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FC routing and forwarding commands························································································································ 51
FC zone commands ······················································································································································· 72
delete zone database all ······································································································································ 72
display zone ·························································································································································· 73
display zone member ··········································································································································· 74
display zone statistics ··········································································································································· 76
display zone status ················································································································································ 77
display zone-alias·················································································································································· 78
display zoneset ······················································································································································ 80
display zoneset active ··········································································································································· 81
member (zone view) ·············································································································································· 83
member (zone alias view) ···································································································································· 84
member (zone set view) ········································································································································ 86
pairwise-zoning enable ········································································································································ 87
reset zone statistics ················································································································································ 88
snmp-agent trap enable fc-zone ··························································································································· 88
zone clone ······························································································································································ 89
zone default-zone permit ······································································································································ 90
zone hard-zoning enable ····································································································································· 91
zone merge-control restrict ··································································································································· 92
zone mode enhanced ··········································································································································· 92
zone name ····························································································································································· 93
zone rename ·························································································································································· 94
zone-alias clone ····················································································································································· 95
FC ping commands ······················································································································································ 127
FC tracert commands ··················································································································································· 129
Support and other resources ·································································································································· 131
Contacting HP ······························································································································································ 131
Subscription service ············································································································································ 131
Related information ······················································································································································ 131
Index ········································································································································································ 134
FCoE commands
FCoE mode commands
display fcoe-mode
Use display fcoe-mode to display the FCoE mode of the switch.
display fcoe-mode
Any view
Predefined user roles
# Display the FCoE mode of the switch.
<Sysname> display fcoe-mode
The FCoE mode is NONE.
Table 1 Command output
Field Descri
The FCoE mode is mode.
Related commands
Use fcoe-mode to set an FCoE mode for the switch.
Use undo fcoe-mode to restore the default.
The mode can be one of the following:
• FCF.
• NPV.
• NONE (non-FCoE mode).
fcoe-mode { fcf | fcf-npv | npv | transit }
undo fcoe-mode
A switch operates in non-FCoE mode.
System view
Predefined user roles
fcf: Specifies the FCF mode.
fcf-npv: Specifies the FCF-NPV mode.
npv: Specifies the NPV mode.
transit: Specifies the Transit mode.
Usage guidelines
An FC and FCoE-capable switch can operate in non -FCoE mode or in one of the following FCoE modes:
•FCF mode—When the switch operates in this mode, it is an FCF switch and supports E_Ports and
F_Ports. An FCF switch can connect to the following elements:
{ An E_Port on another FCF switch through its E_Port.
{ An N_Port or NP_Port through its F_Port.
•NPV mode—When the switch operates in this mode, it is an NPV switch and supports F_Ports and
NP_Ports. An NPV switch can connect to the following elements:
{ An N_Port or NP_Port through its F_Port.
{ An F_Port through its NP_Port.
•FCF-NPV mode—When the switch operates in this mode, it is an FCF-NPV switch. A VSAN on an
FCF-NPV switch can operate in either of the following modes:
{ FCF mode—When a VSAN operates in this mode, the VSAN acts as an FCF switch.
{ NPV mode—When a VSAN operates in this mode, the VSAN acts as an NPV switch.
•Transit mode—When the switch operates in this mode, it is a Transit switch.
You can configure Ethernet interfaces on a Transit switch to operate in ENode or FCF mode. The
ENode mode allows an Ethernet interface to receive traffic from only an ENode. The FCF mode
allows an Ethernet interface to receive traffic from only an FCF switch.
The switch can only convert from non-FCoE mode to one FCoE mode, or vice versa. It cannot convert
directly among FCoE modes. To convert among FCoE modes, first convert the switch to non-FCoE mode.
After converting the switch to non-FCoE mode, FC and FCoE-related settings in the original FCoE mode
are cleared.
# Configure the switch to operate in FCF mode.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] fcoe-mode fcf
# Convert the switch operating in FCF mode to NPV mode.
[Sysname] undo fcoe-mode
All current FC configuration will be lost. Continue? [Y/N]:y
[Sysname] fcoe-mode npv
Related commands
display fcoe-mode
VFC interface commands
Use bandwidth to set the expected bandwidth for an interface.
Use undo bandwidth to restore the default.
bandwidth bandwidth-value
undo bandwidth
The expected bandwidth (in kbps) is the interface baud rate divided by 1000.
