HP A5585A Upgrade Kit

Tape Library Twenty Slot to
Forty Slot Upgrade Kit
Modular Scalability Guide for Library Models
2/20, 4/40, 6/60, and 6/140
Edition 2
Part Number: C7242-90011
June 2000
Printed in Greeley, CO USA
This document contains information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Printing History
New editions of this manual incorporate all material updated since the previous edition. The manual printing date and part number indicate the current edition. The printing date changes when a new edition is printed. (Minor corrections and updates incorporated at reprint do not change this date.)
Edition 1: January 2000: Initial printing.
Edition 2: June 2000: Added instructions for Library Model
6/140. See Chapter 4.
Typographical Conventions and Terms
WARNING Warnings call attention to a procedure or practice that could
result in personal injury if not correctly performed. Do not proceed until you fully understand and meet the required conditions.
CAUTION Cautions call attention to an operating procedure or practice that could
damage the product if not correctly performed. Do not proceed until you understand and meet these required conditions.
NOTE Notes explain significant concepts or operating instructions.
TIP Tips provide hints or shortcuts for a procedure.
For the purpose of this documentation, we will use the term “Model 6/140” to indicate all library models that are five levels and higher. These models include: 4/100, 6/100, 6/120, and 6/140.
In This Manual
Chapter 1 Preparing a 20 or 40-Slot Library for the
Upgrade: Describes how to remove parts from
the existing library to accommodate the upgrade module.
Chapter 2 Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots:
Describes how to upgrade libraries with the capacity for two drives and twenty slots to a library with the capacity for four drives and forty slots or six drives and sixty slots.
Chapter 3 Upgrading a 40-Slot Library to 60 Slots:
Describes how to upgrade library modules with the capacity for four drives and forty slots to a library with the capacity for six drives and sixty slots.
Chapter 4 Upgrading Library Model 6/140: Describes
how to upgrade the library by increasing its capacity by twenty slots. The total capacity of Model 6/140 is up to six drives and 140 slots.
1. Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
2. Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots
Installation Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Removing the Cosmetic Enclosure and Cover . . . . . . . 1-3
Removing the Cosmetic Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Removing the Front Panel Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Preparing the Upgrade Module Chassis . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Identifying Upgrade Kit Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries to 40 Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Connecting the Library Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Moving the Front Panel Components and Display. . . 2-18
Replacing the Display and Viewing Window . . . . . . 2-18
Replacing the Cosmetic Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Verifying the Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Powering on the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Running Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Configuring the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Reconfiguring the Backup Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
3. Upgrading a 40-Slot Library to 60 Slots
Identifying Upgrade Kit Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Upgrading 40-Slot Libraries to 60 Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Connecting the Library Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Moving the Front Panel Components and Display. . . 3-13
Replacing the Display and Viewing Window . . . . . . 3-13
Replacing the Cosmetic Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Verifying the Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Powering on the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Running Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Configuring the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Reconfiguring the Backup Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
4. Upgrading Library Model 6/140
Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2
Preparing the Existing Library for Upgrade. . . . . . . . .4-3
Removing the Side Panels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
Removing the Forehead, Top Cover, and Silver
Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Preparing the Upgrade Module for Installation . . . . . .4-7
Check the Upgrade Kit Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-7
Preparing the Upgrade Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-9
Upgrading the 6/100 and 6/120 Model Libraries. . . . .4-10
Securing the Upgrade Module to the Cabinet . . . . . . . 4-11
Reassembling the Upgraded Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
Verifying the Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
Powering on the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-18
Running Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-18
Configuring the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Reconfiguring the Backup Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Preparing for the Upgrade
1 Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40
Library for the Upgrade
Chapter 1 1-1
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Installation Overview
Installation Overview
IMPORTANT These procedures are only applicable for Library Models 2/20 and 4/40.
See Chapter 4 for information on upgrading a 6/140 library.
