Honeywell ZIG100ND User Manual

Zigbee Module with Mesh Network
Model No.: ZIG100ND
Communication User Guide
Feb 29, 2008.
Copyright@ 2008 Metrolog ic Instrum ents, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
This document describes how to communicate with Metrologic ZigBee kits which have been designed to provide a low cost, low power IEEE802.15.4 wireless mesh networking solution.
2. Command conventions
To simplify the communication with Metrolo gic ZigBee kit, a Reg-style set is used.
Each command with 80 bytes size must be preceded by the <ST> prefix, then CMD_TY and Form Data, the end by <ET> suffix. Any command not following this pattern is either not accepted by the module or will cause a timeout in response.
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