Installation Instructions For Natural Gas Conversion
(Kit Part No. 1173865)
This kit is designed for conversion to Natural Gas.
Table 1
0 to 2000 ft
PGAA, PGMD (All Sizes)
PGAD, PGME (All Sizes)
PGX3, PDX3 (All Sizes)
PGC***K040F, GPCM**K040
PGC***K060F, GPCM**K060
PGC***K080F, GPCM**K080
PGC***K100F, GPCM**K100
PGC***K120F, GPCM**K120
PGC***K140F, GPCM**K140
PGF***K040F, GPFM**K040
PGF***K060F, GPFM**K060
PGF***K080F, GPFM**K080
PGF***K100F, GPFM**K100
PGF***K120F, GPFM**K120
PGF***K140F, GPFM**K140
PGS***K040F, GPSM**K040
PGS***K060F, GPSM**K060
PGS***K080F, GPSM**K080
PGS***K100F, GPSM**K100
PGS***K120F, GPSM**K120
PGS***K140F, GPSM**K140
Note: "**" or "***" may be any combination of numbers and/or letters in the model number.
Note: The orifice sizes in the chart above derate the inpu t rate at 4% per 1000 feet above sea level for altitudes exceeding 2000 feet above sea level.
Natural gas data is based on .60 sp ecific gravity, a heating value of 1030 Btu/cubic foot, and 3.5 "W.C. manifold pressure.
For fuels with different specific gravity and/or different heating values, consult the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 - 2002/NFPA 54-2002 or
National Standard of Canada, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code CSA B149.1-00.
Note: If converting from LP gas to Nat ural gas at altitudes exceeding 2000 feet above sea level, conversion kit (Part #330732-401) is required for proper conversion. For all models, except PGX3, PDX3, and PGF3, a .018 pilot
orifice (Part # 5032110) is also required.
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
41 1173865 43 43 43 44 44 45 46
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
41 1173865 43 43 43 44 44 45 46
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
41 1173865 43 43 43 44 44 45 46
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
44 1173863 45 46 47 47 48 48 49
41 1173865 43 43 43 44 44 45 46
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
42 1173865 43 43 44 44 45 46 47
2001 to 4000 ft 4001 to 5000 ft 5001 to 6000 ft 6001 to 7000 ft 7001 to 8000 ft 8001 to 9000 ft 9001 to 10000 ft
Orifice Drill #
Natural Gas Orifice Kits and Sizes
Elevation Above Sea Level
Orifice Drill #
Orifice Drill #
Orifice Drill #
Orifice Drill #
Orifice Drill #
Orifice Drill #
(Field-Supplied)Model Numbe r Orifice Drill # Kit Number
Parts List, Kit # 1173865
Description Part # Qty
Burner Orifice #41 1096942 7
Burner Orifice #42 1011351 7
Pilot Orifice (0.018) 503211 1
Honeywell Conv. Kit #396222 1172952 1
Label, Natural Gas Conversion 1173866 1
Label, Field Conversion 1009678 1
Instructions 462 06 1211 00 1
Recognize safety information. This is the safety--alert symbol .
When you see this symbol in instruction manuals be alert to the
potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER,WARNING, or CAUTION.
These words are used with the safety--alert symbol. DANGER
identifies the most serious hazards, those that will result in severe
personal injury or death. WARNING signifies a hazard that could
result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify
unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or product
and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight suggestions that
will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.
-- 1 --
Installing and servicing heating equipment can be hazardous due
to gas and electrical components. Only trained and qualified
personnel should install, repair, or service heating equipment.
Untrained service personnel can perform basic maintenance
functions such as cleaning and replacing air filters. All other
operations must be performed by trained service personnel. When
working on heating equipment, observe precautions in the
literature, on tags, and on labels attached to or shipped with the
appliance and other safety precautions that may apply.
Follow all safety codes. In the United States, follow all safety codes
including the National Fuel Gas Code (NFGC) ANSI
Z223.1--2006/NFPA 54--2006. In Canada, refer to the of the
National Standard of Canada Natural Gas and Propane
Installation Code (NSCNGPIC) CSA B149.1--05. Wear safety
glasses and work gloves. Have fire extinguisher available during
start--up and adjustment procedures and service calls.
These instructions cover minimum requirements and conform to
existing national standards and safety codes. In some instances,
these instructions exceed certain local codes and ordinances,
especially those that may not have kept up with changing
residential construction practices. We require these instructions
as a minimum for a safe installation.