For this upgrade, you are adding additional library modules to increase
the librarys capacity by twenty slots and two drives per upgrade module. Though these procedures are described later in this guide, here is an overview of the entire upgrade procedure:
NOTE This procedure should only be performed by a trained service technician.
Remove the top cover and cosmetic enclosure on the
existing library.
For 20 to 40-slot
upgrades, add the vertical
lift assembly to the
transport assembly.
For 20 to 40-slot
upgrades, install the
vertical lift/transport
assembly into the top of
the chassis.
Move the display to the top module. Replace the front panel components.
Remove the front panel components and display from the existing library.
Stack the upgrade module
on top of the existing
Install the interconnect
cable between the
motherboards on both
Connect the power cord
and power on the library.
Remove the silver label
from the top of the existing
Secure the two modules
together with screws.
Add the upgrade notice
label to the back of the
library and under the front
magazine on the lowest
Verify the connection and
run diagnostic tests.
Chapter 11-2
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Removing the Cosmetic Enclosure and Cover
Removing the Cosmetic Enclosure and Cover
This chapter describes the disassembly procedures needed to prepare the existing 2/20 and 4/40 library for this upgrade. If your library is rackmounted and you are upgrading a twenty-slot library to forty slots, you will need 6 EIA of clearance (10.5 inches) above the existing library to accommodate the upgrade module. For a forty to sixty-slot upgrade, you will need 5 EIA of clearance (8.75 inches) above the existing library.
CAUTION This library contains very sensitive electrical components. It is important
to follow the proper procedures for preventing electrostatic discharge (ESD). Use wrist-grounding straps and anti-static mats when removing and replacing cards and major assemblies.
Preparing for the Upgrade
Failure to follow proper procedures could damage the circuitry.
WARNING For rackmounted upgrades, extend the rack’s anti-tip foot and
lower the leveler feet. Failure to extend the anti-tip foot could result in personal injury or damage to the tape library if the rack tips over.
Chapter 1 1-3
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Removing the Cosmetic Enclosure and Cover
Remove the cosmetic enclosure, cover, and label by following these steps:
1. Power off and unplug the library.
2. For a standalone library, remove the cosmetic enclosure. Refer to Figure 1-1 for the screw locations. You will not reuse this enclosure after the upgrade.
Figure 1-1 Removing the Cosmetic Standalone Enclosure
Chapter 11-4
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Removing the Cosmetic Enclosure and Cover
Remove the top cover from the existing library. Save these screws to reinstall the vertical lift top cover after the upgrade. Refer to Figure 1-2 for the screw locations.
For 40 to 60-slot rackmounted upgrades, you will need to remove
the stop latch bracket to remove the vertical lift cover. See Figure 2-10 on page 2-14.
For libraries rackmounted in a 55-mm bezel depth rack, remove
the trim brackets from each side of the library (see Figure 2-11 on page 2-15 or Figure 3-6 on page 3-10 for the location of the trim bracket screws). The trim brackets secure the library to the rack.
Push the library 2/3 of the way out of the rack by using the vertical
handle at the back of the library. Do not push the library past the stop bracket.
Preparing for the Upgrade
3. Remove the silver label on top of the library chassis (Figure 1-2). Yo u must remove this label to connect the library modules together.
Figure 1-2 Removing the Cover
Chapter 1 1-5
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Removing the Cosmetic Doors
Removing the Cosmetic Doors
NOTE Depending on your library model and configuration, the cosmetic doors
might look different from the illustrations.
1. Pull the front door outward. Use the key, if necessary, to unlock the door.
2. Remove the front magazine by lifting the handle on the top of the magazine and pulling upward (Figure 1-3 on page 1-7). Make a note of
where the magazines are located so that you reinstall them in the same place.
3. Push the release tab on the back of the cosmetic door and simultaneously pull upward on the sheet-metal tab to release the door (see Figure 1-3 on page 1-7).
CAUTION To avoid breaking the tab, do not use excessive force.
