Honeywell SS2 Operating Manual

Installation Guide and Operating Manual
Multi-S p ect r u m Di gi t al Electro-Opt i c al Fire D ete ct ors
Models SS2-A, SS2-AN, SS2-AH , and SS2-AM Stand-Alone Mode

Notices and Trademarks

Copyright 2014 by Honeywell International Inc. Wh ile th is inform at ion is pr esen t ed in g ood fai th and believ ed to b e
accu rat e, H oney well di sc laim s the im p lied warran ti es of m erc h ant ab ili ty and fitn es s for a p art ic ul ar pu rp ose an d mak es n o expr ess warran t ies excep t as may be s t ated in i ts writt en ag reem en t with and for i ts customers.
In no even t is H oney well li ab le t o an yone for any in d irec t, spec ial or cons eq uent ial dam ag es. The in form at ion an d sp eci ficat ion s in thi s docum en t are s ub j ect to ch ang e with ou t not ic e.
The det ect or m u st be i ns tal led on ly by qu alifi ed p rofes si on al p ers on n el in accord an ce wit h l ocal cod es.
The prot ect ion p rovid ed b y th e gas d et ect or may b e im p aired if it is used i n a mann er n ot sp eci fied by Hon eywell Analytics.
ACCTTL, ALERT-1, ALARM-2, ALERT-1: ALARM 2, ALERT-1: ALA RM -2, ATAG , C lean Room Sen tr y, COP -i, Complete Optical Path Integ rity, CM1, CM1-A , DartL og ic, Fi reL ogi c, Fi re S ign atur e An alys is, Fi reB usI , F ireB usI I, FirePic, FirePicII , FirePicIII , Fir ePi x, Fi rePi ct u re, FS C, Fir e Sent ry Corpor ation , Fi re Sen t ry Corp . , F SX, All FSX Nom encl atu re V ariat ion s (such as: FS2, FS2X, FS3, FS3X, FS4, FS4X, FS5, FS5X, FS6, FS6X, FS7, FS7X, FS8, FS8X, FS9, FS9X, FS10X, FS10X, FS11, FS11X, FS12, FS12 X, FS14 , FS14X, FS15, FS15X, FS16, FS16X, FS17, FS17X FS18, FS18 X, F S19 , FS 19X, FS20 , FS20X , FS 24, F S24X , FS24X N, FS26 , FS26X, FS26XN ) , FS7-2173-2RP, FS System 7, FS System 10, FS7-2173, FS7-2173-RP, FS20 00 , FS S yst em 2000, Hig h Speed F lam e & Su rveillan c e Detec t or, Multi-Sp ect rum Qu adB and Tri pl e IR , Mu lt i -Spectrum TriBand, Multi-Spectrum Tri-Ban d , Near B an d Infrar ed, Near B an d IR , NearBand IR, QuadBand IR, Room Sentry, RS, RS2, SM2, SM3, SS, SS2, SS2X, SS2-A, SS3, SS3-A, SS3X , SS 4, SS 4 -A, SS4X, SnapShot, SLR-BIT, Sup erB u s, Sup erS ent ry, Syst em 2000 , Tri -Mod e P lot , Quad B and Tripl e IR Plus, TriBand, Tri-Band, “F S & FSC t riang le l ogo’ s”, WB IR , W ide B and Infrar ed , W id eB and I R, W ide B and I R
are regis t er ed t rad em ark s of Hon ey well In t ern ati onal In c. Other brand or product names are t rad em ark s of t hei r res pec t ive own ers. Honeywell Analytics

Symbol Definitions

The following table lists those symbols used in this document to denote certain conditions.
Symbol Definition
ATTENTION: Id enti fies in form at ion t h at requ ir es
spec ial c on sid erat ion .
In d icat es a s itu ati on which , i f not avoid ed, may
resul t i n equi pm ent or work (d ata) on t h e syst em bein g damag ed or los t, or may res ul t i n th e inab il ity t o p rop erly operat e th e p roces s.
CAUTION: Ind icat es a pot en t ially h azar dou s
situ at ion whi ch, if n ot avoid ed , m ay resu lt in min or or mod erate i nj u ry. I t m ay also b e u sed to alert ag ain s t un safe p rac ti ces . CAUTION: Symbol on th e equi pm en t refers t h e user t o t h e prod uct manu al for ad d it ion al inform at ion . The sym b ol ap p ears n ext to requ ired in form at ion in th e m anu al.


