HP 54645A, 54645D User's And Service Manual

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This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to this manual copy. In other documentation, to reduce potential confusion, the only change to product numbers and names has been in the company name prefix: where a product number/name was HP XXXX the current name/number is now Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A.
User and Service Guide
Publication Number 54645-97012 December 1997 (pdf version Nov 1998)
For Safety Information, Warranties, and Regulatory information, see the pages behind the Index.
© Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1996-1997 All Rights Reserved
HP 54645A Oscilloscope and HP 54645D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope
The HP 54645A/D at a Glance
Display shows current i nput signals
Eighteen (18) channels i n m ai n m ode; 2 scope and 8 timing channels in delayed mode (HP 54645D)
Indicators for peak, av g, or normal acquisition, time bas e, channel activity, trigger and acquisition status
Softkey labels
Measurement results
Channel Controls select, position, and label inputs
Turn channels on or off in di vidually or in groups of 8 (HP 54645D)
Rearrange order of channels to group related signals ( HP 54645D)
Create and display label s to identify channels ( HP 54645D)
General Co ntrols measure, save and restore results, and configure the oscilloscope
Make autom atic time and frequency measurements
Use cursors to make ma nual measurements
Save or recall measure m ent configurat i ons or previous results
Autoscale performs simple one-button s etup of the oscilloscope
Horizontal Controls sel ect sweep speed and delay parameters
Sweep speeds from 5 ns to 50 s/div (2 ns to 50s/div for HP 54645A)
Delay control moves waveform display to point of interest
Delayed mode and delay allow zooming in to show a port i on of waveform in detail (spli t screen)
Storage Keys begin and end data acquisition
Run/Stop starts and stops continuous acquisitions
Single perf orm s one acquisition
Autostore a ccum ulates and displays the results of multiple acquisitions
Erase clears the current ac qui sition and all acc um ul ated data
Trigger Key s define what da ta t he oscilloscope will trigger on
Source key (H P 54645A) allows conventional oscilloscope triggering
Edge mode al l ow s triggering on a positive or negative edge of any single channel (HP 54 64 5A/D)
Pattern mode allows trig geri ng on a pattern of channels either high, low, or don’t care, with an opti onal single edge qualifier (HP 54645D)
Advanced m ode allows se quential triggers, combined patterns, patterns and edges, pattern durations, glitch (HP 54645A/D), and TV (HP 54645D)
Softkeys ext end the functionality of command keys
Select measurement type s, operating modes, trigger specifications, lab el data, and more
Channel Inpu ts through a flexibl e probing sys tem
Sixteen channels throug h a dual 8-channel cable with micro-grabbers (HP 54645D)
Set logic levels as TTL, CMOS, ECL, or to a user-definable vol tage (HP 54645D)
In This Book
This manual will guide you in using and servicing the HP 54645A Oscilloscope and the HP 54645D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope. This manual is organized in chapters as shown in the bleeder tab titles to the right.