4. Remove the remaining cosmetic doors by following the steps above.
Chapter 11-6
Figure 1-3 Removing the Cosmetic Doors
Preparing for the Upgrade
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Removing the Cosmetic Doors
1 Release tab
2 Sheet-metal tab
3 Cosmetic door connecting hooks
Chapter 1 1-7
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Removing the Front Panel Display
Removing the Front Panel Display
CAUTION This library contains very sensitive electrical components. Follow the
proper procedures for preventing electrostatic discharge (ESD). Use wrist-grounding straps and anti-static mats when removing and replacing cards and assemblies.
Failure to follow proper procedures could damage the circuitry.
1. Remove the display cover and chin plate underneath the display on the existing library module. The screw locations are indicated in Figure 1-4. Save these screws to later reinstall the display cover and chin plate.
NOTE Your library might only be one module instead of two modules, which is
shown in Figure 1-4.
2. Remove the display cover by lifting it upward and away from the library.
Figure 1-4 Removing the Chin Plate and Front Cover
Chapter 11-8
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Removing the Front Panel Display
3. Remove the two screws that connect the display to the chassis (Figure 1-5). Save these screws to later reconnect the display.
Figure 1-5 Removing the Front Panel Display and RFI Shield
Preparing for the Upgrade
4. Remove the front panel display by sliding it upward, then gently lifting it away from the front of the library.
5. Disconnect the cable from the back of the display by grasping the sides of the connector and pulling outward. Place the front panel in an ESD-protected area.
CAUTION Ensure the display cable is not obstructing the internal moving parts.
Secure the cable to the side of the chassis.
6. Remove the black RFI display shield, which is located behind the display (Figure 1-5). Two screws secure the sheet-metal shield to the library chassis.
Chapter 1 1-9
Preparing a 2/20 and 4/40 Library for the Upgrade
Preparing the Upgrade Module Chassis
Preparing the Upgrade Module Chassis
In addition to preparing the existing library for the upgrade, you will also need to modify the upgrade module chassis to optimize the upgrade procedure.
Unpack the chassis from the upgrade kit.
From the front of the upgrade module, remove the black sheet-metal RFI shield. See Figure 1-5 on page 1-9 for the location and instructions on removing this part. Save these screws to later re­install the shield.
On the 20 to 40-slot upgrade, remove the top cover from the upgrade module. See Figure 1-2 on page 1-5 for the location and instructions on removing the top cover.
Chapter 11-10
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries
2 Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to
40 or 60 Slots
Chapter 2 2-1
Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots
Identifying Upgrade Kit Components
Identifying Upgrade Kit Components
See Chapter 3 for more information on Model 4/40 and Chapter 4 for more information on Model 6/140.
NOTE If you are upgrading a 20-slot library to a 60-slot library, you will use the
following upgrade kit, as well as the upgrade kit described on Table 3-1 on page 3-2.
Table 2-1 Upgrade Kit Contents (Depending on Configuration)
Callout Number
1 Forehead
2Chin plate
3 Plastic slider tools
4 Stop latch bracket
5 Cosmetic door with sheet-metal tabs
6 Viewing window
7 Cosmetic door with sheet-metal tabs
8 Vertical lift assembly
9 Vertical lift circuit board
10 Clip nut template for rackmounted upgrades
11 Upgrade labels
12 Interconnect cable
Description of Part
13 Library chassis that includes a top cover, slave controller card, power supply,
and magazines
Chapter 22-2
Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots
Identifying Upgrade Kit Components
Table 2-1 Upgrade Kit Contents (Depending on Configuration)
Description of Part
14 Hardware bag that contains the following (extra parts provided):
Clip nuts
10-24 x 0.50 Screws
6-32 Phillips
15 Power cord
NOTE The drive, fibre channel card, and cosmetic enclosures are separate
upgrade kits.