462 06 1211 00

Important Information
This kit includes a Honeywell conversion kit for converting
Honeywell VR8200, VR8205S, SV9500, SV9501 or VR8204M
gas valves certified for use with Propane Gas (and so marked) to
units functionally the same as the certified furnace for use with
Natural Gas. If converting from propane gas to natural gas, the
gas valve conversion kit, main burner orifices, and pilot orifice, all
found in this kit, must be installed.
For converting the furnace from standard altitude on natural gas to
high altitude (2001 feet above sea level or greater) on natural gas,
the Honeywell conversion kit and pilot orifice changes are not
needed. Only the main burner orifices require changing. Refer to
Tab l e 1 for proper orifice size for specific model number, input
capacity, and installation altitude.
The orifices provided in this kit are stamped to indicate the size
(twist drill number) and are sized for natural gas ONLY. Do NOT
use them with butane or a mixture of butane and propane. The
parts list specifies the size orifices supplied in the kit. Compare the
size marking on the orifices with the sizes as listed in the parts list.
Make sure you have the correct main burner orifices.
Extreme care is used to assure that this kit contains the proper
orifices. Oversized orifices could result in hazardous
conditions, especially if the venting is inadequate. For that
reason, we recommend that the installer check the size of the
orifice with a new twist drill of the correct size. This procedure
assures that the orifices provided are the correct size.
D Fill out and attach the Field Conversion Label to the front ex-
terior of the furnace.
Failure to follow these instructions exactly could
result in personal injury, death and/or property
This conversion kit shall be installed by a
qualified service agency in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and all applicable
codes and requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction. If the information in these
instructions is not followed exactly, a fire, an
explosion or production of carbon monoxide may
result causing property damage, personal injury
or loss of life. The qualified service agency is
responsible for the proper installation of this kit.
The installation is not proper and complete until
the operation of the converted appliance is
checked as specified in the manufacturer’s
instructions supplied with the kit.
Gas Pressure
Failure to follow this warning could result in
equipment damage, personal injury, death
and/or property damage.
The gas supply shall be shut OFF prior to
disconnecting the electrical power, before
proceeding with the conversion.
Turn OFF electric power supply at disconnect
switch or service panel before starting
D Shut off gas supply to furnace at manual shut--off valve be-
fore starting installation.
Failure to follow this warning could result in
personal injury, death and/or property damage.
If unit is still running, allow 2.5 minutes after gas
shut off before turning off power, Shut Off electric
power at unit disconnect and service panel.
D Disconnect electric power supply to the furnace before
starting installation.
D Check for gas leaks after installation of kit and before at-
tempting to start furnace.
D Locate the Natural Gas Conversion Label next to the fur-
nace rating plate.
D Refer to the furnace rating plate for the approved gas input
D Gas input to burners MUST NOT exceed the rated input
D Do NOT allow minimum gas supply pressure to vary down-
ward. Doing so will decrease input to furnace. Refer to
Tab l e 2 for gas supply and manifold pressures.
Table 2
Gas Supply Pressure Manifold
Type Recommended Max. Min. Pressure
Natural 7″ 13″ 4.5″ 3.5″
Gas Pressures
Failure to follow this warning could result in
property damage, equipment damage, personal
injury and/or death.
Turn OFF gas supply at manual gas valve
before turning OFF electric power supply and
starting installation.
Turn OFF electric power supply at disconnect
switch or service panel before starting
-- 2 --
462 06 1211 00

Refer to Figure 1 and the following steps.
Figure 2
Installing NOx Baffles
Figure 1
1. After shutting off gas supply and electric power to the unit
remove the access door, exposing gas valve and burner
2. Disconnect gas line from gas valve so manifold assembly
can be removed.
3. Disconnect wiring at gas valve. Be sure to note the proper
location of any and all electrical wiring disconnected.
4. If converting from Propane Gas to Natural Gas, remove the
pilot supply line from the gas valve.
5. Remove the four (4) screws holding the manifold and gas
valve to the manifold supports. Do Not discard any screws.
6. Carefully remove the manifold assembly.
7. If converting from Propane Gas to Natural Gas in the state of
California, NOx baffles must be installed to comply with
California law. NOx baffles can be ordered from Fast Parts.
Remove the two (2) screws holding the burner assembly in
place. Install the correct NOx baffle for the unit, if required,
and replace the Burner Assembly using the original two
screws, Figure 2.
Changing Main Burner Orifices
1. Remove the gas burner orifices from the manifold assembly
using a box end wrench or socket wrench, figure 3, and replace them with the proper orifice size for the specific furnace model, input size, and altutude from table 1.
Figure 3
2. Tighten the orifices so they are 13/16″ from the face of the
orifice to the backside of the manifold (See Figure 4).Make
sure orifice is installed straight so that it forms a right angle
(90°) to the manifold.
Changing Orifices
-- 3 --
462 06 1211 00