Front-Pa nel Overview
Triggering HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes
MegaZoom C oncepts and Oscilloscope Operation
Making M easurements with HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes
Using Option 00 5 Enhanced TV/Video Trigg er
Test ing, A d justing, and Troubl eshooting
Replacement Parts
Getting Started
Performance Characteristics
1 Getting Started
Preparing the Oscilloscope 1–4
Check package contents 1–5 Adjust the handle 1–9 Connect the cables 1–9 Power-on the oscilloscope 1–10 Using the digital probes to probe a circuit 1–11 Using the oscilloscope probes 1–13 Adjust display brightness 1–13
2 Front-Panel Overview
Important Oscilloscope Considerations 2–2 HP 54645A/D Front Panels 2–6 Description of Front-Panel Areas 2–8
Front-Panel Operation 2–16
To use oscilloscope channels to view a signal 2–17 To use digital channels to view a signal 2–18 To display signals automatically using Autoscale 2–19 To apply the default factory configuration 2–20 To adjust oscilloscope vertical scaling 2–21 To turn analog channels on and off 2–24 To rearrange the analog channels 2–24 To turn digital channels on and off (HP 54645D) 2–25 To rearrange the digital channels (HP 54645D) 2–26 To operate the time base controls 2–27 To start and stop an acquisition 2–28 To use the Entry and Select knobs 2–29 To make cursor measurements 2–30 To use delayed sweep 2–32 To modify the graticule 2–33 To print the display 2–34
3 Triggering HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes
Selecting Trigger Modes and Conditions 3–3
To select a trigger mode: Auto Lvl, Auto, Normal 3–3 To use holdoff 3–5 To trigger on a complex waveform 3–6
Triggering the HP 54645A Oscilloscope 3–7
To use external triggering 3–7 To trigger on an edge 3–8 To use glitch triggering 3–9 To use line triggering 3–10 To use TV triggering 3–10
Triggering the HP 54645D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope 3–11
Trigger types 3–12 To define an edge trigger 3–16 To use line triggering 3–16 To define a pattern trigger 3–17 To use glitch triggering 3–18 To define an advanced pattern trigger 3–19
4 MegaZoom Concepts and Oscilloscope Operation
MegaZoom Concepts 4–3
Deep Memory 4–4 Oscilloscope Responsiveness 4–5 Display Update Rate 4–6 Display Modes 4–7 Pan and Zoom 4–18 Recovering the waveform on the screen 4-21 Changing the time reference position 4–22
Run/Stop/Single/Autostore/Erase Operation 4–29
Acquiring Data 4–30 Memory Depth/Record Length 4–31 To run and stop an acquisition 4–33 To take a single trace 4–33 To capture a single event 4–34 To use Autostore 4–36 To Autostore Multiple Single Events 4–37 To erase the waveform display 4–38 Using Digital Channels to Probe Circuits 4–39
Saving and Recalling the Configuration 4–43
Using memories to save and recall configurations 4–43 To save, recall, and clear traces 4–46 To save or recall front-panel setups 4–48 To reset the HP 54645A/D instrument setup 4–48
Configuring the Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope 4–51
To change the logic threshold for input signals 4–51
Using Labels on the Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope 4–53
To turn the label display on or off 4–53 To assign a predefined label to a channel 4–54 To define a new label 4–56 To initialize the label list 4–58
5 Making Measurements with HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes
Capturing Data 5–3
To use delayed sweep 5–4 To view asynchronous noise on a signal 5–6 To reduce the random noise on a signal 5–8 To capture glitches or narrow pulses with peak detect 5–11 To use channel math 5–12 To use the Roll display mode 5–13
To use the XY display mode 5–14 To analyze video waveforms 5–18
Measuring Waveform Data 5–22
To make cursor measurements 5–22 To make frequency measurements automatically 5–26 To make time measurements automatically 5–28 To make voltage measurements automatically 5–32
6 Using Option 005 Enhanced TV/Video Trigger (HP 54645A)
To autoscale on a video signal 6–4 To trigger on a specific line of video 6–5 To trigger on all TV line sync pulses 6–7 To trigger on a specific field of the video signal 6–8 To trigger on all fields of the video signal 6–9 To trigger on odd or even fields 6–10 To analyze video waveforms with Option 005 6–12
7 Testing, Adjusting, and Troubleshooting
Testing, Adjusting, and Troubleshooting 7–2
Solving Problems with HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes 7–3
If there is no trace display 7–4 If the trace display is unusual or unexpected 7–5 If you can’t see a channel 7–5 If you can’t get any response from the oscilloscope 7–6
Getting Service 7–7
