Part number: 5998-1723
Software version: Release 2208
Document version: 5W100-20110530
Command Reference
This document describes the commands and command syntax options available for the HP A Series
This document is intended for network planners, field technical support and servicing engineers, and
network administrators who work with HP A Series products.
No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without
prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained
herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use
of this material.
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements
accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an
additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Local user configuration commands ····························································································································· 25
display portal acl (available only on the A5500 EI) ······················································································· 127
display portal connection statistics (available only on the A5500 EI) ·························································· 129
display portal free-rule ········································································································································ 132
display portal interface ······································································································································· 133
display portal local-server ·································································································································· 135
display portal server (available only on the A5500 EI) ·················································································· 136
display portal server statistics (available only on the A5500 EI) ··································································· 137
display portal tcp-cheat statistics ······················································································································· 139
display portal user ··············································································································································· 141
portal auth-fail vlan ············································································································································· 142
portal auth-network (available only on the A5500 EI) ···················································································· 143
portal backup-group (available only on the A5500 EI) ·················································································· 144
portal delete-user ················································································································································· 144
portal domain ······················································································································································ 145
portal free-rule ····················································································································································· 146
portal local-server ················································································································································ 147
portal local-server enable ··································································································································· 148
portal local-server ip ··········································································································································· 149
portal max-user ···················································································································································· 149
portal move-mode auto ······································································································································· 150
portal nas-id-profile (available only on the A5500 EI) ···················································································· 151
portal nas-ip (available only on the A5500 EI) ······························································································· 152
portal nas-port-type (available only on the A5500 EI) ···················································································· 152
portal offline-detect interval ································································································································ 153
portal redirect-url ················································································································································· 154
portal server (available only on the A5500 EI) ······························································································· 154
portal server banner ············································································································································ 156
portal server method (available only on the A5500 EI) ················································································· 156
portal server server-detect (available only on the A5500 EI) ········································································· 157
portal server user-sync (available only on the A5500 EI) ··············································································· 159
portal web-proxy port ········································································································································· 160
reset portal connection statistics (available only on the A5500 EI) ······························································· 161
reset portal server statistics (available only on the A5500 EI) ······································································· 161
reset portal tcp-cheat statistics ···························································································································· 162
Port security configuration commands ······················································································································ 163
SFTP server configuration commands ························································································································ 279
sftp server enable ················································································································································ 279
sftp server idle-timeout ········································································································································ 279
URPF configuration commands (available only on the A5500 EI) ········································································ 336
ip urpf ··································································································································································· 336
Support and other resources ····································································································································· 337
Contacting HP ······························································································································································ 337
Subscription service ············································································································································ 337
Related information ······················································································································································ 337
Index ············································································································································································· 340
AAA configuration commands
The vpn-instance keyword and the vpn-instance
command (in RADIUS or
HWTACACS scheme view) are available only on the A5500 EI Switch Series.
General AAA configuration commands
aaa nas-id profile (available only on the A5500 EI)
aaa nas-id profile profile-name
undo aaa nas-id profile profile-name
System view
Default level
2: System level
profile-name: Name of the NAS ID profile, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 16 characters.
Use the aaa nas-id profile command to create a NAS ID profile and enter its view.
Use the undo aaa nas-id profile command to remove a NAS ID profile.
Related commands: nas-id bind vlan.
# Create a NAS ID profile named aaa.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] aaa nas-id profile aaa
access-limit enable
access-limit enable max-user-number
undo access-limit enable
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
max-user-number: Maximum number of users, in the range 1 to 2147483646.
Use the access-limit enable command to enable the limit on the number of users in an ISP domain and set
the allowed maximum number. After the number of users reaches the maximum number allowed, no more
users will be accepted.
Use the undoaccess-limit enable command to restore the default.
By default, there is no limit to the number of users in an ISP domain.
System resources are limited, and user connections may compete for network resources when there are
many users. Setting a proper limit to the number of users helps provide reliable system performance.
# Set a limit of 500 user connections for ISP domain test.
accounting default { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo accounting default
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, which is a
string of 1 to 32 characters.
local: Performs local accounting.
none: Does not perform any accounting.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the accounting default command to configure the default accounting method for an ISP domain.
