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Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International Sàrl
Chapter 1 - About this guide11
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder13
Starting Quick Builder15
Layout of the main window17
Navigation pane18
Managing deleted items19
List View19
Properties pane21
History pane21
Library pane22
The Jumpbar24
Status Bar24
Shortcut menus24
Basic Quick Builder tasks25
Enabling project components26
Capturing changes to a project in the audit log26
Comparing online and offline configurations28
Adding items29
Deleting and restoring deleted items30
Modifying items31
Filtering items32
Searching for items34
Selecting items34
Renaming items35
Duplicating items37
Copying and pasting items37
Pasting items from a spreadsheet39
Dragging and dropping items40
Importing items from a definition file40
Uploading an item's definition from the server42
Managing and using add-ins43
Building a system printer45
Working with projects46
Setting Quick Builder project options47
Creating a new project47
Migrating old Quick Builder projects50
Opening an existing project51
Exporting project data52
About exporting results of Floating Point data to CSV files54
Downloading a project55
Locking a project58
Opening files listed in the Results dialog box59
Improving Quick Builder's performance59
Chapter 3 - Building controllers or channels61
Building controllers and channels62
About generic and user scan task controllers64
Creating a generic controller64
Point parameter address syntax for a generic controller65
Creating a user scan task controller66
Point parameter address syntax for a user scan controller66
Generic and user scan task controller and channel properties68
Main properties for a generic channel68
Main properties for a generic controller70
Main properties of a user scan task channel71
Main properties for a user scan task controller73
Modifying a controller or channel after download75
About scanning79
Periodic scanning79
Exception scanning80
Demand scanning80
Dynamic scanning81
About scan packets81
Building Controller Integration Mappings82
About Controller Integration Mappings82
Importing Integration Mappings85
Exporting Integration Mappings85
Creating and Modifying Integration Mappings86
Supported Controller Integration Mapping syntax89
Example RTU2020 Integration Mapping103
Chapter 4 - Building servers106
Creating a server107
Main properties for a server107
Sizing limits for the server108
Upload and download paths for a server108
Server specific options108
History options for a server110
Chapter 5 - Building a Flex Station112
About Station types113
About security types113
Creating a Flex Station114
Main properties for a rotary Station114
Main properties for a static Station115
Chapter 6 - Building and configuring points118
Building points121
Assigning points to an asset121
Accumulator points122
Main properties for an accumulator point122
Alarm properties for an accumulator point124
Analog points126
Main properties for an analog point126
Alarm properties for an analog point128
Control properties for an analog point131
Auxiliary properties for an analog point133
About drift deadbands134
Container points135
Defining the structure of a container point135
Creating container points136
Main properties for a container point137
Using an existing point detail display as the associated display138
Creating a point detail display for a container point138
OPC advanced points140
Main properties for an OPC advanced point140
Importing OPC advanced point definitions from a spreadsheet141
OPC parameters for an OPC advanced point145
Status points145
Main properties for a status point146
Alarm properties for a status point148
Control properties for a status point150
Configuring the Raise and Lower buttons for OP control154
Configuring algorithm parameters155
Display-related properties155
History collection properties156
Subscribing to non-scanned parameters159
Creating or editing scripts161
Creating scripts161
Electronic signature related properties161
Configuring points for electronic signatures162
Configuring user-defined parameters163
Adding a variable user-defined parameter164
Adding a constant user-defined parameter165
Adding a database reference user-defined parameter165
Adding a parameter reference user-defined parameter166
Importing/uploading specialized point configurations181
Specifying point parameter addresses182
Using Address Builder183
Using Address Builder with an Integrated Controller connected185
Automated Point Generation for an Integrated Controller186
Chapter 7 - Building Equipment Templates192
About building equipment templates193
Creating equipment templates194
Exporting templates from the Template Library196
Updating equipment by modifying its equipment template197
Deleting an equipment template198
Configuring equipment templates199
Configuring the Template properties200
Creating a Related Equipment table202
Configuring Point and Equipment properties203
Editing properties in Microsoft Excel209
Creating a tabular view209
Creating a trend view210
Configuring the Summary view211
Template properties214
Configuring the Tabular view217
Summary view properties220
Point properties222
Equipment properties224
Shape properties227
Chapter 8 - Building and configuring Equipment232
Building equipment233
Importing equipment templates to the Template Library234
Modifying equipment properties235
