HP 54620A, 54620C User's And Service Manual

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This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to this manual copy. In other documentation, to reduce potential confusion, the only change to product numbers and names has been in the company name prefix: where a product number/name was HP XXXX the current name/number is now Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A.
User and Service Guide
Publication Number 54620-97011 October 1995 (pdf version Dec 1998)
For Safety Information, Warranties, and Regulatory information, see the pages behind the Index.
© Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1994, 1995 All Rights Reserved
HP 54620A/C Logic Analyzer

The HP 54620A/C at a Glance

Display sh ows the current input s ignals and much more
Up to sixteen (16) channels in normal
or delayed m ode Indicators f or gl i tch or normal
acquisition, time base, channel activity, trigger and acquisition status
Softkey labels
Measureme nt results
Color Palettes
Channel Cont rols select, position, and label in puts
Turn channels on or off individuall y
or in groups of 8 Rearrange order of channels to
group relat ed signals Create and dis pl ay labels to ident i fy
channels, and set channel col ors
General Controls measure, sav e and restore res ult s, and configure the analyzer
Measureme nt k eys provide
automatic si ngle or dual-chann el time and fre quency measurement s, or use cursors to make manual measurements
Save or reca l l m easurement
configurati ons or previous results Autoscale performs simple
one-button s etup of the analyzer
Horizontal Controls select sweep speed and delay parameters
Sweep speeds from 5 ns/div to 1 s/div
Delay control moves waveform
display to point of interest Delayed mo de and delay allow
zooming in t o show a portion of waveform in detail (split screen)
Storage Keys begin and end data acquisition
Run/Stop start s and stops continu ous
acquisitions Single perform s one acquisition
Autostore accum ulates and displays
the results of multiple acquisit i ons (like persistence on an oscilloscope)
Erase clears the current acquisi tion
and all accum ul ated data
Trigger Keys define what data will be captured by th e analyzer
Edge mode all ow s triggering on a
positive or negative edge (or both) of any single channel
Pattern mode a l l ow s triggering on a
pattern of cha nnel s either high, lo w , or don’t care , w i th a single edge qualifier
Advanced mode allows sequential
triggers, c om bi ned patterns, patte rns and edges, p att ern durations, and edge occurre nce counts
Softkeys extend the functionality of command keys
Select measurement types, operating modes, trigger specifications, l abel data, and more
Trigger Input/Output
Trigger the HP 54620A/C from other instruments or use the HP54620A/C to trigger other i nstruments
Channel Inputs through a flexible probing system
Sixteen chan nel s through a dual
8-channel c abl e w i th micro-grabbers Set logiclevel s as TTL, CMOS , EC L, or
to a user-def i nabl e voltage
Display Channel
General Controls
Horizontal Controls
Storage Keys
Trigger Keys
16 CHANNEL 500 MSa/s
Brightness Control (for HP 54620A only)
Single channel
Auto scale
Trigger out
Trigger Input / Output
Measure time
Dual channel
On Off
Print Utility
Ext trigger in
1 MQ
40 V Max
Main Delayed
5 ns1 s
Logic levels
Channel Inputs
Micro-grabbe rs

