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Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International Sàrl
- 2 -
Chapter 1 - About this guide12
1.1 Revision history12
1.2 Related documents12
1.3 Terms and definitions15
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features19
2.1 Native Experion Integration19
2.2 ControlEdge 900 Form Factor19
2.3 FTE Uplink Connectivity20
2.4 Ethernet I/O Connectivity20
2.5 ControlEdge 90021
2.6 Field Device Manager22
2.7 EtherNet/IP Connectivity to I/O, Devices, and Controllers22
2.8 CEE Control Processing22
2.9 Control Builder Strategy Configuration22
2.10 I/O Points and I/O Reference Blocks23
2.11 Simulation23
2.12 Control Redundancy23
2.13 Peer-To-Peer Communication24
2.14 Alarms and Events25
2.15 Time Synchronization25
2.16 Security25
2.17 Licensing25
2.18 vUOC26
Chapter 3 - Networking29
3.1 Uplink FTE Network29
3.2 Downlink I/O Network Topology30
3.2.1 HSR Ring Topology with 900 I/O31
3.2.2 Redundant Star (PRP) Topology with 900 I/O34
3.2.3 DLR Ring Topology with EtherNet/IP and 900 I/O devices35
3.2.4 Non-Redundant Star to 900 I/O and EIP Devices38
3.2.5 EtherNet/IP in Experion40
- 3 -
Chapter 4 - Installation43
4.1 Hardware Considerations43
4.2 Firmware Considerations43
4.2.1 Converting PLC CPM to UOC CPM44
4.2.2 Upgrading UOC CPM to New Firmware Version48
4.2.3 Upgrading UOC EPM to new Firmware Version48
4.2.4 Upgrading UOC UIOM to new Firmware Version50
4.2.5 Firmware and Software Upgrade Considerations for vUOC51
4.2.6 Additional Maintenance Activities in Firmware Manager51
Chapter 5 - Configuration52
5.1 Configuration Studio52
5.2 Define and add assets in your enterprise model52
5.3 Control Building52
5.4 Specifying a Time Server52
5.5 FTE Device Index52
5.6 Creating UOC Platform block53
5.6.1 Method 1: Using the File Menu53
5.6.2 Method 2: Using the Project Assignment Panel53
5.7 UOC Platform Block54
5.8 Secondary UOC Platform Block69
5.9 CEE Function Block70
5.10 Configure UOC for Retention Startup80
5.10.1 Introduction80
5.10.2 Configure RETENTIONTRIG block80
5.10.3 Loading Retention Trigger Block97
5.11 Configure ControlNet for UOC103
5.12 Configure ProfiNet for UOC104
5.13 Configuring DLR for UOC104
5.14 Convert a non-redundant UOC to a redundant controller106
5.14.1 Prerequisites:106
5.14.2 To convert a non-redundant UOC to a redundant controller106
5.15 Convert a redundant UOC to a non-redundant controller107
5.15.1 Prerequisites107
5.15.2 To convert a redundant UOC to a non-redundant controller107
- 4 -
5.16 Licensing Model107
5.16.1 I/O Analog/Digital point(s) license107
5.16.2 Composite Device Point(s) License108
5.16.3 License Matrix108
Chapter 6 - Load Configuration110
6.1 About load operations110
6.1.1 Loaded versus project database versions110
6.1.2 Load initiation and load dialog box110
6.1.3 Load action with Compare Parameters function111
6.1.4 Load options for server history and server displays configuration111
16.7.2 Setup certificates and IPSec policy in UOC338
16.8 Configuring IPSec to secure traffic to the UOC347
16.8.1 Configure and Activate Security Policies347
16.8.2 Enable IPSec policy on PCs347
16.8.3 Disable IPSec policy on Engineering Station/Console351
16.8.4 Enable IPSec policy rules in the UOC351
16.8.5 Disable IPSec policy rules in the UOC353
16.9 Backup and Restore of CA355
16.9.1 Backup355
16.9.2 Restore361
16.10 Renewal and revocation of certificates365
16.10.1 CA Root certificate365
16.10.2 Renewing the CA Root certificate366
16.10.3 PC certificates367
16.10.4 Revocation367
16.10.5 UOC certificates370
16.10.6 Revocation370
16.11 Troubleshooting370
16.11.1 How to reset UOC for IPSec configuration?370
16.11.2 How to reset IPSec configuration on Windows?371
16.11.3 Diagnosing IPSec with Network Analysis Software371
16.11.4 If CMCC upload a large number of policies, the read data from the
transport connection can not be received371
- 11 -
1.1Revision history
A August 2020Initial release of the document.