Details for an Equipment item236
Point references for an Equipment item236
Associated items for an Equipment item237
Relationships for an Equipment item237
Configuring equipment relationships239
Assigning equipment to a different asset240
Deleting equipment240
Chapter 9 - Building Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM)242
Building EFM meters243
Main properties for an EFM meter244
Collection and export properties for an EFM meter245
Managing EFM meter templates247
Main properties for an EFM meter template250
Configuration Log properties for an EFM meter template254
Interval Log properties for an EFM meter template257
Daily Log properties for an EFM meter template260
Alarm and Event properties for an EFM meter template264
Configuration Record Log properties for an EFM meter template268
Ultrasonic Log properties for an EFM meter template272
Composition Log properties for an EFM meter template275
Gas Quality Log properties for an EFM meter template278
Liquid Batch Log properties for an EFM meter template281
Data Export properties for an EFM meter template284
Defining enumeration mappings for CFX286
CFX enumeration mappings288
Configuring CALC data types297
Defining EFM CSV data export formats298
Defining the monthly export format301
Managing EFM schedules302
Managing meters and meter templates304
Uploading EFM configurations from the server305
Exporting and importing EFM configurations306
Collecting and exporting EFM data306
About tamper detection of EFM data309
Chapter 10 - Algorithms312
Configuring PV algorithms in Quick Builder313
PV Algo 4: General Arithmetic313
PV Algo 5: Production314
PV Algo 7: Run Hours315
PV Algo 10: General Logic316
PV Algo 12: Composite Alarm Processing317
PV Algo 15: Integration319
PV Algo 16: Cyclic Task Request320
PV Algo 20: Advanced Arithmetic321
PV Algo 21: Advanced Logic322
PV Algo 22: Piecewise Linearization323
PV Algo 64: Maximum/Minimum324
PV Algo 68: Value Transportation325
Configuring action algorithms in Quick Builder326
Action Algo 11: Composite Alarm326
Action Algo 68: Value Transportation327
Action Algo 69: Status Change Task Request328
Action Algo 70: Status Change Report Request329
Action Algo 71: Queued Task Request329
Action Algo 72: Status Value Transportation with Mapping329
Action Algo 74: Status Change USKB LED Request331
Action Algo 75: Status Point Notification332
Action Algo 76: Analog Point Notification332
Action Algo 77: Status Change Display Request333
Action Algo 78: Group Control of Points334
Action Algo 79: Status Change Alarm Group Inhibit335
Action Algo 80: Status Change Alarm Area Inhibit336
Action Algo 92: Queued Task Request336
Creating a composite alarm hierarchy337
This guide describes how to use Quick Builder to configure system
items, such as controllers (other than Process Controllers), points,
Flex Stations, and printers.
Revision history
AAugust 2020Initial release of document.
Chapter 1 - About this guide
In Configuration Studio, you use Quick Builder to create and maintain
a configuration database that defines system items such as
controllers, points and Flex Stations. (For details about configuring
Console Stations, see the Server and Client Configuration Guide.)
When you are satisfied with your configuration, you download it, or
selected parts of it, to the Quick Builder (online) database on the
Experion server.
To modify any part of your configuration, you need to upload (or
backbuild) items from the server (online) database into Quick Builder,
make the required changes, and then download the changes to your
server database.
You can also create an offline Quick Builder database (a database
connected to an SQL server rather than an Experion server) to
configure your entire system and then download that configuration to
the Quick Builder database on the Experion server at a later time. This
offline database is also referred to as a Quick Builder project.
TIP: Offline databases are vulnerable from a security
perspective. Ensure that you save any offline databases in a
secured path.
Quick Builder support for multiple users
Multiple users can open a Quick Builder project in different nodes
simultaneously and perform configuration activities.
Rules have been established within Quick Builder to handle conflicts
between user actions, which means that occasionally you could be
stopped from completing an update to the database if another user is
performing a similar action, or if the item has been modified in some
way since you started your update.
For example, if you modify, add, or delete an item and then try to
download those changes to the Experion server while another user is
also attempting a download, an error message is displayed and you
will need to wait to download your changes until the other user’s
download is complete.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
In this section:
Starting Quick Builder15
Layout of the main window17
Basic Quick Builder tasks25
Working with projects46
Starting Quick Builder
When starting Quick Builder, you can connect to either an online
Quick Builder database on an Experion Server, or to an offline
database on an SQL (non-Experion) server. When working offline, you
can create Quick Builder projects, that can later be downloaded to the
Quick Builder database on an Experion server.
To create a Quick Builder project you must have a minimum of SQLServer Express installed.