VFC interface view
Predefined user roles
bandwidth-value: Specifies the expected bandwidth in the range of 1 to 400000000 kbps.
Usage guidelines
The expected bandwidth determines the cost of the interface, which is used for route calculation.
By default, the baud rate of a VFC interface is 10 Gbps.
# Set the expected bandwidth to 50 kbps for interface VFC 1.
Use bind interface to bind a VFC interface to an Ethernet interface. The Ethernet interfaces in this
command refer to Layer 2 Ethernet interfaces, Layer 2 aggregate interfaces, S-channel interfaces, and
S-channel aggregate interfaces.
A VFC interface is not bound to any Ethernet interface.
VFC interface view
Predefined user roles
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. The interface type can
only be one of the following:
• Layer 2 Ethernet interface.
• Layer 2 aggregate interface.
• S-channel interface.
• S-channel aggregate interface.
macmac-address: Specifies the bound peer FCoE MAC address, in the format of XXXX-XXXX-XXXX and
six bytes in length.
Usage guidelines
To make a VFC interface work, bind it to a Ethernet interface. The VFC interface then sends and receives
packets through the Ethernet interface.
To use one physical link to carry multiple VFC interfaces, you must bind these VFC interfaces to different
peer FCoE MAC addresses. However, you can bind them to one Ethernet interface. The FCoE MAC
address identifies the device that communicates with a VFC interface. For a point-to-multipoint network,
the FCoE MAC address is required. For a point-to-point network, the FCoE MAC address is optional.
You can use the display fcoe command to display the FCoE MAC address of a switch. You can display
the FCoE MAC address of an ENode through some software or the NMS.
A VFC interface can be bound to only one Ethernet interface and one FCoE MAC address.
An Ethernet interface can be bound to multiple VFC interfaces, but an FCoE MAC address can be bound
to only one VFC interface.
To successfully bind a VFC interface to a Layer 2 Ethernet interface, make sure the Layer 2 Ethernet
interface is FCoE capable.
When you bind a VFC interface to a Layer 2 aggregate interface, follow these restrictions and
• To successfully bind a VFC interface to a Layer 2 aggregate interface, make sure all member ports
of the Layer 2 aggregate interface are FCoE capable. Also, make sure new member ports of the
Layer 2 aggregate interface are FCoE capable. Otherwise, FCoE traffic might be blocked.
• The binding to a Layer 2 aggregate interface does not take effect when you perform the following
{ Bind one VFC interface to the Layer 2 aggregate interface.
{ Bind another VFC interface to a member port of the Layer 2 aggregate interface.
Enabling EVB on a Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface disables the interface from
forwarding FCoE traffic. To enable such an interface to forward FCoE traffic, you must create an
S-channel interface or S-channel aggregate interface and bind a VFC interface to the created interface.
When you bind a VFC interface to an S-channel interface or S-channel aggregate interface, follow these
restrictions and guidelines:
• To successfully bind a VFC interface to an S-channel interface or S-channel aggregate interface,
make sure the switch is operating in expert mode. For information about system operating modes,
see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. For information about S-channel interfaces and S-channel
aggregate interfaces, see EVB Configuration Guide.
• To successfully bind a VFC interface to an S-channel interface, make sure the Layer 2 Ethernet
interface associated with the S-channel interface has FCoE over S-channel capabilities. For
FCoE-capable cards and cards that have FCoE over S-channel capabilities, see the product
• To successfully bind a VFC interface to an S-channel aggregate interface, make sure all member
ports of the Layer 2 Ethernet aggregate interface associated with the S-channel aggregate interface
have FCoE over S-channel capabilities. Also, make sure new member ports of the Layer 2 Ethernet
aggregate interface have FCoE over S-channel capabilities. Otherwise, FCoE traffic might be
blocked. For FCoE-capable cards and cards that have FCoE over S-channel capabilities, see the
product manual.
• The binding to an S-channel aggregate interface does not take effect when you perform the
following tasks:
{ Bind one VFC interface to the S-channel aggregate interface.
{ Bind another VFC interface to a member port of the Layer 2 aggregate interface associated
with the S-channel aggregate interface.
• FCoE over S-channel can be used only between an EVB-capable switch and a server.
# Bind interface VFC 4 to interface FortyGigE 1/1/1 and FCoE MAC address 000c-2999-eacd.
Use default to restore the default settings for a VFC interface.
VFC interface view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
The default command might interrupt ongoing network services. Make sure you are fully aware of the
impacts of this command when you execute it on a live network.