1.2Related documents
The following list identifies publications that may contain information relevant to the information
in this document. You can find these documents on
- 12 -
Manager User
This document describes the tool used for loading
firmware to hardware modules of the UOC system and for
uploading diagnostics information from them.
Planning and
This document describes hardware components and
related installation practices for the ControlEdge 900
family of controller hardware.
Planning and
This guide provides high-level guidance on how to
implement a virtualized Experion environment.
This document provides an overview of the use of
EtherNet/IP™ communications with level 1 Experion
control systems and offers practical guidance to perform a
successful integration of EtherNet/IP with Experion.
This guide contains basic installation instructions and
configuration requirements for an FTE network and its
components. Detailed network planning and requirements
information is not included as this type of information is
This document contains networking and security-related
information applicable to Experion. It provides information
about the recommendations to assist you in planning,
setting up, and maintaining a secure environment for your
This guide describes the user interface of the Switch
Configuration Tool and provides an overview for
configuring switches using the tool. It describes the tasks
to create new switch configuration, open an existing switch
configuration, generate text files from the switch
Chapter 1 - About this guide
- 13 -
511A.pdfconfiguration, and load the new switch configurations to
the switches. It also briefly describes creating and saving
projects using the tool.
Control Builder
This guide provides detailed information on the
functionality of Control Builder and the function block
libraries it is used to configure. It does not cover
ControlEdge hardware modules such as the Control
Processor Module (CPM) or Input / Output Modules
Control Building
User’s Guide_
The procedures in this guide are intended to give you the
ability to perform basic tasks within the Control Builder
application such as configuring hardware devices,
continuous control strategies, and sequential control
strategies. Only representative forms are shown to
illustrate a procedure/concept.
Control Builder
This guide provides information about parameters
associated with configuration forms of function blocks in
Control Builder.
This document provides a brief technical reference of
function blocks configured through Control Builder.
Engineering Data
Builder (EDB)
User’s GuideEPDOC-X417en-511A.pdf
The Engineering Data Builder (EDB) add-in is a
productivity enhancement tool integrated with the Control
EDB add-in deploys customized, reusable, and extensible
spreadsheets, allowing project engineers to save time in
updating configuration.
with the
This guide gets you started with the Honeywell Premium
Platform for Experion Virtualization Solutions.
Chapter 1 - About this guide
- 14 -
AIAnalog Input
AOAnalog Output
CACertificate Authority
CBRClass Based Recipe
CDAControl Data Access
It is the Experion system communication infrastructure and data
access interface schema that provides application integration
with Experion system objects.
CEEControl Execution Environment
CIPCommon Industrial Protocol
An industrial communication protocol now maintained as a
standard by the Open Device Venders Association (ODVA).
CleartextData that is stored or transmitted unencrypted
CMControl Module
CMCCCertificate Manager Configuration Console
A single connection used to group multiple I/O modules, instead
of one connection per I/O module.
Also referred to as Assembly connections, Rack connections,
Gateway connections.
A family of controller hardware which can be assembled to create PLC or UOC
CPMControl Processor Module (also commonly referred to as
DIDigital Input
DLRDLR is a link layer protocol for establishing a form of ring
redundancy on an Ethernet network.
DODigital Output
DownlinkShorthand term use to refer to one of two possible types of I/O
and device network that a UOC controller connects to.
EDBEngineering Data Builder
EDSElectronic Data Sheets
Chapter 1 - About this guide
1.3Terms and definitions
- 15 -
Files which define the communication properties of devices
capable of connecting to EtherNet/IP networks.
EPMExpansion Processor Module
Ethernet communications module connecting distributed racks
of ControlEdge 900 I/O modules to the CPM.
ETAPEtherNet/IP™ Tap
A type of switch that allows a device incapable of supporting the
DLR redundancy protocol to form a non-redundant connection
into a DLR ring.
