HP de100c User Manual

digital entertainment center
owner’s guide
store organize
discover play
table of contents
introduction 7
getting started 8
about this guide 9 using the remote control and front panel 10 button overview 12 typing with the onscreen keyboard 18
the keyboard’s keys 19 the internet connection 20
dial-up prompt 20
retrieving cd information 20
using the info button 20
connecting to internet radio 21
connecting to the internet guide 21
connecting for updates 21 power modes 22
on/off and sleep mode 22
screen saver 22 where to find help 23
playing CDs and recording music to the library 25
playing a CD 26
what's displayed 27 recording CD tracks 28
recording all tracks 28
what's displayed 29
recording selected tracks 30 retrieving CD information 31
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 1
consolidating dial-up connections when recording 32 copying music from a networked PC 33
enjoying your music library 35
sorting and playing your music 36
what's displayed 37 library navigation: select vs. play 38 searching within your library 39 creating and playing playlists 40
naming a playlist 40
adding music to a playlist 40
playing your playlists 41
modifying playlists 41
clearing a playlist 41 editing CD and track information 42 deleting music from your library 43
taking your music with you 45
writing to a CD 46
selecting a music format 48
erasing cd-rw media 48 putting your music on a portable device 49
supported devices 49
downloading to a portable device 49
2 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
listening to internet radio 53
understanding internet radio 54
connection 54 buffering 54 graphics 55 station availability 55
finding and playing internet radio stations 56
featured stations 56 last station played 56 browse stations 56 my favorites 57 search all stations 57
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 3
exploring music online 59
entertainment features 60 music finder 60 searching & shopping for music 61 your shopping cart 61
setting your preferences 63
audio settings 64
encoding rate 64 encoding format 65 audio test 65
network settings 66
basic settings 66 advanced settings 67
scheduling 70
time and date 70
time zone 70
update time 70 external devices 71
supported devices 71 general information 72
registration info 72
about your de100c 73
copyright information 73
installing and setting up 75
step 1: get ready 76
unpack your digital entertainment center 76
check your internet readiness 77
choose a location 77 step 2: connect 78
connect the audio 79
connect the video 80
connect dial-up or broadband 81
power up 81 step 3: check setup 82
turn on your system 82
about component with multiple inputs 82 step 4: configure 84
test the audio 84
set the time zone 84 step 5: connect to the internet 85
dial-up 85
broadband 88 step 6: register 91
4 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
finding network settings on your PC 92
locating the network mask, internet gateway, and name server 92 locating the web proxy 94
support and customer information 97
support and services 97
troubleshooting 97 hp customer care 97
repairs and service 98 hp upgraded warranty statement 99 warranty statement 100 privacy statement 102 product certifications 105
index 109
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 5
6 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
Welcome to HP’s Digital Entertainment Center, the Internet-connected stereo component that brings the Internet music experience to your living room with the click of a button.
With the digital entertainment center, you can:
store and automatically catalog up to 750 CDs
create and enjoy playlists of your favorite tracks
take your favorite music anywhere by burning tracks to CD or copying them to your
portable MP3 player
download music, purchase CDs, and listen to Internet radio in your living room
— and more. This guide explains how to use your digital entertainment center. For simple, step-by-step
instructions on installing the device, see the setting up your hp digital entertainment center poster. For more detailed information on installation and connectivity, see “installing and setting up” on page 75 in this guide.
in this chapter...
getting started
— page 8
using the remote control and front panel
— page 10
button overview
— page 12
typing with the onscreen keyboard
— page 18
the internet connection
— page 20
power modes
— page 22
where to find help
— page 23
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 7
getting started
Once you’ve installed and set up your digital entertainment center, you’ll want to quickly familiarize yourself with the basics.
learn to use the controls
You can operate the digital entertainment center with the remote control or from the front panel. This chapter gives you a look at all the buttons and their functions, as well as the onscreen keyboard.
understand the Internet connection
A quick overview helps you understand how the digital entertainment center uses the Internet to retrieve information, play music and more — as well as how features are kept up to date.
This chapter also explains the digital entertainment center’s power modes and tells you where to find help.
8 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
about this guide
The chapters that follow show you how to store, organize and play your music, your way.
this chapter... explains how to...
2 playing CDs and recording music
to the library
get music onto your digital entertainment center
3 enjoying your music library find, organize, and listen to music in your
4 taking your music with you burn CDs and copy music to your portable
5 listening to internet radio find and play stations you know as well as
discover new favorites
6 exploring music online explore a world of discovery and
entertainment, and easily find and shop for music
7 setting your preferences use and change the digital entertainment
center’s settings
8 installing and setting up install and configure your digital entertainment
9 support and customer information contact HP Customer Care and presents the HP
Privacy Statement and other notices
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 9
Make sure you po int the re mote at the front o f the digital entertainment center — not at your TV screen.
using the remote control and front panel
The remote control lets you lean back, relax, and operate your digital entertainment center from across the room. Its buttons are described in “button overview,” starting on page 12.