To start Quick Builder
1. Start Configuration Studio.
The Connect dialog box appears.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
2. Depending on the environment you want to work in, use one of the
following connection options:
To work in the Quick
Builder database on
your local Experion
To work in the Quick
Builder database on a
remote Experion
To work in an offline
Quick Builder database
on an SQL Server.
On the Local Targets tab, select the
system or server you would like to
connect to.
1.On the Other Targets tab, select
either Experion PKS System or
Experion PKS Server from the
Target type list.
2.Select the system or server you
would like to connect to from
the Target name list.
1.On the Other Targets tab, select
Quick Builder Database from the
Target type list.
2.Select the SQL server you would
like to connect to from the
Target name list.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
3.To open an existing project:
a.Select the Open Existing
Project option
b.Click Search Location to list
the databases existing on that
c.Select the database you
would like to connect to from
the list provided.
4.To create a new project:
a.Select the Create Project
b.Type a name for the new
project in the Project Name
3. Click Connect.
If you chose to connect to a Quick Builder database on an
Experion server, the Login to Server dialog box appears. Enter your
credentials and click OK, then skip to step 6.
If you chose to connect to, or create, a Quick Builder project on an
SQL server, the Enable Components dialog box appears.
4. In the Enable Components tab, the check boxes indicate the
components that are enabled by default for your system licence,
and the number of each item that has been created for each
component. Use the check boxes to enable and disable
components as required, then click OK.
5. In the SCADA Control list, click any of the available options, such as
Build Channels.
Quick Builder appears. Your Quick Builder access privileges are
the same as for Configuration Studio.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
Layout of the main window
The following figure shows the layout of the Quick Builder window,
regardless of whether you are working in an online or an offline
Figure 2-1: Quick Builder window layout
In this section:
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
Navigation pane
A navigation pane on the left-hand side of the Quick Builder window
contains items that can be created and configured in Quick Builder.
The following table lists the views that you can choose in the
navigation pane, and the contents of those views.
CategoryItems and descriptions
All itemsDisplays a tree containing all item types supported by Quick Builder:
lChannels (interfaces that enable servers to communicate with
lControllers (field devices such as PLCs, loop controllers, and so
lStations (the Operator interfaces)
Quick Builder configures only Flex Stations, the standard type of
Station. (For details about configuring Console Stations, see the
topic titled "Configuring a Console Station" in the Server and ClientConfiguration Guide.)
lRecycle bin, which is a holding area for items that have been
deleted from their parent category but have not yet been
permanently deleted and therefore can be recovered if needed.
lUnassigned items
Lists channels and controllers defined for this server. Selecting a
controller displays a list of the points assigned to that controller in the
List view.
AssetsLists assets that have been downloaded from the server. Selecting an
asset displays a list of the items associated with that asset in the List
Adding, editing, duplicating, and renaming operations are not permitted
in the Asset view.
CategoryItems and descriptions
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
Lists Electronic Flow Meters that have been defined for this server.
Selecting a meter displays a list of the items associated with that meter
in the List view.
Launches the configuration forms through which points can be
generated for those controllers where the Integration check box has
been enabled.
Managing deleted items
The Recycle Bin is a holding area within the Navigation pane, where
items you have deleted from other groups are 'marked for deletion',
rather than being actually deleted.
To undelete an item and return it to its original group, right-click the
item and choose Undelete from the shortcut menu.
Note the following points:
n Deleted items will be permanently deleted if you select the
Automatically Download Deletions option when you download a
project (and the download is successful).
n You should not permanently delete items that you have previously
downloaded to the server—if you attempt to do this a warning
message appears. (If you choose to delete items that have been
downloaded, the project and the server database will lose
synchronization—although the item will no longer exist in the
project, it will still be defined in the server database.)
n Quick Builder allocates an item number to each item. Items in the
Recycle Bin retain their numbers until you permanently delete
them. This has no significance unless you reach an item number
limit for your license. For example, if your license allows 40
Stations, and you have already created 40 Stations (including
deleted ones), you cannot add any more until you
delete/download those that have been deleted and are still being
held in the Recycle Bin.
List View
When you select a group of items in the Navigation pane, such as
Printers, Stations, or Points, a list of the items that have been created
within that group is displayed in List View. If no items appear in the
List View, it means that none have yet been created.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
You can use List View to edit, delete, and sort items.
TIP: As Quick Builder projects can be modified by more than
one user at a time, you may find that changes made by other
users sometimes appear in the List View when you move from
one item to the next, or when you change focus in the
Navigation pane. Refreshing the view will also display changes
made by other users.
