining mn emoni c displ ays of the 68360 registers using the Action Keys 142 To modify reg ister content s 144 To modify reg isters using the Ac ti on Key s 145
Displaying and Modifying Memory 146
To display memory 146 To display memory i n mnem oni c form at 147 To return to the previous m nem on ic displ ay 147 To display memory i n hex adeci m al form at 148 To display memory a t an address 149 To display memory re peti tivel y 150 To modify me m ory 150
Displaying Data Values 151
To display data values 151 To clear the dat a values displa y an d add a new ite m 152 To add items to th e data values display 152
Changing the Interface Settings 153
To set the sourc e/sym bol modes 153 To set the display modes 154
Using System Commands 156
To set UNIX environment variables 156 To display the name of the emulation mod ule 157 To display the event log 157 To display the error lo g 158 To edit file s 158 To copy information to a fil e or pr int er 162 To save periph era l regi ste r set tings to a file 164 To load peripheral register set ti ngs fr om a file 164 To remove all temporary files 165 To generate boot code for configu rin g the SIM60 un it 165 To open a terminal emula ti on wi ndow 165
Using emulator support for the M68360 Companion Mode 166
Tasks you may wish to perform when using th e M68360 comp anion Mode 167 For more inform at io n 169
Using Simulated I/O 170
To display the simul at ed I/O scre en 170 To use simula ted I/O ke ybo ard input 171
Using Basis Branch Analysis 172
To store BBA data to a file 172
7 Using the Emulation-Bus Analyzer
Power of the Emulation-Bus Analyzer 174 Making Simple Trace Measurements 175
To start a trace measuremen t 176 To stop a trace measu rem e nt 177 To display the trace list 177 To display the trace sta tus 179 To change the trace depth 180 To modif y the la st tr ac e co mm a nd en te red 181 To define a simpl e trig ger qualif ier 182 To specify a trigg er and set the trigge r posi tion 183 To define a simpl e st ora ge qu alifier 184 If you are having probl em s tr ac ing 185
Displaying the Trace List 186
To disassembl e the trace list 189 To specify trace disa ssem bl y opt io ns 190 To specify tra ce deq ueu ei ng opt io ns 192 To display the tra ce without disa ssembly 194 To display symbol s in the trace list 195 To display source lines in the trace list 197 To change the column wi dth 198 To select the ty pe of count in form a tion in the trace list 199 To offset addresses i n the trace list 201 To reset the trace di spl ay de fa ult s 202 To move through the trace list 202 To display the trace list ar ound a specif ic line num be r 203 To change the number of states availab le for di splay 204 To display program memory assoc iated wit h a trace list line 205 To open an edit window into the source file associat ed with a trace list line 205
Making Complex Trace Measurements 206
To use address, data, and status va lue s in trace expre ssio ns 210 To enter a range in a trace expression 211 To use the sequencer 212 To specify a restart term 213 To specify trace windowing 214 To specify both sequ enc in g and windo wing 215 To count st at es or t im e 216 To define a storage qualifi er 217 To define a prestore qu alifi er 218 To trace activity leading up to a program halt 219 To modif y the trace spec if ic at ion 220 To repeat the previ ous tr ac e comma nd 221 To capture a continuous st rea m of program executi on no matter how large yo ur program 222
Saving and Restoring Trace Data and Specifications 225
To store a trace specification 225 To store trace data 226 To load a trace specification 227 To load tr ac e da ta 228
8 Making Software Performance Measuremen ts
Activity Performance Measurements 231
To set up the trace comm an d for act ivity measurements 233 To initialize activi ty perf orm an ce measur em ents 234 To interpre t activi ty mea sure m ent report s 238