I/O rack
I/O rack with EPM installed
FDMField Device Manager
FTEFault Tolerant Ethernet
GTACGlobal Technical Assistance Center
HARTHighway Addressable Remote Transducer
HMIHuman Machine Interface
HPSHoneywell Process Solutions
HSRHSR (High Availability Seamless Redundancy) is a link layer
protocol for establishing a form of ring redundancy on an
Ethernet network. HSR is referred to as “Ring-HSR” in the UOC
platform block configuration form.
IISInternet Information Services
IKEInternet Key Exchange
IPInternet Protocol
IPSecInternet Protocol Security
LEAPLean Engineering of Automation Projects
Local I/O
I/O rack with Control Processor Module installed (nonredundant)
NICNetwork Interface Controller
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
Chapter 1 - About this guide
- 16 -
NVSNon-Volatile Storage
ODVAOpen Device Venders Association
OTPOne Time Password
OWDOpen Wire Detected
PCPersonal computer
PCCCProgrammable Controller Communications and Commands
PCDIPeer Control Data Interface
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
Peer Server
Data sourcing service provided by the Experion Process Server
node which allows controllers like the UOC to access any data
presented by the Server’s data points via peer communication
over the supervisory network.
PRPParallel Redundancy Protocol is a link layer protocol for
establishing a form of dual-path redundancy on an Ethernet
network.PRP is also referred to as “Star-PRP”.
PSMPower Status Module
PSUPower Supply Unit
PTPPrecision Time Protocol PTP
It is a standardized internet networking protocol used for
synchronizing computer clock times in a distributed network of
computers. PTP provides higher precision than NTP. The UOC
supports time synchronization by either NTP or PTP on its uplink,
FTE network.
A diagram representing the Process and Instrumentation Design
of a plant or plant unit.
PWAPrinted Wiring Assembly
RCMRecipe Control Module
A network switch that allows another device to connect into a
ring topology even if the device itself cannot natively handle the
ring redundancy protocol.
ControlEdge 900 rack capable of hosting a redundant pair of
Redundancy Module used with a CPM within a 1 I/O Slot Rack to implement
Chapter 1 - About this guide
- 17 -
Chapter 1 - About this guide
Dual Rack Redundancy.
SCMSequence Control Module
SD CardSecure Digital Card
TCPTransport Control Protocol
TLSTransport Layer Security
UI/OUniversal Input/Output Module
UCMUnit Control Module
It is a container that represents a piece of or logical grouping of
physical equipment. A Recipe may be configured to acquire a
UCM before its procedure can be executed. A UCM can also be
used as an auxiliary resource.
UOCUnit Operations Controller
This is a term used to refer to the CPM when used as a controller
in the Experion PKS Distributed Control System.
UplinkShorthand term used to refer to the supervisory Ethernet
network that the UOC controller connects to within an Experion
UPSUninterruptable Power Supply
UsersHuman Actors
User GoalsWhat users are hoping to achieve at a high level and why. Independent of
system implementation. Should be able to be linked to stakeholder business
goals and SRS use cases.
User Scenarios Specific examples that elaborate on user goals in a context. Told in the form of
stories. Independent of system implementation.
vUOCVirtual Unit Operations Controller
- 18 -
The Unit Operations Controller (UOC) is a high value, low cost, rack-based process controller that
can be applied to any process control application in any industry. Its form factor, cost profile and
licensing model make it especially well-suited to industries that prefer to limit the scope of a single
controller to a single process unit, and to industries that require powerful batch enablers.
The UOC is paired with a virtualized controller called the virtual Unit Operations Controller
(vUOC).The vUOC provides a set of functions parallel to those of the UOC except that they are
deployed within a server hosted virtual machine.
Summary descriptions of UOC and vUOC features are presented within this section. Additional
details may be found elsewhere within this document and within the overall Experion document
2.1Native Experion Integration
UOC integrates natively into the Experion DCS in a fashion parallel to that of existing controllers
such as the C300 and C200E. It uses the same CEE (Control Execution Environment) control
solver as those controllers. Experion Fault Tolerant Ethernet provides redundant, level 2
communications to the UOC. Engineering Station, Direct Station and Flex Station nodes all
provide view of UOC parameter and alarm data via Experion native Control Data Access (CDA)
protocol. Communication, monitoring, displays, trending, historizing, advanced applications, batch
applications, configuration and field device management all work with the UOC controller in a
fashion equivalent to that of existing CEE controllers.