Power on/off
Modes: CD, Library, Internet
Radio, Internet Guide, Home
Add item to a list
Go to previous screen
Select the highlighted item
Display item playing
Display context-sensitive options* Display CD/artist/station information Scroll through long lists
Navigate up, down, left, right with a rrow key s Scroll through long lists
Rewind/skip back
Fast forward/skip forward Pause Stop
* The OPTIONS butto n bri ngs
up a menu of functions specific to the items you’re displaying. You’ll use it often to organize, add, edit and more.
The digital entertainment center’s infrared receiver requires an unobstructed signal from the remote control. If you place your digital entertainment center inside a cabinet, be sure the blue window area is not blocked from view. (Placing it behind glass is fine.)
10 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
The front panel is designed to give you quick control over the digital entertainment center’s simpler functions, which don’t require the TV interface for navigation. Not all functions are available from the front panel. Its buttons are described in “button overview,” starting on page 12.
Open/close Rewind/ Play Fast forward/ Stop Pause Record Now USB Port
CD tray skip back skip forward playing
The digital entertainment center’s back panel is illustrated on page 78.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 11
button overview
button description details
If your digital ente rtainment center stops respond ing ,
ou can reset the system by pressing an d ho l d i ng the
Power button for six seconds
o power off, and then
powering on again.
basic operation
CD tray open/ close
Press and release for simple power on/off.
Press and hold for six seconds for full power down.
Open and close the CD tray. Manually push ing the CD tray clo sed
Return the display to either: — the screen from which the
currently playing audio item was launched, or
— the currently playing
video item
When turned off this way, the digital entertainment center enters sleep mode and the fan runs quietly. Restart is quick.
When powered down this way, the digital entertainment center’s fan turns off and the system performs self-maintenance. Restart takes one to two minutes; the system is refreshed.
may damage the dev ice.
12 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
button description details
CD Go to the CD play and record
LIBRARY Go to the top level of all
Library functi on s.
From here you can access your recorded music, playlists, CD-Writer and portable functions, and music you’ve downloaded.
Go to Internet Radio.
mode selection
Go to the Internet Guide.
HOME Go to the top level of all
From here you can choose CD,
Library, Internet Radio, Internet Guide, or Settings.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 13
button description details
ADD Add an item to a list.
special functions
OPTIONS Bring up a menu of
Toggle between repeat mode, shuffle mode, both repeat and shuffle, and regular play.
Retrieve CD, artist , or radio station information from the Internet.
operations that can be performed on the currently selected item. Onscreen Help is also available throug h OPTIONS.
Graphics on the TV and on the front panel are visible when shuffle and/ or repeat are in use.
Choices include discography, related artists, album details, and more.
Pressing OPTIONS a second time closes the pop -up menu.
14 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
button description details
BACK Return to the previously
displayed screen or close transient screens, such as the onscreen keyb oard, pop-up menus, and add pads.
SEL Select the currently
highlighted item.
Up and Down arrows
navigate through onscreen items.
On most screens: — Left goes to the previous
screen in the current task hierarchy (similar to BACK).
Right goes to the next
screen in the current task hierarchy (similar to SEL).
Moves up, page by page, through lists that are longer than one screen.
PG DN Moves down, page by page,
through lists that are longer than one screen.
When choosing artist or album names, etc., SEL navigates down to the next level, displaying the item’s contents. At the lowest level — track title — SEL also functions as the Play or ADD button.
Navigation wraps up and down the screen. For example, pr e ssin g Down from the last item brings you to the first item.
In the onscre en keyboard, n avigation also wraps left and right.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 15
button description details
Rewind/ skip back
Play Play the currently highlighted
transport controls
Fast forward/ skip forward
To rewind the currently playing song, pres s and hold.
To skip to the beginning of the song, press and release.
To skip back through the songs in the currently playing list, repeatedly pre ss and release.
To move forward within the currently playing song, press and hold.
To move to the beginning of the next song, press and release.
To move forward thr ou gh the songs in the currently playing list, repeatedly pre ss and release.
You can press Play for any highlighted item, including an album, an artist – even an entire genre – and all the songs within that highlighted item play.
16 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
button description details
Record Record the current item or list. When you first insert a CD, you can
simply pre ss Record to record the entire CD to the digital entertainment center.
Stop the currently playing/ recording/downloading item (audio or video) .
transport controls
Pause Pause the currently playing
To resume play, press Pause again or press Play.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 17
hen the keyboard appears, it sometimes contains information you want to erase be fo re you begin typing (such as Playlist #1) To erase the entire field quickly, simply select clear.
typing with the onscreen keyboard
The digital entertainment center’s onscreen keyboard appears whenever you choose a function that requires typed input. You use it to enter information about your Internet connection, to register, to name playlists, to edit CD and track information, and more.