In This Book

HP 54620A/C User and Service Guide
features of the Logic Analyzer in the design and troubleshooting of digital system circuitry.
Chapter 1
basic measurements. It also gives an overview of basic analyzer operational concepts including use and interpretation of the front panel and display.
Chapter 2
instrument configuration features, measure waveform data, control data acquisition, examine captured data in more detail, set up analyzer trigger conditions, and shows how to use the analyzer with other instruments.
Chapter 3
kinds of problems that might occur when you begin operating the analyzer.
Chapter 4
between the analyzer time base and other time-dependent functions, discusses the effect of probes on measurement accuracy, and explains the glitch detection system. After you have made a few measurements with the HP 54620A/C, it is a good idea to read this chapter.
Chapter 5
explains how to test the HP 54620A/C to ensure that it operates correctly. The chapter also shows how adjust and troubleshoot the analyzer.
Chapter 6
various assemblies in the analyzer. The chapter also lists the replaceable parts for the analyzer and gives ordering information.
Chapter 7
performance standards to which the instrument is tested.
Chapter 8
displayed by the analyzer, explains their causes, and tells what to do to correct the problem.
If you want to automate HP 54620A/C measurements using a programmable controller such as an IBM-compatible PC or an HP 9000 Series 700 controller, see the
Programmer’s Reference
help file on a 3.5" diskette. The diskette includes a help file viewer for Microsoft Windows 3.1, and Microsoft Write editor versions of the files. ASCII files are also supplied.
, “Getting Started,” explains how to set up the analyzer and make
, “Making Analyzer Measurements,” shows you how to use the
, “Solving Problems,” shows you how to fix the most common
, “Ensuring Accurate Measurements,” explains the relationships
, “Testing, Adjusting, and Troubleshooting the Logic Analyzer,”
, “Replaceable Parts,” explains how to remove and replace the
, “Performance Characteristics,” lists the measurement
, “Messages,” lists the status and error messages that may be
HP 54620A/C Programmer’s Guide
. The
Programmer’s Reference
is your guide to using the
and the
HP 54620A/C
is supplied as a
Getting Started
Making Analyzer
Measurem ents
Solv ing Proble ms
Ensuring A ccurate
Measurem ents
Testing, A djusting, and
Troubleshooting the Analyzer
Replaceab le Parts
Performance Characteristics