Duration Performance Measurements 246
To set up the tra ce comm an d for du ration measu rements 247 To initial iz e duration performance measu rem e nts 249 To interpret dur ation measur em en t report s 251
Running Measurements and Creating Reports 255
To run perform ance mea sure m ents 255 To end perform an ce measur em en ts 256 To create a perform ance measur emen t report 257
9 Making Coordinated Measurements
Setting Up for Coordinated Measurements 263
To connect the Coordi na ted Mea sure me nt Bus (CMB) 263 To connect to the rear panel BNC 265
Starting/Stopping Multiple Emulators 267
To enable synchronous m easure m ent s 267 To start synchronou s me asur emen ts 268 To disable synchro nous m easure m ents 268
Using Trigger Signals 269
To drive the emulation analyzer trigger signal to the CMB 272 To drive t he e mu la ti on analyze r tr igger signal to the BNC connecto r 272 To break emula tor execut io n on sig nal from CMB 273 To break emula tor execut io n on sig nal from BNC 273 To arm the emulatio n analy zer on sig nal from CMB 274 To arm the emulatio n analy zer on sig nal from BNC 274
Part 3 Reference
10 Setting X Resources
To modify Graphic al User Inte rfa ce resou rce s 280 To use customize d schem e files 284 To set up custom acti on ke ys 286 To set initial recall buf fer values 287 To set up demos or tutorials 289
11 Emulator/Analyzer Interface Commands
How Pulldown Menu s Map to the Comma nd Lin e 294 How Pop-up Menus Map t o the Comm and Line 299 Syntax Conventions 301
Commands 302
break 303 bbaunld 304 cmb_execute 305 copy 306 copy local_symbols_in 309 copy memory 310 copy registers 312 copy trace 313 display 314 display co nfi gura ti on_ inf o 316 display data 319 display global_symbols 322 display local_symbols_in 323 display memory 324 display registers 328 display simulated_io 329 display softwar e_b rea kpo int s 330 display tr ace 331 end 335
--EXPR-- 336 FCODE 339 forward 341 help 342 load 344
log_commands 346 modify 347 modify configuration 348 modify keyboard_to_simio 349 modify memory 350 modify register 353 modify softwar e_b rea kpo int s 354 performance_measurement_end 356 performance_measurement_initialize 357 performance_measurement_run 359 pod_command 360 QUALIFIER 362 RANGE 364 reset 366 run 367 SEQUENCING 369 set 371 specify 376 STATE 378 step 380 stop_trace 382 store 383
--SYMB-- 385 sync_sim_registers 392 trace 393 TRIGGER 396 wait 398 WINDOW 400
12 Emulator Error Messages
Emulator error messages 404
Part 4 Concept Guide
13 Concepts of the EMSIM and EMRAM
Concepts of the EMSIM and EMRAM 445
Concepts of the EMRAM 447 Concepts of Show Cyc le s 447 EMSIM/EMRAM Utility Command 448
Part 5 Installation and Service Guide
14 Installation
Connecting the HP 64700 to a Computer or LAN 456 Installing HP 9000 Software 457
Step 1. Install the softwar e from the med ia 457 Step 2. Verify t he sof twa re i nsta ll ation 459 Step 3a. Start the X serve r and the Moti f Wind ow Mana ge r (m wm) 460 Step 3b. Start HP VUE 460 Step 4. Set the necessa ry en vir onm en t varia bl es 461
Installing Sun SPARCsystem Software 463
Step 1. Install the softwar e from the med ia 463 Step 2. Start the X server and OpenW in dows 464 Step 3. Set the necessa ry en vir onm en t varia bl es 464 Step 4. Verify t he sof twa re i nsta ll ation 466 Step 5. Map your fun ction keys 467
Verifying the Installation 468
Step 1. Determ i ne t he logical name of you r em ul at or 468 Step 2. Start the i nterface with the em ul700 comm and 469 Step 3. Exit the Graphical User Interface 472
15 Installing/Updating Emulator Firmware
To update emulat or fi rm ware with "prog fla sh" 475 To display curren t firm ware ver sion inform at ion 478 If there is a power failur e dur ing a firmwa re upda te 479
Part 1
Quick Start Guide
Part 1
Quick Start Guide
In This Part
This part desc rib es how t o qui ckl y becom e product ive with the emul ation system.
