Honeywell IFP-2100, IFP-2100ECS, RFP-2100 Installation And Operation Manual

Installation and Operation Guide
IFP-2100/ECS RFP-2100
Analog/Addressable Fire System Emergency Communication System
Document: LS10143-001SK-E Rev: B
ECN: 17-0364
Installation Precautions
Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability:
WARNING - Several different sources of power can be connected to the fire alar m cont rol panel. Disconnect all
sources of power be fore servi cing . Contr ol uni t and associ ated equipment may be damaged by removing and/ or in serting cards, modules, or in te rc on necting cables while the uni t is energized. Do not attem pt to install, service, or ope ra te th is unit until manuals are read and understood.
CAUTION - System Re- acceptance Test after Software Changes: To ensure proper system operation, this product
must be tested in acc or dance with NFPA 72 after any pro­gramming operatio n or change in site-specific softw are. Re­acceptance testin g is req u ir ed af t er any change, addition or deletion of system co mponents, or after any modification, repair or adjustmen t to sy st em hardware or wiring. All compo­nents, circuits, syst em operations, or software f unc tions known to be affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, to ensure that ot her operations are not inadver tent ly affected, at least 10% of initiat i ng devi ces that are not directly affected by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be tested and proper system operation verified.
This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0-49º C/32-120º F and at a relative humidity. However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic com­ponents may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended th at th is system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15-27º C/60-80º F.
Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and indi­cating device loops. Most devices cannot tolerate more than a 10% I.R. drop from th e specified device voltage .
Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may operate erratically or can be damaged when subjected to light­ning induced transients. Although no syste m is com pletely immune from lightning tr ans i ent s and interference, proper grounding will reduce susceptibility. Overhead or outside aerial wiring is not recommended, due to an increased sus­ceptibility to nearby lig ht ni ng strikes. Consult with the Techni­cal Services Department if any problems are anticip at ed or encountered.
Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting circuit boards . Fa ilur e t o do so can damage circuits.
Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing, reaming, or punching of th e enclosure. When possib le , ma ke all cable entries from the sides or rear. Before making modifi­cations, verify that they will not interfere with battery, trans­former, or printed circuit board location.
Do not tighten screw terminals more than 9 in -lbs . Over­tightening may damag e t hr eads, resulting in reduced term i nal contact pressure and di fficu lty wit h screw terminal removal .
This system contains st at ic- sensitive components . Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap before han-
dling any circuits so that static charges are removed from the body. Use static suppressive packaging to protect electronic assemblies remov ed from the unit.
Follow the instructio ns in th e i nst allation, operating, and programming manuals. These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the control panel and associated equipment. FACP operation and reliability depend upon proper installa­tion.
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Section 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview of Basic System ...........................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Hardware Features ...............................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Network System Hardware Features ....................................................................................2
1.1.3 Software Features ................. ...... ....... ...... ............................................. ................................2
1.1.4 IFP-2100ECS Features .........................................................................................................2
1.1.5 Terms Used in this Manual ...................................................................................................3
1.2 Compatible Products ...................................................................................................................3
Section 2
Agency Listings, Approvals, and Requirements .......................................1
2.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) .............................................................................1
2.2 Underwriters Laboratories (UL) ...................................................................................................2
2.2.1 Requirements for All Installations .........................................................................................2
2.2.2 Requirements for Central Station Fire Alarm Systems .........................................................3
2.2.3 Requirements for Local Protected Fire Alarm Systems ........................................................3
2.2.4 Requirements for Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm Systems ........................................3
2.2.5 Requirements for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning
Equipment, NFPA 720 ..........................................................................................................3
2.2.6 NFPA Requirements .............................................................................................................3
Section 3
Before You Begin Installation ..............................................................................................1
3.1 Inventory ............................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .........................1
3.2 Environmental Specifications ......................................................................................................1
3.3 Software Downloads ............................................. ...... ...... ....... ...... .............................................1
3.4 Electrical Specifications ...............................................................................................................2
3.5 Wiring Specifications ...................................................................................................................4
3.6 Board Assembly Diagram ............................................................................................................6
3.7 Calculating Current Draw and Standby Battery ...........................................................................7
3.7.1 Current Draw Worksheet Requirements ...............................................................................7
3.7.2 Current Draw Worksheet for IDP SLC Devices ....................................................................7
3.7.3 Current Draw Worksheet for SK SLC Devices ....................................................................11
3.7.4 Current Draw Worksheet for SD SLC Devices ...................................................................15
3.7.5 Maximum Battery Standby Load .........................................................................................19
Section 4
Control Panel Installation ..........................................................................................................1
4.1 Mounting the Control Panel Cabinet ...........................................................................................1
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual
4.1.1 Preventing Water Damage ....................................................................................................1
4.1.2 Removing the IFP-2100/ECS Assembly from the Housing ...................................................2
4.1.3 Ethernet Connection .............................................................................................................2
4.2 AC Power Connection ....................................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ................................2
4.3 Battery Power ..............................................................................................................................3
4.3.1 Battery Accessory Cabinets ..................................................................................................3 Installing the RBB or AB-55 Accessory Cabinet and Batteries ...................................3
4.4 SBUS Wiring ...............................................................................................................................5
4.4.1 Calculating Wiring Distance for SBUS Modules ...................................................................5
4.4.2 Wiring Configurations ............................................................................................................8
4.5 RA-2000 Remote Annunciator Installation ..................................................................................9
4.5.1 Mounting the RA-2000 ....................................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... .........................9 Flush Mounting ............................................................................................................9 Surface Mounting ......................................................................................................11
4.5.2 RA-2000 Connection to the Panel .....................................................................................12
4.5.3 Temporary Programming Display ............ ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....12
4.6 RA-1000 Remote Annunciator Installation ................................................................................13
4.6.1 Mounting the RA-1000 ........................................................................................................13 Flush Mounting ..........................................................................................................15 Surface Mounting ......................................................................................................16
4.6.2 Model RA-1000 Connection to the Panel . ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..............................16
4.7 RA-100 Remote Annunciator Installation ..................................................................................17
4.7.1 Mounting the RA-100 ..........................................................................................................17 Flush Mounting ..........................................................................................................17 Surface Mounting ......................................................................................................19
4.7.2 Model RA-100 Connection to the Panel ..............................................................................20
4.8 5815XL Installation ....................................................................................................................21
4.8.1 5815XL Connection to the Panel ........................................................................................21
4.9 6815 Installation ........................................................................................................................22
4.9.1 6815 Connection to the Panel .............................................................................................23
4.10 5824 Serial/Parallel Interface Module Installation .....................................................................24
4.10.1 Selecting 5824 Options .......................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..........24
4.11 5880 LED I/O Module ................................................................................................................26
4.11.1 5880 Board Layout ............................................................................................................26
4.11.2 FACP Connection ................ ...... ....... ............................................. ....................................26
4.11.3 LED Wiring ............................................. ............................................. ..............................27
4.11.4 Dry Contact Wiring ............................................................................................................28
4.12 5865-3 / 5865-4 LED Annunciator Installation ...........................................................................29
4.12.1 FACP Connection ................ ...... ....... ............................................. ....................................29
4.12.2 5865 Mounting ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............................................. ..............................30
4.13 Configuring SBUS Modules .......................................................................................................31
4.13.1 Assigning SBUS Module IDs .............................................................................................31
4.13.2 SBUS Bandwidth Considerations ......................................................................................31
4.14 Telephone Connection ..............................................................................................................32
4.15 Flexputs
I/O Circuits ...............................................................................................................32
4.15.1 Conventional Notification Appliance ..................................................................................32 Class B Notification Wiring .......................................................................................32 Class A Notification Wiring ......................................................................................33
4.15.2 Conventional Input Switch Circuits ....................................................................................34 Class B Inputs ..........................................................................................................34 Class A Inputs ..........................................................................................................35
4.15.3 Installing 2-Wire Smoke Detectors ....................................................................................35 Installing 2-Wire Class B Smoke Detectors .............................................................36 Installing 2-Wire Class A Smoke Detectors ............................................................36
4.15.4 Installing 4-Wire Smoke Detectors ....................................................................................36 Installing a Class B 4-Wire Smoke Detectors ..........................................................37 Installing 4-Wire Class A Smoke Detectors .............................................................37
4.15.5 Auxiliary Power Installation ........................................ ........................................................38 Door Holder Power ...................................................................................................39 Constant Power ........................................................................................................39 Resettable Power .....................................................................................................39 Sounder Sync Power ...............................................................................................39
4.16 On-Board Relays (Conventional) ..............................................................................................39
4.16.1 Trouble Relay ...................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...........................................39
4.16.2 Programmable Relays ................................... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................39
4.17 Remote Station Applications ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..........40
4.17.1 Keltron Model 3158 Installatio n ................................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....40
4.17.2 City Box Connection Using the 5220 Module ....................................................................40
4.17.3 Using the Addressable Relay Module for City Box Connection .........................................41
4.17.4 NFPA 72 Polarity Reversal ........ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................41 Using the 5220 Module ............................................................................................42 Using the 7644-L8 Module .......................................................................................43