Use the undo accounting default command to restore the default.
By default, the default accounting method of an ISP domain is local.
The specified RADIUS or HWTACACS scheme must have been configured.
The default accounting method will be used for all users for whom no specific accounting methods are
Local accounting is only for monitoring and controlling the number of local user connections; it does not
provide the statistics function that the accounting feature generally provides.
Related commands: hwtacacs scheme and radius scheme.
# Configure the default accounting method for ISP domain test to use RADIUS accounting scheme rd and
use local accounting as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting default radius-scheme rd local
accounting lan-access
accounting lan-access { local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local | none ] }
undo accounting lan-access
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
local: Performs local accounting.
none: Does not perform any accounting.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the accounting lan-access command to configure the accounting method for LAN users.
Use the undo accounting lan-access command to restore the default.
By default, the default accounting method for the ISP domain is used for LAN users.
The specified RADIUS scheme must have been configured.
Related commands: local-user, accounting default, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local accounting for LAN users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting lan-access local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS accounting scheme rd for LAN users and use local
accounting as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting lan-access radius-scheme rd local
accounting login
accounting login { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo accounting login
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, which is a
string of 1 to 32 characters.
local: Performs local accounting. It is not used for charging purposes, but for collecting statistics on and
limiting the number of local user connections.
none: Does not perform any accounting.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the accounting login command to configure the accounting method for login users.
Use the undo accounting login command to restore the default.
By default, the default accounting method for the ISP domain is used for login users.
The specified RADIUS or HWTACACS scheme must have been configured.
Accounting is not supported for login users that use FTP.
Related commands: local-user, accounting default, hwtacacs scheme, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local accounting for login users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting login local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS accounting scheme rd for login users and use local
accounting as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting login radius-scheme rd local
accounting optional
accounting optional
undo accounting optional
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
Use the accountingoptional command to enable the accounting optional feature.
Use the undoaccounting optional command to disable the feature.
By default, the feature is disabled.
After you configure the accounting optional command for a domain, a user that will be disconnected
otherwise can continue to use the network resources when no accounting server is available or the
communication with the current accounting server fails. However, the device will not send real-time
accounting updates for the user anymore. The accounting optional feature applies to scenarios where
accounting is not important.
After you configure the accounting optional command, the setting by the access-limit command in local
user view is not effective.
# Enable the accounting optional feature for users in domain test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting optional
accounting portal
accounting portal { local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo accounting portal
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
local: Performs local accounting.
none: Does not perform any accounting.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the accounting portal command to configure the accounting method for portal users.
Use the undo accounting portal command to restore the default.
By default, the default accounting method for the ISP domain is used for portal users.
The specified RADIUS scheme must have been configured.
Related commands: local-user, accounting default, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local accounting for portal users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting portal local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS scheme rd for accounting on portal users and use local
accounting as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] accounting portal radius-scheme rd local
authentication default
authentication default { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none | radiusscheme radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo authentication default
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, which is a
string of 1 to 32 characters.
local: Performs local authentication.
none: Does not perform any authentication.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authentication default command to configure the default authentication method for an ISP
Use the undo authentication default command to restore the default.
By default, the default authentication method of an ISP domain is local.
The specified RADIUS or HWTACACS scheme must have been configured.
The default authentication method will be used for all users for whom no specific authentication methods
are configured.
Related commands: local-user, hwtacacs scheme, and radius scheme.
# Configure the default authentication method for ISP domain test to use RADIUS authentication scheme
rd and use local authentication as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authentication default radius-scheme rd local
authentication lan-access
authentication lan-access { local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local | none ] }
undo authentication lan-access
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
local: Performs local authentication.
none: Does not perform any authentication.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authentication lan-access command to configure the authentication method for LAN users.
Use the undo authentication lan-access command to restore the default.
By default, the default authentication method for the ISP domain is used for LAN users.
The specified RADIUS scheme must have been configured.
Related commands: local-user, authentication default, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local authentication for LAN users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authentication lan-access local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS authentication scheme rd for LAN users and use local
authentication as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authentication lan-access radius-scheme rd local
authentication login
authentication login { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none | radius-scheme
radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo authentication login
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, which is a
string of 1 to 32 characters.
local: Performs local authentication.
none: Does not perform any authentication.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authentication login command to configure the authentication method for login users (users
logging in through the console or AUX port or accessing through Telnet or FTP).
