T7560A,B,C Digital Wall Module
All wiring must comply with local electrical codes and
ordinances or as specified on installation wiring diagrams.
Digital Wall Module (DWM) wiring can be sized from 16 to 22
AWG (1.5 to 0.34 mm
max. length of wire from a device to a DWM is 164 ft (50 m).
Twisted pair wire is recommended for wire runs longer than
100 ft (30.5 m).
), depending on the application. The
EMI Noise Introduction.
Risk of erratic system operation.
Keep wiring at least one ft (305 mm) away from large
inductive loads such as motors, line starters, lighting
ballasts and large power distribution panels. During
installations, try to avoid areas of high EMI noise.
Run DWM wiring separately from 50 Vac or greater
power wiring.
Risk of electric shock or equipment damage!
► Do not touch any live parts inside the DWM housing.
► Disconnect the power supply before making connections
to or removing connections from the DWM's terminals.
► Do not reconnect the power supply until you have com-
pleted the installation.
► If the DWM is powered via terminal 8 and connected to
earth ground, then the cable must be shielded.
► Observe precautions for handling electrostatic sensitive
Table 1. Types of DWM
Tmp = Temperature sensor; Hum = Humidity sensor
Table 2. Controller SW requirements for powering via
1.02.15 1.00.04 1.00.02 1.00.03 1.00.03
NOTE: A software module (ModAL module GNRSC02A) is
sensor1 setpoint bypass fan override
Tmp wheel button button
Tmp/Hum wheel button button
Tmp/Hum - - -
terminal 5 and new LCD signaling
Fan Coil Unit
W7752 W7754
available to adapt the DWM to the respective Excel
20, 50, 100, 500, 600, or 800 controller, making any
further configuring obsolete. Contact your local
Honeywell distributor for further details.
Chilled Ceiling
The T7560A,B,C comes packed with a sub-base that mounts
separately for ease of installation. The cover is fixed by a
latch on the underside of the unit. Remove the cover as
shown in Fig. 1 (T7560A,B) or Fig. 2 (T7560C):
1. Insert the tip of an awl or a similar narrow, pointed object
into the small hole in the latch (T7560A,B) or simply
depress the latch by hand (T7560C).
2. Pry off the cover.
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Copyright © 2009 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights Reserved EN1B-0146GE51 R0309B
Fig. 1. DWM disassembly (T7560A,B)

Fig. 2. DWM disassembly (T7560C)
Mount the DWM on an inside wall approximately 54 in.
(1.3 m) from the floor (or as specified on the installation
drawings) to allow exposure to the average zone temperature.
Do not mount the DWM on an outside wall, on a wall
containing water pipes or near air ducts. Avoid locations that
are exposed to discharge air from registers or radiation from
lights, appliances, or the sun.
The DWM is furnished with a terminal block; all field wiring
connections are made to these eight terminals.
The DWM has to be mounted in vertical position with the LCD
display to the top.
Mount the subbase directly on a wall (see Fig. 3) using the
type of screws appropriate for the wall material.
Fig. 3. Mounting of DWM (T7560A,B shown)
See Fig. 6 for T7560A,B,C mounting dimensions.
Wire the terminal blocks as follows:
1. Strip 3/16 in. (5 mm) of insulation from the conductor.
2. Insert the wire in the required terminal location and tighten
the screw to complete the termination.
Deviation from this rule can result in improper
electrical contact. See Fig. 4.
3. Verify DWM is wired according to Fig. 4.
NOTE: For specific wiring requirements, see the following
Power section.
1 = Common
2 = Temperature sensor
3 = Setpoint (T7560C: Do not connect!)
4 = Bypass/fan* (T7560C: Do not connect!)
5 = LED input (T7560C: Do not connect!)
6 = Bypass** (T7560C: Do not connect!)
7 = Humidity output
8 = 24 Vac / 22 Vdc input
* With Excel 10 Controllers:
W7750 (CVAHU), W7752 (FCU),
and XL12
** With Excel 10 Controllers:
W7751H (VAV), W7762 (HYD), and
W7763 (CHC)
For W7753 (UV) and W7761 (RIO),
see below.
Fig. 4. Wiring of DWM
NOTE: If connected to W7753 (UV) Controller, both
terminals 4 and 6 must be connected.
W7761 Remote I/O Controller supports only
terminals 2 (temperature), 7 (humidity), and
1 (common), as well as terminal 8 as voltage supply.
Wiring with terminal 8 is not necessary if:
a) an FCU or CHC controller with software is
connected (see table 2); or
b) an Excel 500 with 6V/8V/10V signaling from the
controller is used.
The T7560A must then be powered by terminal 5.
The DWM can be powered as follows:
• T7560A: preferably via the 5 V LED input (terminal 5); via
terminal 8 is also possible
• T7560B,C: via the 24 Vac/dc input (terminal 8).
The DWM can be powered only via terminal 5 with
those controllers listed in Table 2, and if a
SW version listed in Table 2 or higher is installed.
If the DWM is powered via terminal 5, the Excel 10
controller must be configured for LCD_DISPLAY
(LED output continuously ON).
NOTE: The 24 Vac power supply is needed only with the
T7560B,C DWM (for the humidity sensor).
EN1B-0146GE51 R0309B