4.17.5 Transmitter Activated by Dry Contacts ..............................................................................44
Section 5
Networking ....................................................................................................................................................1
5.1 Network System Hardware Features ..........................................................................................1
5.1.1 Networked Sites ....................................................................................................................1
5.1.2 Wiring Options to Connect Networked Panels ......................................................................1
5.2 Model RFP-2100 .........................................................................................................................1
5.3 Network Wiring ............................................................................................................................1
5.4 SK-NIC Wiring Options ................................................................................................................3
5.4.1 Fiber Loop Modules ..............................................................................................................3 Accessory Mounting Kits .............................................................................................4
5.4.2 SK-NIC Installation ................................................................................................................4 Unshielded Twisted Pair Wiring between Multiple Panels ..........................................6 Fiber Optic Multi-Mode Wiring between Multiple Panels .............................................7 Fiber Optic and Twisted Pair Wiring between Multiple Panels ....................................9
5.5 Setting the Network ID for each Panel ......................................................................................10
Section 6
Network Management .....................................................................................................................1
6.1 Network Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................1
6.1.1 Ping Panel .............................................................................................................................1
6.1.2 Data Network Status ............................................................................................................1
6.1.3 Voice Network Status ............................................................................................................1
6.2 Network Programming .................................................................................................................1
6.2.1 Learn Network .......................................................................................................................1
6.2.2 Edit Network Names .............................................................................................................2
6.2.3 Edit Panel ID .........................................................................................................................2
6.2.4 Computer Access ........... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... .............................................. ............2
6.2.5 Access Codes .......................................................................................................................3 Edit Name ...................................................................................................................4
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual Edit Access Code ........................................................................................................4 Panel Functions ..........................................................................................................4
6.2.6 Communicator Options .........................................................................................................5 Communicator Assignments .......................................................................................5 Communicator Miscellaneous .....................................................................................5 Receiver Configuration ................................................................................................5 Communicator Reporting Table ..................................................................................6
6.3 Voice Options ..............................................................................................................................6
6.3.1 Edit Timers ............................................................................................................................6 Control Lockout ...........................................................................................................6 Auto Reset ECS MIC Triggered Event ........................................................................7
6.3.2 Edit Voice Commands ..........................................................................................................7
6.4 Sync Network Options .................................................................................................................8
6.5 Network Management Quick Reference .....................................................................................9
Section 7
IDP, SK, SD and SWIFT™ SLC Device Installation ................................1
7.1 List of IDP SLC Devices ..............................................................................................................1
7.2 List of SK SLC Devices ...............................................................................................................2
7.3 List of SD SLC Devices ...............................................................................................................3
7.4 List of SWIFT Wireless SLC Devices ..........................................................................................4
7.5 Maximum Number of SLC Devices .............................................................................................4
7.6 Wiring Requirements for SLC Devices ........................................................................................4
7.6.1 Wire Sizing on 5815XL for SD Devices ................................................................................5
7.6.2 Wire Sizing for 6815 ..............................................................................................................5
7.6.3 Wiring Requirements for IDP or SK Modules .......................................................................5
7.6.4 Wiring 5815XL or 6815 in Style 6 & 7 (Class A) Configuration .............................................6
7.7 Addressing IDP or SK SLC Devices ............................................................................................7
7.8 Wiring SD Detectors ....................................................................................................................8
7.9 Addressing SD Devices ............... ...... ............................................. .............................................8
7.9.1 SLC Devices with DIP Switches .........................................................................................10
7.10 Wiring the WIDP-WGI or SK-WGI .............................................................................................11
7.10.1 Power Connections for the Gateway .................................................................................11
Section 8
Programming Overview ...............................................................................................................1
8.1 JumpStart® AutoProgramming ...................................................................................................1
8.1.1 Input Points ...........................................................................................................................1
8.1.2 Output Points ........................................................................................................................1
8.1.3 Running JumpStart® AutoProgramming ..............................................................................2
8.2 Mapping Overview .......................................................................................................................4
8.2.1 Input Point Mapping ..............................................................................................................5
8.2.2 Output Circuit Mapping .........................................................................................................6
8.2.3 Event Mapping .....................................................................................................................7
8.2.4 Mapping LED Points ...........................................................................................................11
8.2.5 Mapping LED Points for a Networked System ....................................................................12
8.3 Programming Using the HFSS Honeywell Fire Software Suite .................................................12
8.4 Programming Using an Annunciator .........................................................................................12
8.4.1 Entering / Exiting Panel Programming ................................................................................12
4 Moving through the Menus ........................................................................................13 Selecting Options and Entering Data ........................................................................13
8.5 Programming Menu Quick Reference .......................................................................................14
Section 9
Programming .............................................................................................................................................1
9.1 UL 864 / UL 2572 Programming Requirements ..........................................................................1
9.2 Modules .......................... ............................................. ................................................................2
9.2.1 Edit Modules .........................................................................................................................2 Editing Module ID ........................................................................................................2 Naming Modules .........................................................................................................2 Changing Module Options ...........................................................................................3
9.2.2 Adding a Module ...................................................................................................................3
9.2.3 Deleting a Module .................................................................................................................3
9.2.4 View Module List ...................................................................................................................3
9.3 Zone ............................................................................................................................................4
9.3.1 Edit Zone ...............................................................................................................................4 Edit Zone Name ..........................................................................................................4 Edit Zone Properties ...................................................................................................4 Zone Accessory Options .............................................................................................6
9.3.2 View Zone Points ..................................................................................................................7
9.4 Group ..........................................................................................................................................7
9.4.1 Edit Group .............................................................................................................................7 Edit Group Name ........................................................................................................7 Edit Group Properties ..................................................................................................7
9.4.2 View Group Points ................................................................................................................9
9.4.3 Edit OPG Template ...............................................................................................................9
9.5 Point ............................................................................................................................................9
9.5.1 Point Programming For 5815XL Module ...............................................................................9
9.5.2 Point Programming For 6815 Module .................................................................................12
9.5.3 Point Programming For Internal or External Power Module (RPS-1000) ...........................15
9.5.4 Point Programming For 5880/5865 Modules ......................................................................17
9.5.5 Point Programming for 5496 ...............................................................................................17
9.5.6 Point Programming for ECS-AMP .......................................................................................18
9.5.7 Point Programming for ECS-VCM, ECS-NVCM or ECS-RVM ...........................................19
9.6 System Options .............................................. ....... ...... ............................................. .................21
9.6.1 Communication Options ......................................................................................................21 Auto Test Time ..........................................................................................................21 Phone Lines ..............................................................................................................22 Edit Ethernet .............................................................................................................24 AlarmNet Timers .......................................................................................................24 Phone Line Gains ......................................................................................................25
9.6.2 Daytime/Nighttime Sensitivity .............................................................................................25
9.6.3 Holiday Days .......................................................................................................................25
9.6.4 Time Options .......................................................................................................................26 Water Flow Delay ......................................................................................................26 Alarm Verify ...............................................................................................................26 AC Report Delay .......................................................................................................27 Change AC Line Frequency ......................................................................................27 Clock Format (AM/PM or Military) .............................................................................27 Auto-Resound (4 or 24 hours) ...................................................................................27
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual
9.6.5 Miscellaneous Options ........................................................................................................27 Strobes Active when Silenced ...................................................................................27 Auto Display Events ..................................................................................................28
9.6.6 Daylight Saving Options . ....... ..............................................................................................28 Automatic Daylight Saving Adjustment .....................................................................28 Daylight Saving Time Start and End .........................................................................28
9.6.7 Edit Banner .........................................................................................................................29
9.6.8 SLC Family .........................................................................................................................29
