Honeywell SS3 Operating Manual

Installa tion Guide a n d Opera ti ng Manual
Multi-S p ect r u m Di gi t al Electro-Optical Fir e D et e ct ors
Model SS3 (Models SS3-A, SS 3-AN, SS3-AB, and SS3-ABN)
Stand-Alone Mode or FS2000 System Mode

Notices and Trademarks

Copyright 2014 by Honeywell International Inc Wh ile th is inform at ion is pr esen t ed in g ood fai th and believ ed to b e
accu rat e, H oney well di sc laim s the im p lied warran ti es of m erc h ant ab ili ty and fitn es s for a p art ic ul ar pu rp ose an d mak es n o exp ress warran t ies excep t as may be s t ated in i ts writt en ag reem en t with and for i ts customers.
In no even t is H oney well li ab le t o an yone for any in d irec t, spec ial or cons eq uent ial dam ag es. The in form at ion an d sp eci ficat ion s in thi s docum en t are s ubjec t to ch ange without notic e.
The det ect or m u st be i ns tal led on ly by qu alifi ed p rofes si on al p ers on n el in accord an ce wit h l ocal cod es.
The prot ect ion p rovid ed b y th e gas d et ect or may b e im p aired if it is used i n a mann er n ot sp eci fied by Hon ey well An alyt ics.
ACCTTL, ALERT-1, ALARM-2, ALERT-1: ALARM 2, ALERT-1: ALAR M-2, ATAG , C lean Room Sen tr y, COP -i, Complete Optical Path Integ rity, CM1, CM1-A , DartL og ic, Fi reL ogi c, Fi re S ign atur e An alys is, Fi reB usI , F ireB usI I, FirePic, FirePicII , FirePicIII, FirePix, FirePi ct u re, F S C, Fir e Sent ry Corpor ation , Fi re Sen t ry Corp . , F SX, All FSX Nom encl atu re V ariat ion s (such as: FS2, FS2X, FS3, FS3X, FS4, FS4X, FS5, FS5X, FS6, FS6X, FS7, FS7X, FS8, FS8X, FS9, FS9X, FS10X, FS10X, FS11, FS11X, FS12, FS12 X, F S14 , FS 14X, FS15 , FS15X, FS16, FS16X, FS17, FS17X FS18, FS18 X, F S19 , FS 19X, FS20 , FS20X , FS 24, F S24X , FS24X N, FS26 , FS26X, FS26XN ) , FS7-2173-2RP, FS System 7, FS System 10, FS7-2173, FS7-2173-RP, FS20 00 , FS S yst em 2000, Hig h Speed F lam e & Su rveillan c e Detec t or, M ul ti -Spectrum Qu adB and Trip le IR , M ul ti -Spectrum TriBand, Multi-Spectrum Tri-Band , Near B an d Infrar ed, Near Ban d I R, NearBand IR, QuadBand IR, Room Sentry, RS, RS2, SM2, SM3, SS, SS2, SS2X, SS2-A, SS3, SS3-A, SS 3X , SS4, SS 4 -A, SS4X, SnapShot, SLR-BIT, Sup erBu s, Super Sentry, System 2000, Tri-Mode Plot , Quad B and Tripl e IR Plus, TriBand, Tri-Ban d , “FS & FSC t riang l e log o’s” , WB I R, W ide B and Infrar ed , W id eB and I R, W ide B and I Rar e reg ist ered t rad em arks of Honey well I n t ern ation al In c.
Other b r and or p r odu ct names ar e tr adem arks of t hei r res pec t ive own ers. Honeywell Analytics

Symbol Definitions

The following table lists those symbols used in this document to denote certain conditions.
Symbol Definition
ATTENTION: Id enti fies in form at ion t h at requ ir es s pec ial
TIP: Iden ti fies ad vice or hin t s for t h e user , oft en i n term s of
perform in g a t ask .
REFERENCE-EXTERNAL: Id ent ifies an add i tion al sou rc e of
inform at ion ou ts id e of th is b ooks et .
REFERENCE-INTERNAL: Iden t ifies an ad d it ion al s ource of
information within this b ooks et.
Indic ates a si tu at ion whic h , i f not avoid ed , m ay res u lt i n equ ipm ent or work (d at a) on th e sys tem bei ng d amag ed or los t , or may res ul t i n th e in ab ili ty t o pr op erly oper ate t h e p roces s.
CAUTION: Ind ic ates a poten t iall y haz ard ous si tu at ion which , if
not avoid ed , m ay resu lt in m inor or m oder ate i nj u ry. I t may also be u sed t o alert ag ain st unsafe p rac ti ces . CAUTION: Symbol on th e equi pm en t refers t h e us er t o the prod u ct manu al for ad d it ion al i nform at ion . The s ymb ol ap p ears next to required informati on in the m an ual .


