HP AB465A Installation Manual

2-Port 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel and 2-Port
Gigabit Ethernet Combination Card Installation
For fcd Driver Versions B.11.11.04 and B11.23.02 and
For igelan Driver Versions B.11.11.17 and B.11.23.05
HP 9000 and HP Integrity Systems
Manufacturing Part Number : AB465-90001
© Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P.
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Product Name Also Known As
The description of this AB465A product on the price list is “HP PCI-X 2p 2Gb FC and 2p 1000BT Adptr.” For additional clarity and for use in some tasks, the name may appear slightly differently. Combined technologies are sometimes called “combination” or “multifunction” in an adapter or card. 1000Base-T is also commonly called 1000BT or Gigabit Ethernet.
This Installation Guide has been translated to:
Hardware and Software Installation Procedure
Step 1: Access the system card bay
Hardware and Software Installation Procedure
These instructions apply to AB465A PCI-X 2-Port 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel and 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet combination cards which can operate on HP-UX 11i v 1.0 of December 2004 or HP-UX 11i v 2.0 of September 2004 or later. If your system is running HP-UX 11i v 1.0, you can find the 11i v 1.0 LAN
and fibre channel driver bundles on the December 2004 OE distribution media. For 11i v 1.0, you can either load the entire OE or just the two driver bundles for this card. If loading this product on 11i v 2.0, you need to load the entire HP-UX 11i v 2.0 September 2004 OE from the distribution media and you will automatically get the correct LAN and fibre channel driver bundles.
Note: if your LAN card was factory installed (ordered on product option 0D1), you do not need to perform the following hardware and software installation steps though you still need to configure the card’s IP address as well as set other parameters and options such as those mentioned in Table 2 The Network Configuration Worksheet.
These AB465A combination cards can be added to your system or replaced without the need to shut down or reboot the system--a process called online addition and replacement (OLAR). The following instructions assume you are not performing online addition and replacement.
Step 1: Access the system card bay
If the system is running, first, issue the sync command. Then shut down the system by executing: shutdown -h. Respond “y” to the continue to shutdown prompt.
Wait for the system to shut down completely, and then power off the system by pressing the system off button. Ensure that the system is grounded.
Open the system to gain access to the PCI backplane.
Select an empty PCI or PCI-X slot and remove the slot cover. The card can operate in PCI as well as PCI-X mode. Some servers have “shared” slots. If you put this card in a shared slot that is shared with a slower card, both cards will then operate at the slower card’s speed.
Step 2: Install the card
Check the latest support matrix to see the systems that support this card, how many cards per system, and if any software updates are needed, The support matrix is available on the web at http://docs.hp.com under “Networking and Communications.”
Observe the antistatic precautions. HP recommends wearing ESD straps when installing the card.
Record the serial number and MAC address located on the card for future reference. The MAC address labelled on the card refers to LAN port A. Add 1 to obtain the MAC address for LAN port B. For fibre channel, also record the card’s Port and Node worldwide names (WWN). The WWN labelled on each card refers to WWN for FC port 1 (the left port). Add 2 to obtain the WWN for FC port 2 (the right port).
Grasp the card by its edges or faceplate with both hands, insert the card into the slot, and firmly but gently press the card in until it is fully seated.
Secure the card and reassemble the system.
Step 3: Connect the card to the network
Attach the connector from a LAN cable to the card (Figure 1 on page 11). Do the same for the second port. For 1000Base-T, cabling must be Cat 5 UTP or better with RJ-45 connectors. For operating distances, refer to the “Cable Specifications” section of this document. Note: LAN A is the bottom RJ-45 connector.
Hardware and Software Installation Procedure
Step 4: Connect the fibre channel devices
Attach the free end of the LAN cable to any unused port on the switch. The Base-T connections on the card operate at 10 or 100 Mbit/s in either full- or half-duplex modes and at 1000 Mbit/s only in full-duplex mode. Set the ports on the card and on your switch according to the following table.
Table 1 HP-UX 1000Base-T Supported Configurations
HP-UX 1000Base-T Port Link Partner Resulting Speed
AUTO AUTO Highest Common Speed (HP-UX supports 10/100/1000)
AUTO 1000 FD fixed/manual 1000 Mbit/s FD
10 HD 10 HD (for example, a
10Base-T Hub)
10 FD 10 FD 10 Mbit/s FD
100 HD 100 HD 100 Mbit/s HD
100 FD 100 FD 100 Mbit/s FD
If you are using Jumbo Ethernet frames, ensure that:
— all end stations on a given LAN1 have the same maximum transmission unit (MTU) setting. — intermediate stations such as switch ports in your LAN have an MTU equal to or greater than the end
station’s MTU.
10 Mbit/s HD
Step 4: Connect the fibre channel devices
Attach the LC connector from a fibre channel cable to the fibre channel connector on the card (Figure 1). For fibre channel, the cable must be 50 micron MMF. If the remote connection is type SC, you will need an LC-to-SC cable. Do the same for the other connector.