9.7 JumpStart® AutoProgramming .................................................................................................30
9.8 Restore Defaults ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................30
9.9 Voice Options ............................................................................................................................30
9.9.1 VCM Maintenance ..............................................................................................................30
9.9.2 Voice Settings .....................................................................................................................30 Enable Dual Channel System ...................................................................................31
Section 10
System Operation ................................................................................................................................1
10.1 Default User and Installer Codes ................................................................................................1
10.2 Annunciator Description ..............................................................................................................1
10.2.1 LCD Display ............ .................................................................................... .........................2
10.2.2 Banner .................................................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ................................2 Single Key Acknowledge ............................................................................................2
10.3 Menu System .............................................................................................................................2
10.3.1 Main Menu Overview ........... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...................................................2
10.3.2 Using the Menus ..... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ......................................3
10.4 Basic Operation .................... ....... ...... ....... ............................................. ......................................3
10.4.1 Setting Time and Date .........................................................................................................3
10.4.2 Disable / Enable a Point ............ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .............................................3 Disable / Enable NACs by Template ..........................................................................3 Disable / Enable NACs by Group ...............................................................................3 Disable / Enable Zone Points .....................................................................................3 Disable / Enable Point ................................................................................................4 Inhibit Output Group ...................................................................................................4
10.4.3 View Event History ..............................................................................................................4 To clear the event history ...........................................................................................4
10.4.4 Conduct a Fire Drill ..............................................................................................................4
10.4.5 Conduct an Indicator Test ................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ......5
10.4.6 Conduct a Walk Test ...........................................................................................................5
10.4.7 Conduct a Communicator Test ............................................................................................5
10.4.8 Manual AlarmNet Registration .............................................................................................6
10.4.9 Silence Alarms or Troubles .................................................................................................6
10.4.10 Reset Alarms .....................................................................................................................6 Reset Communicator ..............................................................................................6
10.4.11 Check Detector Sensitivity Through Point Status .............................................................6
10.4.12 View Status of a Point ......................................................................................................7
10.4.13 View Alarms or Troubles ..................................................................................................8
10.4.14 System Information ...........................................................................................................8
10.5 Event Priority ..............................................................................................................................9
10.5.1 System Control .............................................. ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............9
10.5.2 System Override ........................................................ ....... ...................................................9
10.5.3 Event Priority ................ ....... ................................................................................................9
10.5.4 Priority Rules ................ ....... ............................................. .................................................10
10.5.5 Other Priority Considerations ............................................................................................10
10.6 Operation Mode Behavior .........................................................................................................11
10.6.1 Multi-Site Annunciator and Multi-Site User Access ...........................................................14
10.7 Releasing Operations ................................................................................................................15
10.7.1 Single Interlock Zone Releasing ........................................................................................16
10.7.2 Double Interlock Zone Releasing ........................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....17
10.8 Smoke Alarm Verification ..........................................................................................................18
10.9 Function Keys ...........................................................................................................................18
10.9.1 Recording an F-Key Macro ................................................................................................19
10.9.2 Aborting an F-Key Macro Recording Session ...................................................................19
10.9.3 Erasing an F-Key Macro ....................................................................................................19
10.9.4 Using a Recorded F-Key Macro ............. ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....19
10.9.5 F-Key Status Event ............................................................................................................19
10.9.6 F-Key Map Inhibit ..............................................................................................................19
Section 11
Emergency Communication System Operation ..........................................1
11.1 Overview .....................................................................................................................................1
11.2 LOC Functionality ........................................................................................................................1
11.2.1 Keys and LEDs ....................................................................................................................1 ECS Control Key ........................................................................................................1 ECS Control LED .......................................................................................................2 ECS Message Keys ...................................................................................................2 ECS Message LEDs ..................................................................................................2 Select Keys ................................................................................................................2 Select Key LEDs ........................................................................................................2
11.2.2 Gaining ECS Control ...........................................................................................................3 LOC Priority ................................................................................................................3 LOC Lockout ..............................................................................................................3 User Profile Access Control .......................................................................................4
11.2.3 Manual ECS ..................................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............4 Switching between Microphone Mode and Message Mode .......................................4 Activating Output Groups Dynamically .......................................................................4
11.2.4 Microphone Mode ......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............................................. .........................5
11.2.5 Message Mode .............................................. ...... ...... ..........................................................5
11.2.6 Custom ECS Event ........................................ ............................................. .........................5
11.2.7 Passing ECS Control ...........................................................................................................5
11.2.8 Exit ECS Control Menu ........................................................................................................6
11.2.9 Relinquish ECS Control .......................................................................................................6
11.2.10 ECS Reset ........................................................................................................................6
11.3 ECS Super User ..........................................................................................................................6
11.4 ECS Point Functionality ...............................................................................................................7
11.4.1 ECS Point Activations ..........................................................................................................7
11.4.2 ECS-VCM, ECS-NVCM & ECS-RVM Points .......................................................................7
11.5 Amplifier Programming ................................................................................................................7
11.5.1 Adding an Amplifier .............................................................................................................7
11.5.2 Editing an Amplifier ..............................................................................................................8
11.6 LOC Programming ......................................................................................................................8
11.6.1 Adding an LOC ....................................................................................................................8
11.6.2 Editing an LOC ....................................................................................................................9
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LOC Priority ................................................................................................................9 LOC Association ........................................................................................................9
11.7 Using the Microphone .................................................................................................................9
11.7.1 Microphone Functionalit y ............................... ...................................... ....... ...... ....... ............9
11.7.2 Custom ECS Event ........................................ ............................................. .........................9
11.7.3 Fire Page ....................................................... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .................10
11.7.4 Emergency Page .................................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..........10 Paging ......................................................................................................................10
11.8 Recording Custom Messages ........... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............................................. .................11
11.8.1 Recording Messages 1-15 Using Aux Audio Input ............................................................12
11.8.2 Recording Messages 1-15 Using the Microphone .............................................................14
11.8.3 Erasing User Message ......................................................................................................15
11.8.4 Using HFSS Voice Message Load Software .....................................................................15
11.9 Network Paging .........................................................................................................................16 Priority ......................................................................................................................16 Configuration ............................................................................................................17
Section 12
Reporting .........................................................................................................................................................1
12.1 Receivers Compatible with the Control Panel .............................................................................1
12.2 SIA - IntelliKnight / IFP-2100/ECS Panels PI Modifier Reporting: .............................................13
12.3 SIA – IFP-2100/ECS Panel Communicator: ..............................................................................14
Section 13
Testing and Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................1
13.1 Troubleshooting ....... .................... ................... ................... .................... ................... ...................1
13.2 Common Problems ......................................................................................................................1
13.3 Periodic Testing and Maintenance ..............................................................................................2
13.4 Event History ...............................................................................................................................3
13.5 Built-in Troubleshooting and Testing Tools .................................................................................3
13.5.1 SLC Device Locator ............. ............................................. ...................................................3
13.5.2 SLC Multiple Device Locator ..... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............3
13.5.3 I/O Point Control ..................................................................................................................4
13.5.4 Earth Fault Resistance ........................................................................................................5
Section 14
Installation Records ..........................................................................................................................1
14.1 Detector and Module Point Record .............................................................................................1
14.2 Conventional Output Point Record ..............................................................................................5
Appendix A
Compatible Devices ..........................................................................................................................1
Appendix B
Editing Text Using the Built-In Programmer ....................................................1
Appendix C
Cadence Patterns .................................................................................................................................1
Appendix D
Expanded Receiver/Panel Relationship .................................................................1
Panel Security Manufacturer Warranties and Limitation of Liability Model IFP-2100 Basic Operating Instructions Model IFP-2100ECS Basic Operating Instructions
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E

