HP Model 748, A4505A User Manual

Installing the A4505A PCI Module Upgrade
HP Part No. A4500-90603
Edition E0297
Printed in U.S.A.
Hewlett-Packard Co. 1997
Printing History First Printing: February 1997
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Kit Contents
Kit Contents
Make sure that you have kit A4505A and that it contains the following items:
PCI tray assembly
Boot ROM for Model 743 VMEbus board computer
IC Removal Tool
Anti-static Strap (Disposable)
Tools Required
You’ll need the following items to install the PCI Module:
Medium flat-tipped screwdriver.
Static-free work area.
Your system must be running version 10.20 or later of the HP-UX operating system.
The PCI module upgrade does not support HIL devices. You must remove any devices connected to the HIL interface connector on the EISA tray.
NOTICE: Before removing your HIL keyboard, use the SAM utility to make sure that
the P/S2 driver is configured in the HP-UX kernel. Refer to the manual HP-UX System Administration Tasks (B2355-90079) for information on configuring the HP-UX kernel.
If you need keyboard and mouse support, you need a Hewlett-Packard P/S2 compatible keyboard and mouse to connect to the P/S2 connectors on the VMEbus board computer.
1 Stop any application programs, then shut down your workstation. 2 Turn the workstation off, and unplug the power cord(s).
WARNING: To avoid electrical shock, make sure you unplug the power cable from the wall
outlet and the system unit before proceeding any further.
CAUTION: The internal components of your workstation are susceptible to mechanical
and electrostatic shock. To prevent such damage from occurring, observe the following precautions during the installation procedure.
Stand on a static-free mat
Wear a static-grounding wrist strap to ensure that any accumulated electrostatic charge discharges from your body to ground. Attach the static-grounding wrist strap by following the instructions on the pack­age that contains the strap. Be sure to attach one end of the strap to the system chassis.
Handle workstation and upgrade kit components carefully to prevent damage from mechanical shock.
3 Using a flat-tipped screwdriver, unscrew the captive screws inside the
EISA module handles five to seven turns (until each screw pops out).
4 Grasp the EISA module handles and pull the EISA module out of the
chassis, as shown in Figure 1.
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