2.2ControlEdge 900 Form Factor
UOC control algorithms and I/O communications processing run in a family of rack-resident
modules called ControlEdge 900. ControlEdge can be used to deploy high density control and I/O
installations meeting all environment and agency certification requirements with no restriction as
to cabinet type.
In addition to the UOC, components of the ControlEdge HW family can be used to deploy the
ControlEdge PLC, without the need to deal with a completely different component family.
The main components of UOC HW are listed here.
- 19 -
CPMControl Processor Module
Referred to as UOC-CPM.
Host processor of control and communications supporting
redundant and non-redundant configurations. Provides two
uplink Ethernet ports for connectivity to FTE. Provides two
downlink Ethernet ports for connectivity to an I/O and device
EPMExpansion Processor Module
Ethernet communications module connecting distributed racks
of ControlEdge 900 I/O modules to the CPM.
UI/OMUniversal Input / Output Module
16 channel I/O module with universal channels which can be
configured as AO, DI or DO. Channels configured as AO support
HART protocol.
I/O RacksFive possible non-redundant racks which hold an EPM or a non-
redundant CPM together with 1, 4, 8 or 12 I/O Modules. Three of
the racks accommodate non-redundant power supplies. The 8
and 12 slot racks are available with redundant power supplies
and a power status module.
CPM Rack
Redundant controller racking supporting two power supplies and
two CPM slots.
AC or DC power supply modules and power status module.
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
2.3FTE Uplink Connectivity
Detailed information on the installation, planning and general characteristics of ControlEdge 900
HW components can be found in ControlEdge 900 Platform Hardware Planning and InstallationGuide_HWDOC-X430.pdf.
UOC connects to a redundant FTE supervisory network via its uplink Ethernet ports (port #1& port
#2). UOC hosts a full featured firewall allowing it to securely connect directly to level 2, FTEqualified, third party switches. UOC deployments do not require connectivity to FTE through a
separate firewall.
Beginning with Experion R510.2, the vUOC connects to a redundant FTE supervisory network via
its uplink Ethernet ports (virtual switches). A software-based firewall is included allowing a secured
connection directly to Level 2, FTE- qualified, third party switches.
2.4Ethernet I/O Connectivity
UOC connects to an I/O and device network via its two downlink Ethernet ports (port #3 & 4).
- 20 -
Multiple application-dependent typologies are supported with two configurable options:
Module TypeModel Number
UI/O module900U01-0100
UAI module900A01-0102
DI 24VDC module900G32-0001
DO 24VDC module900H32-0102
DI High Voltage AC900G03-0102
DO High Voltage AC900H03-0102
AI16-100MS (High Level Analog Input, 16 Channels)900A16-0103
l When only ControlEdge 900 I/O racks are connected, a native ring redundancy based on the
High Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) protocol may be used, a star redundancy based
the Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) may be used or a non-redundant star may be used.
l When ControlEdge 900 I/O racks are used together with 3rd party EtherNet/IP devices, a ring
redundancy based on Device Level Ring (DLR) may be used or a non-redundant star may be
2.5ControlEdge 900
ControlEdge PLC supports various input/output modules. The following I/O modules are included:
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
Additional I/O modules will be made available in future releases of the Experion PKS.
NOTE : For Module AI16-100MS, the Model Number should be 900A16-0103 and the
firmware version should be 1.39 for the 100 ms scan rate support.
For below IO modules, there can be Model number mismatch between the IO module hardware
and the IO module reports.
- 21 -
Module Description
Module Number report by the IO
Analog Output, 0 to 20mA, (4
Digital Input, Contact type, (16
Digital Output, Relays (8
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
2.6Field Device Manager
UOC supports integration with Experion Field Device Manager (FDM) for management of smart
field instruments. The FDM can view and manipulate the digital HART variables of field
instruments through the analog channels of UOC’s UI/OM.
The ability of UOC itself to access digital HART variables via a Field Device Server hosted on the
Engineering Station will be introduced in a future release.
