Unglaubliche Leistung für grenzenlose
Einfaches Arbeiten mit hochauflösenden Dateien und
Umschalten zwischen Anwendungen wie Adobe®
Photoshop und Illustrator. Seien Sie kreativ mit Intel®
Core™ Quad-Core-Prozessoren, doppelter
Speicherkapazität verglichen mit anderen HP
Detachable-PCs sowie NVIDIA® 3D-Grafikkarten.
Mehrere Modi. Ultimative Vielseitigkeit
Dank der Flexibilität einer abnehmbaren Bluetooth®Tastatur können Sie vom Notebook zum Tablet
wechseln, wann immer Sie wollen. Anpassbare HP
Quick Keys bieten außerdem 18 zeitsparende
Tastenkombinationen für Ihre bevorzugten Adobe®Anwendungen.
Jeder Strich sitzt
Seien Sie ohne Unterbrechung kreativ mit einem Stift, der
nie geladen werden muss. Er reagiert sofort auf die
kleinste Handbewegung mit 4096
Druckempfindlichkeitsstufen und natürlichen
HP Sales Central
Windows 10 Pro 64
Intel® Core™ i7 Prozessor der 8. Generation (i7-8650U, i7-8550U)
Intel® Core™ i7-8550U mit Intel® UHD-Grafikkarte 620 (1,8 GHz Basisfrequenz bis zu 4 GHz mit Intel® Turbo
Boost-Technologie, 8 MB Cache, 4 Kernen)
MDA – Hauptverkaufsargument
HP ZBook x2 G4 Detachable Workstation (6KP26EA)
Aktiv ab: 01.09.2019
Nutzen Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit von Adobe® Creative
Der neue Detachable-PC von HP – leistungsstärker als je zuvor.
Mit der bemerkenswerten Leistung und Vielseitigkeit bringen
Sie Ihre bevorzugten Adobe®-Anwendungen an ihre Grenzen –
kein anderer PC ist besser geeignet, um aus Ihren Visionen
Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.
Der neue Detachable-PC von HP – leistungsstärker als je zuvor.
Mit der bemerkenswerten Leistung und Vielseitigkeit bringen
Sie Ihre bevorzugten Adobe® Anwendungen an ihre Grenzen.
3,607.00 €

Windows 10 Pro oder andere Betriebssysteme erhältlich
HP Driver Packs; HP SoftPaq Download Manager (SDM), vorinstalliert; HP System Software Manager (SSM);
HP BIOS Config Utility (BCU); HP Client Catalog; HP Management Integration Kit für Microsoft System Center
Configuration Manager; LANDESK Management
Absolute Persistence Module; DriveLock und Automatic DriveLock; HP SpareKey; RAID (als konfigurierbare
Option erhältlich); Aktivierung/Deaktivierung der seriellen, parallelen und USB-Anschlüsse (über BIOS);
Setup-Kennwort (über BIOS); Kennwort für den Systemstart (über BIOS); HP Client Security Suite Gen 3; HP
Security Manager; HP Credential Manager; HP Password Manager; HP Power On Authentication; HP Device
Access Manager; Trusted Platform Module TPM 2.0 Embedded Security-Chip; Unterstützung für Gehäuse- und
Kabelverriegelungen; Integrierter Abdeckungssensor
Speicherkapazität, Standard
DDR4-2133 SDRAM, 32 GB (2 x 16 GB)
Festplatte – Beschreibung
Entspiegelter HP DreamColor 4K-IPS-Touchscreen, 35,56 cm (14 Zoll) Diagonale, (3840 x 2160)
Anzeigegröße (diagonal)
35,56 cm (14 Zoll)
Intel® UHD Graphics 620
1 Kopfhörer/Mikrofon kombiniert
1 Netzanschluss; 1 HDMI 1.4; 1 USB 3.0 (Laden); 2 USB 3.1 Type-C™ Thunderbolt™ 3 (DisplayPort™ 1.2)
1 Smart Card-Lesegerät; 1 SD-Medienkartenleser
Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2x2) WLAN und Bluetooth® 4.2 kombiniert
Externes AC-Netzteil, 90 W
HP Long-Life-Li-Ion-Polymer-Akku, 4 Zellen, 70 Wh
ENERGY STAR®-zertifiziert
Mindestabmessungen (B x T x H)
36,45 x 22,7 x 2,03 cm (Notebook-Modus); 36,45 x 22,7 x 1,46 cm (Tablet-Modus); 37,08 x 25,1 x 1,86 cm
Ab 2,17 kg (Notebook-Modus); Ab 1,65 kg (Tablet-Modus)
Tastatur mit Hintergrundbeleuchtung und Funktionstasten

3 Jahre (3-3-0) oder 1 Jahr (1-1-0) beschränkte Garantie- und Serviceoptionen je Konfigurationen verfügbar,
beinhaltet auf Teile und Arbeit. Geschäftsbedingungen variieren je nach Land. Akkus haben dieselbe
beschränkte Garantie für 1 Jahr bzw. 3 Jahre wie die Plattform
1 Nicht alle Funktionen stehen in allen Editionen oder Versionen von Windows zur Verfügung. Das System erfordert möglicherweise aktualisierte und/oder
separat erworbene Hardware, Treiber und/oder Software, damit die Funktionen von Windows voll genutzt werden können. Windows 10 wird automatisch
aktualisiert, die automatische Aktualisierung ist stets aktiviert. Es fallen ggf. Gebühren bei Ihrem Internetanbieter an und eventuell müssen im Laufe der Zeit
zusätzliche Anforderungen für Updates erfüllt werden. Siehe http://www.windows.com.
2 Separat oder als Option erhältlich.
4 Das Gewicht variiert je nach Konfiguration.

Bericht (1)
Broschüre (7)
Datenblatt (2)
Kundenpräsentation (2)
Kundenreferenz (8)
The new era of computational productivity
Article on the future of design and engineering - Forest report
Good Better Best: Z by HP Workflow Configuration Guide
Hardware and component recommendations driven by end-user software
HP VR Family Brochure
Get VR Ready with the world's most comprehensive virtual reality portfolio from HP. This comprehensive brochure outlines HP's VR
strategy and delivers platform recommendations for HMDs, the VR backpack, mobiles, and desktop configurations.
Inspiration without limits
HP Workstation Solutions Brochure - Discover the latest generation of professional HP Workstations.
Z by HP Porfolio Brochure
Z by HP Brochure - Discover the latest generation of professional Z by HP products
Z by HP Portfolio Brochure
Z by HP Brochure - Discover the latest generation of professional Z by HP products
Z by HP Portfolio Broschüre
Z by HP Broschüre - Entdecken Sie die neueste Generation professioneller Z von HP Produkte.
Z by HP Reliability Brochure
This document is intended to showcase our Z reliability benefits.
HP ZBook x2 G4 Detachable Workstation
HP ZBook x2 G4 Detachable Workstation Datasheet
HP ZBook x2 G4 Detachable Workstation
HP ZBook x2 G4 Detachable Workstation Datasheet
HP VR Quick Slides
Use the VR Quick Slides to add VR to any deck, for any presentation, any time, with the perfect pair for commercial VR and a
complete portfolio overview.
HP Workstation Security Informational Slides
An overview of HP's workstation security story and why it is important in a purchasing decision. For Internal and Partner training
purposes only.
AMP'D Gear creates functional, affordable prosthetic devices on HP Workstations
AMP'D Gear makes performance sporting gear for amputees. Its prosthetics must be highly functional--and affordable. Partners
Casey Pieretti and Bill Spracher streamline design, collaborate seamlessly with HP EliteBook Mobile and HP Z800 Workstations.
HP Z Turbo Drive facilitates fast, highly accurate geophysical interpretation
CGG is a fully integrated geoscience company. Their Insight Earth software runs on HP Z840 Workstations equipped with the HP Z
Turbo Drive, enabling CGG to consistently guide oil and gas exploration to successful, productive fields and well sites.
HP Z Workstations enable success in innovative STEM curriculum for Weber Schools
A leader in offering a competitive science, math and technology based curriculum, Weber School District in Northern Utah integrates
HP Z Workstations to provide educational experience and motivate students to attain their academic potential.

Multimedia – Webseite (7)
Referenzhandbuch (4)
Technische Eckdaten (1)
Technisches Whitepaper (14)
Jonathan Bird Productions powerfully edits and renders with HP Z820 Workstation
Jonathan Bird's Blue World is an educational underwater adventure series by underwater photographer Jonathan Bird. Bird switched
to the high-performance HP Z820 Workstation to streamline workflow and meet the high production standards of the series.
Larson & Darby Group: HP Z Workstations enable small company to do big things in AEC
Full-service architectural, engineering, interiors, and technology design firm uses HP Z Workstations to compete effectively with
larger firms in the tech-heavy AEC industry.
Marquette University chooses HP Z1 and EliteBook Mobile Workstations
HP Z1 Workstations, HP ZBook Mobile Workstations empower students to tackle real-world problems. Students are provided realworld technology tools that are widely used in professional engineering settings.
Otis College of Art and Design prepare students with HP Z Workstations
Otis College of Art and Design helps students prepare for careers in fields ranging from architecture to fashion design. Otis relies on
the latest HP Z Workstations to provide its students with the technology to prepare for real-world experience.
West Coast Customs builds its business with HP Elite PCs, Z-series Workstations
Car enthusiasts know West Coast Customs as the place to go for outrageous custom car-building. Standardizing on HP Elite-series
facilitates common user experience and simplifies IT support. HP Z Workstation provides efficient design rendering.
HP ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation - Web banner
This is a web banner for the ZBook x2. The non-text version is uploaded as a supporting file.
HP ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation Animated Banner
Final files include the final HTML, static backup JPG and final PSDs.
HP ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation eDM - Channel
This is the channel version of the eDM for the ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation.
HP ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation eDM - Intel
This is the Intel version of the eDM for the ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation.
HP ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation Email Signature - Black Version
Files include instructions and the coded HTML email signature.
HP ZBook x2 Detachable Workstation Email Signature - White Version
Files include instructions and the coded HTML email signature.
Photographer Static Social Ad - Carousel
The following folder contains static social imagery for Facebook and Instagram for the photographer creative persona for the Z by
HP Creative Pros campaign. Final files include PNGs.
HP Workstations Quick reference guide
Four-page document with comparative technical specifications for the HP Z Workstations and HP EliteBook Mobile Workstations.
Kurzeinführung in die HP Z Workstations
Dokument mit einem Vergleich der technischen Spezifikationen der HP Z Workstations und der HP EliteBook Mobile Workstations.
Z By Hp Family Quick Reference Guide
Seven-page document with comparative technical specifications for the HP Z Workstations and HP ZBook Mobile Workstations.
Z By Hp Family Quick Reference Guide
Seven-page document with comparative technical specifications for the HP Z Workstations and HP ZBook Mobile Workstations.
WW MWS - HP ZBook x2 G4 Detachable Workstation - 11/18 - EN
Research or buy HP printers, desktops, laptops, and more at the Official HP Inc. Website.

An Hp Position Paper On Memory
The purpose of this document is to help HP workstation customers decide whether to populate their HP products with HP memory
or with 3rd party memory. 3rd party memory is often less expensive than HP memory. Should customers pay extra for HP memory
and if so what are the benefits? It is HP's desire that our customers understand some facts of memory technology and make the
most informed decision possible based on their business needs.
Application white paper(s) that leverage HP Z Workstation Finder tool recommendations. There are several applications for each ISV
and these recommendations provide detail configuration recommendation for specific work flows / personas.
Find the best Z device for SOLIDWORKS application workflow
There are several applications for SOLIDWORKS and these recommendations provide detail configuration recommendation for
specific work flows / personas.
Find the best Z device for SOLIDWORKS application workflow
There are several applications for SOLIDWORKS and these recommendations provide detail configuration recommendation for
specific work flows / personas.
HP Elite Dock with Thunderbolt 3 & HP ZBook Dock with Thunderbolt 3 features and troubleshooting
Overview of the new docking solution for the HP EliteBook and HP ZBook Mobile Workstations.
HP Storage Advisor User Guide
The objective of this whitepaper is to explain what HP storage advisor is, it's benefits, how it works, and where consumers can get
HP Thunderbolt Dock G2 Technical Whitepaper
The HP Thunderbolt Dock G2 is your solution to the ultimate, future-proof docking experience. With just a single cable connection,
you can expand your notebook with up to 200 W of charging, fast transfer speeds, support for dual 4K displays, connectivity to
your accessories and wired network, plus advanced network manageability. Your augmented PC experience is streamlined into a
sleek, space-saving centerpiece that boasts an award-winning design for its friendly form that maximizes your workspace real
HP ZBook x2 G4 Detachable Workstation Technical Whitepaper
Technical overview of the HP ZBook x2 including a feature summary, chassis and system architecture highlights, reliability testing,
display options, keyboard and pen overviews, HP Quick Key and HP Create Control Panel information, and recommended
Intel® virtual raidon CPU (vroc)
The purpose of this whitepaper is to explain Virtual RAID on CPU (VROC), it's prerequisites, enablement options, and configuration.
Linux Hardware matrix for HP Workstations
The HP Workstation Linux Hardware Matrix provides per-platform advisory information about the functionality of HP Workstation
desktops, mobile workstations and the hardware components applicable to them, under several enterprise Linux distributions such
as Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop(SLED), and Ubuntu LTS.
MIL-STD-810G Testing for HP Business PCs
HP Elite notebooks & desktop PCs, Workstations and Retail Systems undergo MIL-STD-810G test procedures as a way to help
demonstrate product quality & reliability. Conditions/specs outlined in the MIL-STD-810G test methods are not covered under the
HP Limited Warranty.
Multiple displays on HP ZBook Mobile Workstations
Utilizing display outputs from both the Integrated Intel GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and the Discrete GPU, the HP ZBook 15 and
ZBook 17 Mobile Workstations support up to a maximum of six independent displays.
Predicting storage performance with HP Storage Advisor.
The objective of this whitepaper is to explain what HP storage advisor is, it's benefits, how it works, and where consumers can get
Thunderbolt™ 3 DMA Attack Mitigation
The objectived of this whitepaper is to discuss the risks associated with USB Type-C Thunderbolt 3 capable ports and to summarize
the mitigations that are available to manage the associated risks.
HP Z Workstations Graphics Quick Reference Guide
Tabloid spread document that highlights all of the available NVIDIA and ATI graphics cards for the HP Z Workstations.

CE Declaration Notebook ZBook x2 x2-G4X Detachable Workstation HSN-Q01C
Notebook ZBook x2 x2-G4X Detachable Workstation
GS Certificate Notebook ZBook x2 x2-G4X Detachable Workstation HSN-Q01C
Notebook ZBook x2 x2-G4X Detachable Workstation
TCO Certified Notebooks 5.0 Notebook ZBook x2 x2-G4X Detachable Workstation HSN-Q01C
Notebook ZBook x2 x2-G4X Detachable Workstation

Bilder – Produkt (22)
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513 x 385 (png) 400 x 400 (jpg)
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800 x 600 (png) 1500 x 1008 (jpg)
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513 x 385 (png) 400 x 400 (jpg)
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