T ABL E OF C ON TE NTS .......................................................................................... 3
SECTION 1 FAMILIARIZATION ........................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Stand-Alone Operation ........................................................................... 4
1.3 FS2000 System Operation ...................................................................... 4
1.4 Overview ............................................................................................... 5
SE CTIO N 2 INS T AL L ATI O N ................................................................................ 6
2.1 Installation Procedure ............................................................................ 6
2.2 Detector Installation ............................................................................... 7
2.3 Wiring Detectors .................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Model SS3 Detector ................................................................... 5
1.4.2 Testing ...................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Installation Precautions.............................................................. 6
2.1.2 Device Layout ........................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Wiring Recommendations .......................................................... 6
2.1.4 Power Supply Considerations..................................................... 6
2.3.1 Wiring as Standalone ................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Wiring to FS2000 (FireBus) ........................................................ 7
2.3.3 Wiring the Fire Relay ................................................................. 7
SECTION 3 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................... 9
3.1 Personnel .............................................................................................. 9
3.2 Cleaning Windowed Enclosures and Detectors ........................................ 9
3.3 Model SS3 Detector ............................................................................... 9
3.4 Detector Repair.....................................................................................10
SECTION 4 DETECTOR DATA ......................................................................... 11
Table 1: Model SS3 Detector Connectors - Pinouts .....................................11
Mechanical Layouts ......................................................................................12
Model SS3 Detector Mounting Brackets .........................................................12
Model SS3-A and SS3-AN Detectors .............................................................13
INDEX ............................................................................................ 14


1.1 Introduction

The Mode l SS 3 Op tic al F ire/ Flam e D etec tor s op erat e th e SAME whether they are c on nec ted t o th e FS2 000 F ire E arl y W arn ing S yst em (with FS200 0 Cont roll er an d F ireB u s) or whet her th ey op erate i n th e St and -Alone config u rat ion . Wh en the Mod el SS3 Det ec tors are con n ec ted t o the FS20 00 System , refer t o t he Hon eywell Analytics document MN0003 entitled "FS2000 FIRE EARLY WARNI NG SYSTEM - I NS TALLA TION an d OPERATIONS GUIDE". The only difference betw een FS 2 000 System Model S S 3 Det ect ors an d a St and -A lon e SS3 Det ect ors i s how each is wired. Sections 1.2 and 1.3 below explain the wiring differences.
The SS 3 produ ct s con sis t of th e Mode ls SS3-A, S S 3 -AN, S S 3 -AB and SS3-ABN. Eac h det ec tor i s h oused in an ABS whit e p las ti c enc losu re. The cost -effec ti ve Mod el S S 3 fire d etec t or p rod uct s were d esig n ed for ind oor ap p lic ati on s and app lic ati ons where a l ow p rofil e d et ect or is preferred.
The Model s SS3-A and SS3-AN are Mu l ti -S p ect rum Op ti cal F ire Det ec tors which utilize the wide band infrared (IR), visible (VIS ), and ultraviolet (UV) spec tr al b and s. The SS3-A uses a lat ch ing rel ay and th e SS3-AN has a NON-lat ch ing rel ay and au to r eset s. Both feat ur e a wide 1 2 0 d egr ee field of vi ew.
The Model s SS3-AB and the SS3-ABN are Ul tr aviol et (U V) O pt ical Fir e Detect ors whic h featu re a wide 1 8 0 deg ree field of view b ack -facing UV sens or for u se i n en c losed areas su c h as wet s tat ion s or gas cab in ets . The SS3-AB u ses a latc h ing relay an d the SS3-ABN u ses a NO N-l atc h ing relay and auto res et s.

1.2 Stand-Alone Op erat ion

For St an d -Alone operat ion , t h e Mod el SS3 Det ect ors may be c onn ec ted t o a FM/UL App roved Fir e/S ecu ri ty P an el. Th e Mod el S S 3 Detec t or op erates on 24 volts DC. The Mod el SS3 Det ect or, when op erat ed in the St an d ­Alon e m od e, us es its Fir e relay to i n terf ace t o FM /U L Ap p roved Fire /Sec u rit y Pan els

1.3 FS200 0 S y st em Operation

For FS 2000 S yst em op erat ion , th e Mod el S S3 fire s ig nal s are s en t di git ally to th e FS20 00 Syst em Cont roller us in g th e four wire F S2 0 00 Fi reBus . The FireBus p rovid es t he 24 volt s D C p ower for t h e Mod el S S 3 Detec t or an d RS-4 85 dig it al comm un icat ion (R efer to Hon eywell Analytics document MN0003 entitled "FS2000 FIRE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM ­INS TALL ATI ON and OPE RA TIO NS G UI DE"). For sp ec ial rem ot e alarm app lic ati ons , users may con n ect direc tl y to t he M odel SS3 's Fir e relay connector.

1.4 Overview

1.4.1 Mod el SS3 Detector

The Model SS 3 D etec tor s are m ic ro-c om pu teri zed devic es. The Det ect ors ’ logic " b rain " alarm s to fir es q u ic kly.
There is on e L E D on th e Mod el SS 3 Det ect ors th at ind icat e th e st ate of t h e Detector. If the LED blinks approximately every 10 seconds, then the Detect or i s in Nor m al Op erati on
Wh en a Mod el SS 3 D etec t or alarm s to a fir e, i t en erg iz es it s Fir e rela y and turns on its red LED.

1.4.2 Testing

The Mod el S S 3 Det ect ors c ontai n an in tern al mon it orin g ci rcu it for s elf ­test in g. F or t est ing th e Mod el S S3 -A and SS3-AN Det ect ors end -to-end for both opt ic al p ath and win d ow clean lin es s, us e a Honeywell Analytics Model DD850 01 UV/ IR Test Lam p. The M odel SS3 -AB and SS3-ABN c an be test ed using th e Mod el 85 00 1 and M odel 85 001 (B) UV tes ter s.
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