Use the arrow keys on the remote or front panel to navigate around the keyboard. Press SEL to select the key that’s highlighted.
Navigation wraps around the keyboard, both left/right and up/down.
typing field
18 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
the keyboard’s keys
the keyboard’s keys
the keyboard’s keysthe keyboard’s keys
command description
done accepts the entry as shown in the typing field and closes the
onscreen keyboard
cancel cancels any changes made in the current typing session and
closes the onscreen keyboard
clear clears the entire typing field delete deletes the keystroke preceding the flashing cursor (functions
like backspace on a computer keyboard)
left arrow moves the cursor position to the left right arrow moves the cursor position to the right case changes the alphabetical characters to upper or lower case
If you press the remote’s BACK button while th e keyboard is onscreen, the keyboard disappears and your typing is not saved, just as if you had selected cancel. To finish and save your typing, selec t done.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 19
the internet connection
The digital entertainment center performs some functions on its own, and some functions
dial-up users
If you need your phone line
hile the digital entertainment center is connected to the Internet, the fastest way to break the connect i o n and free the line is to quickl y press and release the digital entertainmen t center’s
Power button.
require connection to the Internet. If you’re a dial-up user, you need to be aware of when these connections occur. A successful connection, of course, requires the appropriate dial-up line to be free.
If you’re a broadband user, the digital entertainment center’s Internet access should be transparent to you.
dial-up prompt
When the digital entertainment center is set up for dial-up use, the default procedure is to prompt the user each time a connection is required. When the prompt appears, select Yes to make the connection. To decline the connection, select No or ignore the prompt (it times out in 20 seconds).
If you want the connection to occur automatically (without prompting), change the Prompt before dialing setting under Advanced network settings to No.
See “prompt before dialing” on page 69 for details.
retrieving cd information
When you insert a music CD for the first time, the digital entertainment center makes a brief connection to the Internet to retrieve the album, artist, genre and track information. If for any reason the data isn’t automatically retrieved when you first insert the CD, you can make this connection manually by pressing OPTIONS, then choosing cd info.
For more information on this function, see “retrieving CD information” on page 31.
using the info button
In CD or Library mode, when you press the INFO button and then choose discography or related artists from the pop-up menu, the digital entertainment center connects to the Internet
to access the requested information.
20 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
connecting to internet radio
To play Internet radio stations, the digital entertainment center must be connected to the Internet during the entire play session. If you’re connecting to the Internet via dial-up, the connection engages the phone line, just as a PC-based Internet connection does.
See “listening to internet radio” on page 53 for a full explanation of Internet radio’s functions and behavior.
connecting to the internet guide
The material presented on the Internet guide is updated regularly and streamed live to your digital entertainment center. Therefore, the digital entertainment center must be connected to the Internet while you’re using any of the Internet guide’s features.
See “exploring music online” on page 59 for more on the Internet Guide.
fter the digital entertainment center perf orm s an In ternet­related operation, it holds the connection open for a short period of time.
If another Internet-related operation occurs while the connection is still live, it is handled immediate ly, since there is no del a y to dial in again.
connecting for updates
As features are added to the HP Digital Entertainment Center and its software is enhanced, HP updates your device automatically. You won’t see large-scale changes to the features or presentation, but you will occasionally find new options available to you. You don’t need to take any action to receive these updates. If you want to change the scheduled update time, see “update time” on page 70 for details.
At update time, the digital entertainment center turns on (if it’s in sleep mode), performs any appropriate internal maintenance, and connects to the digital entertainment portal if it needs to download new updates. Once the device has gathered the available updates, it disconnects any dial-up connection and then applies the updates internally. The front panel displays an Update Mode message along with instructions not to power off the device, and the Power button is disabled to prevent an inadvertent error. When finished, the digital entertainment center returns to the mode it was in.
Unpluggin g th e de vi ce during update could cause damage t o the digital entertainment center’s software.
If for any reason the device cannot reach the digital entertainment portal at update time, the process reschedules itself for the next day.
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 21
If your digital e ntertainment center stops responding, you can reset the system by pressing and holding the
Power button for six seconds
to power off, and then powering on again.
power modes
on/off and sleep mode
When you quickly press and release the Power button, the digital entertainment center processes for a moment then enters sleep mode (rather than turning off completely), and the cooling fan runs quietly. This sleep mode allows the digital entertainment center to power up quickly when you turn the device back on. From sleep, the device powers on to the home screen.
You can power down the device completely by pressing and holding the Power button for six seconds. The cooling fan will turn off and the software will reset.