1 Getting Started
Preparing the Analyzer 21
To check package contents 22 To check optional accessories 24 To power-on the logic analyzer 27 To adjust the handle 28 To adjust display brightness 29
Using Color 30
To select the color palettes and observe colors 31 To assign colors to channels 33 To print in color 34
Making Measurements 35
Learn the front panel 35 To probe a circuit 42 To set up an acquisition using Autoscale 44 To start and stop an acquisition 46 To define a simple edge trigger 47 To adjust the time base (sweep speed) 48 To turn channels on and off 49 To rearrange the channels 50
2 Making Analyzer Measurements
Setting Logic Levels 53
To change the logic threshold for input signals 54
Controlling Data Acquisition 55
To take a single acquisition 56 To use Auto Glitch Detect 57 To accumulate the results of every acquisition 58 To erase the waveform display 58
Using Labels 59
To turn the label display on or off 59 To assign a label to a channel 60 To define a new label 62 To initialize the label list 64
Triggering the Analyzer 65
Trigger types 65 To define the trigger mode 70 To define an edge trigger 72 To define a pattern trigger 73 To define an advanced trigger 74
Examining the Captured Data 80
Viewing acquired data with delayed sweep 80 To show both main and delayed sweep displays 82 To change the time reference position 83 To pan the display 86 To modify the graticule 87 To print the display 88
Measuring Waveform Data 89
Ways to measure data 89 To use the cursors 94 To measure waveform parameters on a single channel 96 To measure channel-to-channel delay 98 To measure setup time 100 To measure hold time 102
Using the Analyzer with Other Instruments 104
Extending trigger capabilities 104 To use the external trigger input 108 To use the trigger output 110
Saving and Recalling the Configuration 111
Using memories to save and recall configurations 111 To save a trace waveform 114 To recall a trace waveform 115 To clear a previously saved trace 116 To save the instrument setup 117 To recall the instrument setup 118 To reset the instrument setup 119
3 Solving Problems
If there is no trace display 123 If the trace display is unusual or unexpected 124 If you can’t see a channel 125
4 Ensuring Accurate Measurements
Time base and Acquisition 129 Probing the Circuit Under Test 139 Glitch Detection 143
5 Testing, Adjusting, and Troubleshooting the Analyzer
Testing the Analyzer 151
To perform self-tests 152 To test the keyboard 153 To test the display 154 To test the acquisition system 154
Building Test Accessories 155
To make the test connectors 156 To make the dummy load 158
Adjusting the Logic Analyzer 159
To adjust the power supply 160 To adjust the display (HP 54620A only) 162
Troubleshooting the Logic Analyzer 164
To troubleshoot the logic analyzer 165 To check the LVPS 168
Testing Threshold Accuracy 169
Step 1. To set up the equipment 170 Step 2. To connect the logic analyzer 171 Step 3. To test the thresholds 172
Testing Time Interval Accuracy 173
Step 1. To connect the logic analyzer 174 Step 2. To set up the equipment 175 Step 3. To set up the logic analyzer 176 Step 4. To make the measurement 177
6 Replaceable Parts
Removing and Replacing Assemblies 181
To remove the cabinet 182 To remove the fan 183 To remove the front panel 184 To remove the display 185 To remove the system board 186 To remove the power supply 187 To remove the keyboard 188 To remove the handle 189
Replaceable Parts 190
To order a replacement part 191
7 Performance Characteristics
8 Messages
Messages 209
HP 54620 Documentation
Figure 1. Using the Logic Analyzer 19 Figure 1A. Refining the Trigger Specification 20 Figure 2. Items Supplied with the HP 54620A/C Logic Analyzer 23 Figure 3. Optional Accessories for the HP 54620A/C Logic Analyzer 25 Figure 4. HP 54620A Brightness Control 29 Figure 5. HP 54620C with Label Menu Selected and Single Channel
Highlighted 34 Figure 6. HP 54620A Logic Analyzer Front Panel 36 Figure 7. HP 54620A/C Display 38 Figure 8. Sample Autoscale Measurement 44 Figure 9. Edge Trigger on Channel 0 47 Figure 10. Logic Threshold Setup 53 Figure 11. Waveform Display with Auto Glitch Detect Enabled 57 Figure 12. HP 54620A/C Label Definition Display 61 Figure 13. Pattern Trigger Setup 67 Figure 14. Advanced Trigger Setup (with Overview On) 68 Figure 15. Advanced Trigger Softkeys for Operators with Two Sources 69 Figure 16. Acquisition Memory 70 Figure 17. Pulse Train with Constant-Duration Pulse 77 Figure 18. Sequential Output from State Machine 77 Figure 19. System Failure on Third Keystroke 78 Figure 20. Delayed Sweep 81 Figure 21. Time Reference at Center, Delay of 15 µs on Main Sweep 84 Figure 22. Delayed Sweep with Delay of 8 µs 85 Figure 23. Measuring the Period of an Irregular Waveform 90 Figure 24. Single-Channel Measurements 91 Figure 25. Channel-to-Channel Delay Measurement 92 Figure 26. Measurement Within the Delayed Sweep Window 93 Figure 27. Setup Time Measurement 101 Figure 28. Hold Time Measurement 103 Figure 29. Connections for External Trigger from an Emulator 105 Figure 30. Connections for External Trigger using an Oscilloscope Probe 106 Figure 31. Connections for Triggering an Oscilloscope 107 Figure 32. Using the External Trigger Input as an Edge Trigger 109