Item typeDescription
PointsStandard points.
ServersServers, which use the databases created by Quick Builder.
ControllersControllers, the field devices such as PLCs, loop controllers, and so
ChannelsChannels, the interfaces that enable servers to communicate with
StationsStations, the operator interfaces
Quick Builder configures only Flex Stations, the standard type of
Station. (For details about configuring Console Stations, see the
topic titled "Configuring a Console Station" in the Server and ClientConfiguration Guide.)
RecycleBinA holding area for deleted items, which works in the same manner
as the Windows' Recycle Bin.
Trends/GroupsStation displays to which you can add points.
NetworksThe interface that enables servers and point servers to
communicate with channels and controllers.
Customizing the List View
By default, the List View contains columns displaying an item’s major
properties, such as its name and description. You can, however,
customize the List View to show other properties by adding, removing ,
or reordering columns. You can also sort columns to be either
ascending or descending, and the view will reorder accordingly.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
To customize the List View
1. Choose ViewColumns.
The Columns dialog box appears.
2. Select the names of the columns you wish to display from the
Details list.
You can use the options in the Select fields from list to filter the
columns shown in the list.
3. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of
how the columns will appear.
4. Click OK to close the dialog and refresh the List View.
Properties pane
You use the Property Pane to view and edit the properties of the item(s)
selected in the List View.
Because an item has so many properties, they are grouped by tab. For
example, if you wanted to see the display-related properties of a
selected point, you would click the Display tab.
The Property Pane is modeless, which means that the selected item(s)
change as soon as you select another item, or perform an action such
as downloading.
The Property Pane also changes as follows when you select several
n Any property whose value is not identical for all selected items is
grayed out. For example, if you select two status points, Point ID
will be grayed out because every point has a unique ID.
n If the items are of different types, such accumulator and status
points, the Property Pane only displays tabs and properties that are
shared by all selected items.
If you edit a property when several items are selected, you make that
same change to every selected item. For example, if you select a
number of accumulator and status points, you can change the PV
Source Address or the PV Scan Period because both properties are
common to both point types.
History pane
Every time a display is modified, those versions are saved and can be
viewed in the History Pane at the bottom of the Display Repository.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
From the History Pane you can perform several actions on a display
version. You can:
n Approve or Reject a version read for publication to the Experion
n Publish a display version to the Experion server
n Update a version of a display in your working folder to match the
latest version on the Experion server
The display versions are listed in a table, containing the following
UserThe ID of the user who saved that version of the display in this
DateThe date that the version was saved.
VersionThe version number of the display.
ActionThe system action that was performed to that version of the display.
CommentComments added by the user when they saved that version of the
Ready to
The display is ready for testing and validation prior to being published
to the Experion server.
Library pane
The Library pane on the right hand side of the Quick Builder window
contains templates that can be used to create instances of items in
Quick Builder. The templates are organized into categories to identify
their types:
n Channels
n Controllers
n Points
n Servers
n Printers
n Stations
n and so on
When creating and importing templates, you can create custom
categories that will then appear in the Library pane. These might
include industry areas, such as Oil and Gas, or Coal Seam Gas.
The toolbar provides speedy access to commonly used commands.
Button Description
Search. Searches the Quick Builder database for items such as points.
Change configuration target. Allows you to change to another server, system,
or Quick Builder database.
Save. Saves the project.
Add. Adds one or more items to the project.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
Delete. Moves the selected items to the Recycle Bin.
Undo. Undoes the previous action.
Copy. Copies the selected items to the clipboard.
Paste. Pastes the clipboard's contents into the display.
Custom Filter. Opens the Custom Filter dialog box, which you use to filter out
(hide) items that are of no immediate interest.
Import. Opens the Select file to Import... dialog box, which you use to locate
and select the file you want to import.
Export. Opens the Export dialog box, which you use to export files from the
current Quick Builder database.
Download. Downloads all or some of the project to the server database.
Upload. Uploads configuration data from the server into a project.
Compare. Compare items in the current project to those in the Quick Builder
database on the server.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
The Jumpbar
You use the Jumpbar to quickly select an item in the List View. (Note
that you will not be able to locate and select an item if it has been
filtered out.)
To find items:
1. Click anywhere in the Jumpbar.
2. Type the name of the item you are searching for and press Enter.
Quick Builder finds the first matching item.
You can use one or more wildcards (*) to find items whose full
names you do not know, for example *ana*, which will return items
containing the text ana in its name.
