Damper and Valve Linkages
Q5001 Valve Linkage for Modutrol IV Motors
The Q5001 Valve Linkage connects a Modutrol Motor to a 2- or 3-way
valve. It is used primarily on V5011 or V5013 steam and water valves.
• Q5001 Valve Linkage is applicable to 2-Way or 3-Way valves in
modulating or two-position service
• Linkage requires no adjustment when used with Honeywell
valves and Modutrol IV™ Motors
• Q5001 Valve Linkage replaces Q601 and Q618 Valve Linkages
• Linkage mounts directly to the valve bonnet; motor mounts to linkage bracket
• Easy-to-read position indicator
• Valve stem lift height cam selectable
• Overtravel permits tight close-off without excessive motor strain
• Available brackets make linkages adaptable to many valve bodies
• Models available with 80 lb, 160 lb, and 320 b stem force
• Reversible cams on the Q5001 allow field selection of
normally open or normally closed valve operation
• All models have anti-spin clips
Linkage Type: Valve
Mounting: Linkage mounts directly to the valve bonnet; motor mounts
on linkage bracket
Used with Actuator: Modutrol Motor
Stem Force Rating: 80 or 160 lbf (356 N or 712 N)
Ambient Temperature Range: -40 F to +150 F (-40 C to +66 C)
Product Number
* Q5001D1000/U 1 3/8 in. 3/4 in. Valve Linkage for Mod III and Mod IV motors
* Q5001D1018/U 1 3/8 in. 3/4 in. Valve Linkage for Mod IV motors with 160 or
* Q5001D1026/U 1 7/8 in. 1 1/2 in. Valve Linkage for Mod IV motors with 160 or
Size (in.) Stroke Description Includes Used With
with 80 or 160 lb stem force
320 lb stem force and up to 3 inch valves
320 lb stem force and 4, 5 or 6 inch valves
Replacement Parts:
220845/0767-Retainer button for Q5001
1 3/8 in. valve bracket
and Anti spin clip
1 3/8 in. valve bracket
and Anti spin clip
1 7/8 in. valve bracket
and Anti spin clip
V5011/V5013; Modutrol IV Motors
Valve sizes up to 3 inch; V5011/
V5013; Modutrol IV Motors
4, 5 or 6 inch valves; V5011/
V5013; Modutrol IV Motors
Q5001 parts
Product Number Stroke Description Used With
220845/0767/U — Retainer button for Q5001 —
220848A/U 1/2 in. Q5001 Cam Q5001
220852A/U — Stroke Indicator, Q5001 Q5001
220861A/U 3/4 in. 3/4 inch lift Q5001 linkage cam assembly Q5001
220863A/U 1 in. 1 inch lift Q5001 linkage cam assembly Q5001
220864A/U 1 1/8 in. 1 1/8 inch lift Q5001 linkage cam assembly Q5001
220867A/U 1 1/2 in. 1 1/2 inch lift Q5001 linkage cam assembly Q5001
220874/0767/U — 9/16 inch anti spin clip for Q5001 —
4074ETB/U — Antispin Kit, Q5001 Q5001
442 customer.honeywell.com 70-6910