Honeywell PHD6 Quick Reference Manual

PHD6TM Gas Monitor Quick Reference Guide
This quick reference guide is not a substitute for the operator’s manual. Read and understand the operator’s manual before using this monitor.
Powering on/powering off
To turn the monitor on, press the Mode button once.
To turn the monitor off, press and hold the Mode button until “Release MODE to shut down” is displayed.
Perform a calibration check (either manually or with the IQ6 dock) before using the monitor.
Auto Calibration
Auto Calibration consists of two steps: zero calibration and span calibration. To enter Auto Calibration mode, press the Mode button three times rapidly (within two seconds). The monitor will
begin a ve second countdown.
Press the Mode button again during this countdown to begin the zero calibration.
If the monitor is equipped with an IR-CO
sensor, a
cylinder of any CO2-free mixture (e.g., N
or zero air) must be connected to the monitor before beginning the zero calibration.
After the zero calibration is complete, the monitor will begin
another ve second countdown.
Press the Mode button during this countdown to begin the span calibration. The monitor will display a prompt for the appropriate calibration gas to be applied (using the adaptor as illustrated below).
When the sensor has been adjusted, the monitor will display a prompt for the next gas to be applied.
When no further span calibrations are needed, the monitor will shut down.
Auto Calibration Failures
Zero calibration failure
The zero calibration will fail during the zeroing process if one or more of the sensors reaches ±50% of the default alarm setpoint (e.g., for LEL, a reading of 5 or higher, or -5 or lower). If this happens, a forced fresh air calibration must be performed.
To begin the calibration, press the Mode button three times
rapidly (within two seconds). The monitor will begin a ve
second countdown. During this countdown, press and hold the
Down Arrow navigation key. While holding the Down Arrow key,
press and release the Mode button. Continue holding the Down Arrow key until the monitor begins beeping rapidly. If the zero calibration still fails, one or more of the sensors may require replacement.
Span calibration failure
When detecting reactive toxic gases, dedicate a regulator for each gas. Do not use regulators that have been exposed to
H2S and then used with chlorine.
Span calibrations failures have three common causes: the
calibration was attempted with an expired calibration gas, incorrect calibration materials were used, or one or more of the sensors require replacement.
Part No. 13-398
Revision 1_May 2012 MAN0940_EMEAI
To replace alkaline batteries, remove the cover plate on
the battery pack by rotating the two screws a quarter-turn counterclockwise. Pull out the old batteries and replace them with new batteries in the same orientation (see illustration).
Reattach the cover plate and reinsert the battery pack back in
the monitor.
Rechargeable lithium-ion battery packs have encapsulated batteries (i.e., individual battery cells that are not
replaceable). If the battery pack cannot be recharged, the entire pack must be replaced (p/n 54-54-107).
If the pump passes the test, “Pump Test Passed, Remove
Blockage” will be displayed. If the pump fails, “Pump Fault” will be displayed and the monitor willl then go into alarm.
If a monitor fails the pump test, remove it from service until
the fault is found and corrected. The most common cause for
failure is having one of the two internal lters plugged. This fault is eld-serviceable. (See section 6.5.1 of the reference
For any remote sample draw test, the sample draw probe apparatus must be attached. See section 6.5 of the reference manual.
Battery Replacement
Use only Duracell MN1500 or Ultra MX1500, Eveready Energizer E91-LR6, or Eveready EN91 batteries. Substitution
of batteries may impair intrinsic safety.
To remove the battery pack, loosen the thumbscrew on the
back of the monitor. Swing the battery out from the top, as shown in the illustration.
Expired calibration gas will affect the following sensor types: H2S, SO2, Cl2, ClO2, NH3, NO, NO2, PH3, and HCN. If any of these sensors fail the calibration, check the calibration gas’ expiration date. If expired, replace the gas before re­attempting calibration.
Certain gases require special calibration gases and tubing. Problems calibrating Cl2, ClO2, HCN, or PH3 sensors may occur when using the standard calibration adapter and tubing. A special adapter (p/n 54-54-114) must be used with these
gases. This adapter is designed for use with reactive gases.
It has white tubing and special gaskets to allow the full gas concentration to reach the monitor without any decay.
If the above criteria are met, replace all sensors which failed
the span calibration.
Pump Test
When a motorized pump is attached to the monitor as shown in the illustration below, an automatic pump test will be performed.
After acknowledging that the pump has been attached, the monitor will display a pump test prompt (“Pump Testing, Block
Sample Port”). Place a nger over the pump inlet to force it
to stall.
Please Note:
While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. Data may change, as well as legislation, and you are strongly advised to obtain copies of the most recently issued regulations, standards, and guidelines. This publication is not intended to form the basis of a contract.
Part No. 13-398 Revision 1_May 2012 MAN0940_EMEAI