Figure 33. Trace Memory Save/Recall 112 Figure 34. Setup Memory 113 Figure 35. Relationship Between Time base and Analyzer Functions 129 Figure 36. Acquisition Memory 131 Figure 37. Memory Bar 132 Figure 38. Single Acquisition, Time Reference Center, Positive
Delay of 75 µs 134
Figure 39. Panning the Display to View the Start of Acquisition 135 Figure 40. Single Acquisition, Time Reference Right, Negative
Delay of 80 µs 136
Figure 41. Panning the Display to View the Trigger Point 137 Figure 42. DC and Low-Frequency Probe Equivalent Circuit 139 Figure 43. High-Frequency Probe Equivalent Circuit 140 Figure 44. Impedance versus Frequency for Both Probe Circuit Models 140 Figure 45. Common Mode Input Voltage Model 141 Figure 46. Glitch Display 144 Figure 47. Aliasing 144 Figure 48. Reconstruction of Waveform with Glitch Capture 145 Figure 49. Waveform Display with Sampling Rate Too Low 146 Figure 50. Waveform Display with Sufficient Sampling Rate 147 Figure 51. Data Output Relative to Clock 148 Figure 52. 8-by-2 Connector Setup 156 Figure 53. 1-by-2 Connector Setup 157 Figure 54. Power Supply Adjustment 161 Figure 55. Display Adjustment 163 Figure 56. Threshold Test Setup 171 Figure 57. Time Interval Accuracy Setup 174 Figure 58. Front Panel Removal 184 Figure 59. Unhooking the Power Switch Shaft 187 Figure 60. Exploded View of Logic Analyzer 192
Table 1. Power Cords 26 Table 2. Color Palettes and Mapping of Colors to Display Components 32 Table 3. Threshold Voltage Settings 54 Table 4. Trigger Operators and Sources 75 Table 5. Readout Settings 95 Table 6. HP 54620A/C Factory-Preset Default Configuration Settings 119 Table 7. Sweep Speed and Sampling Interval 130 Table 8. Materials Required (Making Test Connectors) 156 Table 9. Equipment Required (Adjusting Power Supply) 160 Table 10. Equipment Required (Adjusting Display) 162 Table 11. Equipment Required (Troubleshooting Logic Analyzer) 164 Table 12. Display Signals 166 Table 13. Equipment Required (Testing Threshold Accuracy) 169 Table 14. Threshold Test Settings 172 Table 15. Equipment Required (Testing Time Interval Accuracy) 173 Table 16. HP 54620A/C Replaceable Parts 193 Table 17. Input channels 197 Table 18. Horizontal System 198 Table 19. Acquisition System 199 Table 20. Trigger System 200 Table 21. Display System 202 Table 22. Measurement Functions 202 Table 23. Setup Functions 203 Table 24. Power Requirements 203 Table 25. General Characteristics for HP 54620A Only 204 Table 26. General Characteristics for HP 54620A and HP 54620C 205 Table 27. General Characteristics for HP 54620C Only 206
Getting Started
Getting Started
When you use the logic analyzer to help test and troubleshoot your systems, you will follow the general process shown in figure 1:
Prepare the analyzer by connecting it to power and setting up the
handle and screen brightness as desired.
Define the measurement problem by understanding the parameters
of the system you wish to test and the expected system behavior.
Set up channel inputs by connecting the data probes to the
appropriate signal and ground nodes in the circuit under test.
Define the trigger condition by setting the analyzer configuration to
capture only the system events you wish to view.
Use the analyzer to acquire data, either in continuous or single-shot
Examine the data and make measurements on it using various
analyzer features.
Save the measurement or configuration for later re-use or
comparison with other measurements.
The process is repeated as necessary until you verify correct operation or find the source of the problem.
Figure 1
Getting Started
Using the Logic Analyzer
Figure 1A
Getting Start ed
The high-speed display of the HP 54620A/C can be used to isolate infrequently changing signals. You can then use the characteristics of these signals to help refine the trigger specification. See the figure below.
Refining the Tr i gger Specification
This chapter discusses analyzer preparation and probe setup, and contains a general introduction to trigger definition and data acquisition. For more information on triggering, data acquisition, data examination and measurement, and configuration, see chapter 2, “Making Analyzer Measurements.”

