HP Broadband Service Analyzer User Manual

Broadband Service Analyzer
Setting Up the
25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod
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New editions of this guide are issued to reflect extensive changes made to the application. Revisions may be issued between application versions to correct errors in the manual. There may not be a new edition issued in conjunction with every application version release. The application version at the date of printing is noted in the following table.
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© Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd 1997
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Manual Name: Setting Up the 25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod Manual Part Number: E5129-90001 Product Model Number: HP E5129A
Visit the Broadband Service Analyzer web site at http://www.hp.com/go/atmanalyzer
Edition Printing Date Application Version
1 October 1997 A.02.0
Guide to the Broadband Service Analyzer Documentation..........................iv
About the 25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod ................................................................1
Online Help ..................................................................................................... 2
To Access User Online Help...................................................................... 2
Front Panel at a Glance ................................................................................. 3
Cable and Line Connector Details ................................................................. 4
Connector Cable Configurations ............................................................... 5
To Set Up the Interface Pod...........................................................................6
To Insert the Interface Pod ....................................................................... 7
To Remove the Interface Pod................................................................... 8
To Connect to the System Under Test ..................................................... 8
Automatic Configuration Parameters ..................................................... 10
To Manually Configure the Interface Pod .............................................. 11
What to Do Next ...........................................................................................12
Standards and Specifications........................................................................ 13
Communications Standards .................................................................... 13
Physical Specifications ............................................................................ 13
Environmental Specifications................................................................. 14
Guide to the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer Documentation
Guide to the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer Documentation
The HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer comes with a comprehensive set of paper and online documentation. Use the following table to determine which documents you should use.
What is it? What does it do? Who is it for?
User’s Guide contains instructions on how to set
up and install the analyzer
provides an outline of the most common functions
provides an outline of the most common system administration functions
lists electrical, mechanical, and environmental specifications
all users
Application Guide
contains information on installing and starting the application, along with an overview of the application.
all users
Online Help four volumes–User, Macro, UPE
Compatibility, and Test help–contain information about, and instructions for using, the analyzer
all users
Quick Reference provides a quick overview of the
analyzer's main features and functions
all users
Setting Up the Interface Pod guides
a series of guides that provide descriptions of, and instructions for installing, individual interface pods
all users will refer to at least one of these guides
Worldwide Support card
provides information about support, service, and warranty
all users
Release Notice provides information not available
when this guide was printed
all users
About the 25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod
About the 25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod
Overview The HP E5129A 25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod is a self-contained, plug-in
module. You use it in conjunction with the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer to test and analyze a system under test (SUT).
The interface pod generates and analyzes ATM cell streams in a 25.6 Mb/s 4B5B format, in accordance with A TM Forum ATM 25.6 Mb/s over Twisted Pair Cable, af-phy-004.000.
Hot swap and automatic configuration
Use the “hot swap” feature to insert and remove the interface pod while the analyzer’s power is switched on. The analyzer automatically detects the insertion of the interface pod and configures itself accordingly. Immediately after you connect the interface pod to the SUT, the analyzer automatically configures the receive and transmit parameters according to the signal it receives.
Operating modes The interface pod has three operating modes: full duplex, internal
transmit loopback, and receive loopback.
Components The interface pod is shipped with
a Calibration Certificate
a set of three connecting cables
this Set Up guide
Application The HP E5129A 25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod requires an E5200A base unit
with Application Version number A.02.0 or greater.
Passive monitoring The 25.6 Mb/s Interface Pod has one connector only. To use the interface
pod to perform passive monitoring or bi-directional monitoring, you need to obtain a special four-port junction box. See the application notes that come with the interface pod for more details, or visit our web site:
Online Help
Online Help
The Online Help provides all the information you need to use the analyzer. Refer to the HP Broadband Service Analyzer User’s Guide for information on the Monitor/Simulate help. Refer to theApplication Guide for the B-ISDN UNI Signaling Tests for information on the B-ISDN UNI Signaling Test help.
The Online Help contains a Reference section. Use the Reference section to find information about framing formats, alarms, errors, and measurements.
To Access User Online Help
There are four ways to access information in the User Online Help.
Click the Help button that appears on most screens and windows to display information about that screen or window.
From the main screen Help menu, select User to display the User Contents screen.
Press F1. If the cursor is in an input field, you see help for that field; otherwise you see the User Help Contents screen.
Front Panel at a Glance
Front Panel at a Glance
(green LED) Lights each time the interface pod is accessed by the network.
(yellow LED) Lights when a valid signal is present at the input connector.
I/O Concentrator
(UTP) Accepts an electrical signal from and provides a signal to the SUT.
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