Honeywell IMCDOC-X532-en-2001A User Manual

User Guide
April 2020
This document contains Honeywell proprietary information. Information contained herein is to be used solely for the purpose submitted, and no part of this document or its contents shall be reproduced, published, or disclosed to a third party without the express permission of Honeywell International Sàrl.
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customer.
In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any direct, special, or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.
Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International Sàrl
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Contents 4
Chapter 1 - About This Guide 7
1.1 Intended Audience 7
1.2 Skills Required 8
1.3 Terms and Acronyms 8
Chapter 2 - What's New in Immersive Competency R200.1 10
Chapter 3 - Introduction 11
Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks 12
4.1 Install Workflow 12
4.2 Upgrade Workflow 12
4.3 IC Management Console 13
4.4 Registration 15
4.5 License Management 18
4.5.1 Export Usage Data 19
4.5.2 Top-up Plan 20
4.5.3 License Expiry Notification 21
4.5.4 Renew License Plan 22
4.6 Create New Users 23
4.7 Role Configuration 24
4.7.1 Default Permissions 24
4.7.2 Editing Default Permission 25
Chapter 5 - Trainer/Trainee Tasks 28
5.1 IC Management Console Login 28
5.1.1 New User -Trainer or Trainee Task 28
5.2 Change Password 30
5.3 Forgot Password 31
Chapter 6 - Install ICApplication 34
6.1 Desktop 34
6.2 Mixed Reality Requirement 34
6.2.1 System Requirements 34
6.2.2 Enable Windows Mixed Reality Applications in the Enterprise 36
6.2.3 Set up Windows Mixed Reality 36
6.3 Microsoft HoloLens Configuration 37
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6.3.1 Microsoft HoloLens Prerequisite 37
6.3.2 Pre-Installation Tasks 37
6.3.3 Upgrade to Latest HoloLens Version 38
6.4 Downloading and Installing Honeywell Immersive Competency SM Application 38
Chapter 7 - Safety Manager System 40
7.1 Launch the Honeywell Immersive Competency SM Application 40
7.2 Navigate in the IC Application 42
7.3 Safety Manager Library Components 43
7.4 Familiarize with Safety Manager Components 44
7.5 List of Safety Manager Lessons 47
7.6 Learn Safety Manager through Standard Lessons 48
7.7 Requesting New Virtual Machine with Experion PKS or Safety Manager 52
7.8 Requesting for VM with Experion PKS or Safety Manager 53
7.9 Export Training Modules from IC Management Console 57
7.10 Exporting Training Modules 57
7.11 Establishing Connection between Safety Manager and Safety Builder 57
7.11.1 On Safety Builder system 57
7.11.2 On the IC SM Application 60
7.11.3 On the Safety Builder system 60
7.11.4 On the IC SM Application 60
7.12 Troubleshoot 61
7.12.1 Management Console 61
7.12.2 IC Client Application 61
Chapter 8 - Uninstall IC Client Application 63
Chapter 9 - Experion PKS System 65
9.1 Downloading and Installing IC Client Application 65
9.2 Use IC Client Application 66
9.2.1 Launch the IC Application for Experion PKS 66
9.2.2 Navigate in the IC Application 70
9.2.3 Library Components 71
9.2.4 Limitations 71
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9.2.5 Actions to Perform in C300 Cabinet 71
9.3 Learn Experion PKS Through Standard Lessons 72
9.3.1 List of Experion PKS Lessons 73
9.3.2 Export Training Modules from IC Management Console 74
9.3.3 Exporting Training Modules 74
9.3.4 Requesting New Virtual Machine with Experion PKS or Safety Manager 75
9.3.5 Requesting for VM with Experion PKS or Safety Manager 75
9.3.6 Establishing Connection between C300 and Control Builder 80
9.3.7 Import Control Strategies to Control Builder 81
9.3.8 Open Lesson 83
9.3.9 Lesson Status 100
9.4 Open Standard Hardware Setup 101
9.4.1 List of Standard Hardware Setup 102
9.4.2 Viewing Standard Hardware 103
9.5 Create New Hardware or Lesson for Experion PKS 103
9.5.1 Create New Hardware Setup 103
9.5.2 Create New Lesson 105
9.6 Export Hardware Modules or Lessons 107
9.6.1 Export Hardware setups 107
9.7 Import Hardware Setup or Lessons 108
9.7.1 Import Training Modules 109
9.8 Delete Hardware or Lessons 109
9.8.1 Delete Published Lesson 109
9.8.2 Delete Published Hardware Setups 110
9.9 Troubleshoot 110
9.9.1 Management Console 110
9.9.2 IC Client Application 110
9.10 Appendix: SIM C300 Icons 112
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The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance for using the Immersive Competency R200.1 cloud solution for the first time also if you are upgrading from R101.1.
If you are using the Honeywell Immersive Competency for first time, then begin with Registration and follow the order mentioned in the Install Workflow section. If you are upgrading from R101.1, then begin with Top-up and follow the order mentioned in the Upgrade Workflow section.

