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Many enterprises contain a mixture of operating systems and platforms. Often a single user has both Windows 2000 and
UNIX accounts on multiple systems. Having a common authentication service and account information data store across
platforms improves security, administration and the end-user experience.
Windows 2000 servers provide network-wide common authentication and data storage, but Windows clients don’t
interoperate with other vendor’s solutions. Fortunately, HP-UX can dynamically add authentication and name service libraries
to an existing system, allowing it to utilize a variety of services. The basis of the Microsoft services comes from industry
standard protocols (Kerberos
mostly requires configuration modifications to handle the differences between Microsoft’s implementation and those of other
providers of similar services.
This white paper describes how to use existing products to integrate HP-UX authentication, user and group management with
Microsoft Windows 2000. Utilizing the LDAP-UX Client Services and PAM Kerberos Authentication products from HP, and
Microsoft’s Services for UNIX 2.0 (SFU), the Windows 2000 Active Directory (AD) can be used as a common data store for
both Windows 2000 and HP-UX. In addition, HP-UX users can be authenticated using the same user name, password and
Kerberos server utilized by the Windows clients.
and LDAP2) already supported by HP-UX. Integrating HP-UX as a client of these services
“The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)”, J. Hohl, C. Neuman, IETF RFC 1510, September 1993
“Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)”, M. Wahl, T. Howes, S. Kille, IETF RFC 2251, December 1997
HP-UX and Windows 2000 Integration Products
Both HP-UX and Windows 2000 operating systems offer new features which make the integration possible.
The following products, released as part of the system core and via Application CDs, provide the framework allowing HP-UX
to become more flexible and more interoperable:
PAM and NSS:
As of release 11.0, HP-UX supports the Name Service Switch (NSS) and Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM)
architecture. These architectures provide a method to install and configure multiple name and authentication services without
affecting the higher level commands and APIs. For example, by installing the PAM Kerberos authentication library, and
modifying the file /etc/pam.conf, the HP-UX login command will now authenticate users with a Kerberos server, instead of
using the default local PAM_UNIX authentication.
NSS and PAM give HP-UX system administrators the flexibility to choose where to store user account information and how
to authenticate a user who wants to login to the system.
The LDAP-UX integration product, released in March 2001 on the HP-UX Application CD, includes a NSS library that
retrieves account and group information from Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) v3 compliant data repositories.
It is designed with the goal of being di rectory vendor neutral, and flexible regarding tree structur e, schema and naming
convention. There fore, through some configuration mod i fic ations, the NSS LDAP library will be able to retrieve information
from the Windows 2000 directory service.
PAM Kerberos:
The PAM Kerberos product supports Kerberos authentication, which authenticates users without sending plain text passwords
over the network. HP-UX PAM Kerberos has been tested with Microsoft Windows 2000 and MIT Kerberos V5 Key
Distribution Center (KDC).
The following figure shows how these components work together:
login,su…. application…
PAM Library
SS Engine
Application services
Reads /etc/pam.conf to
see which authentication
module to use
Authentication modules
APIs to access user/system
Reads /etc/nsswitch.conf
to decide which name
service module to use
ame service modules
Windows 2000
Following two primary Windows 2000 features built on top of existing industry standards improve Windows 2000’s
capability to interoperate with UNIX platforms:
Active Directory (AD):
This is an LDAP based directory which Windows 2000 uses to store all its data. LDAP is an open internet standard. The
support of LDAP allows Windows 2000 to interoperate with other vendors’ LDAP directory enabled applications.
Kerberos Services:
Kerberos is the primary authentication method for Microsoft clients connecting to Windows 2000 server. Kerberos is an
industry standard for network security. With the support of Kerberos authentication, Windows 2000 is able to authenticate
Kerberos clients rega rdless of what platforms the clients reside on.
Active Directory and Kerberos are integrated seamlessly in the Windows 2000 operating system. Active Directory domain
controllers are automatically configured to provide Kerberos with authentication services, and by default, all Windows 2000
computers are configured to operate as Kerberos clients.
Services for UNIX (SFU):
Other than operating system improvements, Microsoft also provides the Services for UNIX (SFU) product to enhance the
interoperability with UNIX-based systems. SFU 2.0 has features which make setting up a mixed enterprise environment a lot
The following figure illustrates the Windows 2000 components that HP-UX depends on for proper integration:
Kerberos Services
Windows 2000
authentication services
1. NIS Server
Active Directory Windows 2000 data store
2. AD schema
Retrieve account information
How HP-UX and Windows 2000 Products Integrate
There are two approaches to integrate HP-UX account managemant and authentication with Windows 2000:
NIS Integration:
Windows 2000 as NIS Server + HP-UX as NIS Client + HP-UX PAM_Kerberos
Server for NIS is one of the SFU 2.0 tools, which enables Windows 2000 to serve as an NIS server. It utilizes AD to store
user account and group information. An NIS client on HP-UX communicates with the NIS server on Windows 2000 to
retrieve information from AD. The PAM Kerberos product on HP-UX uses Windows 2000 Kerberos Services to authenticate
users who want to log into HP-UX machines. Although PAM_UN IX can authenticate use rs stored in an NIS server, it is not a
good choice for this integration, because PAM_UNIX mainly retrieves user account information from the server, then
authenticates users on the client machine, which doesn’t have the benefit of common authentication. The following figure
illustrates the integration between two NIS platforms.
HP-UX Client Windows 2000 Server
NSS engine
IS protocol
Server for NIS
(SFU 2.0)
HP-UX client Windows 2000 server
PAM Library
Kerberos protocol
NSS engine
IS protocol
Server for NIS
(SFU 2.0)
Kerberos Services
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