This command might fail to restore the default settings for some commands for reasons such as command
dependencies or system restrictions. Use the display this command in interface view to identify these
commands. Then use their undo forms or follow the command reference to individually restore their
default settings. If your restoration attempt still fails, follow the error message instructions to resolve the
# Restore the default settings for interface VFC 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vfc 1
[Sysname-Vfc1] default
This command will restore the default settings. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Use description to set a description for a VFC interface.
Use undo description to restore the default.
description text
undo description
The description of an interface is interface name Interface, for example, Vfc 1 Interface.
VFC interface view
Predefined user roles
text: Specifies an interface description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.
Usage guidelines
The description helps users identify the role of an interface.
# Set the description to Vfcport1 for interface VFC 1.
interface-number: Specifies a VFC interface by its number in the range of 1 to 1024.
brief: Displays brief information about interfaces. If this keyword is not specified, this command displays
detailed information about interfaces.
description: Displays the complete interface description.
down: Displays information about the interfaces in physically down state and the causes. If this keyword
is not specified, this command displays information about the interfaces in all states.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify the vfc keyword, this command displays information about all interfaces supported
by the switch.
If you specify the vfc keyword, this command displays information about all VFC interfaces.
If you specify a VFC interface, this command displays information about the specified VFC interface.
# Display detailed information about interface VFC 1.
<Sysname> display interface vfc 1
Current state: UP
Line protocol state: UP
Description: Vfc1 Interface
Bandwidth: 10000000kbps
Maximum Transmit Unit: 2112
Internet protocol processing: disabled
Link layer protocol is FC
Port WWN is 66:66:66:63:66:64:61:30
FC mode is E, state is E
Support the VSAN protocol
VSAN tagging mode is Tagging
EVFP common VSAN: 1
Bound interface is FortyGigE1/1/1, Bound MAC is 000c-2933-eacd
VSAN of physical-UP state: 1
Last clearing of counters: Never
Table 2 Command output
Field Descri
Physical state and administrative state of the VFC interface:
•DOWN (Administratively)—The interface is administratively
Current state
shut down by using the shutdown command.
•DOWN—The interface is administratively up but physically
•UP—The interface is up both administratively and physically.
Line protocol state Link layer protocol state of the VFC interface: DOWN or UP.
Bandwidth Expected bandwidth of the VFC interface.
Internet protocol processing
FC mode Mode of the VFC interface.
state Operating mode of the VFC interface through negotiation.
Support the VSAN protocol Indicates the VFC interface supports the VSAN protocol.
VSAN tagging mode
EVFP common VSAN
IP packet processing capability. If the VFC interface is not
assigned an IP address, this field displays disabled.
Link type of the interface: Trunk (Tagging) or Access (Non
tagging). VFC interfaces support only Tagging.
Indicates that the common VSANs are in up state through the
EVFP negotiation.
This field is displayed only after the link goes up.
Bound interface Physical interface bound to the VFC interface.
Bound MAC FCoE MAC address bound to the VFC interface.
VSAN of physical-UP state List of VSANs that are physically up.
Time when the interface statistics were last cleared by using the
Last clearing of counters
reset counters interface command. Never indicates that the
interface statistics have never been cleared since switch startup.
# Display brief information about interface VFC 1.
<Sysname> display interface vfc 1 brief
Brief information on VFC interface(s):
Admin Mode: auto - auto; E - e port; F - f port; NP - n port proxy
Oper Mode: E - e port; F - f port; NP - n port proxy;
TE - trunking e port; TF - trunking f port;
TNP - trunking n port proxy
Interface Admin Admin Oper Status Bind
Mode Trunk Mode Interface
Vfc1 F on TF UP TGE1/0/1 0102-0304-0506
Table 3 Command output
Field Descri
Configured mode of the VFC interface:
•auto—Auto mode. VFC interfaces do not support the mode.
Admin Mode
• E—E mode.
• F—F mode.
• NP—NP mode.
Configured trunk mode of the VFC interface:
Admin Trunk Mode
• auto—Auto mode.
• on—On mode. VFC interfaces support only the mode.
• off—Off mode.
Operating mode of the VFC interface after the link layer negotiation:
• E—An E_Port in an access VSAN.
• F—An F_Port in an access VSAN.
Oper Mode
• NP—An NP_Port in an access VSAN.
• TE—An E_Port in trunk VSANs.
• TF—An F_Port in trunk VSANs.