1.1 Intended Audience

This guide is intended for System Administrators responsible for company registration, users management, and license management using the Honeywell Competency Management ­Immersive Competency Management Console, for Trainers who will create custom (New) lessons, and for Trainers who will learn maintenance of control system using the Standard and Custom Lessons and Hardware setups.
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Documents Purpose
C300 Controller User Guide
Information to operate and troubleshoot of C300 Process Controllers in an Experion system.
Fault Tolerant Ethernet Overview and Implementation Guide
Overview of Fault Tolerant Ethernet.
Control Building User Guide
Overview of Control Builder, review, create and load control strategies, and configure modules.
Series C I/O User's Guide Information to perform basic tasks with the Series C I/O such as
configuring hardware devices, continuous control strategies.
Safety Manager Installation and Upgrade Guide
Information about module and structure creation.
Safety Manager On-line Modification Guide
describes the theory, steps and tasks related to upgrading Safety Builder and embedded software and modifying an application online in a redundant Safety Manager.
Safety Manager Hardware Reference
Specifies the hardware components that build a Safety Manager project.
Safety Manager Software Reference
specifies the software functions that build a Safety Manager project and contains guidelines on how to operate them.
Term Definition
IC Management Console The web-based console enables you to perform both
administrative and management tasks. Administrative tasks such as procure the license, create users,
assign roles.
IC Client Application The Skills Insight-IC Client is an application that provides the
virtual platform to create the hardware infrastructure using the standard 3D holograms. Hologram library consist of cabinets, Series C - IOTA, C300, CF9, AI/AO, DI/DO, network cables, and field devices. The IC Client enables you to learn how to create the hardware infrastructure, inject faults, and view relevant changes simulated in an Experion PKS. IC Client application can be installed on either Microsoft HoloLens or Desktop.
Standard Hardware Setups/Training Modules/Lessons
Honeywell provides six Hardware setups and eighteen Training Modules (Lessons) that can be used for training without any modification.
Custom Hardware Setups/Training
Additional Hardware setups and Training Modules (Lessons) can be created to cater to custom requirement.
Chapter 1 - About This Guide

1.2 Skills Required

It is assumed you have some knowledge about Experion PKS control systems, Safety systems, and experience of working in a Microsoft Windows environment.
The following list identifies few documents that may be sources of reference.
For more information about Experion control system, see Experion PKS System Documentation.
For more information about Safety system, see Safety Manager Documentation.