To return the oscilloscope to Hewlett-Packard 7–8
Verifying Oscilloscope Performance 7–9
To construct test connectors for digital channels 7–9 To test the digital channels 7–11
Testing Threshold Accuracy 7–12
To set up and connect the equipment 7–13 To verify threshold accuracy 7–14 To check the output of the CALIBRATOR 7–15 To verify voltage measurement accuracy 7–16 To verify bandwidth 7–19
To verify horizontal ∆t and 1/∆t accuracy 7–22 To verify trigger sensitivity 7–24 To verify vertical output on Option 005 7–27
Adjusting the Oscilloscope 7–29
To adjust the power supply 7–30 To perform the self-calibration 7–33 To adjust the low-frequency compensation 7–35 To adjust the high-frequency pulse response 7–36 To adjust the display 7–38 To adjust the Option 005 offset (R15) (HP 54645A) 7–40
Troubleshooting the Oscilloscope 7–41
To construct your own dummy load 7–42 To check out the oscilloscope 7–43 To clear error messages 7–46 To check the Low Voltage Power Supply 7–48 To run the internal self-tests 7–50 To troubleshoot Option 005 7–52
8 Replacement Parts
Removing and Replacing Assemblies 8–3
To remove the cabinet 8–4 To remove the fan 8–4 To remove the front panel 8–5 To remove the display 8–6 To remove the system board 8–6 To remove the front-panel BNC connectors 8–7
To remove the power supply 8–8 To remove the keyboard 8–9 To remove the handle 8–9 Replacing the Option 005 board 8–10
Replaceable Parts 8–11
To order a replacement part 8–12
9Performance Characteristics
HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes 9–3 HP 54645D Digital Channels 9–4 HP 54645A/D Oscilloscope Digitizing System 9–5 HP 54645D Logic Digitizing System 9–5 HP 54645A/D Time Base 9–6 HP 54645A/D Oscilloscope Trigger System 9–7 HP 54645A Oscilloscope Trigger System 9–8 HP 54645D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope Trigger System 9–8 HP 54645A/D Setup Functions 9–9 HP 54645A/D Power Requirements 9–9 HP 54645A/D General Characteristics 9–10 Option 005 General Performance Characteristics 9–11 Option 005 Trigger System 9–11
Messages 10–3
Getting Started
Getting Started
When you use the HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes to help test and troubleshoot your systems, you will do the following:
Prepare the oscilloscope by connecting it to power and setting up
the handle and screen brightness as desired.
Define the measurement problem by understanding the parameters
of the system you wish to test and the expected system behavior.
Set up channel inputs by connecting the probes to the appropriate
signal and ground nodes in the circuit under test.
Define the trigger to reference the waveform data to a specific
event of interest.
Use the oscilloscope to acquire data, either in continuous or
single-shot fashion.
Examine the data and make measurements on it using various
Save the measurement or configuration for later re-use or
comparison with other measurements.
Repeat the process as necessary until you verify correct operation or find the source of the problem.
MegaZoom Technology Operates with Untriggered Data
With the MegaZoom technology built into the HP 54645A/D, you can operate the oscilloscope with untriggered data. All you do is press Run or Single while in Auto trigger mode, then examine the data to set up a trigger.
The HP 54645A/D high-speed display can be used to isolate infrequently changing signals. You can then use the characteristics of these signals to help refine the trigger specification. See figure 1-2 below. For more information on triggering, data acquisition, data examination and measurement, and configuration, see chapters 3 and 4.
Using the HP 54645A/D Oscilloscopes, and Refini ng the Trigger Spec if i cation
Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2
Getting Started
Preparing the Oscilloscope
To prepare your HP 54645A Oscilloscope or HP 54645D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope for use, you need to do the following tasks. After you have completed them, you will be ready to use the oscilloscope.
In the following topics you will:
Check package contents
Adjust the handle
Connect the cables
Power-on the oscilloscope
Use the digital probes to probe a circuit (with HP 54645D)
Use the oscilloscope probes
Adjust display brightness
Check package contents
Verify that you received the following items and any optional accessories in the HP 54645A/D packaging.
If anything is missing, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office. See figure 1-3. If the shipment was damaged, contact the carrier, then contact the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office.
