HP 54710A, 54710D, 54720A, 54720D User's Reference Manual

User’s Reference
Publication number 54720-97005 First edition, October 1995
This book applies directly to firmware revision 4.XX.
For Safety information, Warranties, and Regulatory information, see the pages behind the index
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HP 54710A, 54710D, 54720A and 54720D Oscilloscopes
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This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett­Packard’s former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. To reduce potential confusion, the only change to product numbers and names has been in the company name prefix: where a product name/number was HP XXXX the current name/number is now Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648 is now model number Agilent 8648.
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HP 54710A, 54710D, 54720A, and 54720D Oscilloscopes
The HP 54720 is a modular, high-performance oscilloscope that contains four data acquisition systems behind each of four plug-in slots. Each plug-in slot provides 8 bits, 2-GSa/s maximum sample rate, 16K maximum acquisition memory on the A models and 64K maximum acquistion memory on the D models, and up to 1.5-GHz bandwidth (depending on the plug-in you are using). A two-wide plug-in, like the HP 54721A, uses two slots which allows a maximum sample rate of 4 GSa/s and a maximum acquisition memory of 32K in the A models and 128K in the D models. A four-wide plug-in, like the HP 54722A, uses four slots which allows a maximum sample rate of 8 GSa/s and a maximum acquisition memory of 64K in the 54720A and 256K in the 54720D.
The HP 54720 also has firmware modularity by having a 3-1/2 inch disk drive and flash ROMs, which allows for upgrades of the system firmware features in the oscilloscope.
The plug-ins provide analog signal conditioning for the A/D converters that are inside the mainframe.
This performance and flexibility provide you with the most accurate analysis of single-shot phenomena found in any laboratory oscilloscope.
The HP 54710 gives you the same performance as the HP 54720, except that it has two acquisition systems.
This oscilloscope has many powerful features, and each of them is described in this book. Your key to unlocking the power of the oscilloscope depends how you combine its features for your application, and your knowledge of how each feature effects the operation of the oscilloscope.
All calibration and repair information is contained in the Service Guide, and all programming information is contained in the Programmer’s Reference.
Accessories Supplied
The following accessories are supplied with the oscilloscope.
This User’s Reference
One Programmer’s Reference
One Service Guide
One 2.3 meter (7.5 feet) power cord
See Also
The Service Guide for available power cords.
Accessories Available
The following accessories are available for use with the oscilloscope.
Make sure you use the correct length screw to rackmount the oscilloscope. If you use a screw that is too short, it may not hold the oscilloscope safely in the rack. If you use a screw that is too long, it can damage the oscilloscope.
HP 54710-68703 (Opt 907) Rackmount kit, handles only. Includes
M4 X 0.7 X 12 mm flat-head screws, HP part number 0515-2227 HP 54710-68704 (Opt 908) Rackmount kit, ears only. Includes M4
X 0.7 X 14 mm flat-head screws, HP part number 0515-0435 HP 54710-68705 (Opt 909) Rackmount kit with ears and handles.
Includes M4 X 0.7 X 20 mm flat-head screws, HP part number 0515-0456
HP 54720-68701 (Opt 002) Training kit including a PC board,
training guide, and power supply HP 10087A HP 54710A to HP 54720A upgrade service
HP 54701A 2.5-GHz active probe
HP 54006A 6-GHz passive probe
HP 10430A 500-MHz 6.5-pF passive probe
HP 10441A 500-MHz 9-pF passive probe
HP 1141A 200-MHz differential probe
HP 1142A Power supply for HP 1141A Probe
In This Book
This book consists of 24 chapters, a glossary, and an index. Most of the chapters describe the various menus in the oscilloscope. These chapters contain the word "Menu" as part of their title. For example, "Acquisition Menu" discusses the various softkey menus that come up on the display when you press the Acquisition hardkey on the front panel. The remaining chapters contain additional information about the oscilloscope. For example, "Measurements" discusses how the oscilloscope calculates the measurement results when you select an automatic measurement.