Plug the other end of the fibre channel cable into the connector on your fibre channel switch or device.
Step 5: Prepare to install the software
Ensure power cable is connected to system. Power up the system.
Log in as root.
Check that the /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and /sbin directories are in your PATH using the command: echo
Check the HP-UX version by entering: uname -r # uname -r
The version must be B.11.11 for 11i v 1.0 or B.11.23 for 11i v 2.0.
1. In the Jumbo Frames discussion, “LAN” means that the end stations do not have any routers or
layer 3 switches in between them.
Hardware and Software Installation Procedure
Step 6: Install the latest software.
Check the Release Notes for GigEther-01 and FibrChanl-01 to see if you need to install any appropriate patches for your system. Release Notes are available on the Web at http://docs.hp.com under Networking and Communications.
Step 6: Install the latest software.
Load the software media into the appropriate drive. If you are adding the Gigabit Ethernet software bundle (GigEther-01) for HP-UX 11i v 1.0, you can get the Gigabit Ethernet driver on the December 2004 (or later) OE distribution media. If loading this product for 11i v 2.0 for the first time, you must load the entire September 2004 (or later) OE distribution media and you’ll get the needed drivers. Once you’ve got the required full HP-UX OE installed, you will be able to select and load just the driver bundle if you want.
Run the swinstall program to install the software using the command: swinstall.
Change the host name after “Source Host Name,” if necessary.
Click the Source Depot Path to identify the registered depot for the appropriate source depot path and activate the OK button to return to the Software Selection Window.
Highlight the 1000Base-T software GigEther-01 (for cards such as AB465A).
Choose Mark for Install from the “Actions” menu to choose the product to be installed.
Choose Install from the “Actions” menu to begin product installation and open the Install Analysis Window.
Activate the OK button in the Install Analysis Window when the Status field displays a “Ready” message.
Activate the YES button at the Confirmation Window to confirm that you want to install the software. swinstall loads the fileset, runs the control scripts for the filesets, and builds the kernel. This should take about 3 to 5 minutes. When the status field indicates Ready, click Done. A Note Window then opens. Click the OK button to reboot the system.
If you are adding the fibre channel software bundle (FibrChanl-01) for 11i v 1.0, you can find the fibre channel software bundle on the December 2004 (or later) OE distribution media.
If you are adding the fibre channel software bundle (FibrChanl-01) for 11i v 2.0, you can find the fibre channel software bundle on the September 2004 (or later) OE distribution media. Just repeat Step 6 to load it.
Step 7: Configure the card using SAM
Log in as root and verify that the card and its hardware path are displayed by entering: ioscan.
Run the System Administration Manager by entering sam.
Double-click Networking and Communications.
Double-click Network Interface Cards.
Highlight the AB465A combination Fibre Channel/Gigabit Ethernet card and choose Configure from the “Actions” menu.
Fill in the form according to the instructions using the “Network Configuration Worksheet” in this document.
Click the OK button to activate the card and then select exit from the “File” menu until you exit SAM.
Hardware and Software Installation Procedure
Step 8: Verify the fibre channel installation
Step 8: Verify the fibre channel installation
To verify that the fc driver appears for each installed card, enter:
ioscan -fk
The ioscan output might look like the following:
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
fc 4 1/0/8/1/0/4/0 fcd CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB465-60001 PCI/PCI-X 2-port 2Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
fc 5 1/0/8/1/0/4/1 fcd CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB465-60001 PCI/PCI-X 2-port 2Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
The last two digits of the hardware path (third column) reflect the path of each port. Both ports need to show as CLAIMED here.
Verify that all devices you attached to the fibre channel card are listed in the ioscan output. For example, if you have a direct attach fibre channel device attached to the system, the ioscan output might look like:
The example above is the hardware path of LUN0 of a directly attached fibre channel mass storage device with loop ID of 1. If all attached devices are not listed, or for details on interpreting hardware paths, see the HP Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapters Support Guide. HP fibre channel installation is verified if the ioscan output lists all mass storage devices attached to the card.
If the correct driver is installed, but the card does not show in the ioscan output, the driver is not recognizing the card. Make sure the card is seated and connectors are attached tightly, then if the problem persists, contact HP for assistance.
Step 9: Verify the LAN installation
Verify that the LAN connector’s Link LED is steadily on (this means the card and driver are installed successfully).
Obtain the PPA number and the station address of each card by using the lanscan command. The MAC address labelled on each card refers to LAN port A (the right port). Add 1 to obtain the MAC address for LAN port B.
To verify link-level connectivity with a remote system, enter:
$ linkloop -i
Note: when you use linkloop, ensure that the remote system is on the same subnet and is an HP-UX-based system.
To verify IP-level connectivity with a remote system, enter:
PPA_number remote_station_address
$ping and
netstat -in
When you use netstat -in, the output values Ipkts and Opkts should be incrementing.
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