T ABL E OF C ON TE NTS ............................................................... 3
APPROVALS .............................................................................. 4
SECTION 1: FAM ILIARIZATION ...................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 5
1.2 Stand-Alone Operation ............................................................................. 5
1.3 FS2000 System Operati on ....................................................................... 6
1.4 Overview6
1.4.1 Model SS2 Detector Status Indications ................................. 6
1.4.2 Detection Range .................................................................. 6
1.4.3 Field-of-View ....................................................................... 6
1.5 Testing 7
1.5.1 Special Conditions for Testing .............................................. 7
1.5.2 Automatic Testing ................................................................ 7
1.5.3 Manual Testing .................................................................... 7
SECTION 2 : INSTALLATION ............................................................................ 9
2.1 Installation Procedure .............................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Installation Precautions........................................................ 9
2.1.2 Conduit Installation .............................................................. 9
2.1.3 Wiring Recommendati ons .................................................... 9
2.1.4 Power Supply Considerati ons............................................... 9
2.2 Enclosure Installati on (Optional) ............................................................. 10
2.2.1. Swivel Mount (SM2): .......................................................... 10
2.2.2 Install Conduit (If not already installed)............................... 10
Figure 2. Model SS2 Detector with SM2 Swivel Mount .................... 10
2.3 Wiring Detectors .................................................................................... 10
Figure 3: Model SS2 Detector Enclosure - Side View ....................... 11
Figure 4. Model SS2 Detector Enclosure - Back View ...................... 12
Figure 5. Models SS2-A, SS2-AN, SS2-AH, and SS2-AM................ 12
SECTION 3 / MAINTENANCE AND TROUBL ESHOOTI NG ..............................15
3.1 Personnel .............................................................................................. 15
3.2 Cleaning Windowed Enclosures and Detectors........................................ 16
3.3 SS2-A, -AN, -AH, and –AM Detectors’ Faults .......................................... 16
3.4 SS2-A, -AN, -AH, and -AM Detector Modules Replacement ..................... 17
3.5 Detector Repair ..................................................................................... 17
SECTION 4 / DETECTOR PINOUT DATA .......................................................18
TABLE 1: Stand-Alone Model SS2 Detector Connectors -
Pinouts.............................................................................. 18
SE CTIO N 5 / DE T ECTOR L ABE L D R AW IN G S ...............................................19
INDEX .....................................................................................20
operating equipment.


The Model SS 2 Opti cal F ire D etec tor s h ave b een m anu fact ur ed in comp l ian ce wit h th e req u irem ent s of the I SO-9001 stan d ard an d h ave been approved by:
Cal if or nia St ate Fire M ar shal (C SFM )
Factory Mutual (FM)
Canadian Standards (CSA)
CENELEC approval by FM Approvals Ltd. Certification Service
in compliance with the ATEX Directive.
Read and understand this ma nual before installing or
Marking: Class I, Div. 1 & 2, Groups A, B,C, & D
Class II, Div. 1 & 2, Groups E, F, & G Class III
Class I , Zone 1 AEx d IIC Ex d IIC; Ex tb IIIC T135°C


