Hotpoint MWH434AX Instruction booklet

Instructions for use
Information for the user, 2
Installation, 4
Description, 6
Use, 10
Troubleshooting, 24
Eciency test, 25
The microwaves used for cooking are electromagnetic waves. They are present naturally in the environment in the form of radio waves, or light or infrared rays. Their frequency is in the 2,450 MHz range. Their properties:
- They are reflected by metal.
- They travel through all other materials.
- They absorb water, fat and sugar molecules.
When food is exposed to microwaves, the molecules are shaken rapidly, generating heat.
The microwaves penetrate the food up to a depth of around 2.5 cm. If food items are thicker, they will be cooked through to the centre by heat conduction, as in traditional cooking. It is important to know that the microwaves trigger a simple thermal reaction within the food and that they are not harmful.
The packaging for your appliance is made from recyclable materials. Recycle them and help to protect the environment by disposing of them in the council receptacles provided for this purpose.
Your appliance also contains various recyclable materials. It is therefore marked with this logo to inform you that worn-out appliances should not be disposed of with other waste.
Appliance recycling organised by your manufacturer will thus be carried out in optimum conditions, in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment. Please contact your local council or your dealer for information on the worn-out appliance collection points nearest to your home. We thank you for your help in protecting the environment.
Fig. 01
Operating principle Protecting the environment
TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr cchhoooossiinngg aa HHOOTTPPOOIINNTT ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn mmiiccrroowwaavvee.. MMaakkiinngg tthhiiss pprroodduucctt eeaassyy ttoo uussee aanndd ssiimmppllee
ttoo ooppeerraattee wwaass tthhee mmaaiinn ffaaccttoorr ccoonnssiiddeerreedd iinn iittss ddeevveellooppmmeenntt..
TThhiiss ccoommbbiinneedd mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn bbrriinnggss tto
oggeetthheerr tthhee cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ooff aa mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn wwiitthh tthhoossee ooff aa
ttrraaddiittiioonnaall oovveenn.. TThhee vvaarriioouuss sseettttiinng
gss aavvaaiillaabbllee aallllooww yyoouu ttoo cchhoooossee tthhee eexxaacctt ccooookkiinngg mmeetthhoodd yyoouu wwiisshh ttoo uussee.. TThhiiss oovveenn
iiss ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo e
ennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee ccoonnttrrooll bbuuttttoonnss aarree eeaassyy ttoo uussee..
TThhee ccoonnttrroollss aarree aarrrraannggeedd iinn aa pprraaccttiiccaall wwaayy oonn tthhee
ccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell.. TThhee ddiissppllaayy pprroovviiddeess iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd
hheellppss yyoouu aaddjjuusstt sseettttiinnggss..
Information for the user
Keep this manual with the appliance. If this appliance is sold or given away, make sure the manual is given to the new owner. Please familiarise yourself with these instructions before installing and using your oven. They were written for your safety and the safety of others.
Please make sure children do not play with the appliance. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with impaired physical, sensory or mental capacities, or by inexperienced or untrained persons, unless they have received prior instruction or supervision in its operation by a person responsible for their safety. Your appliance is designed for standard household use for cooking, reheating and defrosting foods. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility in the event of misuse of the appliance. Ensure that cookware is suitable for use in a microwave oven. Do not leave any accessories in your oven when it is switched off. To avoid damaging your appliance, never operate it while empty or without the turntable. Do not interfere with the orifices on the lock on the front of the appliance; this could cause damage to your appliance that would require a service call. WARNING: The seal and frame of the door must be regularly examined to ensure that they have not deteriorated. If these areas are damaged, discontinue use of the appliance and have it checked by a specialist engineer.
When heating food in plastic or paper containers, keep an eye on the oven due to the risk of fire. It is not recommended to use metallic cookware, forks, spoons, knives or metal staples or fasteners for defrosting bags. The contents of baby bottles and baby food jars should be shaken or stirred and their temperature checked before consumption to avoid burns. Never heat a baby bottle with the nipple on (risk of explosion). WARNING: Never allow children to use the microwave unsupervised unless appropriate instructions have been given so that the child can use the oven safely and understands the dangers of incorrect operation. Liquids and other foods should not be heated in sealed containers because they may explode. Always use oven mitts to remove dishes from the oven. Some dishes absorb the heat from foods and can therefore become very hot. Avoid heating eggs in their shells and whole hard-boiled eggs in the microwave oven because they are likely to explode, even after cooking is complete. Heating beverages in the microwave oven can cause sudden and/or delayed spattering of boiling liquid, so precautions must be taken when handling their containers. If cooking small quantities of food (a sausage, croissant, etc.), place a glass of water next to the food. Excessive cooking times may dry out foods and burn them. To prevent this happening, never use the same times recommended for cooking in a traditional oven. If smoke appears, stop or unplug the oven and leave the door closed to smother any flames that may break out.
Safety information
Information for the user
EEnnssuurree tthhaatt yyoouurr aapppplliiaannccee hhaass nnoott bbeeeenn
ddaammaaggeedd dduurriinngg ttrraannssppoorrtt ((bbrrookkeenn sseeaall oorr ddoooorr,, eettcc.
.)).. IIff yyoouu nnoottiiccee aannyy kkiinndd ooff ddaammaaggee,, ccoonnttaacctt
yyoouurr rreettaaiilleerr bbeeffoorree uussee..