Preparing the Analyzer

To prepare your logic analyzer for use, you need to do the following:
Check to ensure that you received everything that is supplied with the analyzer.
Connect the analyzer to power and switch it on.
Connect the probe cable to the analyzer and connect probes to the circuit of interest. (You can use the front panel calibration test point as a stimulus while learning to use the analyzer.)
The following pages show you how to do each of these tasks. After you have completed them, you will be ready to use the analyzer.
Getting Start ed

To check pack age contents

To check package contents
Verify that you received the following items in the HP 54620A/C packaging.
See figure 2. If anything is missing, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office. If the shipment was damaged, contact the carrier, then contact the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office.
HP 54620A/C Logic Analyzer.
Power cord (see table 1).
HP 54620-61801 16-channel probe cable.
HP 5090-4356 grabbers (in resealable plastic bag; quantity 20).
HP 5959-9334 2" ground lead set (quantity 5).
HP 54620A/C User’s Guide.
HP 54620A/C Programmer’s Guide.
HP 54620A/C Programmer’s Reference (3.5" diskette).
Figure 2
HP 54620A/C Logic Analyzer
HP 54620-61801 16-Channel Cable (leads attached; with labels)
Getting Started
To check pac kage contents
HP 5959-9334 2" Ground Lead Set (5)
Power Cord (Varies depending on country)
HP 5090-4356 Grabber (20)
HP 54620A/C User's Guide
HP 54620A/C Programmer's Guide
Items Supplied with the HP 54620A/C Logic A nal yzer
HP 54620A/C Programmer's Reference
Getting Start ed

To check optional accessories

To check optional accessories
Verify that you received the optional accessories you ordered.
See figure 3. If anything is missing, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office. If the shipment was damaged, contact the carrier, then contact the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office.
Option 101—Front panel dust cover and accessory pouch.
Option 103—HP 54654A Operator’s self-paced Training Kit, including case, manual, and circuit board with battery.
Option 104—HP 5041-9409 Carrying Case (useful for protecting the instrument in shipment or when checked as airline baggage).
Option 106—HP 34801A BenchLink software for Microsoft Windows (provides an interface to the instrument from any Windows-compatible PC, allowing the user to save and restore setups and capture measurements for further review).
Option 001—RS-03 Magnetic Shielding for CRT (HP 54620A only) (not shown in figure 3).
Option 1CM—Rackmount kit (allows mounting the HP 54620A/C in an EIA-standard rack). This kit is not shown in figure 3.
Figure 3
Getting Started
To check optional accessories
Optional Accessories for the HP 54620A/C Logic Analyzer
Table 1 Power Cords
Getting Start ed
To check optional accessories
Plug Type Cable Part
Opt 903 (U.S.A.) 124V **
Opt 900 ( U.K.) 250V
Opt 901 (A ustralia) 250V
Opt 902 (Eur ope) 250V
Opt 906 (S w i tz erland) 250V
Opt 912 (D enm ark) 220V
8120-13 78 Straight (NEMA5-15P*) 90/228 Jade Gray
8120-1351 Straight (BS136A*) 90/228 Gray
8120-1369 Straight
8120-1689 8120-2857
8120-2104 Straight (SEV1011*) 79/200 Mint Gray
8120-29 57 Straight (DHCK107*) 79/200 Mint Gray
Plug Description Length
Straight (CEE7-Y11*) Straight (S hi el ded)
79/200 Gray
79/200 79/200
Mint Gray Coco Brown
Opt 917 (Africa) 250V
Opt 918 (Japan) 100V
* Part number shown for plug is industry identifier for plug only. Number shown for cable is HP part numb er for comple te cable including plug. ** These cords are included in the CSA certi fication approval for the equipment.
8120-4600 Straight (SABS164) 79/200 Jade Gray
8120-4753 Straight Miti 90/230 Dark Gray

To power-on the logic analyzer

Connect the power cord to the rear of the HP 54620A/C, then to a suitable ac voltage source.
Press the power switch.
Getting Started
To power-on the logic analyzer
The HP 54620A/C power supply automatically adjusts for input line voltages in the range 100 to 240 VAC. Therefore, you do not need to adjust the input line voltage setting. The line cord provided is matched by HP to the country of origin of order. Ensure that you have the correct line cord. See table 1.
The HP 54620A/C performs a self-test, then shows the display. The instrument is ready to use.
Getting Start ed

To adjust the handle

To adjust the handle
Grasp the handle pivot points on each side of the instrument and pull the pivot out until it stops.
Without releasing the pivots, swivel the handle to the desired position. Then release the pivots.
Figure 4
Getting Started

To adjust d is play brightness

To adjust display brightness
To decrease display brightness, rotate the brightness control counterclockwise.
To increase display brightness, rotate the brightness control clockwise.
The brightness control is at the lower left corner of the display. See figure 4.
HP 54620A Brightness Control
The "A" model includes a brightness control. There is no brightness control on the HP 54620C.
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