Section 1 Introduction

The IFP-2100 (red) / IFP-210 0B (black) and IFP-2100 ECS (red) / IF P-2100ECSB (black) are analog addr essable fire alarm control panels (FACP), that meets the requirements of UL 864. The IFP-2100ECS is an analog addressable fire control system combined with an Emergency Communication System that meet the requirements for Mass Notification as described in UL 864 and UL 2572.
The RFP-2100 (red) or RFP-2100B (black) are the same as the IFP-2100 without the display. The RFP-2100 is used in a networked system where there is at least one IFP-2100/ECS in the system. When using the RFP-2100 as a stand alone local unit, one LCD annunciator must be connected, and the annunciator must be wired in conduit within 20’of the RFP-2100.
Note: All references to IFP- 2100 o r IFP-2 100ECS within this manu al are ap plicab le t o the IFP-2 100B an d IFP-
2100ECSB. All References to the IFP-2100HV are applicable to the IFP-2100HVB, RFP-2100HV, RFP­2100HVB, IFP-2100ECSHV and the IFP-2100ECSHVB.
Note: All references to RFP-2100 within this manual are applicable to RFP-2100B.

1.1 Overview of Basic System

The IFP-2100/ECS base system is packaged as an assembled stack of 3 circuit boards mounted to an aluminum housing.

1.1.1 Hardware Features

The basic IFP-2100/ECS panel contains one built in signaling line circuit (SLC), which supports up to 159 IDP or SK sensor s and 159 ID P or SK mod ules or 127 SD SLC devices. Additional SLC loops can be added to increase overall point capacity.
Additional 6815 SLC expanders supports 159 IDP or SK sensors and 159 IDP or SK modules for a maximum of 2100 points per IFP-2100/ECS control panel.
Additional 5815XL SLC expander supports only SD Protocol for a maximum of 2032 points per IFP-2100/ ECS control panel.
9.0A of output power is available through 8 sets of terminals for notification and auxiliary applications. Each circuit is power limited per UL 864 and can source up to 3.0A (total output power must not exceed
9.0A). The constant auxiliary power load must not exceed 6.0A for normal standby.
Built-in dual phone line, digital alarm communicator/transmitter (DACT), IP or optional cellular technologies.
Reports events to central station by point or by zone.
UL Listed for pre-action and deluge releasing systems.
Dedicated Form C trouble relay and two general purpose Form C programmable relays.
Can be used with RA-2000s
Supports the 5865-3, 5865-4, and 5880 LED annunciators information on these models.
Printing of event log available through the Model 5824
Supports conventional 2-wire & 4-wire detectors using the 8 Flexput™ circuits or SLC zone modules.
999 software zones, 999 output groups.
Add four notification/auxiliary power circuits with each 5496 Intelligent Power Module.
Add six Flexput™ circuits with each RPS-1000 Remote Power Supply.
, RA-1000s2 or RA-100s2 in any combination.
. See sections 4.11 and 4.12 for additional
serial/parallel printer interface module.
1. The system can have a maximum of 63 SB US devices in any combination.
2. RA-1000 and RA-100 can have a maximum of 31 devices used.