Getting Started
Chapter 1: Getting Started
The Emulator/Analyzer Interface — At a Glance
When an X Window Syste m that suppo rts OSF/ Moti f interfa ces is runn ing on the host computer, the emula to r/ana lyz er int erf ace is the Graphi ca l User Int erf ace which provides pu ll -down and pop-up menus, point and click set ting of breakpoi nts, cut an d paste, on-li ne help , custo mi za bl e action ke ys an d pop- up re call buffers, etc .
The emulator /anal yz er interfa ce can also be the Softke y Int erfac e which is provide d for several typ es of t ermi nal s, termi na l emul ators, and bitmapp ed displ ays. When using the Softkey Int erf ac e, comm an ds are enter ed from the keyb oar d.
The Softkey Interface
Display area .
Status line. Command line .
Display area. Can show mem ory, data values, analyzer tr aces, registers, breakpoi nts, sta tu s, simulate d I/O, global symbols, loc al symbols, pod com mands (the emulator ’s unde rl ying Terminal Interface), error lo g, or displa y log . You can use the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, PAGE UP, and PAGE DOWN cu rsor key s to scroll or page up or down the inf orm atio n in the active wind ow.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Status line. Displa ys th e emulat or a nd an alyze r sta tu s. Al so, when error and status message s occ ur, th ey are displ aye d on the status li ne in add ition to being saved i n the err or lo g.
Command line. Commands are enter ed on the comm and line by pressi ng softkeys (or by typing t hem in) and execut ed by pressing the Return key. The Tab and Shift-Tab key s allow you to move the cursor on the comm and line forwa rd or backward. The Clear line key (or CTRL- e) cle ars fr om the cursor posi tion to the end of the line . The CT RL -u key clears the w ho le com m and lin e.
Softkey Interface Conventions
Example Softkey Int erfac e comma nds t hrou ghou t the manu al use the follo wing conventions:
bold Commands, options, and par ts of c om mand syntax.
bold italic
normal User specified parts of a comma nd.
$ Represents the UNIX prompt . Commands whi ch foll ow
<RETURN> The carr ia ge re turn key.
Commands, options, and par ts of c om mand syntax which may be entered by pressing softkeys.
the "$" are entered at the UNIX prompt.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
The Graphical User Interface
Menu ba r
Action ke ys
Entry buffer
Entry buffer recall button.
Display area .
Scroll bar.
Status line.
Command line .
Command li n e entr y area.
Softkey pushbuttons
Command but tons. Include s com m and recall button.
Cursor buttons for comm and line area control .
Menu Bar. Provides pulldown me nus fr om whic h you sele ct comm and s. When menu items are not applicable, th ey appe ar ha lf -bri ght and do not respo nd to mouse clicks.
Action Keys. User-defined pushbu ttons. You can label these pu shbut to ns and define th e ac ti on t o be pe rf o rmed.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Entry Buffer. Wherever you see "()" in a pulldo wn me nu, th e conte nt s of the entry buffe r ar e use d in that com m an d. You can type val ue s int o the ent ry bu ffer, or you can cut and past e values into th e entry buffer from the di spl ay a rea or fro m the command li ne ent ry ar ea. You can also se t up act ion keys t o use the contents of the entry buffe r.
Entry Buffer Recall Button . Allows you to recall entry bu ffe r val ue s tha t have been predefined or used in previ ous comm ands. When you click on the entry buffer Recall button, a dialog box appea rs tha t allows you t o sel ect va lues .
Display Area. Can show mem ory, data values, analyzer tr ac es, regist ers, breakpoi nts, sta tu s, simulate d I/O, global symbols, loc al symbols, pod com mands (the emula tor ’s unde rl yin g Te rm in al Inte rfa ce ), error lo g, or disp lay log .
Whenever the mouse poin te r change s from an arro w to a hand, you can press and hold the sel ect m ouse button to access pop- up m enu s.
