Support Note for Red Hat Linux
Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating
System on Itanium® 2-based Systems
Edition 2
Manufacturing Part Number: 5187-2286
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Support Note for Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating System on Itanium® 2-based Systems
1 Support Note for Red Hat Linux
Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating
System on Itanium® 2-based Systems
Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 for the Itanium Processor has been optimized for
use with HP Itanium 2-based workstations. Hewlett-Packard has certified Red Hat Advanced
Workstation 2.1 and current errata (errata kernel 2.4.18-e.25) on Itanium workstations.
Chapter 1 3

Support Note for Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating System on Itanium® 2-based Systems
Support Note Contents
Support Note Contents
1. Distributions Supported on Itanium 2-based Servers
2. Firmware Requirements and Manageability
3. Operating System Installation
4. Getting Updates from the Red Hat Network
5. Known Problems
This Support Note explains how to use the HP Enablement Kit for Linux with your Red Hat
Advanced Workstation 2.1 operating system installation CDs. When you are ready to begin
installation, see the HP Enablement Kit for Linux CD booklet for instructions and use the
accompanying Enablement Kit CD to prepare your system. The enablement kit will prompt
you to insert your operating system CDs when your system is ready.
Also included in this Support Note is a description of available tools and firmware
requirements. Known problems with Red Hat Advanced Workstation 2.1 on HP Itanium®
2-based systems follow.
Chapter 14

Support Note for Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating System on Itanium® 2-based Systems
Distributions Supported on Itanium 2-Based Workstations
Distributions Supported on Itanium 2-Based Workstations
Hewlett-Packard has certified Red Hat Advanced Workstation 2.1 and current errata (errata
kernel 2.4.18-e.25) on Itanium 2-based workstations.
You can order Red Hat Advanced Workstation 2.1 at http://www.software.hp.com. The HP
Enablement Kit for Linux should ship with your Red Hat CDs and is also available at
http://www.software.hp.com. The enablement kit prepares your system for operating system
installation and prompts you to insert Red Hat CDs when ready.
Red Hat provides operating system documentation.
IMPORTANT Do not discard the Red Hat registration card packaged with the Red Hat CDs.
Red Hat requires this card to support or replace software.
Documentation for HP's Enablement Kit for Linux, including the kit’s CD booklet, Release
Notes, and the Support Note for Red Hat Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating System on
Itanium-2 Based Workstations come with your system. These documents, along with the
SystemImager manual, are also available at http://www.docs.hp.com/linux as well as in the
enablement kit CD's /docs directory.
Chapter 1 5