• TNP—An NP_Port in trunk VSANs.
• --—No negotiation is initiated or the negotiation failed.
Status VFC interface status after the link layer negotiation, which can be UP or DOWN.
Binding information of the VFC interface, including the bound Ethernet interface and
Bind Interface
the bound FCoE MAC address. If no binding information is configured for the VFC
interface, this field is blank.
# Display the descriptions of VFC interfaces.
<Sysname> display interface vfc brief description
Brief information on VFC interface(s):
Interface Description
Vfc1 Vfc1 Interface
Vfc2 Vfc2 Interface
Table 4 Command output
Field Descri
Description Description of the VFC interface.
# Display information about and the causes of the VFC interfaces in physically down state.
<Sysname> display interface vfc brief down
Brief information on interface(s) under bridge mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Interface Link Cause
Vfc1 ADM Administratively
Table 5 Command output
Field Descri
Brief information on interface(s)
under bridge mode
Link: ADM - administratively
down; Stby - standby
Brief information about Layer 2 interfaces.
Link status:
•ADM—The interface has been shut down by the network administrator.
To bring up the interface, execute the undo shutdown command.
•Stby—The interface is a backup interface.
Interface Interface name.
Physical link state of the interface:
•UP—The interface is physically up.
• DOWN—The interface is physically down.
• ADM—The interface has been administratively shut down. To bring up
the interface, execute the undo shutdown command.
•Stby—The interface is a backup interface.
Causes for the physical state of the VFC interface to be Down:
•Not connected—Physical connections do not exist (possibly because
the network cable is disconnected or faulty).
•Administratively—The interface was shut down with the shutdown
command. To bring up the interface, use the undo shutdown
fc mode (VFC interface view)
Use fc mode to set the mode for a VFC interface.
Use undo fc mode to restore the default.
fc mode { e | f | np }
undo fc mode
The mode of a VFC interface is F.
VFC interface view
Predefined user roles
e: Specifies the E mode.
f: Specifies the F mode.
np: Specifies the NP mode.
Usage guidelines
An FCF switch supports E and F modes. An NPV switch supports F and NP modes. An FCF-NPV switch
supports E, F, and NP modes.
On an FCF-NPV switch, if the mode of a VFC interface is not supported by a VSAN of the interface, the
mode does not take effect in the VSAN.
# Set the mode of interface VFC 1 to E.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vfc 1
[Sysname-Vfc1] fc mode e
interface vfc
Use interface vfc to create a VFC interface and enter its view. If the VFC interface already exists, this
commands leads you to VFC interface view directly.
Use undo interface vfc to delete a VFC interface.
interface vfc interface-number
undo interface vfc interface-number
No VFC interface exists.
System view
Predefined user roles
interface-number: Specifies a number for the VFC interface, in the range of 1 to 1024.
Usage guidelines
A VFC interface is a logical interface manually created on the FCF switch to simulate the functionality of
a physical FC interface.
Use display fcoe to display global FCoE configuration.
display fcoe
Any view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
Only FCF and NPV switches support this command.
# Display global FCoE configuration.
<Sysname> display fcoe
Global FCoE information:
FCoE MAC : 0000-1234-0202
FC-MAP : 0efc25
FCF Priority: 128
FKA period : 8 seconds
Table 6 Command output
Field Descri
FCoE MAC FCoE MAC address of the switch.
FC-MAP value.
FCF Priority System FCF priority.
FKA period
Interval at which a VFC interface sends Discovery Solicitations
and unsolicited Discovery Advertisements.
Related commands
• fcoe fcmap
• fcoe fka-adv-period
• fcoe global fcf-priority
display fcoe vlan
Use display fcoe vlan to display the FCoE configuration of a VLAN.
display fcoe vlan vlan-id
Any view
Predefined user roles
vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN by its ID in the range of 1 to 4094.
Usage guidelines
Only FCF-NPV switches support this command.
# Display the FCoE configuration of VLAN 10.
<Sysname> display fcoe vlan 10
FCoE information of VLAN 10:
FCoE MAC : 0000-2345-0202
FC-MAP : 0x0efc01
FCF Priority: 128
FKA period : 8 seconds
Table 7 Command output
Field Descri
FCoE MAC FCoE MAC address of the switch.
FCF Priority System FCF priority.
FKA period
Related commands
• fcoe fcmap
FC-MAP value of the switch.