You will find it easier to use this reference book if you are at least a little familiar with how to use the front panel. The best way to learn how to use the front panel is by reading the User’s Quick Start Guide that is supplied with the oscilloscope.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Front Panel Features
Acquisition Menu
Calibration Overview
Channel Menu
Define Measure Menu
Disk Menu
Display Menu
Marker Menu
Math Menu
Setup Print Menu
Specifications and
Time Base Menu
Trigger Menu
Utility Menu
Waveform Menu
FFT Menu
Limit Test Menu
Mask Menu
Histogram Menu
1 How the Oscilloscope Works
Hardware Architecture 1–10 Data Flow 1–15 Sampling Overview 1–18 Choosing Plug-ins 1–24 Choosing Probes 1–27 System Bandwidth 1–32
2 Front-Panel Features
Autoscale Key 2–3 Clear Display Key 2–3 Display 2–4 Entry Devices 2–7 Fine Mode 2–8 Help Menu 2–9 Indicator Lights 2–10 Local Key 2–12 Run Key 2–13 Stop/Single Key 2–14
3 Acquisition Menu
Sampling Mode 3–4 Digital BW Limit 3–6 Interpolate 3–6 Sampling Rate 3–12 Record Length 3–14 Averaging 3–19 Completion 3–20
4 Applications
Contents – 1
5 Calibration Overview
Mainframe Calibration 5–3 Plug-in Calibration 5–4 Normal Accuracy Calibration Level 5–5 Best Accuracy Calibration Level 5–6 Probe Calibration 5–8
6 Channel Menu
Display 6–4 Scale 6–5 Offset 6–6 Input 6–6 Probe 6–7 Calibrate 6–10
7 Define Measure Menu
Define Measure Menu 7–2
Thresholds 7–4 Top-Base 7–6 Define ∆time 7–8 Statistics 7–9
8 Disk Menu
Disk Menu 8–2
Directory 8–3 Load 8–5 Store 8–6 Delete 8–8 Format 8–9 Type 8–10 File Format 8–12 From File, To File, or File Name 8–20 To Memory 8–21
Contents – 2
9Display Menu
Persistence 9–3 Color Grade Display 9–5 Draw Waveform 9–6 Graticule 9–10 Label 9–13 Color 9–17
10 Messages
11 Marker Menu
Off 11–3 Manual 11–3 Waveform 11–5 Measurement 11–7 Histogram 11–8 Marker Hints 11–8
12 Math Menu
Function 12–3 Define Function 12–4 Display 12–7
Contents – 3
13 Measurements
The Oscilloscope Waveform Measurement Process 13–11
The Process Starts With Data Collection 13–12 Then the System Builds a Histogram 13–13 The System Calculates Min and Max From the Data Record 13–14 Then It Calculates Top and Base 13–15 Thresholds Are the Next Values Calculated 13–17 Finally, Rising and Falling Edges are Determined 13–18
Standard Waveform Definitions 13–21
Voltage Measurements 13–21 Timing Definitions 13–24
Some Important Measurement Considerations 13–26
Making Automatic Measurements from the Front Panel 13–27
Increasing the accuracy of your measurements 13–29
Measuring time intervals 13–30 Statistics 13–34 Time-interval measurements 13–38
14 Setup Menu
Setup Memory 14–3 Save 14–3 Recall 14–4 Default Setup 14–4
15 Setup Print Menu
Print Format 15–4 Destination 15–6 Data 15–8 Setup Factors 15–8 TIFF and GIF files on the Apple Macintosh Computer 15–9
Contents – 4
16 Specifications and Characteristics
Specifications 16–3 Characteristics 16–4 Product Support 16–9 General Characteristics 16–10
17 Time Base Menu
Scale 17–3 Position 17–3 Reference 17–4 Windowing 17–5
18 Trigger Menu
Trigger Basics 18–4 Sweep 18–6 Mode 18–7 Source 18–20 Level 18–20 Slope 18–20 Holdoff and Conditioning 18–21
19 Utility Menu
HP-IB Setup 19–3 System Configuration 19–4 Calibrate 19–10 Self-Test 19–14 Firmware Support 19–14 Service 19–16
20 Waveform Menu
Waveform 20–3 Pixel 20–6
Contents – 5
21 FFT Menu
Display 21–3 Source 21–3 Window 21–3 FFT Scaling 21–4 FFTs and Automatic Measurements 21–8 FFT Basics 21–10
22 Limit Test Menu
Test 22–4 Measurement 22–4 Fail When 22–5 Upper Limit 22–7 Lower Limit 22–7 Run Until 22–7 Fail Action 22–9
23 Mask Menu
Polygon Masks in the Oscilloscope 23–4 Test 23–6 Scale mask 23–7 Edit Mask 23–9 Run Until 23–18 Fail Action 23–20
24 Histogram Menu
Histograms in the oscilloscope 24–3 Mode 24–6 Axis 24–6 Histogram Window 24–7 Histogram Scale 24–8 Run Until 24–10
Contents – 6
Contents – 7
Contents – 8
Hardware Architecture 1–3 Data Flow 1–8 Sampling Overview 1–11 Choosing Plug-ins 1–17 Choosing Probes 1–20 System Bandwidth 1–25
How the Oscilloscope Works
How the Oscilloscope Works
This chapter gives you a brief overview of how the oscilloscope functions. This chapter is not intended for troubleshooting purposes, but rather to give you an idea of the basic hardware inside the oscilloscope, so you can make better decisions about configuring the oscilloscope when you are making measurements. The following topics are discussed:
Hardware Architecture
Data Flow
Sampling Overview
Choosing Plug-ins
Choosing Probes
System Bandwidth
Figure 1-1
How the Oscilloscope Works
Hardware Architecture
Hardware Architecture
This is a high-level look at the internal hardware of the oscilloscope. You will find a complete block diagram of the oscilloscope in the Service Guide that is supplied with the oscilloscope.
