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HP 8511A
Frequency Converter
Test Set
Operating and Service
HP part number: 08511-90072
Printed in USA
23 September 1999
Revision 1.0
The information contained in this document is subject to c hange w ithout
Hewlett-Packard makes no wa rranty of a ny kin d with regard to thismate rial,
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Hewlett-Packard assumes no r esponsibi lity f or the use or r eliabi lity of its
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Hewlett-Packard Company
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Chapter 1•Descriptions, optionsand accessory information.
Chapter 2•Specifications and definitions.
Chapter 3•Installation, environmental and preparation information.
Chapter 4•Information on the operation of this test set.
Chapter 5•How to do performance tests and otherperformance information.
Chapter 6•Servicing and replaceable parts information.
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
Wa rrant y
CertificationHewlett-PackardC ompany c ertifies thatthi s product me t its published
specifications at the tim e o f shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Pa ckard
further ce rti fies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the
United States National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST,
formerly N BS), to the extent allowed by the Institute’s c alibration facility,
and to the calibration facilities of other Internati onal Standards
Organization m embers.
WarrantyThis Hewlett-Packard system product is warranted against defects i n
materials and workmanship for a period corresponding to the individual
warranty periods of its compone nt product s. Instruments are warranted for a
period of one yea r. During the wa rranty period, Hewlett-Packard Company
will, at its option, either repair or replace products tha t pr ove to be defective.
Wa rranty service f or pr oducts insta lled by HP and certain other products
designated by HP will be performed at Buyer’s facility at no charge within
HP s e rv ice travel areas. Outsid e HP serv ice travel areas, warranty servic e
will be performed at Buyer’s facility onl y uponHP ’s prior agreem ent a nd
Buyer shall pay H P’s round trip tr avel expenses. In all othe r areas, products
must be returned to a service facility designated by HP.
For products returned to HP for warranty service, B uyer shall pr epay
shipping charges to H P and HP s hall pay s hipping charges to r eturn the
product to Buyer. However, Buyersha ll pay all shipping charges, duties, and
taxes for products r eturned to HP f rom another country.
HP warrants that its software and firmware designa ted by H P f or use w ith a n
instrument will execute its progr amming instructions whe n pr operly
installed on that instrument. HPdoes not warrant that the operation of the
instrument, or software, or firmware will be uninterr upted or error free.
LIMITATION OF WARRANTY. The f oregoing warranty s hall not apply
to defects resulting from improper or inadequate ma inten anc e by Buyer,
Buyer-supplied s oftware or interfacing, unauthorized modification or
misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the
product, or improper site prepa ration or ma intenance.
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Ma nual
AssistanceProduct maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements
are available for Hewlett-Packard products.
Forassistance, call your localHewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office
(refer to “Service a nd Support” on page viii).
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service M anual
Service and Support
Any adjustment, maintenance, or repair of this product m ust be performed
by qualified personnel. Contact your customer engineer through your local
HP ServiceCenter. You can finda list of HP ServiceCenterson the web at
If you do nothave access to the Internet, one of these HP centers candi rect
you to your nearest HP representative:
United States :Hewlett-Packard Company
Test and Measurement Call Center
PO Box 4026
Englewood, CO 80155-4026
(800) 452 4844 (toll-free in US)
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HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
Safety and Regulatory Information
Reviewthis product and related documentation to familiarize yourself with
safety markings and instructions before you operate the instrument. This
product has been designed and tested in accordance with internatio n al
Instrument Markings
The WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure,
practice, or the like, that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result
in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the
indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
The CAUTION notice denotes a ha zard. It calls attention to an operating
procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered
to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not
proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
When you see this symbol on your instrument, you should refer to the instrument’s
instruction manual for important information.
This symbol indicates hazardous voltages.
The laser radiation symbol is marked on products that have a laser output.
This symbol indicates that the instrument requires alternating current (ac) input.
The CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community. If it is
accompanied by a year, it indicates the year the design was proven.
The CSA mark is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Association.
1SM1-AThis text indicates that the instrument is an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1
Class A product (CISPER 11, Clause 4).
This symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.
This symbol indicates that the power line switch is OFF or in STANDBY position.
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
Saf et y Earth
This is a Safety C lass I product (provided with a pr otective earthing
terminal). An uninterruptible safety ea rth groundmust be provided from the
main power source to the product input wiring te rminals, power cor d, or
supplied power cord set. Wheneve r i t is li kely that the pr otection ha s be en
impaired, the product must be ma de i noperative and secured against any
unintended operation.