Interval at which a VFC interface sends Discovery Solicitations
and unsolicited Discovery Advertisements.
• fcoe fka-adv-period
• fcoe global fcf-priority
fcoe enable
Use fcoe enable to enable FCoE in a VLAN and map the VLAN to a VSAN.
Use undo fcoe enable to disable FCoE in a VLAN.
fcoe enable [ vsan vsan-id ]
undo fcoe enable
FCoE is disabled in a VLAN.
VLAN view
Predefined user roles
vsan vsan-id: Specifies a VSAN by its ID in the range of 1 to 3839. If you do not specify a VSAN, this
command maps the VLAN to a VSAN with the same number as the VLAN. For VLANs 3840 to 4094,
you must manually specify VSANs to be mapped.
Usage guidelines
FCoE cannot be enabled in VLAN 1.
Do not enable FCoE in a reserved VLAN. If you enable FCoE in a reserved VLAN, the VFC interfaces
assigned to the mapped VSAN as trunk ports cannot come up. For more information about reserved
VLANs, see Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference.
VSANs are mapped to VLANs on a one-to-one basis.
An FCoE-enabled VLAN allows only FCoE traffic. All member ports in an FCoE-enabled VLAN are
isolated and will not form loops. To prevent FCoE links from being blocked, do not enable STP or other
loop detection protocols in an FCoE-enabled VLAN. A Layer 2 protocol enabled in an FCoE-enabled
VLAN runs based on the topology where all member ports in the VLAN are isolated at Layer 2.
When you use a VFC interface to transmit packets, the Ethernet interface bound to the VFC interface
might allow multiple VLANs. You must enable FCoE in the same VLAN and map the VLAN to the same
VSAN on both ends. Then, the packets from the VSAN are tagged with the VLAN tag and transmitted
within the VLAN.
Use fcoe fcf-priority to set the FCF priority for a VFC interface.
Use undo fcoe fcf-priority to restore the default.
fcoe fcf-priority priority
undo fcoe fcf-priority
The FCF priority of a VFC interface is 128.
VFC interface view
Predefined user roles
priority: Specifies the FCF priority for the VFC interface, in the range of 0 to 255. The smaller the value,
the higher the priority.
Usage guidelines
This command takes effect only on VFC interfaces operating in F mode. You can configure this command
on VFC interfaces operating in E mode, but it does not take effect.
The VFC interface FCF priority is used in the fcf priority field in an unsolicited Discovery Advertisement.
An ENode selects the FCF switch with the highest priority from the FCF switches sending Discovery
Advertisements and sends a FLOGI request to it for login.
fc-map: Specifies an FC-MAP value in the range of 0x0EFC00 to 0x0EFCFF.
Usage guidelines
On FCF or NPV switches, you can set an FC-MAP value only in system view. On FCF-NPV switches, you
can set an FC-MAP value only in VLAN view.
An FC-MAP value identifies an FCoE network. Switches in the same FCoE network must have the same
FC-MAP value.
After an FC-MAP value is set, VFC interfaces perform a FIP renegotiation.
# Set the FC-MAP value to 0x0EFCFF on an FCF or NPV switch.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] fcoe fcmap 0efcff
Changing the FC-MAP will flap all VFC interfaces. Continue? [Y/N]: y
# Set the FC-MAP value to 0x0EFCFF in VLAN 2 on an FCF-NPV switch.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vlan 2
[Sysname-vlan2] fcoe fcmap 0efcff
Changing the FC-MAP will flap all VFC interfaces in current VLAN. Continue? [Y/N]:y
fcoe fka-adv-period
Use fcoe fka-adv-period to set an FKA advertisement interval.
Use undo fcoe fka-adv-period to restore the default.
fcoe fka-adv-period fka-adv-period
undo fcoe fka-adv-period
The FKA advertisement interval is 8 seconds.
System view, VLAN view
Predefined user roles
fka-adv-period: Specifies an FKA advertisement interval in the range of 4 to 600 seconds.
Usage guidelines
On FCF or NPV switches, you can set an FKA advertisement interval value only in system view. On
FCF-NPV switches, you can set an FKA advertisement interval value only in VLAN view.
The FKA advertisement interval determines the length of time the switch takes to detect the disconnection
of a virtual link.
The FKA advertisement interval defines the interval for a switch to send unsolicited Discovery
Advertisements to its peer switches or ENodes.
A switch uses the following process to maintain the virtual link established with a peer switch:
1. The switch sends unsolicited Discovery Advertisements every FKA advertisement interval out of its
VFC interfaces in E mode.