Use the undo authentication login command to restore the default.
By default, the default authentication method for the ISP domain is used for login users.
The specified RADIUS or HWTACACS scheme must have been configured.
Related commands: local-user, authentication default, hwtacacs scheme, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local authentication for login users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authentication login local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS authentication scheme rd for login users and use local
authentication as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authentication login radius-scheme rd local
authentication portal
authentication portal { local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo authentication portal
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
local: Performs local authentication.
none: Does not perform any authentication.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authentication portal command to configure the authentication method for portal users.
Use the undo authentication portal command to restore the default.
By default, the default authentication method for the ISP domain is used for portal users.
The specified RADIUS scheme must have been configured.
Related commands: authentication default and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local authentication for portal users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authentication portal local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS scheme rd for authentication of portal users and use local
authentication as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authentication portal radius-scheme rd local
authentication super
authentication super { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name }
undo authentication super
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, a case-
insensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
radius-schemeradius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, a case-insensitive string of
1 to 32 characters.
Use the authentication super command to configure the authentication method for user privilege level
Use the undo authentication super command to restore the default.
By default, the default authentication method for the ISP domain is used for user privilege level switching
The specified RADIUS or HWTACACS authentication scheme must have been configured.
Related commands: hwtacacs scheme and radius scheme; super authentication-mode (Fundamentals Command Reference).
# Configure ISP domain test to use HWTACACS scheme tac for user privilege level switching
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] super authentication-mode scheme
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-domain-test] authentication super hwtacacs-scheme tac
authorization command
authorization command { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local | none ] | local | none }
undo authorization command
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, which is a
string of 1 to 32 characters.
local: Performs local authorization.
none: Does not perform any authorization exchange. In this case, an authenticated user can access only
commands of Level 0.
Use the authorization command command to configure the command line authorization method.
Use the undo authorization command command to restore the default.
By default, the default authorization method for the ISP domain is used for command line authorization.
The specified HWTACACS scheme must have been configured.
With command line authorization configured, a user who has logged in to the device can execute only
the commands with a level lower than or equal to that of the local user.
Related commands: local-user, authorization default, and hwtacacs scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local command line authorization.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization command local
# Configure ISP domain test to use HWTACACS scheme hwtac for command line authorization and use
local authorization as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization command hwtacacs-scheme hwtac local
authorization default
authorization default { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none | radius-scheme
radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo authorization default
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, which is a
string of 1 to 32 characters.
local: Performs local authorization.
none: Does not perform any authorization exchange. After passing authentication, non-login users can
access the network, FTP users can access the root directory of the device, and other login users can
access only the commands of Level 0.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authorization default command to configure the default authorization method for an ISP domain.
Use the undo authorization default command to restore the default.
By default, the default authorization method for the ISP domain of an ISP domain is local.
The specified RADIUS or HWTACACS scheme must have been configured.
The default authorization method will be used for all users for whom no specific authorization methods
are configured.
The RADIUS authorization configuration takes effect only when the authentication method and
authorization method of the ISP domain use the same RADIUS scheme.
Related commands: local-user, authentication default, accounting default, hwtacacs scheme, and radius
# Configure the default authorization method for ISP domain test to use RADIUS authorization scheme rd
and use local authorization as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization default radius-scheme rd local
authorization lan-access
authorization lan-access { local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local | none ] }
undo authorization lan-access
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
local: Performs local authorization.
none: Does not perform any authorization exchange. In this case, an authenticated LAN user can access
the network directly.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authorization lan-access command to configure the authorization method for LAN users.
Use the undo authorization lan-access command to restore the default.
By default, the default authorization method for the ISP domain is used for LAN users.
The specified RADIUS scheme must have been configured.
The RADIUS authorization configuration takes effect only when the authentication method and
authorization method of the ISP domain use the same RADIUS scheme.