Accessories Supplied Accessories Available
Power cord (see the following t abl e) HP 54620 -6 1801 16-channel pr obe cable (HP 54 645D only) HP 10074 A 1. 5-meter, 10:1 Pr obe with readou t (qt y 2) HP 5090- 4356 grabber s ( in resealable plastic bag; qty 20 ) (HP 54645D onl y—supplied w i th 16- channel cable) HP 5959-9334 2" ground lead set (qty 5) (HP 54645D onl y—supplied w i th 16- channel cable) HP 54645A/D User & Service Guide HP 54645A/D Programmer’s Guide HP 54645A / D Pro gra m m er’s Reference (3.5 " diskette) (disk is package d w ith Programmer’ s G ui de) 1252-7310 Banana ground plug (for HP 54645D)
HP 54650 A HP-IB Interface Module HP 54652 B RS- 232/Parallel Interface Module HP 54654A Operator’s Trainin g Ki t HP 54657 A Me as. / Storage Module (HP-IB) HP 54659 B RS- 232/Parallel /M eas./Storage M odul e HP 34810 B BenchLink Soft w are for Windows HP 5041- 9 409 Carr ying Case HP 5062-73 45 Rackmount Kit HP 10070A 1.5-meter, 1:1 Probe HP 10100C 50-Ω Termination
Options Available
Option 001 R S-0 3 Magnetic Inter ference Shield in g Added to CRT Option 002 R E-0 2 Di splay Shield Added to CRT Option 101 Accessory Pouch and Front-Panel Cover Option 103 Operator’s Training Kit (HP 54654A) Option 104 Car r ying Case (HP 5041 - 9 409) Option 106 B enchLink Software (HP 34810B) Power Cords (s ee t he f ol lo w in g table or the "Replacement Parts" chapter)
Getting Started
Check package contents
Items Sup pl ie d with the HP 546 45A/D Osci ll oscopes
Figure 1-3
Getting Started
Check package contents
Optiona l Accessories f o r the HP 54645A / D Oscilloscopes
Figure 1-4
Getting Started
Check package contents
Table 1-1 Power Cords
Plug Type Cable Part
Plug Description Length
Opt 903 (U.S.A.) 124V **
8120-1378 Straight (NEMA5-15P*) 90/228 Jade Gray
Opt 900 ( U . K . ) 250V
8120-1351 Straight (BS136A*) 90/228 Gray
Opt 901 ( Australia) 250V
8120-1369 Straight
79/200 Gray
Opt 902 (Europe) 250V
8120-1689 8120-2857
Straight (C EE7-Y11*) Straight (S hi el ded)
79/200 79/200
Mint Gray Coco Brown
Opt 906 ( Sw itzerland) 250V
8120-2104 Straight (SEV1011*) 79/200 Mint Gray
Opt 912 ( Denmark) 220V
8120-2957 Straight (DHCK107 *) 79/200 Mint Gray
Opt 917 (Africa) 250V
8120-4600 Straight (SABS164) 79/200 Jade Gray
Opt 918 (Japan) 100V
8120-4753 Straight Miti 90/230 Dark Gray
* Part number shown for plug is industry identifier for plug only. Number show n for cable is HP pa rt number for comp lete cable incl uding plug. ** These cords ar e included in th e CSA certificat ion approval f or the equipment.
Getting Started
Check package contents
Adjust the handle
Connect the cables
Check to ensure that you received everything that is supplied with the oscilloscope.
Connect the oscilloscope to power and turn it on.
Connect the cables:
If you are using this model: Do this: HP 54645 A Oscilloscope
Connect the oscilloscope pr obe cables to osci lloscope channels 1 and 2.
HP 54645 D Mixed-Signal Oscillos cope
Connect the oscilloscope pr obe cables to osci lloscope analog channel s A1 and A2.
Connect the di gi t al pro be cable to oscillo scope digital channels D0-D15.
Then, connect the scope and/or digital probes to the circuit of interest. Be sure to connect the ground leads.
You can use the front-panel calibration point as a stimulus while learning to use the oscilloscope.
Grasp the handle pivot points on each side of the instrument and pull the pivot out until it stops.
Without releasing the pivots, swivel the handle to the desired position. Then release the pivots.
Getting Started
Adjust the handle
Power-on the oscilloscope
Connect the power cord to the rear of the HP 54645A/D, then to a suitable ac voltage source.
The HP 54645A/D power supply automatically adjusts for input line voltages in the range 100 to 240 VAC. Therefore, you do not need to adjust the input line voltage setting. The line cord provided is matched by HP to the country of origin. Ensure that you have the correct line cord. See table 1-1.
Press the power switch.
The HP 54645A/D performs a self-test, then shows the display. The instrument is ready to use.