The FKA advertisement interval value is carried in unsolicited Discovery Advertisements.
2. After receiving an unsolicited Discovery Advertisement, the peer switch maintains the status of the
virtual link and records the FKA advertisement interval value.
If the peer switch fails to receive an unsolicited Discovery Advertisement within 2.5 FKA
advertisement intervals, it deletes the virtual link.
A switch uses the following process to maintain the virtual link established with a peer ENode:
1. The switch sends unsolicited Discovery Advertisements every FKA advertisement interval out of its
VFC interfaces in F mode.
The FKA advertisement interval value is carried in unsolicited Discovery Advertisements.
2. After receiving an unsolicited Discovery Advertisement, the peer ENode maintains the status of the
virtual link and records the FKA advertisement interval value.
If the peer ENode fails to receive an unsolicited Discovery Advertisement within 2.5 FKA
advertisement intervals, it deletes the virtual link.
In addition, the ENode sends keepalive frames to the switch every FKA advertisement interval value. This
value is obtained from unsolicited Discovery Advertisements received from the switch. After receiving a
keepalive frame, the switch maintains the status of the virtual link. If the switch fails to receive a keepalive
frame within 2.5 FKA advertisement intervals, it deletes the virtual link.
When setting the FKA advertisement interval value on an FCF or NPV switch, use Table 8 a
to avoid service disruption.
Table 8 Recommended values for different application scenarios
Less than 90
60–90 seconds
Application scenarios Remarks
According to FC-BB-5, the upper limit of the FKA
advertisement interval value is 90 seconds.
To ensure service continuity during an active/standby
Connected to servers, storage
devices, or third-party switches.
Active/standby switchover on
the switch takes more than 2.5 x
60 seconds because of the
amount of FCoE configuration.
switchover on an NPV switch, you must also adjust the
FKA advertisement interval value on the upstream FCF
switch. This is because the FKA advertisement interval
value set on the NPV switch affects only its VFC
interfaces in F mode and connected ENodes, and its
VFC interfaces in NP mode use the FKA advertisement
interval value learned from the upstream FCF switch.
s a reference
# Set the FKA advertisement interval to 20 seconds on an FCF or NPV switch.
# Set the FKA advertisement interval to 20 seconds in VLAN 2 on an FCF-NPV switch.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vlan 2
[Sysname-vlan2] fcoe fka-adv-period 20
fcoe global fcf-priority
Use fcoe global fcf-priority to set the system FCF priority.
Use undo fcoe global fcf-priority to restore the default.
fcoe global fcf-priority priority
undo fcoe global fcf-priority
The system FCF priority is 128.
System view, VLAN view
Predefined user roles
priority: Specifies the system FCF priority in the range of 0 to 255. The smaller the value, the higher the
Usage guidelines
This command takes effect on all VFC interfaces operating in F mode.
On FCF or NPV switches, you can set the system FCF priority only in system view. On FCF-NPV switches,
you can set the system FCF priority only in VLAN view.
The system FCF priority is used in the fcf priority field in an unsolicited Discovery Advertisement.
An ENode selects the FCF switch with the highest priority from the FCF switches sending Discovery
Advertisements and sends a FLOGI request to it for login.
# Set the system FCF priority to 12 on an FCF or NPV switch.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] fcoe global fcf-priority 12
# Set the system FCF priority to 12 in VLAN 2 on an FCF-NPV switch.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vlan 2
[Sysname-vlan2] fcoe global fcf-priority 12
VSAN commands
display vsan port-member
Use display vsan port-member to display the member interfaces of a VSAN.
display vsan [ vsan-id ] port-member
Any view
Predefined user roles
vsan-id: Specifies a VSAN by its ID in the range of 1 to 3839. If you do not specify this argument, this
command displays the member interfaces of each VSAN.
Use display vsan status to display the status of VSANs.
display vsan [ vsan-id ] status
Any view
Predefined user roles
vsan-id: Specifies a VSAN by its ID in the range of 1 to 3839. If you do not specify a VSAN, this
command displays the status of each VSAN.
Usage guidelines
Only FCF-NPV switches support this command.
# Display the status of each VSAN.
<Sysname> display vsan status
Name: VSAN0001
Working mode: NPV
VSAN 10:
Name: VSAN0010
Working mode: NPV
Related commands
• vsan
• working-mode
port trunk vsan
Use porttrunk vsan to assign an interface to the specified VSANs as a trunk port, so that the port allows
traffic from the specified VSANs to pass through.