Bef ore Applyi ng
Verify that the product is configured to match the available main power
source as described in the input power configuration instructions in this
manual. If this product i s to be powered by a utotransformer, make sure the
commont erminal is connected to the neutral (grounded) si de of the ac power
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
Typeface Con ventions
Italics•Used to emphasize important information:
Use this software only with the HP 8511A.
•Used for the title of a publication:
Refer to the HP8511A System-Level User’s Guide.
•Usedt o indicate a variable:
LOAD BIN filename.
Instrument Display•Used to show on-screen prompts and messages that you will see on the
display of an instrument:
The HP8511A will displaythe message
User Entry•Used to indicate text that you will enter using the computer keyboard;
•Used for labe led keys on the front panel of an instrument or on a
computer keyboard:
•Used for simulated keys that appear on an instrumentdisplay:
{Prior Menu}
text shown in this typeface must be typed exactly as printed:
•Used for examples of programming code:
#endif // ifndef NO_CLASS
Path Name
Computer Display
•Used for a subdirectory name or file path:
Edit the file
•Usedt o s how messages, prompts, and window labels that appear on a
computer monitor:
Edit Parameters
window will appear on the screen.
•Used for menus, lists, dialog boxes, and button boxes on a computer
monitor from which you make selections using the mouse or keyboard:
F igur e 6-2. HP 8511A Major Assemblies ....................6-10
F igur e 6-3. HP 8511A Miscellaneous Mechanical, Chassis and
Elect rical Parts .....................................6-11
Table 6-2. HP 8511A Option 001 Replaceable P arts ...........6-12
F igur e 6-4. Part s Unique to HP 8511A Option 001 ............6-13
F igur e 6-5. HP 8511A Motherboar d ........................6-14
F igur e 6-6. T est Sets Interconnect Table (1 of 2) ...............6-15
F igur e 6-7. T est Sets Interconnect Table (2 of 2) ...............6-17
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
General Information
IntroductionThe HP 8511A four channel frequency converter test set is an integral
component of the HP 8510 measurement system. The HP 8511A
documentation is to be used with the HP 8510 documentation, and may be
inserted into the HP 8510 test accessories binder provided with your
HP 8510 manual set.
The HP 8511A Operating portion consists of:
•General Information
•Performance Tests
The HP 8511A Service portion consists of:
•Replaceable parts
•Service information
HP 8511A Test Set Opera ting and Service Man ual
General Informat ion
Figu re 1- 1HP 8511A Test Set with Accessories Supplied
108511-600242HP 8511 A ,B and A ntenna Meas urement Syst em Per formanc e Verifica tion Softwar e As sembly
208510-200061Semi -rigi d cable
308510-200051Semi -rigi d cable
408510-601021Test set cable assembly
58120-13481Power cord (USA only)
68120-34451GPIB ca bl e
HP Par t Num b erQtyDescripti o n
HP 8511A Test Set Opera ting and Service Man ual
General Infor mati on
Verifying the HP 8511A
Verifying the HP 8511A
The HP 8511A has been designed to operate specifically with the HP 8510
network analyzer .
•To install the instrument, turn to Chapter 3, “Installation” of this
•To check the proper operation of the HP 8511A, see “Operators Check”
on page 4-3 of this manual.
•To verify that the instrument meets its published specifications, use the
HP 8511A,B and Antenna Measurement System Performance
Verification Software (HP part number 08511-60024).
•To troubleshoot the HP 8511A, begin with the “Service and Equipment
Overview” chapter of the HP 8510 On-Site Service Manual.
HP 8511A Test Set Opera ting and Service Man ual
General Informat ion
Description and Operating Characteristics
Description and Operating Characteristics
The HP 8511A four channel frequency conve rter test set, has been designed
to operate with the HP 8510 network analyzer a nd other microwave
accessories (like c ouplers and power splitters). The HP 8511A provides a
conv enient means of customizing a test configuration for a variety of
applications within the frequency range of 45 MHz to 26.5 GHz. In addition
to configurations for measuring reflection and transmission parameters of
one-port or two-port devices, youcan build configurations to characterize
antenna parameters, radar c ross sections and fr equenc y translation devices.
Figure 1-2 on page 1-5 shows one possible measurement set-up.
HP 8511A Test Set Opera ting and Service Man ual
General Infor mati on
Description and Operating Characteristics
F igure 1-2Example of an HP 8511A Measurement Set-up
HP 8511A Test Set Opera ting and Service Man ual
General Informat ion
Description and Operating Characteristics
Table 2-1 on pa ge 2-1 lists the operating specificationsand characteristics of
the HP 8511A. N ote that the performance of theHP 8511A is v eri fiable only
as part of an HP 8510 system. Verification is performed at the ports of the
HP 8511A.
HP 8511A Test Set Opera ting and Service Man ual
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