2.7EtherNet/IP Connectivity to I/O, Devices, and
UOC supports control through third party I/O and devices connected by the EtherNet/IP protocol
on its Ethernet downlink.
A set of EtherNet/IP devices come preinstalled and ready for instantiation within Experion Control
Builder. This includes Rockwell Allen Bradley’s ArmorPoint I/O, ArmorBlock I/O, PowerFlex Drive
and E3 Relay.
Support for other EtherNet/IP I/O and EtherNet/IP device types can be integrated by projects
personnel without dependence on a new Experion release through the use of Experion Control
Builder’s Parameter Definition Editor (PDE).
Also supported are User Defined Type (UDT) blocks which enable UOC to communicate over its
downlink via EtherNet/IP with Rockwell Allen Bradley’s ControlLogix.
2.8CEE Control Processing
UOC hosts the well-proven Control Execution Engine (CEE) strategy solver used in existing
Experion controllers. CMs (Control Modules) are fully supported for continuous control strategies.
SCMs (Sequential Control Modules), UCMs (Unit Control Modules), RCMs (Recipe Control Modules)
and CBRs (Class Based Recipes) are fully supported for batch control strategies.
2.9Control Builder Strategy Configuration
Like all CEE controllers, UOC’s control strategies are configured using Experion Control Builder.
Control Builder offers a rich set of tools for the creation of strategies to control continuous,
discrete and batch processes. Strategies may be created as individual instances or as replicable
templates. Bulk creation of UOC control strategies is supported through Experion’s Engineering
Data Builder (EDB) add-on to Control Builder. EDB allows application engineers to create large
configurations using an efficient, spreadsheet-driven workflow.
- 22 -
2.10I/O Points and I/O Reference Blocks
UOC supports binding of I/O to control through a mechanism that allows the configuration of one
to be independent of the other. UOC I/O points may be introduced into the system independent of
UOC control strategies. UOC control strategies may be configured and tested independent of their
corresponding I/O.
This independence is achieved through two kinds of function blocks supported by Control Builder
and by CEE.
l I/O Points
I/O Points are Experion tagged blocks representing the device connected to the UOC
through an input or output channel of an I/O module.
They are typically tagged with the same name (up to 40 characters) that labels the
device in a P&ID diagram.
They serve as a connection target that binds a control strategy to an I/O channel.
They allow the binding to be made by name, without constraining the strategy to work
with the particular channel of a particular I/O Module.
They allow the configuration of the I/O Module to be separated from the configuration
of the control strategy.
They can be created before or after the corresponding control strategy.
In addition to I/O channels, they can be used to represent key parameter data which
do not correspond to actual I/O channels.
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
l I/O Reference Blocks
I/O Reference Blocks are basic blocks instantiated in Control Modules to make an I/O
signal available for connection to algorithm blocks.
They are bound to I/O Points though named references independent of particular
channels in particular I/O Modules.
They support a simulation mode that allows for strategy checkout to be done in the
absence of I/O Modules.
They complement I/O Points by serving as the reference end of the connection to the
I/O Point.
In addition to referencing I/O channels, they can be used to reference key parameter
data which do not correspond to actual I/O channels.
UOC’s I/O Points and I/O Reference Blocks provide key enablers of the Lean Execution of
Automation Projects (LEAP) methodology supported by Experion.
UOC may be used for both control and strategy-check-out simulation without the need to deploy a
special purpose simulation application. Simulation behaviors of strategies are controlled through
the SIMMODE parameter of I/O Reference blocks within the Control Module under test.
2.12Control Redundancy
UOC optionally supports redundant control operation. Single Rack Redundancy is provided
through a single rack scheme where the partner CPMs are placed in the same rack along with
power supplies. The power supplies in a single rack scheme do not provide REDUNDANT power:
The left power supply provides power to the CPM mounted in the left slot. Likewise, the right power
- 23 -
Responding Node
Initiating Node
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
supply provides power to the CPM mounted in the right slot.
Switchover from the active primary to the backup controller may be commanded manually. If a
fault occurs, the failed primary is detected automatically by virtue of comprehensive diagnostics,
leading toautomatic switchover. Switchover occurs within 500 milliseconds in order to ensure a
seamless transition, preserving all configuration data and live data, and with no disturbance to
Dual Rack Redundancy is provided through 2 separate 1 I/O slot racks each with a power supply
and a Redundancy Module . Refer to the ControlEdge 900 Platform Hardware Planning andInstallation Guide_HWDOC-X430.pdf for additional information.