If the device has been powered off or has experienced a power loss, the next power-on will require a one- to two-minute startup sequence and will bring you to the initial welcome screen.
screen saver
Because some TV screens may be susceptible to burn-in, or low-grade damage to the screen image when static images are displayed for an extended time, the digital entertainment center switches to a screen-saver mode when it is inactive for 10 minutes: the TV displays a screen saver and the front-panel display dims. To restore the regular views, press any button on the remote or the front panel. (The first button press simply refreshes the screen and is not processed.)
22 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
where to find help
Answers to many frequently asked questions are available onscreen at any time. Press OPTIONS, then select help.
For technical support, see “hp customer care” on page 97. For more information on the HP Digital Entertainment Center, visit either:
www. hp.com/support/de100c
www. hp.com/go/dec
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 23
24 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
playing CDs and recording
music to the library
The digital entertainment center’s CD mode lets you:
play CDs, just as you would on any CD player
record CDs to the device, where the resulting MP3 files become part of your music
gather CD information for a CD, if for some reason the information wasn’t retrieved
the first time you inserted it
You can also record music to the digital entertainment center by copying it directly from a networked PC.
To burn tracks from y o ur l i brar y on to CD -R or CD-RW me dia, see “taking your mu sic with you” on page 45.
accessing CD functions
To access cd functions, either:
press CD on your remote or front panel:
select CD from the home menu
in this chapter...
playing a CD
— page 26
recording CD tracks
— page 28
retrieving CD information
— page 31
consolidating dial-up connections when recording
— page 32
copying music from a networked PC
— page 33
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 25
If you press Play or Record but don’t hear music, make sure:
your receiver’s au dio input
setting is set properly the volume is turned up and
is not muted
playing a CD
1 On the front panel, press the Open Tray button:
Insert a CD, then close the tray.
2 Select CD from the home menu, or press CD:
The digital entertainment center retrieves the CD information — artist, album title, track titles, and genre — from the Internet. When the CD track titles appear, the first track is highlighted.
dial-up users
It takes a minute or two for the digital entertainment center to dial-up and connect with the CD database.
3 If you want to start playing at a different track, use the arrow keys to highlight the
track you want.
4 Press Play:
The CD plays, beginning at the highlighted track. While playing, you can:
Stop playing:
Press Play to start playing the selected track from the beginning.
Pause playing:
Press Play or press Pause again to continue playing the selected track.
Fast-forward or rewind:
These buttons let you quickly move forward or backward through the track.
Shuffle/Repeat to randomly play your music or to repeat the selected music:
The shuffle and/or repeat icons appears in the lower left corner of your television and front panel when these functions are in use.
26 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
what's displayed
While you’re playing a CD, your television displays the following:
CD mode icon
indicates currently playing track
highlighted track
track titles and length
currently playing track
And the front panel shows this information:
CD mode icon
connected to Internet
icon is on when connected; off when offline
artist name - album title
1. track 1 title track length
2. track 2 title track length
3. track 3 title track length
4. track 4 title track length
5. track 5 title track length
track title - artist
Artist Artist
Album title
Album title
Album titleAlbum title
Track title
Track title
Track titleTrack title
Time elapsed/track length
Time elapsed/track length
Time elapsed/track lengthTime elapsed/track length
arrow indicates currently playing track
time elapsed/ track length
connected to internet
icon is white when connected; yellow when connecting; dim when offline
If you navigate to different screens while playing a CD, press NOW PLAYING at any time to return to this screen.
The currently playing track will be highlighted.
playing CDs and recording music
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide 27
The digital en tertainmen t center records about fou r ti mes faster than it plays.
fter the last track is recorded (a white dot next to each title means it has been recorded), you can press Stop to stop playing, then begin recording your next CD.
recording CD tracks
You can record all tracks on a CD to the digital entertainment center or select specific tracks to record. When you record them, tracks are:
converted to MP3 format (if they are not already MP3 files)
stored on the digital entertainment center's hard drive
catalogued according to artist, album, genre, and track title
recording all tracks
You can retrieve the CD information later if your Internet connection is not available at the time of recording. See “retrieving CD information” on page 31. You also can edit the CD information. See “editing CD and track information” on page 42.
The simplest recording operation is to record an entire CD. Here's how:
1 On the front panel, press the Open Tray button:
Insert a CD, then close the tray.
2 Select CD from the home menu, or press CD:
The digital entertainment center retrieves the CD information and displays it.
dial-up users
It takes a minute or two for the digital entertainment center to dial-up and connect with the CD database. To make better use of your connection when recording multiple CDs, see “consolidatin g dial -u p connection s wh en recording” on page 32.
3 Press Record:
The CD plays, beginning with the first track, and the digital entertainment center records the tracks to the hard drive.
To cancel, press Stop:
28 hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide
+ 89 hidden pages