Related commands: local-user, authorization default, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local authorization for LAN users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization lan-access local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS authorization scheme rd for LAN users and use local
authorization as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization lan-access radius-scheme rd local
authorization login
authorization login { hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none | radius-scheme
radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo authorization login
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
hwtacacs-scheme hwtacacs-scheme-name: Specifies an HWTACACS scheme by its name, which is a
string of 1 to 32 characters.
local: Performs local authorization.
none: Does not perform any authorization exchange. After passing authentication, FTP users can access
the root directory of the device, and other login users can access only the commands of Level 0.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authorization login command to configure the authorization method for login users (users logging
in through the console or AUX port or accessing through Telnet or FTP).
Use the undo authorization login command to restore the default.
By default, the default authorization method for the ISP domain is used for login users.
The specified RADIUS or HWTACACS scheme must have been configured.
The RADIUS authorization configuration takes effect only when the authentication method and
authorization method of the ISP domain use the same RADIUS scheme.
Related commands: local-user, authorization default, hwtacacs scheme, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local authorization for login users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization login local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS authorization scheme rd for login users and use local
authorization as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization login radius-scheme rd local
authorization portal
authorization portal { local | none | radius-scheme radius-scheme-name [ local ] }
undo authorization portal
ISP domain view
Default level
2: System level
local: Performs local authorization.
none: Does not perform any authorization exchange. In this case, an authenticated portal user can access
the network directly.
radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name, which is a string of 1 to 32
Use the authorization portal command to configure the authorization method for portal users.
Use the undo authorization portal command to restore the default.
By default, the default authorization method for the ISP domain is used for portal users.
The specified RADIUS scheme must have been configured.
The RADIUS authorization configuration takes effect only when the authentication method and
authorization method of the ISP domain use the same RADIUS scheme.
Related commands: local-user, authorization default, and radius scheme.
# Configure ISP domain test to use local authorization for portal users.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization portal local
# Configure ISP domain test to use RADIUS scheme rd for authorization of portal users and use local
authorization as the backup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain test
[Sysname-isp-test] authorization portal radius-scheme rd local
authorization-attribute user-profile
authorization-attribute user-profile profile-name
undo authorization-attribute user-profile
ISP domain view
Default level
3: Manage level
profile-name: Name of the user profile, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. For more information
about user profile configuration, see the Security Configuration Guide.
Use the authorization-attribute user-profile command to specify the default authorization user profile for
an ISP domain.
Use the undo authorization-attribute user-profile command to restore the default.
By default, an ISP domain has no default authorization user profile.
After a user of an ISP domain passes authentication, if the server (or the access device in the case of
local authentication) does not authorize any user profile to the ISP domain, the system uses the user profile
specified by the authorization-attribute user-profile command as that of the ISP domain.
If you configure the authorization-attribute user-profile command repeatedly, only the last one takes
# Specify the default authorization user profile for domain test as profile1.
domain isp-name: Specifies all user connections of an ISP domain. The isp-name argument refers to the
name of an existing ISP domain and is a string of 1 to 24 characters.
interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies user connections on an interface by the interface type
and number.
ip ip-address: Specifies the user connections of an IP address.
mac mac-address: Specifies the user connections of a MAC address, with mac-address in the format H-H-
ucibindexucib-index: Specifies a user connection by connection index. The value ranges from 0 to
user-nameuser-name: Specifies the user connections that use the username. The user-name argument is a
case-sensitive string of 1 to 80 characters. For a username entered without a domain name, the system
assumes that the user is in the default domain or the mandatory authentication domain.
vlan vlan-id: Specifies user connections of a VLAN, with vlan-id ranging from 1 to 4094.
slot slot-number: Specifies the member number of the switch in the IRF fabric, which you can display with
the display irf command. The value range for the slot-number argument depends on the number of
members and numbering conditions in the current IRF fabric. If no IRF fabric exists, the slot-number
argument is the current device number.
Use the cut connection command to tear down the specified connections forcibly.
This command applies to only LAN and portal user connections.
For 802.1X users whose usernames carry the version number or contain spaces, you cannot cut the
connections by username.
For 802.1X users whose usernames use a forward slash (/) or backward slash (\) as the domain name
delimiter, you cannot cut their connections by username. For example, the cut connection user-name aaa\bbb command cannot cut the connections of the user aaa\bbb.