1.3 Terms and Acronyms

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Chapter 1 - About This Guide
Term Definition
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The following are features and enhancements available in Honeywell Immersive Competency R200.1.
Immersive Competency Management Application:
A new application Honeywell Immersive Competency SM is introduced to provide a virtual maintenance experience for the Safety Manager solution. The application is available for download in the Microsoft Store. Honeywell Immersive Competency SM R200.1 is compatible with Microsoft HoloLens, Mixed Reality Devices, and Desktop. This application can co-exist with Experion PKS (Skills Insight Immersive Competency R101.1) application. However, you will be able to actively use only one application at a time.
Honeywell Immersive Competency SM R200.1 contains the following salient features:
l Audio based virtual guide to learn and familiarize various components that is essentially
present in the Safety Manager cabinets.
l Thirteen lessons in assisted mode (Help Me mode) are available for learning the maintenance
Seven lessons to learn how to install various components and establish communication between Safety Manager and Safety Builder.
Five lessons to learn how to inject faults and replace components such as QPP Module, USI Module, SDI-1624 Input Module, SDI-1620 Input Module, and SDI-0824 Output Module.
One lesson dedicated to learn how to perform On-line Modification.
For more information about lessons and hardware, see the chapter Safety Manager System.
Immersive Competency Management Console:
l Automated top-up process - Enhanced top-up process that automatically updates the number
of hours and users immediately after approval is complete.
l System Filter – A new option is introduced in Hardware Setup and Training Modules pages to
filter hardware setup or lesson based on the required system – Experion PKS or Safety Manager.
l Enhanced System Request – System Management page is enhanced to request both
Experion PKS and Safety Manager Virtual Machines as required. However, only one system can be actively used at any given instance.
l VM Status Notification – Email notification indicating VM status such as Assigned, Started,
Shutdown, and Deleted.
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Immersive Competency is an cloud solution that provides a virtual platform to learn the control and safety system maintenance. With IC, Honeywell leverages the power of cutting-edge augmented reality technology enabling Maintenance Engineers to engage and interact with control and safety system hardware and software on a virtual platform. IC brings the plant control system to the training room wherein you can carry the virtual training platform with you and practice modular and graded lessons in a hazard free environment.
The virtual, hands-on experience that IC brings to the hardware equipment Maintenance Engineers to handle Experion PKS Server and Safety Manager operations, event sequences, and maintenance familiarity which translates to a confidence boost when handling real plant and safety system maintenance. IC not only enables Maintenance Engineers to train on a control and safety system, it also enables instructors to set up courses and assessments.
The virtual platform provides the significant advantages of being available on-demand, giving freedom of accessibility, providing hardware independence, and delivering an immersive learning experience.
Immersive Competency provides the following out-of-the-box features:
l Hardware setups. Interactive component familiarization for Safety Manager system. 3D
holograms of hardware modules to create a hardware infrastructure and lesson for Experion PKS system.
l Lessons that caters from installing and configuring a hardware setup to recovering from
faulty hardware scenario.
l Report on progress made in learning.
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4.1 Install Workflow

To begin using the Honeywell Competency Management - Immersive Competency solution for the first time, perform the steps as depicted in the following image. If you are using Desktop as your IC Client, then you can perform both IC Management Console tasks and IC Client tasks from the same Desktop. If you are using Microsoft HoloLens/Mixed Reality device as your IC Client, then you can perform IC Management Console tasks on the Desktop/Laptop (thin-provisioned) and perform IC Client tasks on HoloLens/Mixed Reality device.

4.2 Upgrade Workflow

If you have already installed Immersive Competency R101.1, then perform the steps as depicted in the following infographic to upgrade to Immersive Competency 200.1 version.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
How to identify if Immersive Competency upgrade is required?
IC Management Console is upgraded with the latest features automatically. You will receive a E­mail notification informing about the down-time for the up-gradation. For the complete list of New Features, see Immersive Competency R101. Software Change Notification. You can view a message stating the availability of new version of IC application on the Management Console. Make sure to uninstall existing version and install the latest version available at Microsoft Store.

4.3 IC Management Console

IC Management Console enables you to perform administrative and management tasks. Based on the user role, specific features are enabled or disabled. For more information, see the section
Roles and Permission.
Following figure displays Administrator view of the IC Management Console.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
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Field Description
Company Name
Provide complete company title.
License Key
Enter the license key received from the Honeywell License Team.
Default Admin User Information
Name Provide the first name and last name of the user. First name will be display
as logged in user on the console.
User Name
Provide a name to create an email ID to access the console.
User Name
be different from
provided above.
Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks

4.4 Registration

On receiving the license key from the License team, logon to the Management Console and register the company. While registering you can also create one default user with administrator privilege to proceed with further tasks. For more information about responsibility of administrator, see Management Console Introduction.
1. Launch the Management Console URL .
2. Click Register.
3. In the Company Information page, enter the following details:
4. Follow the steps:
a. In the Email field, enter a valid email address to receive OTP.
b. Click Send OTP.
A mail with OTP is sent to the Email address and new field appears to enter the received OTP in the IC Management Console.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
The OTP field will be displayed.
c. In the OTP field, enter the received OTP over the mail.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
If you do not receive OTP to your mail, click Resend OTP.
5. In the Password field, create a password which abide the following criteria: Minimum length of 8 character containing minimum of one uppercase and one lowercase alphabet, one number, and one special character.
6. In the Confirm Password field, reenter the password.
7. Click Save. A successful message is displayed.
8. Click Login.
9. Login with the user credential received over the mail in Step7.
10. Enter the displayed captcha.
11. Click Sign in.
Registration requires 60 seconds to take effect. If default Administrator signs in within this period, you might not be able to perform tasks successfully.
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You must next create users-(Trainers and Trainees) in the User Management and assign
Features Description Base Premium
Access Training
Access task based training through Lessons. Perform Lessons in Show Me, Help Me and Try Me modes.
Ability to assess the performance of Trainees. NA
Create Training Module
Create new task based modules (Lessons). NA
Create Virtual Hardware Setup
Create new virtual hardware setup.
Perform Engineering Tasks
Ability to perform Engineering tasks such as create simulated C300 in Control Builder, create and load control strategies, checkpoint save/restore, and so on.
Export Training Module
Export standard task based modules (Lessons). NA
Inject Fault to hardware setup
Inject fault onto the virtual hardware modules.
Import/Export Virtual Hardware Setup
Import new hardware setup or Export Standard hardware setup.
Import Training Modules
Import task based modules (lessons).
Number of hours
Number of hours allotted for consumption on the cloud platform.
Number of Users
Number of Users created across groups.
Operator Tasks
Ability to perform Operator tasks such as change parameters using station faceplate, view and acknowledge alarms, view event summary and so on.
C300 System for which license is procured. Based on license,
C300 and Safety Manager are listed in the features.
Safety Manager System for which license is procured. Based on license,
C300 and Safety Manager are listed in the features.
appropriate privileges to the users in the Role Configuration.

4.5 License Management

Honeywell Competency Management - Immersive Competency subscription provides a default limit of 160 hours for 365 days and maximum of 15 users. This can be consumed by multiple Immersive Competency users. Starting with R200.1, Immersive Competency supports training in the Safety Manager. You can opt to purchase either Safety Manager as standalone training module or Top-up to existing C300 license with Safety Manager modules. Based on the training module purchased respective system module will be displayed in the License Management.
Based on whether the license type is Base or Premium following features are available. You can contact Honeywell Support Team to update the license type based on the requirement.
Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
List of features available for the procured license is displayed in the License Management option.

4.5.1 Export Usage Data

Administrator can export the application usage for each user.
1. Open the IC Management Console.
2. Click License Management option.
3. Click Export Usage.
A LicenseUsageReport.pdf is downloaded. Following is a sample usage report.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
Feature Top-up option
Number of Users n * 5
Number of hours n * 40
Safety Manager (MS-ICSM) Hardware setup, Lessons, and Virtual
Machine specific to Safety Manager.
C300 (MS-ICC300) Hardware setup, Lessons, and Virtual
Machine specific to Experion PKS.

4.5.2 Top-up Plan

You can use the Top-up to increase the limit of usage hours or number of users in case you have reached the maximum limit within the stipulated License Term. In case you want to training module for additional system (Experion PKS / Safety Manager) than the system already procured then include the required system in the list of top-up features you need update.
In this instance, n = 1,2,3
Number of Users and Number of hours Top-up will expire on the License termination. You must renew the license to continue using the solution. For more information about license renewal, see the section License Renewal.
In case you have to renew the license, see the section Top-up Plan.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
To Top-up the term, you must contact Honeywell License Team - ACT. On completing the process with Honeywell License Team, the requested features will be automatically updated and visible in the License Management page. In case the features are updated as requested, perform the following to manually confirm the process completion.
1. Open the IC Management Console.
2. Click License Management option.
3. Click Top-up.
4. Select the check box to confirm reception of top-up from the License Team and click Top-up.
Based on the agreement, Training System, Application Usage, and User limits are updated.

4.5.3 License Expiry Notification

Administrators would be Notified about the current application usage, user limit, and License expiry details on the ICManagement Console. Administrator can evaluate the requirement and contact Honeywell License Team for Upgrading package (to Premium from Base), Top-up (purchase additional usage hours or users), or Renew (if license is about to expire).
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks

4.5.4 Renew License Plan

You can renew your license if you want to continue using Immersive Competency solution. Administrator will receive an email notifying the remaining duration of the license and further actions for renewal. Also, indicator appears at the top-right corner, see the section License Expiry
In case you have more than 6 months of license duration but you have exceeded application user limit or application usage limit, you can opt for Top-up. For more information, see the section Top-
up Plan.
To renew the license term, you must contact Honeywell License Team - ACT. On completing the renewal process with Honeywell License Team, launch the IC Management Console and perform the following.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
1. Open the IC Management Console.
2. Click License Management option.
3. Click Renew.
4. Select the check box to confirm reception of renewal from the License Team and click Renew.
On completion, a successful message is displayed. Based on the license agreement, license tenure, Application Usage, and User limit are renewed.