1.1 Introduction

T he Model SS2 Multi-Spec trum Electro-O p ti cal F ire/ Fl am e Detec t ors m ay
be u sed in th e FS200 0 Fir e Early W ar ni ng System or i n th e St and -Alone mod e. D etec tor s of t hi s mod el are hou s ed in E xpl osion -Proof Class I, Div. 1 enc los ur es. The on ly d iffer enc e bet ween an FS 20 00 System M odel SS2 Detect or an d a S tand -Alon e SS2 Det ect or is in the wiri n g. The wiri ng diffe ren ces are d esc rib ed in Sec t ions 1. 2 an d 1.3.
Model SS2-A Det ect ors hav e a lat ch in g relay. The y are us ed for hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarb on fires
Model SS2-AN Detec tors h ave a n on -l atc h ing relay. The y are ot h er wise iden t ical to th e SS 2-A.
Model SS2-AH is t he s ame as Mod el S S2-A excep t for th e p rog ramm ing to assu re Hi gh Speed m il lis econ d res pon s e to non -UV emi tting s od ium az id e fires (in addition to the n ormal fire res p ons e) f or ai r b ag ind ust ries . The Detect or i s h ou sed in a Cl ass I, Di v. 1 Explos ion -Proof en cl osu re. For m ore inform at ion , refer to c or res pon d in g s pec ific ati on sh eets .
Model SS2-AM is the s am e as Mod el SS2-A excep t for th e p rog ramm in g to
assu re Ul tra H ig h Speed mi lli secon d res p on se t o norm al n on -sodium azi de burning materials radiating UV and IR energy for munitions and air bag indu st ri es. The Det ect or i s h ou sed in a C lass I, Di v. 1 E xplos ion -Proof encl osu re. For m ore i n form ati on, refer t o cor r esp on di ng spec ificat ion sheets.
There ar e oper at ion al ad v an tag es wh en th e Det ect or is conn ec ted to an FS20 00 Cont roller and F ireB u s. The D etec tor also h as fle xibi lity to b e re­configured in the field. It is simple to install and operate due to built in self­test in g. Th e m aint en anc e cons is ts in wip in g the l ens and perform in g period ic t est ing req u ired b y the m anu fact u re of th e F ire Con t rol an d Sup pression Systems.
There ar e oper at ion al ad v an tag es wh en th e Det ect or is conn ec ted to an FS20 00 Cont roller and Fir eBu s . The Det ect ors also h av e fl exib il it y to b e re­configured in the field. The maintenance consists in wiping the lens and perform in g p eriod ic t est ing req u ired by th e manu fact u re of t he F ire C ont rol and Suppression Systems.

1.2 Stand-Alone Operation

The Model SS 2 Det ect ors may be c on nec ted t o an app roved F ire/ S ecu rit y Pan el for S tan d -Alone op erat ion . The Det ect ors oper ate on 2 4 V olt s DC. In thi s mod e th e Det ect ors util iz e Fire an d Fau l t rel ays to i nt erfac e to F M/U L approved Fir e/S ecu ri ty P an els. For St and -A lon e op erat ion , the D etec tor ’s Fault rel ay is automatically configured by the on-b oard m ic rop roces sor . The input current of the Detector is about 15 mA higher in the Stand-Alone mod e com par ed t o op erat ion as part of FS 2 000 System .

1.3 FS200 0 S y st em Operation

For FS 2000 S yst em op erat ion , th e Det ect or’ s Fi re an d Fau lt si gnal s are sent dig it all y to th e F S2000 Syst em Con t roller us ing th e four wire F S 20 00 FireB us . The Fi reBu s p rovid es t h e 24 Volts DC power for t h e Detec t or an d RS-4 85 dig it al comm un icat ion (R efer to Hon eywell Analytics document MN0003: "FS2000 FIRE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM - INSTALLATION and OPE RATIO NS GUI DE" ). F or spec ial rem ote al arm ap p lic ati ons , us ers may also con n ect d irec tl y to t he D etec tor ’s F ire al arm rela y.
NOTE: Wh en th e Mod el S S2 Det ect or is conn ect ed t o the F S2000
System usi ng FireB u s commu n ic ati on, th e Con t roll er automatically de-energ izes th e D etec tor’ s F aul t r elay.