Ensure that:
- the electrical power has sufficient voltage.
- the power cable is in good condition
- the diameter of the wires complies with
installation requirements.
- your electrical installation is equipped with
protection of at least 16 amperes.
If in doubt, consult an electrician.
The electrical connections must be made before installing the appliance in its housing.
Electrical safety must be guaranteed by correct installation in the housing. During installation and maintenance operations, the appliance must be unplugged from the mains; the circuit-breaker must be disconnected or the fuses must be removed.
The appliance must be connected using a (standardised) power cable equipped with 3 1.5 mm² conductors (phase + neutral + ground), connected to a single phase 220-240 V ~ network using an IEC 60083 standardised plug (phase + neutral + ground) or in accordance with installation requirements. The safety wire (green-yellow) is connected to the appliance’s terminal and must be connected to the installation ground.
In order to easily locate the reference information for your appliance, we recommend that you make a note of it on the “After-Sales Service” page.
If the appliance has an electrical connection, it must remain accessible after the appliance has been built in.
The oven’s neutral (blue wire) must be connected to the network’s neutral.
It must be possible to disconnect the appliance from the power supply, either using a plug or by fitting a switch on the fixed wiring system in accordance with installation rules.
If the power cable is damaged, it should be replaced by the manufacturer, its after-sales service department or by a similar qualified person to avoid danger.
WWee ccaannnn oo tt bbee hh eelldd rree ssppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr aannyy aacccciiddeenntt rreessuullttiinngg ffrroomm aa nnoonn--eexxiisstteenntt,, ffaauullttyy oorr iinnccoorrr
reecctt ggrroouunndd..
IIff tthheerree aarree aannyy iirrrreegguullaarriittiieess wwiitthh tthhee oovveenn,, uunnpplluugg tthhee aapppplliiaannccee oorr rreemmoovvee tthhee ffuussee c
ttoo tthhee oovveenn iinnlleett ccoonnnneeccttiioonn wwiirree..
Before connection
Electrical connections
Fig. 02
The appliance may be installed under a worktop or in a column of cabinetry (open or closed) that has the appropriate dimensions for built-in installation (Fig. 02).
Never use the appliance immediately after moving it from a cold place to a warm place (wait 1 to 2 hours) because the condensation could cause a malfunction.
Flush fitting
550 int.
600 ext.
450 int.
450 int.
Control panel
Fig. 03
Turntable: for even cooking of foods with no handling required. It rotates in both directions. If the turntable does not rotate, ensure that all components are positioned correctly. Do not try to rotate it manually as this may risk damaging the turning gear. It can also be used as a cooking dish. To remove it, pick it up using the access zones provided in the cavity.
The support with turning axle: guides the glass turntable as it rotates (Fig. 04).
The support wheels: The wheels must be placed in the right direction (Fig. 04). If they do not turn correctly, check for any foreign bodies under the wheels.
Fig. 04
Door handle
The shelf (Fig. 05): allows you to brown or grill food. The shelf should not, under any circumstances, be used with other metal cookware on the microwave, grill + microwave or fan + microwave settings. However, you can heat food in an aluminium tray providing this is separated from the shelf by a plate.
Enamel dish (Fig. 06): this can be used for bain-marie processes with fan cooking when filled with water to mid­height. It can also be used as a cooking dish.
Ensure that the enamel dish is positioned correctly in the middle of the shelf to allow air to circulate freely. Do not use the enamel dish for combined microwave cooking. There is a risk of damage being caused.
The shelf + the enamel dish: to roast and collect the cooking juices, place the shelf over the enamel dish (Fig. 07).
Side shelves (Fig. 08): 2 racks fitted with hooks allow you to use the accessories at three heights.
Three insertion levels are available based on the cooking method and type of food (Fig. 08/09).
With the Grill or Grill + Microwave settings, the accessories are placed on the first level for thick foods like roasts and on the third level for thinner foods like chops and sausages.
With the fan oven setting you can fit the shelf or the enamel dish on the first or second levels as a cooking dish.
Fig. 05
Fig. 08
Fig. 09
Fig. 06
Fig. 07
DDoo nnoott uussee tthhee eennaammeell ddiisshh ffoorr ccoommbbiinneedd mmiiccrroowwaavvee ccooookkiinngg.. TThheerree iiss aa rriisskk ooff ddaammaaggee bbeeiinngg ccaauusseedd..
++ aanndd -- bbuuttttoonnss:: Used for setting the time, the cooking time, the temperature and the power level.
CCooookkiinngg mmooddee bbuuttttoonnss:: Used for scrolling through the various cooking modes.
°°CC//WW bbuuttttoonn:: Used for adjusting the power level and the temperature.
CCLLOOCCKK bbuuttttoonn:: Used for setting the time and the cooking time.
AAuuttoommaattiicc pprrooggrraammmmee bbuuttttoonnss:: Used for selecting the programme according to the type of food (cooked dishes ­meat and fish - vegetables or defrosting)
SSTTAARRTT aanndd SSTTOOPP bbuuttttoonnss:: Used for starting a programme and interrupting or stopping the current programme.
TTuurrnnttaabbllee ssttoopp bbuuttttoonnss:: These two buttons are used to temporarily stop operation of the turntable.
LLoocckk bbuuttttoonnss:: These prevent use of the oven.
Control panel
Fig. 10
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