General notes
Technical Documentation guidelines
You can find herewith some generic information to simplify cunsulting of technical documentation:
1. Models of same range share the same exploded views, which report the richest set of spare parts:generally, a model does not
necessarly have a related spare part for each particular shown on exploded views.
2. Some spare parts can not be represented directly on the exploded views (instruction booklets, specific kit, etc...). You can find
those codes in the spare parts list with the same reference of particular where spares are installed or with references 099, 999.
Instruction booklets, once managed, appear with 000 reference.
3. On the higher right site of each exploded view there is a serial number which indicates the beginning of the production of
certain range:some models might have more than an exploded view for a given category, each distinguished by a different serial
no.and linked to another spare parts list, In this case, serial no. is required to supply the right spare part code. Exploded view to be
considered is the one with a more recent serial no. but previous than the one of the model that needs assistance.
4.Exploded views might require further updates even after publishing. Addition of new spares will go on following the already
existing numeration references. Revision number of an exploded view is shown into last four digits of serial number into upper
right hand corner.
5.The spare parts list associated to an exploded view shows related codes of spares managed for a certain model; for each spare
part other informations are available:
REF: reference no of spare into a table; SUBSTITUTE: list of spare(s) which can replace a code but that keeps same functional
INDUSTRIAL CODE: list of variables of a model (shown into model label) where such spare is used; NOTICE: code of
information(s) to refer to complete technical intervention, track for changes or to find correct spare part code.
6. Some notices, into a same section are generic therefore cannot be directly linked to a spare part. In order to assist a model in
the best way as possible, it is helpful to pay attention to all notices and constantly verify documentation updates
7.Technical documentation cover shows model name and its commercial codes
mod.ARSL109CSI.L page 2

1140140B Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
001 C00259287 pcb support led
002 C00259416 00702... 1 x C00277182 display led 3 knobs evoii ariston 24550010100
003 C00259420 pushbutton white pw on/off
004 C00255148 light guide option
005 C00259417 pushbutton white pw start/pause
006 C00255147 light guide status
007 C00255480 option buttons (led) (4)
008 C00091882 pivot pin drawer front 106.5x5
009 C00267800 control panel + handle pw
010 C00267030 wash timer knob white pw 12+4
011 C00259847 option knob
012 C00267744 door frame+glass evoii pw 150°
013 C00259409 door handle kit - white pw ariston
014 C00267746 plinth white pw ha cis
015 C00087084 foot
016 C00083828 foot spring (11x8.5mm)
020 C00263293 drain hose collar
021 C00133031 1 x C00109644 rear cover - white pw
024 C00254619 hinge
025 C00256725 screw testfer m4 x 16 mm
026 C00260421 1 x C00084817 blanking plate-rear(test plug)
028 C00267745 cabinet white (pw) snl hp/ar pw
029 C00194044 insulation pad (side panel)
031 C00145395 package wise csi
032 C00267747 worktop - white pw evoii snl cis
034 C00046667 wiring stop
035 C00141387 cable clamp hose
037 C00255691 start lens
038 C00094018 insulation pad (front panel)
099 C00012687 self-tapping screw hi-lo 3,5x13
mod.ARSL109CSI.L page 4