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HP Surestore Tape Library 20/700 and
10/180 A5599A DLT Tape Drive
Installation Instruction
(for HP field service use only)
NOTE: If you are intermixing DLT7000 and DLT8000 tape drives in your
library, ensure that your backup application is configured
appropriately. The DL T700 0 dri ve is not forw ar d read- capable and
may overwrite a tape written by a DLT8000 drive.
CAUTION: HP t ape library drives are not customer installable or rep laceable.
Any servic ing, adjustm ent, mainten ance or repair mu s t be performed on ly by
authorized HP servi c e-trained pe rsonnel.
Note to Customer Engineer: This installat ion may add ne w te c hnology to
the library th at older user’s guides do not addres s . Please remind th e
custome r th at t he latest user d oc um entation is av ailable from the H P
Customer Care website: http://www.hp.com/go/support.
■ Materials Included
Table 1. Materials List
Part Quantity
I/I DLT8000 1
DLT8000 Quick Reference Guide 1
DLT8000 Tape System Product Manual 1
DLT8000 Differential Drive Assembly 1
SCSI Y Cable 1
SCSI Differential Terminator 1
SCSI Mounting Screws 4
Power Termination Jumper 5
SCSI ID Jumper 10
HP Product ID Label 1

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■ Installation Notes
• Confirm with the customer System Administrator that the tape library can be powered
• Observe proper power off and power on procedures, as described in the Installation
or Service Manuals.
• HP has the drive factory set the drive to differential operation.
• When you install a DLT8000 tape drive remove the Product ID Label, located on the
drive, and place it in the appropriate box on the Drive Location Label. The Drive
Location Label is located on the inside of the library door, just below the UL label.

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■ Tape Library Attachment
Perform these procedures to install a DLT8000 drive in an 20/700 library:
Tools Required
• Phillips screwdriver
• 3/16-inch nut driver
❑ Remove shipping restraint
❑ Install drive(s) in library
❑ Attach Y-cable between the drive and library bulkhead
❑ Attach interface cable to drive
❑ Power-on drive
❑ Configure DLT drive
❑ Attach SCSI Terminator
❑ Attach interface cable to host

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■ Library Drive Attachment
Tape drives are shipped individually. Due to the size differences of the DLT and 9840
drives, there are a variety of ways of installing the drives. Typically, drive installation moves
from the bottom slot and up.
Refer to Figure 1 and the explanation below for the configuration rules for installing drives.
1. The first callout in Figure 1 shows that the uppermost drive slot in the drive column can only be a
DLT drive.
2. The second callout depicts the size ratio of the 9840 drives to the DLT drives. In size, two
9840 drives fit in the same space as three DLT drives.
3. The third callout shows thi s ratio again: thr ee DLT drives fit in the same space as two 9840
4. The fourth callout depicts a mixture of 9840 and DLT drives.
You may also install six 9840 drives plus one DLT drive in a column, where the DLT
drive occupies the top drive slot.
The following table lists the available combinations for one drive column.
9840 DLT

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Figure 1. Tape Drive Installation Guideli nes
Tape Drive Installation Guidelines (H_53393)
1. DLT drive only in this position
2. Two 9840 drives (shown) or three DLT drives
3. Three DLT drives (shown) or two 9840 drives
4. Mixed 9840 and DLT drives (shown), three DLT drives, or two 9840 drives
NOTE:This graphic depicts the size relationship between DLT and 9840 drives ONLY.
Installation instructions call for installing the 9840 drives in the bottom slots, and the
DLT drives in the upper slots.