1.1.2 Network System Hardware Features

The default network setup can contain up to 32- IFP-2100/ECS / RFP-2100 panels connected.
Network support for up to 32 Sites.
Each building is referred to as a “site”.
Panels can be interconnected using CLASS B or CLASS A topology.
To network panels together use the SK-NIC network card. Copper wire or fiber optic cable panel connectivity can be used within the same networked system.
The network architecture provides true peer to peer capability allowing network survivability for all hardware that remains operational in the event of partial system failure.

1.1.3 Software Features

Advanced analog smoke detector features:
Three sensitivity settings (high, medium, low) Automatic drift compensation Maintenance alert region Point status meets calibrated smoke test requirements for NFPA 72 Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment
“JumpStart Auto Pr ogr amming” feature for easy programming
Non-volatile event history stores 1000 events per panel
A choice of output patterns available for notification outputs, including ANSI 3.41 temporal signal
Built-in synchronization appliance support for AMSECO, Gentex
, System Sensor®, and Wheelock

1.1.4 IFP-2100ECS Features

15 Recordable one minute messages that can be mapped to eight ECS buttons.
ECS messages can be selected as priority over fire.
Support of up to 15 ECS-LOC’s.
Programmable trigger inputs from an external source, such as a Monaco system, to either the ECS-VCM, ECS-NVCM, ECS-RVM, 5880, any SLC input module or Flexput module.
Support for up to 16 SBUS addressable amplifiers using a combination of ECS-50W, ECS-125W, ECS­INT50W or ECS-DUAL50W for a maximum of 2000 watts per system and up to 128 mappable speaker circuits.
Support for dual channel and backup audio using the ECS-DUAL50W amplifier and ECS-50WBU back-up amplifier.
Single enclosure for both Fire and Emer gency Control System components.
Support for one ECS-VCM or ECS-NVCM.
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E

1.1.5 Terms Used in this Manual

The following terminology is used with the above mentioned control panels:
Term Description
SLC Signaling line circuit Module The term module is used for all hardware devices except for SLC addressable devices and
notification appliances. This includes the IFP-2100/ECS/RFP-2100 panels itself and the built-in
power supply. It also refers to any (optional) 5815XL or 6815 SLC expansion modules. Input Point An addressable sensing device, such as a smoke, heat detector or a contact monitor device Input Zone A protected area made up of input points Output Point
(or “Output Circuit”) Group (or “Output Group” or
OPG) Mapping Mapping is the process of specifying which outputs are activated when certain events occur in
Networking Up to 32 panels can be networked. Network System Consist of any combination of 32 panels of these model numbers: IFP-75, IFP-300, IFP-
ECS Emergency Communication System SWIFT Smart Wireless Integrated Fire Technology
A notification point or circuit for notification appliances. Relay circuits and auxiliary power
circuits are also considered output points
A group of output points. Operating characteristics are common to all output points in a group
the system. Section 8.2 explains mapping in detail
300ECS, IFP-2100, IFP-2100ECS, RFP-2100, IFP-2000, or IFP-2000ECS

1.2 Compatible Products

Table 1-1 lists the products available for use with the IFP-2100/ECS.
Table 1-1: IFP-2100/ECS Compatible Products
T ype of Device Model Description
IDP Addressable SLC Devices
SK Addressable SLC Devices
SD Addressable SLC Devices
SWIFT Wireless SLC Devices
Other Modules
See Section 7.1 for a list of compatible devices
See Section 7.2 for a list of compatible devices
See Section 7.3 for a list of compatible devices
See Section 7.4 for a list of compatible devices
5824 Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Module
5815XL (Rev H or above) SLC Expander
Allows a printer to be attached for the system for on-site logging. Four maximum per system.
Each 5815XL allows up to 127 SD devices to be added to the system. The number of 5815XLs that can be added to the system is limited only by the maximum number of SBUS devices. However the maximum SD point count is limited to 2032 per panel. 5815XL will only support SD protocol devices
Table 1-1: IFP-2100/ECS Compatible Products
T ype of Device Model Description
Other Modules (con’t)
6815 SLC EXPANDER Each 6815 supports up to 159 IDP or SK sensors and 159 IDP or SK
RFP-2100 Remote Fire Panel w/no display
5824 Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Module
RPS-1000 (Rev F or higher) Intelligent Power Module
5496 (Rev F or above) NAC Expander
RA-2000 LCD Alarm Annunciator
RA-1000 LCD Alarm Annunciator
RA-100 LCD Alarm Annunciator
5865-3 and 5865-4 LED Annunciator
5880 (Rev C or above) LED I/O Module
5883 General Purpose Relay Module
ECS-VCM Voice Control Module ECS-NVCM Network Voice Control Module ECS-SW24 24 Switch expander ECS-50W 50 watt audio amplifier ECS-125W 125 watt audio amplifier ECS-INT50W 50 watt internal amplifier ECS-DUAL50W Dual Channel amplifier ECS-50WBU Backup daughter card ECS-CE4 Provides 4 additional audio circuits for the
ECS-RVM Remote Voice Microphone SK-NIC Network Interface Card ECS-LOC2100 Local Operating Console Refer to
modules. The maximum point count for IDP or SK devices is limited to 2100 per panel. 6815 supports System Sensor devices (IDP or SK)
Same operation as IFP-2100/ECS without display
Allows a printer to be attached for the on-site event logging. Maximum of four 5824s per control panel.
Provides additional power, six Flexput™ circuits, and two Form C relays. See Model RPS-1000 Installation Instructions P/N 151153.
Provides four additional Notification Appliance Circuits/Auxiliary power
4x40 LCD annunciator.Same operation, similar appearance as on-board annunciator. Any combination of supported annunciators for a max of 63.
4x20 LCD annunciator. Any combination of supported annunciators for a max of 31.
4x20 LCD annunciator. Any combination of supported annunciators for a max of 31.
LED annunciator can display up to 30 LEDs (15 red and 15 yellow). 5865­4 has key switches for silence and reset, and a system trouble LED.
Driver for up to 40 LEDs. Interfaces with customized annunciator boards. In addition, the 5880 has eight generic switch input points.
Provides 10 Form C relays. Designed to be driven by the 5880. Up to four, 5883s can be used with each 5880 module.
ECS-50W or the ECS-125W
Refer to the ECS-Series installation manual PN 151455 for more info on these accessories.
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E
Table 1-1: IFP-2100/ECS Compatible Products
T ype of Device Model Description
WIDP-WGI Wireless Gateway
WIDP-PHOTO Wireless Photoelectric Smoke Detector w/ 4"
WIDP-HEAT WIDP-MONITOR Wireless Addressable Monitor module
WIDP-RELAY Wireless Addressable Relay module B210W 6" wireless base WSK-WGI Wireless Gateway WSK-PHOTO Wireless photo with 4" base WSK-PHOTO-T Wireless Multi criteria photoelectric smoke
WSK-HEAT-ROR Wireless heat, ROR/ 135° fixed with 4" base WSK-HEAT Wireless Heat, 135° fixed with 4" base WSK-MONITOR Wireless monitor module WSK-RELAY Wireless relay module B210W 6" wireless base 7860 Telephone Cord
HFSS Honeywell Fire Software Suite
RBB Remote Battery Box for mounting backup batteries up to 35AH that are too
AB-55 Remote Battery Box for mounting backup batteries up to 55AH that are too
CELL-MOD Cellular board with Plastic Enclosure Refer to the CELL-CAB­CELL-CAB-SK Cellular board with Metal Enclosure. Lock &
base Wireless Multi criteria photoelectric smoke
detector with thermal (135°F) w/ 4" base Wireless Heat Rate of Rise Detector 135°
fixed w/4” base Wireless Heat, 135° fixed Heat Detector w/4”
detector with thermal (135°F) with 4" base
RJ31X cord for connecting phone line to the IFP-2100/ECS For communication and panel programming with a Windows-based
computer. Enables remote viewing of detector status and event history.
large to fit into the main control panel cabinet. Dimensions: 16" W x 10" H x 6" D (40.64 cm W x 25.4 cm H x 15.24 cm D)
large to fit into the main control panel cabinet. Dimensions: 20" W x 12" H x
7.5" D (50.8 cm W x 30.48 cm H x 19.05 cm D)
Refer to the SWIFT
wireless Installation Manual P/N LS10036-FH-
E for more information on these accessories.
Refer to the SWIFT
wireless Installation Manual P/N LS10036-SK-
E for more information on these accessories.
SK/CELL-MOD Installation Manual P/N LS10182-001SK-E for more information.
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E