2.13Peer-To-Peer Communication
UOC supports multiple forms of peer-to-peer communication across its uplink FTE connection.
l Control Data Access (CDA)
UOC uses Experion native CDA protocol for communication with peer partners as well as level 2
server and station nodes. Parameter reads are supported under a cyclic publication paradigm.
Parameter writes are supported under an acyclic store paradigm.
Within CMs and SCMs, the configuration of peer references is transparent to the application
engineer. They are specified by configuring fully qualified parameter names such as
“TT101.DATAACQ.PV” in expressions, inputs pins or selected output pins, without concern as to
whether the parameter is in the same UOC or in a different controller.
UOC’s CDA peer connections may also be used to reference data from SCADA points by virtue of
Experion Peer Server Responder capability.
The Experion node types with which UOC supports CDA peer-to-peer communication are listed in
the following table. This set will be expanded in future releases.
NOTE1: The C200 controller can respond to CDA peer communications from a UOC or vUOC
but cannot initiate them.
l Exchange Blocks
- 24 -
UOC supports a library of blocks which enable communication with third party PLCs and devices
via protocols which were originated by Rockwell Allen Bradley and now support transport over
Ethernet. Blocks within the EXCHANGE library allow initiation of and response to read and write
requests for flags, numeric and string arrays. EXCHANGE blocks support two protocols: the
Common Industrial ProtocolTM(CIP) and Programmable Controller Communication Commands
l PCDI Blocks
UOC supports a library of blocks called Peer Control Data Interface (PCDI) which enable
communication with third party PLCs and devices via the Modbus TCP/IP protocol. Blocks within
the PCDI library allow initiation of read and write requests through a device proxy block to flag,
numeric and string arrays in a Modbus-capable peer controller.
2.14Alarms and Events
UOC supports a comprehensive set of alarm and event reporting capabilities that integrate
seamlessly with Experion enablers for the display and historization of alarms and events.
Supported notification types include high, low and rate of change process alarms, state change
process alarms, state change system events, diagnostic events and batch events.
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
2.15Time Synchronization
UOC maintains an internal clock which is synchronized with external wall clock time.
Synchronization can be maintained over the uplink network using either the Network Time
Protocol (NTP) or the Precision Time Protocol (PTP). All alarms and events reported by UOC are
issued with synchronized time stamps.
UOC has built in enablers to provide for the secure and robust operation of its control and I/O
configurations. This includes an uplink firewall that limits message types to those appropriate to
the mission of the FTE network. It includes a downlink firewall that limits message types to those
appropriate to the missions of 900 I/O and EtherNet/IP communication. UOC also supports
mechanisms of signed firmware and secure boot which insure only Honeywell authorized
firmware to be executed within the device.
UOC systems are delivered under a licensing model which allows HW and SW components to be
deployed in the manner that most naturally fits the process control problem to be solved. Indirect
cost penalties for good design practices are avoided. The bulk of the cost associated with deploying
a UOC system is proportional to the count of Analog and Digital I/O points put into service. There is
little additional cost if a good design dictates the deployment of small, per unit controllers. Similarly,
there is little additional cost if the design dictates the deployment of small, modularized control
For more information on Licensing refer to Licensing Model section.
- 25 -
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
As noted above, the virtual UOC provides a set of functions nearly equivalent to those provided by
the ControlEdge 900 based UOC. It is well suited to supervisory batch applications, lab applications
and control strategy checkout before strategies are deployed to a ControlEdge UOC
Differences between the two are driven by the nature of their hosting platforms and, to a certain
extent, by particular strengths that their respective deployments provide. Key differences are
highlighted by the following table.
- 26 -
l Runs on the
l Runs as a
machine on
purpose PC
Base Periodl 50 msl 50 ms or
500 ms
A second vUOC variant
supports a slower base
cycle in addition to the
50 ms base cycle
parallel to the UOC.