Figure 1-1 is a functional block diagram of the hardware in the oscilloscope.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Hardware Architecture
hybrid contains the following:
The signal is sampled by the 500-MSa/s sampler, converted to a digital signal, and then stored into the 4K FISO (fast-in-slow-out) memory.
In the real-time sampling mode the four 500-MSa/s sampling paths are interleaved to achieve a 2-GSa/s sampling rate with 16K of memory behind each plug-in slot on the A model mainframes (64K on the D model mainframes). However, the HP 54721A plug-in, for example, uses two slots which interleaves two hybrids in time to give you a 4-GSa/s sample rate and 32K (128K on the D models) of memory. The HP 54722A plug-in uses four slots which interleaves four hybrids in time to give you 8-GSa/s sample rate and 64K (256K on the D models) of memory.
In the equivalent-time sampling mode, the 500-MSa/s samplers are synchronized and the voltage reference of the ADCs is shifted in voltage by one-quarter of a least significant bit to achieve higher vertical resolution. This process results in 500 MSa/s and 16K (64K on the D models) of memory behind each plug-in slot. In this mode, the HP 54721A plug-in, for example, gives you a 500-MSa/s sample rate and 32K (256K on the D models) of memory.
When viewing a signal that happens either once or infrequently, the preferred acquisition mode is the real-time sampling mode because the higher sampling rate gives a higher single-shot bandwidth. When viewing signals that occur repetitively, the equivalent-time sampling mode is the preferred choice because of the higher system bandwidth and vertical resolution.
Behind each plug-in slot in the mainframe is a hybrid. The
A quad, 500-MSa/s, 2-GHz bandwidth, bipolar, sampling IC Four, 6th order, low-pass, thickfilm, IF filters Two, dual, 500 MSa/s, bipolar, ADC ICs Two, dual, 4K, FISO, memory ICs.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Hardware Architecture
the input signal, sets the bandwidth of the system, and allows you to choose the input coupling and input impedance. One output of the plug-in is an analog signal that is applied to the hybrid on the acquisition board inside of the mainframe, another output is a trigger signal that is sent to the time base/trigger board.
CAL Table
the sampled data. The result is referred to as adjusted data, and it is sent to the system bus. The CAL table increases the throughput of the oscilloscope because the CPU now reads calibrated data, and does not have to explicitly correct it. This is faster than using a software solution.
Microprocessors and coprocessors
microprocessors, one 32-bit coprocessor, and one 16-bit coprocessor in the mainframe.
The plug-in is for analog signal conditioning. The plug-in scales
The CAL table automatically adds the calibration factors to
There are two 32-bit
Motorola 68020 A 32-bit microprocessor that controls the system hardware, and also acts as a traffic controller on the system bus.
Motorola 68882 A 32-bit coprocessor that performs all of the floating point math.
TMS34010 A 32-bit microprocessor that draws data on the display. HP custom graphics coprocessor A 16-bit coprocessor that controls the
gray scale persistence mode, and also writes blocks of data (like the markers and display background) to the display.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Hardware Architecture
Host RAM
The host RAM is 4 Mbytes of nonvolatile RAM. This is where the waveform data is held and manipulated. In addition, this is the location of the current front-panel setup, setup memories, and waveform memories.
Flash ROM
The flash ROM contains the system firmware that controls the operation of the oscilloscope. You can load new system firmware into the oscilloscope by using the disk drive.
Disk Drive
The disk drive is a 3-1/2 inch, high-density, MS-DOS
compatible disk drive. You can use the disk drive to load system firmware into the flash ROMs, load applications, save screen dumps in a TIFF, GIF, or PCX format, or as additional storage space for saving waveforms and front-panel setups.
User Interface Hardware
The user interface hardware is the keyboard, and the hardware that interfaces the keyboard and knob with the system bus.
FIFO and HP-IB Hardware
The FIFO is a first-in-first-out memory that transfers waveforms through the HP-IB bus under hardware control. This hardware control is much faster than the software control used by other oscilloscopes. The FIFO increases the HP-IB throughput of the oscilloscope.
is a US registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Hardware Architecture
See Also
Centronics Port
The Centronics port is a parallel connector for
printers that are compatible with the Centronics interface.
High-Speed Port
The high-speed port feature is not implemented at
this time.
Video RAM
This is 1 MByte of fast video RAM for storing the display
image. The video RAM also contains the pixel memory.
The display is a 9-inch, high-resolution, color display.
"Display" in Chapter 2 for additional details.