Section 2 Agency Listings, Approvals, and Requirements

2.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

1. The following information must be provided to the telephone company before the IFP-2100/ECS can be connected to the phone lines:
A Manufacturer: Honeywell Silent Knight B Model Number: IFP-2100; IFP-2100ECS C FCC registration number: US: HS9AL10A2100
Ringer equivalence: 1.0A D Type of jack: RJ31X E Facility Interface Codes: Loop Start: 02LS2 F Service Order Code: 9.0F
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by ACTA. On the insid e cover of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord (not provided) and modular jack must be utilized with this product. It is designed to be used with a modular jack that is also compliant.
The REN (ringer equivalence number) provided on this installation sheet is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to the public switched telephone network. This number must not exceed 5.0. Since this product has an REN of 1.0A, the number of devices is limited. The REN number is embedded in the FCC registration number as 10A.
If the IFP-2100/IFP-2100HV/ IFP-2100ECS or IFP-2100ECSHV causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that the temporarily discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with the IFP-2100/IFP-2100HV/ IFP-2100ECS or IFP-2100ECSHV, for repair or warranty information, please contact Honeywell Farenhy t Series at 1-800- 328-0103 or ww If the equipment is causing harm to the tele phone network, t he telephone com pany may request t hat you disconnec t the IFP-2100/IFP-2100HV/ IFP-2100ECS or IFP-2100ECSHV until the problem has been resolved.
This product cannot be adjusted or repaired in the field. It must be returned to the factory for service. This equipment is not des igned fo r u se with party line service. Connection to party line s erv ice is subject to st ate
tariffs. You may contact the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission for information.
Since the IFP-2100/IFP-2100HV/ IFP-2100ECS or IFP-2100ECSHV are commercial fire alarm panels, it must be connected upstream of all other equipment utilizing the phone lines. If you have questions about the
LS10143-001SK-E Agency Listings, Approvals, and Requirements
installation, contact your telephone company or a qualified installer.
This device has been verified to comply with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause radio interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Caution - To ensure proper operation, this equipment must be installed according to the enclosed installation instructions. To verify that the equipment is operating properly and can successfully report an alarm, this equipment must be tested immediately after installation, and periodically thereafter, according to the enclosed test instructions.
Caution - In order for “alarm dialing equipment” to be able to seize the phone line to report an alarm or other event when other customer equipment (telephone, answering system, computer modem, etc.) connected to the same line is in use, “alarm dialing equipment” must be con nected to a properly installed RJ3 1X jack. The RJ31X jack must be connected in series with, and ahead of, all other equipment attached to the same phone line. Series installation of an RJ31X jack is depicted in the figure below. If you have any questions concerning these instructions, you should consult your telephone company or a qualified installer about installing the necessary jack and alarm dialing equipment for you.

2.2 Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

2.2.1 Requirements for All Installations

General requirements are described in this section. When installing an individual device, refer to the specific section of the manual for additional requirements. The following subsections list specific requirements for each type of installation (for example, Central Station Fire Alarm systems, Local Protected Fire Alarm systems, and so on). See Section 10.7 for information on releasing operation.
1. All field wiring must be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 National Electric Code.
2. Use the addressable smoke detectors specified in Section 7.1 (IDP tion 7.3 (SD devices), Section 7.4 (SWIFT devices) of this manual and/or conventional detectors listed in the compatibility chart in Appendix A.
3. Use UL listed notification appliances compatible with the IFP-2100/ECS from those specified in Appendix A of this manual.
4. A full system checkout must be performed any time the panel is programmed.
Restricted Options:
The loss of AC signal is defaulted to 3 hours, but the system still allows settings from 0 - 30 hours. For UL certified installations, this number must be set from 1 to 3 hours.
The system allows the use of non-latching, spot type smoke detectors. This feature may not be used in commercial applications whereby a general alarm is sounded. It is intended for elev ator recall, d oor hold ing applications, and hotel/motel room applications.
The system allows the Alarm Verification confirmation time to be set from 60 to 250 seconds. For UL certified installations the setting must be a minimum of 60 seconds.
The systems allows the Auto-resound time to be set to 24 or 4 hours. For UL certified installations that are utilizing SWIFT devices, the value must be set to 4 hours.
Call forwarding shall not be used.
When two count is used: det ector spac ing shall be cut in half, you s hall not us e the alarm verif ication feature, and no delay shall be used.
devices), Section 7. 2 (SK dev ices) or S ec-
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E
P.A.S. (positive alarm sequence) feature shall be used only with automatic detectors.