Scroll Bar. A "sticky slider" that al lows na vi gation in the display area. Click on the upper and lower a rrows t o scroll to the top (hom e) and bott om (end) of t he window. Click on the inner ar rows to scrol l on e line. Drag the sli der handle up or down to cause continuous sc rol li ng. Click betwe en the inner arrows an d the sli der handle to page up or page down.
Status Line. Displays the emulator and analyz er stat us. Also, when error and status message s occ ur, th ey are displ aye d on the status li ne in add ition to being saved in the error lo g. You can press and hold th e sel ec t m ouse button to ac ce s s the Status Line pop-up menu.
Command Lin e. The command line area is similar to the command line in the Softkey Interf ac e; howev er, th e graphi ca l interfa ce lets you use the mouse to enter and edit commands.
Command line entr y area. Allows you to enter com ma nds fr om the
command line.
Softkey pushbuttons. Clicking on t hese pushbutt ons, or pr essi ng soft ke ys,
places the com mand i n the comm an d line entr y area. You can press and hold the select mouse butto n to access the Com m and Line pop-u p menu.
Command buttons (includes command recall button). The command Return
button is the same as pressin g the carri age return key — it sends the comm and in the com m an d li ne e ntr y area to the em ul at or/analy ze r.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Cursor buttons for command line area control. Allow you to move the
You can choose not to displa y th e comm and li ne area by turni ng i t off . For the most commo n emul ator/ ana ly zer ope ratio ns, the pulldown menus, pop- up menu s, and action keys prov ide all the contr ol yo u need. Choosing men u item s that requi re use of the comm an d li ne wi ll aut om at ic ally t urn t he com ma nd l ine bac k on.
Graphical User Interface Conventions
Choosing Menu Commands
This chapte r uses a short hand notation for indic at in g that you shoul d ch oose a particula r menu item. For example, the following instruction
Choose FileLoadConfigur ation
The com ma nd R e cal l butt on allo ws y ou to recall pre vi ous or pr ede fi ned commands. When you click on the command Recall but ton , a dia log box appears that allows you to selec t a command .
cursor in the command line entry area forward or back ward , clear to the end of the command line, or clear the whole command line entry area.
means to first display the File pulldown menu, then displa y the Loa d cascade menu, then select the Configuration item from the Lo ad c asc ade menu.
Based on thi s expl an at ion , the ge ne ral rul e for interpretin g thi s not at ion can be stated as follows:
The leftmost i te m in bol d is th e pulld own m enu lab el.
If there are more tha n two ite ms, th en casc ade menus a re involved and all
items be tween the first and last item have cascade menus attached.
The last item on the right is the actual menu choice to be made.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Mouse Button and Keyboard Bindin gs
Because the Gra phi ca l Use r Int erf ac e runs on dif fer ent kinds of comp uters, which may have differe nt convent io ns for m ouse but ton s and ke y name s, the Graphical User Interface supports di fferent bindi ngs and th e cu stom i zati on of bi ndi ngs.
This manual ref ers t o the mo use bu tt ons usi ng ge ner al (or "ge ner ic ") term s. The following table desc rib es th e gener ic mou se butto n name s and sho ws the defaul t mouse button bindings.
Mouse Button Bindings and Description
Bindings: Generic Button Name
HP 9000
Sun SPARCsystem
paste left left Paste from the display
area to the entry buffer.
command paste middle
Paste from the ent ry buffe r to t he c om mand line text entr y area.
select right right Cl ic k sel ects first item in
pop-up menus. Press and hold displays m en us.
command select left ri ght Displays pul ld own menus. pushbutton
left left Actuates pushbuttons
outside of the displ ay area.
Middle button on three-b utt on mouse. Both buttons on two-butt on mouse .
Chapter 1: Getting Started
The following table s show th e defau lt keyboar d bin din gs.
Keyboard Key Bindings
Generic Key Name HP 9000 Sun SPARCsystem
menu sel ec t extend cha r extend char insert insert char insert char delete delet e ch ar delete cha r left-arrow left arrow left arrow right-arrow right arrow right arrow up-arrow up arrow up arrow down-arrow down arrow down arrow escape escape escape TAB TAB TAB
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