The slower variant
allows the vUOC to be
applied as a very large
batch supervisor
managing UOCs or
C200Es serving as
equipment controllers.
l 32 MBl 32 MB in
the 50 ms
l 128 MB in
the 500 ms
The 500 ms variant of
the vUOC supports a
user memory database
4 X that of the UOC as
an additional enabler
of large supervisory
batch configurations.
l Transparent
based on
l Not
The vUOC has no
native redundancy
enablers, but as an
alternative, it can
optionally be deployed
in virtual platforms
that provide high
availability solutions.
Support In
l Runs on
purposebuilt HW and
cannot run
within HPS’
l Can run
within HPS’
One of the key
deployments of the
vUOC is as a simulator
within VEP to support
early application
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
- 27 -
AttributeUOC vUOC C300
Hosting on ServerNoYesNoYesYesYes
Direct I/O ConnectivityYesYesYesNoNoNo
Deployment as ControllerYesYesYesNoYesNo
Deployment as SimulatorYesYesNoYesNoYes
Simultaneous Control and
Chapter 2 - Overview of UOC features
Users familiar with the Experion portfolio of controllers and simulators may be tempted to interpret
the vUOC in terms of things they are already familiar with. There are indeed similarities that can be
noted.But there are also significant differences which prevent vUOC from being equated with
previous offerings. This point is highlighted by the following table.
- 28 -
3.1Uplink FTE Network
UOC and vUOC are deployed within Experion systems by connecting their uplink Ethernet ports to
a Level 2 FTE network. Of the two parallel tree networks that comprise an Level 2 FTE installation,
the ETH1 port connects to the A or Yellow tree while ETH2 connects to the B or Green tree.
FTE connectivity is summarized in the following diagram which shows a non-redundant UOC rack
and a virtual machine server for a vUOC in the context of the following Experion nodes.
UOC utilizes an existing FTE network, native to Experion PKS. It has a dual connection to Level 2
Yellow and Green FTE switches. No third party firewalls are required.
The number of levels of FTE switches above the UOC may be one, as shown in the diagram above,
two or three.
vUOC’s deployment within an FTE network follows Experion guidance for virtual machines. For
further information, see the vUOC section in this document.
Like existing CEE controllers, UOC requires the presence of a Process Server to function within an
Experion system.
When connecting to FTE, the UOC CPM gets its IP address from the Experion BOOTP service
running on the Engineering Station node. Its IP address is constructed by combining the CPM’s
FTE Device Index with the subnet base address configured through Control Builder and known to
the BOOTP server. Rotary switches of the UOC CPM are located on the module and are used to set
the FTE Device Index. They must be set before the module is inserted into its slot.
Ensure that the Device Index is set before you place a module in a rack.
Note that, in the special circumstance that a PLC CPM received from the factory is being converted
to a UOC CPM, considerations on IP addressing are different initially. For further information on
converting a PLC CPM to a UOC, see the Converting PLC CPM to UOC CPM section.
Care must be taken in the assignment of FTE device indices to a UOC’s rotary switches. In a
redundant controller rack, the left hand UOC must be assigned an odd numbered device index
while the right hand UOC must be assigned an odd + 1 device index. The odd + 1 position is
reserved and must not be used for other than redundant partner. Non-redundant UOCs must
always be assigned odd numbered device indices. For more information on how to set the FTE
device index see the FTE Device Index section.
The L2 FTE switches to which UOC connects are managed switches which must be configured
using the FTE Switch Configuration Tool. Any ports to which UOCs connect must be configured as
“Other Auto” using this tool. For further information on the FTE Switch Configuration Tool, see the
Switch Configuration Tool Users Guide_EPDOC-X246-EN-511A.pdf.
Except for specific considerations noted within this document, all FTE installation and
maintenance practices for the UOC and vUOC must be done in a fashion consistent with Experion
and FTE guidelines. For further information, see Fault Tolerant Ethernet Overview and
Implementation Guide EPDOC-XX37-en-511A.pdf, Fault Tolerant Ethernet Installation and Service
Guide EPDOC-XX36-en-511A.pdf, and Network and Security Planning Guide EPDOC-XX75-en511A.pdf.
3.2Downlink I/O Network Topology
UOC supports direct connectivity to an I/O network through its downlink Ethernet ports, ETH3 and
The table below provides a description of various downlink topologies supported.
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