2.2.2 Requirements for Central Station Fire Alarm Systems

1. Use both phone lines. Enable phone line monitors for both lines.
2. You must program a phone number and a test time so that the IFP-2100/ECS shall automatically initiate and complete a test signal transmission sequence to its associated receiver at least once every 6 hrs.
3. The AC Loss Hours option must be set f rom 1-3 hours.
4. If using wired Ethernet or cellular, you must program the corresponding account/subscriber ID and a test time so that the FACP shall automatically initiate a test signal transmission sequence to its ass ociated receiver at least once every 6hrs.

2.2.3 Requirements for Local Protected Fire Alarm Systems

At least one UL listed supervised notification appliance must be used.
2.2.4 Requirements for Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm
Minimum system requirements are one Honeywell Silent Knight addressable initiating device and wither a 5220, Keltron 3158 or the built-in Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT).
1. Do not exceed the current draw load restrictions shown in Section 3.7.
2. The AC Loss Hours option must be set f rom 1-3 hours.
2.2.5 Requirements for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Detection and Warning Equipment, NFPA 720
When using carbon monoxide detection the system must be monitored by a Supervising Station.

2.2.6 NFPA Requirements

The following is the minimum configuration to meet the NFPA requirements.
Table 2-1 NFPA Requirements for IFP-2100 or RFP-2100
021000 Motherboard YYYYY RFP-2100 Remote unit O (1) O (1) O (1) O (1) O (1) Cell-ModTransmitterOOOOO 5220 Rev Pol Mod O O Y Y O 5815XL SLC Exp OOOOO 5824 Serial card OOOOO 7644 Rev pol mod O O N Y O 6815 SLC Exp OOOOO SK-NICNetwork cardOOOOO SK-FMLFiber moduleOOOOO
Description Local Releasing Auxiliary
Central Station
LS10143-001SK-E Agency Listings, Approvals, and Requirements
Table 2-1 NFPA Requirements for IFP-2100 or RFP-2100
SK-FSLFiber moduleOOOOO IFP-2100CBEnclosureYYYYY IFP-2100CBCEnclosureYYYYY RFP-2100CB Enclosure YYYYY RFP-2100BCB Enclosure YYYYY 6861BIA/
6861GIA (5)
Description Local Releasing Auxiliary
annunciator YYYYY
Central Station
Table 2-2: NFPA Requirements for IFP-2100ECS
Model/Module Description Local Releasing Auxiliary
021000 Motherboard Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 6861BIA/
6861GIA ECS-EMG LED / switch
5220 Direct Conn
5496 Indicating
5815XL SLC
5824 Serial/Parallel
5865-3, -4 Remote
5880 Remote
5883 Relay Module O O O O O N O N 5895XL Power Module O O O O O O O O 7644 EOL device O O N Y O O O O 6815 SLC expander O O O O O O O O SK-NIC Network card O O O O O O O O ECS-NVCM Network V oice
SK-FML, -FSL Network Fiber
IDP-RELAY Control Mod O O Y O O N O N RPS-1000 Power
Annunciator boards
Circuit Expander
Control Mod
Central Station
Emergency EVAC
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E
Table 2-2:
NFPA Requirements for IFP-2100ECS
Model/Module Description Local Releasing Auxiliary
Central Station
Emergency EVAC
RBB Accessory
ECS-DUAL50W Amplifier N N N N N ECS-50W Amplifier N N N N N ECS-125W Amplifier N N N N N ECS-SW24 Switch
ECS-VCM Voice Control
ECS-RVM Remote Voice
ECS-INT50W Amplifier N N N N N Y O Y Y = YES, N = NO, O = OPTIONAL
Enclosure Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
1. At least one of the following amplifiers is required for MNS operation as well as EVAC: ECS-Dual50W, ECS-50, ECS-125 or ECS-INT50W.
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E

Section 3 Before You Begin Installation

This section of the manual is intended to help you plan your tasks to facilitate a smooth installation. Please read this section thoroughly, especially if you are installing a IFP-2100, IFP-2100ECS or RFP-2100 panel for the first time.

3.1 Inventory

When the IFP-2100/ECS shipment is received, check that all the parts have been included in the shipment. The shipment consist of one of each of the following:
main circuit board with display
backbox with door.
plastic bag containing two keys, screws, cables, and ten 4.7K ohm end-of-line resistors

3.2 Environmental Specifications

It is important to protect the IFP-2100/ECS control panel from water. To prevent water damage, the following precautions should be FOLLOWED when installing the units:
Intended for indoor use in dry locations only
Do not mount directly on exterior walls, especially masonry walls (condensation)
Do not mount directly on exterior walls below grade (condensation)
Protect from plumbing leaks
Protect from splash caused by sprinkler system inspection ports
Do not mount in areas with humidity-generating equipment (such as dryers, production machinery) When selecting a location to mount the IFP-2100/ECS control panel, the unit should be mounted where it will
NOT be exposed to: temperatures outside the range of 0°C- 49°C (32°F-120°F) or humidity exceeding 93% noncondensing.

3.3 Software Downloads

In order to supply the latest features and functionality in fire alarm and life safety technology to our customers, we make frequent upgrades to the embedded software in our products. To ensure that you are installing and programming the latest features, we strongly recommend that you download the most current version of software for each product prior to commissioning any system. Contact Technical Support with any questions about software and the appropriate version for a specific application. Software updates can be found at
LS10143-001SK-E Before You Begin Installation

