The HP 54645A/D at a Glance
Display shows current i nput signals
Eighteen (18) channels i n m ai n m ode;
2 scope and 8 timing channels in
delayed mode (HP 54645D)
Indicators for peak, av g, or normal
acquisition, time bas e, channel
activity, trigger and acquisition status
Softkey labels
Measurement results
Channel Controls select, position, and
label inputs
Turn channels on or off in di vidually
or in groups of 8 (HP 54645D)
Rearrange order of channels to
group related signals ( HP 54645D)
Create and display label s to identify
channels ( HP 54645D)
General Co ntrols measure, save and
restore results, and configure the
Make autom atic time and frequency
Use cursors to make ma nual
Save or recall measure m ent
configurat i ons or previous results
Autoscale performs simple
one-button s etup of the oscilloscope
Horizontal Controls sel ect sweep speed
and delay parameters
Sweep speeds from 5 ns to 50 s/div
(2 ns to 50s/div for HP 54645A)
Delay control moves waveform
display to point of interest
Delayed mode and delay allow
zooming in to show a port i on of
waveform in detail (spli t screen)
Storage Keys begin and end data
Run/Stop starts and stops continuous
Single perf orm s one acquisition
Autostore a ccum ulates and displays
the results of multiple acquisitions
Erase clears the current ac qui sition
and all acc um ul ated data
Trigger Key s define what da ta t he
oscilloscope will trigger on
Source key (H P 54645A) allows
conventional oscilloscope triggering
Edge mode al l ow s triggering on a
positive or negative edge of any
single channel (HP 54 64 5A/D)
Pattern mode allows trig geri ng on a
pattern of channels either high, low,
or don’t care, with an opti onal single
edge qualifier (HP 54645D)
Advanced m ode allows se quential
triggers, combined patterns, patterns
and edges, pattern durations, glitch
(HP 54645A/D), and TV (HP 54645D)
Softkeys ext end the functionality of
command keys
Select measurement type s, operating
modes, trigger specifications, lab el data,
and more
Channel Inpu ts through a flexibl e
probing sys tem
Sixteen channels throug h a dual
8-channel cable with micro-grabbers
(HP 54645D)
Set logic levels as TTL, CMOS, ECL,
or to a user-definable vol tage
(HP 54645D)