Getting Started
Power-on t he oscilloscop e
Using the digital probes to probe a circuit
If you feel it’s necessary, turn off the power supply to the circuit under test.
Turning off power to the circuit under test would only prevent damage that might occur if you accidentally short two lines together while connecting probes. You can leave the HP 54645A/D powered on because no voltage appears at the probes.
Connect the digital probe cable to HP 54645D. The digital probe cable is indexed so you can connect it only one way. You do
need to
power-off the HP 54645A/D.
Connect a grabber to one of the probe leads. Be sure to connect the ground lead. (Other probe leads are omitted from the figure for clarity.)
Connect the grabber to a node in the circuit you want to test.
For high-speed signals, connect a ground lead to the probe lead, connect a grabber to the ground lead, and attach the grabber to ground in the circuit under test.
Getting Started
Using the digital probes to probe a circuit
Connect the ground lead on each set of channels, using a probe grabber. The ground lead improves signal fidelity to the instrument, ensuring accurate measurements.
Repeat steps 3 through 6 until you have connected all points of interest.
If you need to remove a probe lead from the cable, insert a paper clip or other small pointed object into the side of the cable assembly, and push to release the latch while pulling out the probe lead.
Replacement parts are available. See the “Replacement Parts” chapter for details.
Getting Started
Using the d igi tal probes to probe a circuit
Using the oscilloscope probes
Connect the HP 10074A 1.5-meter, 10:1 oscilloscope probe BNC connector to the channel 1 or 2 input on the HP 54645A or to channel A1 or A2 on the HP 54645D.
Connect the probe grabber to the circuit point of interest. Be sure to connect the ground lead to a ground point.
Adjust display brightness
The brightness control is at the lower left corner of the display.
To decrease display brightness, rotate the brightness control counter-clockwise.
To increase display brightness, rotate the brightness control clockwise.
HP 54645A/D Brightness Control
Figure 1-5
Getting Started
Using th e oscilloscope probes
Front-Panel Overview
Front-Panel Overview
Before you make measurements using the HP 54645A Oscilloscope and HP 54645D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope, you must first set up the instrument using front-panel controls. Then, make the measurement and read the display results. See the following pages for descriptions of controls.
The HP 54645A/D operates much like an analog scope, but it can do much more. Spending a few minutes to learn some of this capability will take you a long way toward more productive troubleshooting. The “MegaZoom Concepts and Oscilloscope Operation” chapter has more detail on the things to consider while operating your oscilloscope.
The grey keys on the front panel bring up softkey menus on the display that allow access to oscilloscope features. The white keys are instant action keys and menus are not associated with them.
Throughout this book, the front-panel keys are denoted by a box around the name of the key, and softkeys are denoted by a change in the text type. For example,
Displa y
is the grey front-panel key on the front
panel, and Normal is a softkey appearing at the bottom of the display directly above its corresponding softkey.
Important Oscilloscope Considerations
IMPORTAN T: R ead This Information!
It is extremely important that you read and understand the following informati on!
Using Single versus Run/Stop
The HP 54645A/D both have a Single key and a Run/Stop key. When you press Run, the trigger processing and screen update rate are optimized over the memory depth. Single acquisitions always use the maximum memory available—at least twice as much memory as acquisitions captured in Run mode—and the scope stores at least twice as many samples. At slow sweep speeds, the oscilloscope operates at a higher sample rate when Single is used to capture an acquisition, as opposed to running, due to the increased memory available.
Viewing Signal Detail with Display Mode
Remember how you had to constantly adjust the brightness on old analog scopes to see a desired level of detail in a signal, or to see the signal at all? With the HP 54645A/D, this is not necessary. The HP 54645A/D brightness knob operates much like the brightness knob on your computer screen, so you should set it to a level that makes for comfortable viewing, given the room lighting, and leave it there. Then you can control the “detail” by selecting a Display Mode: Normal, Peak Detect, or Average, as described in the following paragraphs.
Normal Mode
Normal mode is the display mode that you will probably use for acquired samples most of the time. It compresses up to 1 million acquisition points per channel into a 4,000-point display record with vectors off, or a 2,000-point record with vectors on.