3.4 Electrical Specifications

Table 3-1 list the terminal block on the IFP-2100/ECS as well as a description of each individual terminal and their respective electrical rating.
Table 3-1 Terminal Descriptions and Electrical Specifications
Terminal Label Description Rating
Earth Ground
Voltage Current
B G Earth ground N/A N/A N/A
X O 100 mA for initiation circuits X O 100 mA for initiation circuits X O 100 mA for initiation circuits X O 100 mA for initiation circuits X O 100 mA for initiation circuits X O 100 mA for initiation circuits X O 100 mA for initiation circuits X O 100 mA for initiation circuits
B A + SBUS power 24 VDC 1.0 A
­B A +
*I/O 1
*I/O 2
*I/O 3
*I/O 4
*I/O 5
*I/O 6
*I/O 7
*I/O 8
AC input (hot) 120/240 VAC
50/60 Hz
AC input (neutral) 120/240 VAC
50/60 Hz
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
Flexput™ Circuits 24 VDC 3.0 A notification and
SBUS communication 5 VDC 100 mA 0Ω
Used for Class A installations 0Ω
4.5A for the IFP-2100
2.8A for the IFP-2100HV
4.5A for the IFP-2100
2.8A for the IFP-2100HV
auxiliary power circuits
auxiliary power circuits
auxiliary power circuits
auxiliary power circuits
auxiliary power circuits
auxiliary power circuits
auxiliary power circuits
auxiliary power circuits
* Regulated for NAC circuits, special application when used for releasing or auxiliar y power circuits.
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E
Table 3-1 Terminal Descriptions and Electrical Specifications
Terminal Label Description Rating
Earth Ground
Voltage Current
B A + SBUS power 24 VDC 1.0 A
­B A +
­N.C. C N.O. N.C. C N.O. N.C. C N.O. S­S+ SC­SC+ Ring Phone Line 1 Telco Ring N/A 0Ω Tip Phone Line 1 Telco Tip Ring Phone Line 1 Premises Ring Tip Phone Line 1 Premises Tip Ring Phone Line 2 Telco Ring N/A 0Ω Tip Phone Line 2 Telco Tip Ring Phone Line 2 Premises Ring Tip Phone Line 2 Premises Tip + –
EXT. Comm Cellular
Data Network
Voice Network
SBUS communication 5 VDC 100 mA 0Ω
Used for Class A installations 0Ω
General Purpose Relay 1 24 VDC 2.5 A, resistive N/A
General Purpose Relay 2 24 VDC 2.5 A, resistive N/A
Trouble Relay 24 VDC 2.5 A, resistive N/A
SLC terminals 32 VDC 150 mA 0Ω
Used for Class A installations 0Ω
Battery Connection 24 VDC 1.12 A N/A
B A S+ S­Used for SK-NIC 24 VDC 21 mA
Used For ECS-NVCM 24 VDC 59 mA
input 0Ω
55 mA, 95 mA
LS10143-001SK-E Before You Begin Installation

3.5 Wiring Specifications

Induced noise (transfer of electrical energy from one wire to another) can interfere with telephone communication or cause false alarms. To avoid induced noise, follow these guidelines:
Isolate input wiring from high current output and power wiring. Do not pull one multi-conductor cable for the entire panel. Instead, separate the wiring as follows:
High voltage AC power terminal SLC loops SLC In/Out Term inals POTS reporting input/output Phone line circuits, Ring Tip Telco, Phone Terminals Notification circuits I/01-I/08 Terminals SBUS SBUS1 In/Out Terminals, SBUS 2 In/Out Te rminals,
Cellular communication
Relay circuits Trouble, Relay 1, Relay 2 Terminals
Do not pull wires from different groups through the same conduit. If you must run them together, do so for as short a distance as possible or use shielded cable. Connect the shield to earth ground at the panel. You must route high and low voltages separately.
Route the wiring around the inside perimeter of the cabinet. It should not cross the circuit board where it could induce noise into the sensitive microelectronics or pick up unwanted RF noise from the high speed circuits. See Figure 3-2 for an example.
High frequency noise, such as that produced by the inductive reactance of a speaker or bell, can also be reduced by running the wire through ferrite shield beads or by wrapping it around a ferrite toroid.
Figure 3-1 Wire Routing Example for 6820
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E
AC Power
To Phone
SBUS Devices
Figure 3-2 Wire Routing Example for IFP-2100ECS
LS10143-001SK-E Before You Begin Installation
Chassis Mounting Nuts
On-board Annunciator
Phone lines
USB Port
Ethernet Port
(non-power limited)
Programmable Alarm Relay
Flexput Circuits
Voice Network

3.6 Board Assembly Diagram

Figure 3-3 Model IFP-2100 Assembly
Figure 3-3 shows th e circuit b oards, metal ho using and annunciat or that att ach the IFP-21 00/ECS assembly t o the cabinet. If you should need to remove the board assembly for repair, remove the four mounting nuts which hold the assembly in the cabinet. Then lift the entire assembly out of the cabinet. Do not attempt to remove the circuit boards from the metal bracket.
Model IFP-2100/ECS Installation Manual LS10143-001SK-E

3.7 Calculating Current Draw and Standby Battery

This section is for helping you determine the current draw and standby battery needs for your installation.

3.7.1 Current Draw Worksheet Requirements

The following steps must be taken when determining IFP-2100/ECS current draw and standby battery requirements.
1. You will use the Current Draw Worksheet to determine current draw and standby battery requirements. Use Table 3-2 if installing IDP SLC Devices, Table 3-3 if installing SK SLC Devices or use Table 3-4 if install­ing SD SLC Devices For the IFP-2100/ECS, the worst case current draw is listed for the panel, addressable devices, and all SBUS expanders. Fill in the number of addressable devices and expanders that will be used in the system and compute the current draw requirements for alarm and standby. Record this information in the current draw worksheet on Line A.
2. Add up the current draw for all auxiliary devices and record in the table on Line B.
3. Add up the current draw for all notification appliance loads and record in the table on Line C.
4. For notification appliances and auxiliary devices not men tioned in the manual, refer to the device manu al for the current ratings.
5. Make sure that the total alarm current you calculated, including current for the panel itself, does not exceed
9.0 A. This is the maximum alarm current for the IFP-2100/ECS control panel. If the current is above 9.0 A you will need to use a notification power expander(s) such as the 5496 or the RPS-1000 intelligent power expander, to distribute the po wer loads so that the IFP-2100/ECS or the power expanders do not exceed their power ratings. Refer to the current draw worksheets provided with the 5496 or the RPS-1000 manuals so you do not exceed their power ratings.
6. Alternatively, you may network additional IFP-2100/ECS or RFP-2100s to get additional power.
7. Complete the remaining instructions in the appropriate current draw worksheet for determining battery size requirements.

3.7.2 Current Draw Worksheet for IDP SLC Devices

Use Ta ble 3-2 to determine current requiremen ts during alarm/battery standby operation when IDP SLC devices are installed. You can install up to 159 IDP sensors per loop (2100 points max per panel) and 159 IDP modules per loop (2100 points max per panel). Copy this section if additional space is required.
Table 3-2: Current Draw Worksheet for IDP SLC Devices
Device # of Devices Current per Device
For each device use this formula: This column X This column = Current per number of devices.
Fire Panel (Battery current draw) 1
Standby: 230 mA 230 mA Alarm: 415 mA 415 mA
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