4.6 Create New Users

You must create user Account for every new user to access the Honeywell Competency Management - Immersive Competency.
On the Management Console, click User Management.
Click .
3. Provide following information for a particular user.
a. In Name field, enter the First Name and Last Name of the user.
b. In the Email field, enter the valid corporate Email ID.
d. In the Group field, select if the user belongs to IC Administrators, IC Trainers or IC
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
Actions Description ICAdministrators ICTrainers ICTrainees
Export Hardware setups
Export the published control strategies, these hardware setup are not associated with any lesson.
Yes Yes Yes
Import Hardware Setup
Import hardware setup. Yes Yes No
Publish Publish new hardware setup for global Yes Yes No
Trainees group.
d. In the Group field, select if the user belongs to IC Administrators, IC Trainers or IC
Trainees group.
e. Click Save.
An email with user credentials and next task is send to the Email ID provided in step 3b.

4.7 Role Configuration

You can view the permission assigned to you. Only Administrator can modify the default permission assigned to Trainers and Trainees.

4.7.1 Default Permissions

Whenever a new user is created, based on the user role (ICAdministrator, ICTrainer, or ICTrainee) default permissions are assigned. Default permission for each user is detailed in the following table. By default every user can create and save new hardware setup.
To save a new lesson the user group that specific user belong to must have Lesson Management and Publish Lesson permissions. For example, for a Trainer to save new lesson, ICTrainers group must have privileges to Lesson Management and Publish Lesson actions.
Honeywell published standard Hardware Setups and lessons cannot be deleted with either Delete Hardware setups or Delete Lesson permission.
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Actions Description ICAdministrators ICTrainers ICTrainees
Hardware Setup
Delete Hardware setups
Delete custom created hardware setup.
Yes Yes No
Lesson Management
Create new or edit existing lessons. Yes Yes No
Delete Lesson
Delete custom created lessons. Yes Yes No
Publish Lesson
Publish custom created lessons for global usage.
Yes Yes No
Export Lesson
Export the lesson and the control strategies associated with the lesson.
Yes Yes Yes
Import Lesson
Import lesson with required hardware setup.
Yes Yes No
User Management
Create new users. Yes No No
License Management
View the list of feature available based on the license type.
Yes No No
Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks

4.7.2 Editing Default Permission

ICAdministrators can overwrite the default permission and provide additional privilege as required.
1. On the Management Dashboard, click Role Permission. Details containing features, user and current permission levels are displayed.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
2. Click the Edit Permission.
Click to provide permission. Or click to reduce permission for a user.
4. Click Close or Home.
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Chapter 4 - Administrator Tasks
Role permission is updated only when the user whose permission is edited logs out of the current session and login again.
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Following figures depicts tasks that a Trainer or Trainee can perform.

5.1 IC Management Console Login

The user accounts created with the User Management. Only Administrator have the privilege to create new users. Trainers and Trainees must use this account to perform following:
l Login to the Honeywell Competency Management - Immersive Competency Management
l Login to IC Client Application in either Microsoft HoloLens or Desktop.

5.1.1 New User -Trainer or Trainee Task

You will receive an email containing the Management Console link with login credential. Follow the steps:
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Chapter 5 - Trainer/Trainee Tasks
1. New user receives a welcome mail containing logon credential for the portal.
2. Launch the Immersive Competency Management Console URL
3. Click Sign in. Following is the Immersive Competency Login screen appears with a sample captcha code.
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Chapter 5 - Trainer/Trainee Tasks
4. In the Username and Password fields, enter the credentials provided in the e-mail respectively.
Recognize the alphanumeric Captcha and enter in the field. Click for audio assistance if required.
6. Click Sign in.
7. Trainer or Trainee must Logon to the Honeywell Competency Management - Immersive Competency Management Console using the credentials.
8. You can opt to reset the default password. Click Change Password. For more information, see the section Change Password.
You can next begin to configure your IC Client and then request VM with Experion PKS Server.

5.2 Change Password

User password is set to expire at 90 days from the day of reset. Hence, it is highly recommended to update the password every 90 days using the Change Password option. Recommended best practice is to logout from both IC Management Console and IC Application active sessions before changing the password.
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