Figure 2-1 Exploded View of Upgrade Kit Components
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries
Chapter 2 2-3
Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots
Identifying Upgrade Kit Components
During the upgrade, you will not reuse the following parts:
Parts to Discard
Top cover for 20-slot libraries (Figure 1-2 on page 1-5)
Guide blocks on top of the transport assembly (Figure 2-3 on page 2-6)
Existing cosmetic enclosure for standalone libraries (Figure 1-1 on page 1-4)
Plastic slider tools from the upgrade kit (Figure 2-4 on page 2-
Existing trim brackets for libraries rackmounted with 55-mm bezel depth (Figure 2-11 on page 2-15)
Stop bracket for 20-slot libraries
CAUTION This library contains very sensitive electrical components. It is important
to follow the proper procedures for preventing electrostatic discharge (ESD). Use wrist-grounding straps and anti-static mats when removing and replacing cards and major assemblies. Failure to follow proper procedures could damage the circuitry.
Chapter 22-4
Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries to 40 Slots
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries to 40 Slots
NOTE This procedures assumes you are upgrading the library while it is in a
rack. If you are upgrading a standalone library, follow the same procedure, disregarding the rackmount steps.
WARNING Before you begin, extend the rack’s anti-tip foot and lower the
racks leveler feet. Failure to extend the anti-tip foot could result in personal injury or damage to the tape library if the rack tips over.
1. Complete the steps in Chapter 1.
2. For rackmounted libraries, ensure the library is in the service position (approximately 2/3 of the way out of the rack).
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries
3. Using the finger holes, lift the transport assembly up and out of the library. Place the transport nearby, disconnecting the umbilical cable from the library chassis by pulling the tabs outward (Figure 2-2). Gently fold the cable underneath the transport assembly.
Figure 2-2 Removing the Transport Assembly
Chapter 2 2-5
Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries to 40 Slots
4. Install the vertical lift assembly to the transport assembly by following the steps below (see Figure 2-3):
a. Remove the guide blocks from the top of the transport assembly.
Three screws secure each guide block to the top of the transport assembly. Save these screws to install the vertical lift assembly in step 4c.
b. Align the lift circuit board with the screw holes on the transport
assembly, and insert two screws. The screws and board are packaged together in the upgrade kit. Tighten the screws securely, but do not over-tighten.
c. Align the screw holes in the vertical lift assembly to the top of the
transport assembly. Insert five of the screws from step 4a, and tighten in the order specified in Figure 2-3.
d. Connect the vertical lift and motor power cable. Do not re-install
the vertical lift/transport assembly into the library at this time.
Figure 2-3 Installing the Vertical Lift Assembly onto the Transport
Chapter 22-6
Upgrading a 20-Slot Library to 40 or 60 Slots
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries to 40 Slots
5. If your rack does not have threaded screw holes, select the 4/40 or 6/60 clip nut template, which matches the height of the upgraded library, and follow the steps below:
a. Hold the template next to the rack column so that the bottom of
the template aligns with the bottom of the library.
b. Install three clip nuts from the upgrade kit into each front column
of the rack. The top two clip nuts are used for the top mounting rail. The middle clip nut is used for the trim bracket. For racks with a 55-mm bezel depth, you can remove the original trim brackets and push the library flush into the rack to install the bottom clip nuts.
c. Using the rackmount template, install two clip nuts into each back
column of the rack.
NOTE Use the EIA markers as a reference point to ensure the holes on the rack
correspond to the holes on the template. The EIA markers on the templates are represented by #>.
Upgrading 20-Slot Libraries
6. Pull the existing library into the rack using the vertical handle on the back of the library.
7. Remove the top mounting rails (one on each rack column) to allow the upgrade unit to slide on top of the library.
a. Remove the screws in the front and back that attach the top rails
to the column, and lift each rail up and out of the rack.
b. Save these screws to reinstall the mounting rails.
Chapter 2 2-7
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