Figure 1-2
How the Oscilloscope Works
Data Flow
Data Flow
The data flow gives you an idea of where the measurements are made on the acquired data, and when the post acquisition signal processing is applied to the data.
Figure 1-2 is a data flow diagram of the oscilloscope. The diagram is laid out serially to give you a visual perception of how the data is affected by the oscilloscope.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Data Flow
The digitizer samples the applied signal and converts it to a digital signal. The FISO holds the data until the system bus is ready for the data. The output of the FISO is used as an address to the calibration read-through table (cal table). The cal table automatically applies the calibration factors to the data.
In the real-time sampling mode, the calibrated data is stored in the channel memories before any of the postprocessing is performed. Postprocessing includes turning on or off the digital bandwidth limit filter or the interpolator, calculating functions, storing data to the waveform memories, transferring data over the HP-IB bus, or transferring data to and from the disk. Notice that the measurements are performed on the real-time data after it has gone through postprocessing.
Therefore, you can make measurements on the data, and you can turn on or off digital bandwidth limit or interpolation without having to reacquire the data. This is important because the real-time sampling mode is primarily used on events that happen either once or infrequently, and reacquiring the data may not be one of your options. Also, turning on interpolation usually improves the repeatability of your measurements.
The equivalent-time sampling mode is slightly different. Notice that averaging is turned on or off before the data is stored in the channel memories. That means once the data is acquired, if you need to turn averaging on or off before making any measurements, you must reacquire the data. However, because the equivalent-time sampling mode is primarily used on repetitive signals, you should be able to reacquire the data.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Data Flow
Also, you may notice that postprocessing the data in the equivalent-time signal path includes calculating functions, storing data to the waveform memories, transferring data over the HP-IB bus, or transferring data to and from the disk.
After the measurements are performed, the data is sent through the display portion of the oscilloscope. Notice that connected dots is a display feature, and that it has no influence on the measurement results. The pixel memory is also part of the video RAM, which is past the point where the measurements are performed on the data. Therefore, you cannot make measurements on data in the pixel memory. But, you can make measurements on data stored to the waveform memories.
How the Oscilloscope Works
Sampling Overview
Sampling Overview
This gives you a brief overview of sampling. For more details on sampling techniques, refer to Feeling Comfortable with Digitizing Oscilloscopes that is supplied with your oscilloscope. You can also get a copy of HP product note 54720A-1, Bandwidth and Sampling Rate in Digitizing Oscilloscopes, by contacting you nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office or by calling the Hewlett-Packard Customer Information Center at 1-800-452-4844.
Real-time sampling
In the real-time sampling mode, all of the data is acquired from one time base sweep. As with any digitizing oscilloscope, the more data that is acquired, the better the oscilloscope can reproduce the waveform on the display. Therefore, this sampling mode has a maximum sampling rate of 2-GSa/s on each plug-in slot. A two-wide plug-in, like the HP 54721A, uses two plug-in slots for a maximum sampling rate of 4 GSa/s. A four wide plug-in, like the HP 54722A, uses four plug-in slots for a maximum sampling rate of 8 GSa/s. Also, this sampling mode is typically used on signals that happen either once or infrequently. Because you may have only one chance to capture the data, you will want to use the maximum sampling rate available.
A simple fact of real-time sampling is that the higher the sampling rate relative to the bandwidth of the signal, the better the oscilloscope can reconstruct the signal. The oscilloscope can best reproduce signals when the sample rate is about four times or greater than the highest frequency components in the signal. That is why the HP 54713A plug-in has a 500-MHz bandwidth. It uses one slot, and one-fourth of 2 GSa/s is 500 MHz. The HP 54721A plug-in has a bandwidth of about 1 GHz because it uses two slots, and one-fourth of 4 GSa/s is 1 GHz.
Figure 1-3
How the Oscilloscope Works
Sampling Overview
Figure 1-3 shows a 489-ps pulse sampled at 1 GSa/s. You may notice that there are ten different acquisitions. From the picture in figure 1-3, it is difficult to get a sense of what the signal looks like. Any of the ten traces, or none of them, may represent the signal. You can say that the signal in figure 1-3 is undersampled because not enough data was acquired on each time base sweep for the oscilloscope to accurately reconstruct the waveform on the display. Also notice the measurement results at the bottom of the picture. The question marks indicate that there was insufficient data to make the measurements.
Figure 1-4
How the Oscilloscope Works
Sampling Overview
Figure 1-4 shows the same 489-ps pulse sampled at 2 GSa/s. Notice that ten acquisitions were taken again. This time you have a better sense of what the signal looks like. However, there are still enough differences among each of the ten waveforms that you can say the signal is undersampled. Notice that figure 1-4 gives you more information about the signal than figure 1-3. The oscilloscope has enough data to make the measurements, but the statistics results show that there is a wide variation in the measurement results.
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