1.4 Overview

1.4.1 Model SS2 Detector Status Indications

The Model SS2 Multi-Spectrum Optical Fi re/ Flam e Det ec tors are microprocessor-bas ed devic es, whic h see u lt ravio let (UV ), vis ible (V IS ), and in frared (I R) s pec tr al reg ion s . The Det ect or's log ic processor is capab le of q u ic k res p ons e to fires wh ile vi rt u ally el im i nat ing fals e alarm s . The Model SS 2 Det ect or h as a 120 ° field -of-view.
There ar e t wo (2) LE D s on the Mod el S S2 Det ect or for in d ic ati on of th e Detect or s tat u s. During Normal Op erat ion b oth LE Ds will b lin k ever y 10 seconds.
If a Model SS 2 D etec tor h as a Fau lt , it de-energizes the Fau lt rel ay and turns one (1) LED on. (The LED will not light if the Fault is a “No Powe r Fault ”) . I f th e Faul t c ond it ion , such as a “Low Volt ag e Fau lt ”, is elim inat ed , the D etec tor will au tom at ic all y ret u rn to Nor m al Op erat ion .
Fault s cau sed b y E xcess ive In p ut Vol tag e or t em p erat ur es ou tsid e th e operat in g temp erat u re ran g e requ ire fac tor y re -cert ific ation . Both LEDs rapidly blinking (with frequency about 2 Hz) indicate faults requiring re­certification.
If a Model S S2 D etec tor al arm s t o a fire, it energizes the Fir e rela y and turns on both LEDs in the following sequence. One LED is turned on imm edi atel y and th e s econd LE D will rap id ly bl in k for s e veral sec ond s indicating that th e Det ector's FirePic is being permanent ly st ored in th e Detect or's sol id -s tat e m em ory. (Fi rePi c is t he s everal secon d s of Det ect or data, whi ch prec ede an al arm event .)

1.4.2 Detection Range

The det ect ion ran g e of th e d et ect or is 60 feet t o an i nd ust rial s t and ard of one sq u are foot g asol in e p an fir e with in 5 sec ond s.

1.4.3 Field-of-View

The Detec tor in corp orates a m in imum 120 -d eg ree con i cal F ield of V iew. The fir e em iss ion s r eceiv ed by t he D etec t or d imin ish at extrem e ed g es of the fi eld -of-vi ew. For t h e fast est resp on se t im es t o the sm alles t siz e fire,
120 Degrees
the D etec tor sh ou ld be p oin t ed to th e fire t h reat ar ea. W h en mult ip le detec t ors are u s ed to c over larg e ar eas, th e F ield s -of-View should overlap. The Field -of-Vie w is n ot l im it ed to 120 d eg rees. Larg er fir es ou t sid e
Figure 1. Field of View, Horizontal and Vertical.
Maxim um Sen si tivit y to 1 Sq . Ft . Gas olin e P an Fire

1.5 Testing

1.5.1 Special Condition s for Tes ting

The SS 2 Det ect or shou ld b e t est ed imm edi atel y aft er in st all ati on , aft er repair or m ain ten an c e in volving wirin g or m od u le rep lac em ent , aft er period ic m ain t enanc e, or after l en s con t am inat ion has b een iden t ified .

1.5.2 Automatic Testin g

The Model SS 2 Det ect ors cont ain an int ern al sou rc e for sel f-testing. For test in g the M odel SS2 Det ec tors end -to-end for both optical path and window cl ean l in ess , u s e a Honeywell Analytics M odel FT-2045 Test Lamp.

1.5.3 Manual Testing

For m anu al tes tin g the Det ec tor m ay b e expos ed to an act u al indu s tr y stan d ard open flam e or t o a Test L am p sim u lat ing a fire. For Honeywell Analytics model SS2 Multi-Spectrum Fi re Det ect ors , i t i s mand at ory to u se the h andh eld UV/ I R Test Lam p, Mod el No FT-2045 or FT-2145.
NOTE: Other m anufacturers UV/IR Test Lamps should not be
utilized to test Honeywell Analytics Det ect ors, an d Honeywell Analytics Model F T-2045 and FT-2145 Test Lamps should not be uti liz ed for tes ti ng ot h er manu fact u rer’ s Det ect ors .
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