An interface that is configured with a mandatory authentication domain treats users of the corresponding
access type as users in the mandatory authentication domain. For example, if you configure an 802.1X
mandatory authentication domain on an interface, the interface will use the domain’s AAA methods for
all its 802.1X users. To cut connections of such users, use the cut connection domain isp-name command
and specify the mandatory authentication domain.
Related commands: display connection and service-type.
domainisp-name: Specifies all user connections of an ISP domain. The isp-name argument refers to the
name of an existing ISP domain and is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 24 characters.
interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies user connections on an interface by the interface type
and number.
ip ip-address: Specifies the user connections of an IP address.
mac mac-address: Specifies the user connections of a MAC address, with mac-address in the format H-H-
ucibindexucib-index: Specifies all user connections using the specified connection index. The value
ranges from 0 to 4294967295.
user-nameuser-name: Specifies the user connections that use the username. The user-name argument is a
case-sensitive string of 1 to 80 characters. For a username entered without a domain name, the system
assumes that the user is in the default domain name or the mandatory authentication domain.
vlan vlan-id: Specifies user connections of a VLAN, with vlan-id ranging from 1 to 4094.
slot slot-number: Specifies the member number of the switch in the IRF fabric, which you can display with
the display irf command. The value range for the slot-number argument depends on the number of
members and numbering conditions in the current IRF fabric. If no IRF fabric exists, the slot-number
argument is the current device number.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use the display connection command to display information about AAA user connections.
This command does not display information about FTP user connections.
With no parameter specified, this command displays brief information about all AAA user connections.
If you specify the ucibindexucib-index combination, this command displays detailed information;
otherwise, this command displays brief information.
If an interface is configured with a mandatory authentication domain (for example, an 802.1X mandatory
authentication domain), users accessing the interface through the specified access type are treated as
users in the mandatory authentication domain. To display connections of such users, specify the
mandatory authentication domain for the display connection domain isp-name command.
For 802.1X users whose usernames use a forward slash (/) or backward slash (\) as the domain name
delimiter, you cannot query the connections by username. For example, the display connection user-name
aaa\bbb command cannot display the connections of the user aaa\bbb.
Related commands: cut connection.
# Display information about all AAA user connections.
<Sysname> display connection
Slot: 1
Index=0 , Username=telnet@system
Total 1 connection(s) matched on slot 1.
Total 1 connection(s) matched.
# Display information about AAA user connections using the index of 0.
Username of the connection, in the format
IPv4 address of the user
IPv6 address of the user
User access type
ACL Group
Authorization ACL group. Disable means no
authorization ACL group is assigned.
User Profile
Authorization user profile
Authorized CAR parameters
Uplink peak rate
Downlink peak rate
Uplink average rate
Downlink average rate
Slot: 1
Total 0 connection matched.
Slot: 2
Total 0 connection matched.
Table 1 Output description
display domain
display domain [ isp-name ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Any view
Default level
1: Monitor level
isp-name: Name of an existing ISP domain, a string of 1 to 24 characters.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use the display domain command to display the configuration information of ISP domains.
Domain name
Status of the domain (active or block)
Limit on the number of user connections
Accounting method
Accounting method (either required or optional)
Default authentication scheme
Default authentication method
Default authorization scheme
Default authorization method
Default accounting scheme
Default accounting method
Lan-access authentication scheme
Authentication method for LAN users
Related commands: access-limit enable, domain, and state.
# Display the configuration information of all ISP domains.
<Sysname> display domain
0 Domain : system
State : Active
Access-limit : Disabled
Accounting method : Required
Default authentication scheme : local
Default authorization scheme : local
Default accounting scheme : local
Domain User Template:
Idle-cut : Disabled
Self-service : Disabled
Authorization attributes :
1 Domain : test
State : Active
Access-limit : Disabled
Accounting method : Required
Default authentication scheme : local
Default authorization scheme : local
Default accounting scheme : local
Lan-access authentication scheme : radius:test, local
Lan-access authorization scheme : hwtacacs:hw, local
Lan-access accounting scheme : local
Domain User Template:
Idle-cut : Disabled
Self-service : Disabled
Authorization attributes :
User-profile : profile1
Default Domain Name: system
Total 2 domain(s).
Table 2 Output description
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