Network Analyzers
HP 8753ET and 8753ES Network Analyzers
30 kHz to 3 or 6 GHz
This document describes the performance
and features of the following products:
HP 8753ES S-parameter vector network analyzer
HP 8753ES Option 011 vector network analyzer without test set
HP 8753ET Transmission/reflection vector network analyzer
For more information about these analyzers, please see the following documents:
HP literature number
HP 8753ET and 8753ES Network Analyzers Brochure 5968-5159E
HP 8753ET and 8753ES Network Analyzers Configuration Guide 5968-5158E

Table of contents
Definitions and test conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
System performance summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Specifications and characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Measurement throughput summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Test set specifications for Option 011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Definitions and test conditions
Specifications describe the instrument's warranted
performance after a half-hour warm-up and over the
temperature range of 25 ˚C ± 5 ˚C, unless otherwise
stated. Specifications for frequencies above 3 GHz do
not apply to instruments with Option 075 (75-ohm
Supplemental characteristics are typical but non-warranted performance parameters. These are denoted as
“typical,” “nominal,” or “approximate.”
The measurement uncertainty curves and measurement port characteristics given for HP 8753ES
systems also apply to the HP 8753ES with Options 006
and 011 and the HP 85047A test set (50-ohm), or the
HP 8753ES Option 011 with an HP 85046B test set
Dynamic range
System dynamic range is calculated as the difference
between the receiver noise floor and the lesser of
either the source maximum output or the receiver
maximum input level. System dynamic range applies to
transmission measurements only, since reflection measurements are limited by directivity.
Noise floor is specified as the mean of the noise trace
over frequency. Noise floor is measured with the test
ports terminated in loads, full two-port error correction for the HP 8753ES and enhanced-response error
correction for the HP 8753ET (with 16 averages used
during isolation), 10 Hz IF bandwidth (BW), maximum
test port power, and no averaging during the measurement.
Measurement uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty curves utilize a Root Sum
Square (RSS) model for the contribution of random
errors such as noise, typical connector repeatabilities,
and test set switching; this is combined with a worstcase model for the contributions of dynamic accuracy
and residual systematic errors.
Curves show the worst-case magnitude and phase
uncertainty for reflection and transmission measurements, after a full two-port error correction for the
HP 8753ES and enhanced-response error correction
for the HP 8753ET (including isolation with an averaging factor of 16) using the specified cal kit, with 10 Hz
IF bandwidth (BW) and no averaging.
Measurement port characteristics
Characteristics show the residual system uncertainties
for uncorrected performance and after accuracy
enhancement using full two-port error correction for
the HP 8753ES and enhanced-response error correction for the HP 8753ET. These characteristics apply
for an environmental temperature of 25 ± 5 ˚C, with
less than 1 ˚C deviation from the calibration temperature. HP 8753ET Option 004 may degrade transmission
source match as much as 2 dB, resulting in up to 0.05
dB additional uncertainty in transmission tracking.
Corrected performance indicates residual error after
calibration. It is determined by the quality of calibration standards, system repeatability, stability, and
Uncorrected performance indicates intrinsic errors
without calibration correction applied. This is related
to the ultimate stability of a calibration.

System performance summaries
HP 8753ES (50-ohm systems)
7-mm test ports
Network analyzer HP 8753ES
Standard and Option 006
Calibration kit HP 85031B
Test-port cables HP 11857D
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz 70 dB
50 kHz to 300 kHz 90 dB
300 kHz to 16 MHz 100 dB
16 MHz to 3 GHz 110 dB
Option 014 108 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz 105 dB
Option 014 103 dB
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
Measurement port characteristics
Frequency range
30 kHz-300 kHz2300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz 3 GHz- 6 GHz
Directivity 55 dB 55 dB 51 dB 46 dB
Source match 55 dB 51 dB 49 dB 43 dB
Load match 55 dB 55 dB 51 dB 46 dB
±(0.001 dB ±(0.001 dB ±(0.005 dB ±(0.020 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.03 dB/˚C)
±(0.008 dB ±(0.006 dB ±(0.009 dB ±(0.021 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.03 dB/˚C)
Directivity 20 dB* 35 dB 30 dB 25 dB
Source match 18 dB** 16 dB 16 dB 14 dB
Load match 18 dB** 18 dB 16 dB 14 dB
Reflection ±2.5 dB ±1 dB ±1 dB ±1.5 dB
Transmission ±2.5 dB ±1 dB ±1 dB ±1.5 dB
Crosstalk 90 dB*** 100 dB 100 dB 90 dB
*15 dB, 30 kHz to 50 kHz **10 dB, 30 kHz to 50 kHz
***60dB, 30 kHz to 50 kHz
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.

System performance summaries
HP 8753ES (50-ohm systems)
Type-N test ports
Network analyzer HP 8753ES
Standard and Option 006
Calibration kit HP 85032B
Test-port cables HP 11857D
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz 70 dB
50 kHz to 300 kHz 90 dB
300 kHz to 16 MHz 100 dB
16 MHz to 3 GHz 110 dB
Option 014 108 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz 105 dB
Option 014 103 dB
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
Measurement port characteristics
Frequency range
30 kHz-300 kHz2300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz 3 GHz-6 GHz
Directivity 50 dB 50 dB 47 dB 40 dB
Source match 49 dB 42 dB 36 dB 31 dB
Load match 50 dB 50 dB 47 dB 40 dB
±(0.005 dB ±(0.009 dB ±(0.019 dB ±(0.070 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.03 dB/˚C)
±(0.014 dB ±(0.013 dB ±(0.026 dB ±(0.065 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.03 dB/˚C)
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.