Use undo port trunk vsan to remove an interface from the specified VSANs.
port trunk vsan vsan-id-list
undo port trunk vsan vsan-id-list
A VFC interface does not belong to any VSANs as a trunk port.
VFC interface view
Predefined user roles
vsan-id-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to 10 VSAN items. Each item specifies a VSAN ID or
a range of VSAN IDs in the format of vsan-id1 to vsan-id2. The value range for the vsan-id argument is
1 to 3839. The value for vsan-id2 must be greater than or equal to the value for vsan-id1.
Usage guidelines
HP recommends not including both FCF-mode VSANs and NPV-mode VSANs on an FCF-NPV switch in
a VSAN list. If you do so, the following events occur during trunk mode negotiation:
• An E_Port selects only FCF-mode VSANs.
• An NP_Port selects only NPV-mode VSANs.
# Assign interface VFC 1 to VSANs 1, 2, 10, and 20 through 100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vfc 1
[Sysname-Vfc1] port trunk vsan 1 to 2 10 20 to 100
Use vsan to create a VSAN and enter VSAN view. If the VSAN already exists, the command directly
leads you to VSAN view.
Use undo vsan to delete a VSAN.
vsan vsan-id [ name vsan-name ]
undo vsan vsan-id [ name ]
The default VSAN (VSAN 1) exists.
System view
Predefined user roles
vsan vsan-id: Specifies a VSAN by its ID in the range of 1 to 3839.
name vsan-name: Specifies the name of the VSAN, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. The
name must start with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, and special symbols in Table 9.
Table 9 Special symbols
Caret ^
Dollar sign $
Minus sign -
Underscore _
If you do not specify a VSAN name, the default VSAN name is VSAN plus a four-digit VSAN ID. For
example, the default VSAN name of VSAN 10 is VSAN0010.
Usage guidelines
You cannot delete VSAN 1.
The maximum number of VSANs (including the default VSAN 1) that can be created is 16.
If you specify the name keyword, the undo vsan command restores the VSAN name to its default. If you
do not specify the name keyword, the undo vsan command deletes the VSAN.
Use allowed-domain-id to configure an allowed domain ID list for a VSAN.
Use undoallowed-domain-id to restore the default.
allowed-domain-id domain-id-list
undo allowed-domain-id domain-id-list
The allowed domain ID list includes domain IDs 1 to 239.
VSAN view
Predefined user roles
domain-id-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to 8 domain items. Each item specifies a domain ID
or a range of domain IDs in the format of domain-id1 todomain-id2. The value for domain-id2 must be
greater than or equal to the value for domain-id1. The value range for the domain-id argument is 1 to
Usage guidelines
Only FCF switches and VSANs operating in FCF mode support this command.
To successfully configure an allowed domain ID list on the principal switch, make sure all assigned and
locally configured domain IDs are included in the list. After you configure an allowed domain ID list, the
principal switch assigns only domain IDs available in the allowed list.
To successfully configure an allowed domain ID list on a non-principal switch, make sure the runtime
domain ID of the switch is included in the allowed list. After you configure an allowed domain ID list on
a non-principal switch, the following rules apply:
• The locally configured domain ID must be included in the allowed list. Otherwise, the domain ID
configuration fails.
• The principal switch must assign a domain ID that is included in the allowed list of the non-principal
switch. Otherwise, the non-principal switch refuses the assigned domain ID and isolates its interface
connected to the principal switch.
HP recommends that you configure the same allowed domain ID list on all switches in a VSAN.
# Configure VSAN 1 to allow domains 3 through 10.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vsan 1
[Sysname-vsan1] allowed-domain-id 3 to 10
display fc domain
Use displayfcdomain to display the domain information of VSANs.
display fc domain [ vsan vsan-id ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
vsan vsan-id: Specifies a VSAN by its ID in the range of 1 to 3839. If you do not specify a VSAN, this
command displays the domain information of all VSANs. On an FCF-NPV switch, this command displays
the domain information of only VSANs operating in FCF mode.
Usage guidelines
Only FCF and FCF-NPV switches support this command.
The displayed domain information includes runtime and configuration information of the local switch and
runtime information of the principal switch.
# Display the domain information of VSAN 1.
<Sysname> display fc domain vsan 1
Domain Information of VSAN 1: