Data sheet
HP ProLiant DL180 Gen9 Server
The new standard for growing data center needs
High storage density
Ready to expand to meet your growing needs
Simple design
Flexible congurations provide the options you
need today, as well as the capacity and scalability
for future growth
Automated management
For accelerating IT service delivery; streamline
management with HP OneView
revolutionary converged management platform
that delivers automation simplicity across servers,
storage, and networking.
Meets the needs of SMB and budget-conscious data centers
For years, the HP ProLiant DL180 Server (formerly the DL380e Gen8 Server) has met the needs
of small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), large enterprises, and service providers alike.
And with the Gen9 release, this server platform is even better.
By including the optimal combination of performance and aordability—coupled with a
broad range of storage drive congurations and options—HP ProLiant DL180 Gen9 Server
delivers the exibility and scalability you need for the varied demands of 2U rack deployments
and applications.
So if your SMB or enterprise is looking for aordability, exibility, and growth options—
delivered in a single server with a balanced design—then the HP ProLiant DL180 Gen9 Server
is the right choice.
Ideal for your storage needs
A variety of storage congurations and options—enhanced by a choice of storage
controllers—enables this server to support a wide range of storage workloads. You can use
the DL180 Gen9 Server for small to medium databases, le serving, Windows
even the most demanding Big Data applications like Apache
mix of compute and storage.
Hadoop®, which require the right
storage, and
Designed for scalability, high availability, and eiciency
With workload-optimized processors, 16 DIMM slots, 94 percent eicient power supply,
ASHRAE A3/A4 compliance (for higher ambient temperature support), optional FlexibleLOM
high availability required for growing workloads—making it a perfect match for virtualization
and hyperscale environments.
and redundancy features, the ProLiant DL180 Gen9 Server oers the scalability and
The simple and compact design provides features that are easy to congure and use, as well as
enhanced eiciency and agility with HP Infrastructure management. The result—accelerated
IT service delivery.

Data sheet | HP ProLiant DL180 Gen9 Server
Technical specications
In the following table, bold italic text designates a new or improved feature, as compared to the HP ProLiant DL380e Gen8 Server.
HP ProLiant DL180 Gen9 Server
Compute Up to 2 Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 v3 Series, 4/6/8/10/12 Cores, PCIe 3.0, up to 6 available slot(s)
Memory HP Smar tMemory (16) DDR4, up to 2133 MHz (512 GB max)
Storage Standard HP Dynamic Smart Array B140i, optional H P Smart Array Controllers, and H P Smart HBAs via PCIe
Battery HP DL/ML/SL 96 W Smart Storage Battery to support the standup controllers
HP SmartDrives 16 SFF/12 LFF max, HDD/SSD
Networking Embedded 2x 1GbE, optional FlexibleLOM slot on riser
VGA/Serial/USB Ports/SD 1 VGA, 1 Serial, 6 USB 3.0, 1 microSD
GPU Support Single-Wide and Active (1)
On Premise management HP OneView2 and HP iLO Advanced
On Cloud management HP Insight Online with enhanced mobile application
On System management HP iLO, HP SUM, Intelligent Provisioning and scripting tools; plus the new UEFI and HP RESTful Interface Tool
Power and cooling Up to 94 percent eicient (Platinum), 550 W multi-output, 900 W RPS
Industry compliance ASHRAE A3 and A4, ENERGY STAR®
Location Discovery Services Optional
Form factor/Chassis Depth Rack (2U), 23.9" (SFF), 23.9 " (LFF)
Serviceability—easy install rails Standard
Warranty 3/1/1
stand-up cards
Hot swap fans with optional redundancy
HP Services
Let HP help guide you to the New Style of IT. HP Technology Services delivers condence,
reduces risk, and helps you realize greater agility and stability.
QuickSpecs: hp.com/servers/DL180gen9/qs
Feature will be available in November 2014.
HP OneView support for ProLiant Gen9 in DL and
BL servers expected later in 2014.
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Windows is a U. S. registered trademark of the M icrosoft group of companies . Intel Xeon is a tr ademark of Intel Corpor ation in the U.S. and other co untries.
ENERGY STAR is a registered ma rk owned by the U.S. government . Apache Hadoop is either registered trademark o r trademar k of the Apache Soft ware
Foundation in the United States and other countries. SD and microSD are trademark s or registered trademarks of SD-3C in the United States, other
countries or both.
4AA5-4157ENW, September 2014
• Our Consulting services provide advice and guidance to safely move your workloads to
newer technologies.
• HP implementation and installation services enable faster, more reliable startup of your new
ProLiant Gen9 servers, and our support portfolio allows you to get connected and get back to
business fast.
• We recommend HP Proactive Care for ProLiant Gen9 servers to prevent issues and resolve
problems quickly and eiciently.
• HP Foundation Care provides a choice of coverage levels and response times for hardware
and software support.
• HP Datacenter Care enables you to operate and evolve your IT environment at a lower cost
and with more agility, including our Flexible Capacity Service to acquire IT without impacting
capital budget.
• Our support technology lets you tap into the knowledge of millions of devices and thousands
of experts to stay informed and in control, anywhere, any time.
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