System performance summaries
HP 8753ES (50-ohm systems)
3.5-mm test ports
Network analyzer HP 8753ES
Standard and Option 006
Calibration kit HP 85033D
Test-port cables HP 11857D
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz 70 dB
50 kHz to 300 kHz 90 dB
300 kHz to 16 MHz 100 dB
16 MHz to 3 GHz 110 dB
Option 014 108 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz 105 dB
Option 014 103 dB
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
Measurement port characteristics
Frequency range
Corrected 30 kHz-300 kHz2300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz 3 GHz-6 GHz
Directivity 49 dB 46 dB 44 dB 38 dB
Source match 49 dB 44 dB 41 dB 37 dB
Load match 49 dB 46 dB 44 dB 38 dB
±(0.010 dB ±(0.005 dB ±(0.007 dB ±(0.009 dB
tracking +0.02/˚C) +0.01/˚C) +0.02/˚C) +0.03/˚C)
±(0.016 dB ±(0.014 dB ±(0.022 dB ±(0.048 dB
tracking +0.02/˚C) +0.01/˚C) +0.02/˚C) +0.03/˚C)
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.

System performance summaries
HP 8753ES (75-ohm systems)
Type-N test ports
Network analyzer HP 8753ES Option 075
Calibration kit HP 85036B
Test-port cables HP 11857B
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz 68 dB
50 kHz to 300 kHz 90 dB
300 kHz to 16 MHz 96 dB
16 MHz to 3 GHz 106 dB
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
Measurement port characteristics
Frequency range
Corrected 30 kHz - 300 kHz2300 kHz - 1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz - 3 GHz
Directivity 48 dB 48 dB 43 dB
Source match 47 dB 41 dB 35 dB
Load match 48 dB 48 dB 43 dB
±(0.004 dB ±(0.010 dB ±(0.019 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
±0.018 dB ±(0.016 dB ±(0.033 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
Uncorrected230 kHz - 300 kHz 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz - 3 GHz
Directivity 20 dB* 35 dB 30 dB
Source match 16 dB** 16 dB 16 dB
Load match 15 dB** 18 dB 16 dB
Reflection ±2.5 dB ±1 dB ±1 dB
Transmission ±2.5 dB ±1 dB ±1 dB
Crosstalk 90 dB*** 100 dB 100 dB
* 15 dB, 30 to 50 kHz **10 dB, 30 to 50 kHz *** 60 dB, 30 to 50 kHz
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.

System performance summaries
HP 8753ES (75-ohm systems)
Type-F test ports
Network analyzer HP 8753E Option 075
Calibration kit HP 85039B
Test-port cables HP 11857B
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz 68 dB
50 kHz to 300 kHz 90 dB
300 kHz to 16 MHz 96 dB
16 MHz to 3 GHz 106 dB
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
Measurement port characteristics
Data is shown for a Type-F female reflection port and a
Type-F male transmission port.
Frequency range
30 kHz-300 kHz 300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz
Directivity 45 dB 45 dB 40 dB
Source match 40 dB 40 dB 30 dB
Load match 45 dB 45 dB 40 dB
Reflection ±(0.060 dB ±(0.060 dB ±(0.024 dB
tracking +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
Transmission ±(0.033 dB ±(0.019 dB ±(0.057 dB
tracking +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.

System performance summaries
HP 8753ET (50-ohm systems)
Type-N test ports
Network analyzer HP 8753ET Standard,
Option 006 or Option 004
Calibration kit HP 85032B
Test port cable
HP part number 8120-4781
System dynamic range
300 kHz to 16 MHz 100 dB
16 MHz to 3 GHz 110 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz 105 dB
Measurement port characteristics
Frequency range
300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3.0 GHz 3.0 GHz-6.0 GHz
Directivity 30 dB 24 dB 19 dB
Source match
25 dB 20 dB 14 dB
Load match 24 dB 19 dB 16 dB
Reflection tracking ±1.0 dB ±1.0 dB ±2.0 dB
Transmission tracking ±1.5 dB ±1.5 dB ±2.5 dB
Crosstalk 100 dB 100 dB 90 dB
Frequency range (continued)
Corrected 300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3.0 GHz 3.0 GHz-6.0 GHz
Reflection measurements
Directivity 50 dB 47 dB 40 dB
Source match 42 dB 36 dB 31 dB
Load match
One-port cal 24 dB 19 dB 16 dB
Enhanced reflection cal
24 dB 19 dB 16 dB
Reflection tracking ±(0.009 dB ±(0.019 dB ±(0.07 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.03 dB/˚C)
Transmission measurements
Source match
Enhanced-response cal
42 dB 36 dB 31 dB
Response-only cal
25 dB 20 dB 14 dB
Transmission tracking
Enhanced-response cal
±(0.006 dB ±(0.018 dB ±(0.054 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.03 dB/˚C)
Response-only cal ±(0.033 dB ±(0.1 dB ±(0.27 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C) +0.03 dB/˚C)
1. One-port or enhanced-response calibration.
2. Enhanced-response or response-only calibration.
3. 2 dB less with Option 004.
4. Option 004 may degrade uncorrected source match as much as 2 dB.
Transmission uncertainty:
(enhanced-response calibration)
Transmission uncertainty:
(response calibration)
Reflection uncertainty
(one-port calibration)