The scope’s 200 MSa/s sampling speed specification means that samples are taken every 5 ns. At the faster sweep speeds, the running display is built from many individual triggers. If you press the Stop key, and pan and zoom through the waveform, only the last trigger’s acquisition will be displayed.
Whether the scope is stopped or running, you see more detail as you zoom in, and less as you zoom out. To keep from losing detail as you zoom out, switch to the Peak Detect display mode. “Zoom” means you expand the waveform using either the main or delayed sweep window. “Panning” the waveform means you use the Delay knob to move it horizontally.
Peak Detect Mode
In Peak Detect display mode, any noise, peak, or signal wider than 5 ns will be displayed, regardless of sweep speed. In Normal display mode, at faster than 2 us/div, you would see a 5-ns peak, so peak detect has no effect at sweep speeds faster than 2 us/div. Note that in this case the Pk status indicator on the top line of the display is not highlighted.
Using Peak Detect and Autostore together is a powerful way to find spurious signals and glitches.
Average Mode
Averaging is a way to pull the signal out of noise. Averaging works better than either a bandwidth limit or a brightness control because the bandwidth is not reduced.
Front-Pane l Ov erview
Important Os cilloscope Considerations
The simplest averaging is “smoothing.” For example, the sample rate at a Time/Div setting of 2 µs/div allows the extra 5-ns samples to be smoothed
together, smoothing the data into one sample, which is then displayed. As with Peak Detect, smoothing has no effect at less than 2 µs/div. Smoothing
works on a single acquisition (even untriggered and single-shot). Averaging (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256) needs a stable trigger, because in this mode multiple acquisitions are averaged together. See the chapter “MegaZoom Concepts and Oscilloscope Operation” for more information about smoothing.
Auto Single
As in Normal run mode, auto-trigger will generate a trigger for you if one is not found in the predetermined time from when the trigger system is armed. To take a single-shot acquisition, if you are not particularly interested in triggering the acquisition (for example, if you are probing a known signal), use Auto Single mode. If a trigger exists, it will be used; if a trigger does not exist, an untriggered or auto-triggered acquisition will be taken for later analysis.
Using Vectors
One of the most fundamental choices you must make about your display is whether to draw vectors (connect the dots) between the samples, or simply let the samples fill in the waveform. To some degree, this is a matter of personal preference, but it also depends on the waveform.
You will probably operate the oscilloscope most often with vectors on. Having vectors on slows the display of the oscilloscope, thus works better for slower sweep speeds, peak detect, or average displays, and signals with stable triggers.
Having vectors off works better for fast sweep speeds, normal displays, or unstable triggers. Complex analog signals like video and eye diagrams show more intensity information with vectors off. Turn vectors off when the maximum display rate is required, or when highly complex or multi-valued waveforms are displayed.
Front-Pan el Overview
Important Os cilloscope Considerations
Delayed Sweep
Delayed sweep on the HP 54645A/D is a simultaneous display of the waveform at two different sweep speeds. Because of the deep memory in the MegaZoom technology, it is possible to capture the main display at 1 ms/div, and redisplay the same trigger in the delayed display at any desired faster time base.
There is no limit imposed on the zoom ratio between the main and delayed displays. There is, however, a useful limit—when the samples are spaced so far apart that they are of little value. See the chapter “MegaZoom Concepts and Oscilloscope Operation” for more information about delayed sweep and time reference.
Post Acquisition Processing
In addition to changing display parameters after the acquisition, you can do all of the measurements and math functions after the acquisition. Measurements and math functions will be recalculated as you pan and zoom and turn on and off channels. As you zoom in and out on a signal, you affect the resolution of the display. Because measurements and math functions are performed on displayed data, you affect the resolution of functions and measurements.
The two scope channels are always acquired, so you can turn them on and look at them even if they were off during the acquisition. See “To turn digital channels off (HP 54645D)” later in this chapter for more information about the combination of events and displayed channels.
The XY horizontal display mode changes the oscilloscope display to volts-versus-volts. The Roll horizontal display mode causes the waveform to move across the screen from right to left.
Front-Pane l Ov erview
Important Os cilloscope Considerations
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