To select an item:
1. Click the Jumpbar.
2. Type the item's name and press Enter.
To move between items, select the item from the Jumpbar list and
press Enter. The Jumpbar remembers the last 20 items you specified.
Status Bar
The Status Bar displays a short description of the selected property (or
its valid values if the current value is incorrect). The right hand side of
the Status bar also displays the name of the connected server, the
name of the current user, and the current security level.
Shortcut menus
If you right-click an item type icon (in List View), a shortcut menu
appears that provides speedy access to commonly used commands.
In the List View, you can highlight multiple items before opening the
shortcut menu.
Figure 2-2: List View Shortcut menu
Basic Quick Builder tasks
This section outlines the basic tasks you can perform with Quick
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
In this section:
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
Enabling project components
When you first start a new Quick Builder project, or when you add new
component types (such as devices, points, and servers) to a project,
you first need to specify them in the component manager so that you
can configure them.
TIP: When working on the Project Component Manager to
enable or disable components for a project, any other users of
the project will be asked to log off and they will not be able to
log back into the project until you have finished. For this
reason, it is recommended that you perform this action when
there is minimal user activity in the project.
To specify the components to configure
1. From the Quick Builder menu, choose Tools > Project Component
The Project Component Manager dialog appears.
The dialog contains a list of components, such as devices, points,
and servers. It also contains a list of non-Experion components.
2. Scroll through list of components and select the check box next to
the items in your project you want to enable or disable.
3. Click OK.
A summary appears of the components being added (or removed).
4. Click OK.
Quick Builder adds the components to the project.
Capturing changes to a project in the audit log
You can capture all changes made to a Quick Builder project,
including details of the user who made the changes, in an audit log.
Audit logs are, by default, stored on the server on which they have
been enabled. You can use a combination of Robocopy scripts and
Windows Task Scheduler to automatically copy audit logs to a
network share regularly.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
To enable the audit log for capturing changes to a
1. Start Quick Builder.
For more information, see "Starting Quick Builder" on page15.
2. From the Quick Builder menu, select Servers and click the All items
A list of the servers for this project appears.
3. Select the server on which you want to capture changes, then click
the Server Specific Options tab.
4. Select the Enable audit log checkbox
All Quick Builder changes made to the project and to items on that
server will be recorded in the audit log.
Server Logger is used to store the log files, and Honeywell Log
Viewer (HLV) can be used to view the log files. You can access the
log files through a shortcut in the Start menu on the Experion
Note the following rules for the audit log:
l The maximum size for a single log file is 8MB
l The maximum number of log files is 100
l After the maximum storage is reached (800MB), the log files
will be overwritten
l It is recommended that audit log files are stored in a secure
location, and backed up periodically.
To copy an audit log and schedule regular saves to a
network share
1. From a Windows Command Prompt on the server, type robocopy
b. destination is the path for the destination directory
c. file is the audit log file or files to be copied
d. options is a list of the options to be included in the command.
For more information about Robocopy command options, see
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
2. Press Enter.
The files are copied to the specified location
3. Copy your Robocopy command syntax to a Notepad file, and save
as a .BAT file so it can be re-run.
4. From the Windows Control Panel, click System and Security, and
then Administrative Tools.
5. Right-click on Task Scheduler and choose Run as Administrator.
6. Choose Action, and then Create Basic Task....
7. Enter a name for the task and a short description, then click Next.
8. Select the option that best meets your scheduling requirements,
then click Next and enter any additional scheduling information as
9. Select Start a program, then click Next.
10. Navigate to and select your Robocopy script, then click Next.
11. Review the summary details, and click Finish.
Comparing online and offline configurations
You can compare items in a standalone (offline) project with those in
an online Quick Builder database either while you are configuring the
items, or before you download a project containing those items to the
database on an Experion server.
Depending on the number of items being compared, one of the
following actions will occur:
n For up to 5000 items, the comparison will occur within the Quick
Builder Compare Report, as documented below.
n For between 5000 and 100,000 items, the comparison data is
exported to a .TSV file, which can be viewed in Microsoft Excel,
Honeywell Log Viewer, or Notepad.
n For more than 100,000 items, a message is displayed stating that
the comparison could take in excess of 4 hours to complete.
A comparison report highlights any item that has changed or been
added since the most recent download of this project.
After adding and configuring items, you download all or part of your
project to the server database. Before committing to the download of
any items, you can compare them with what already exists on the
Experion server.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
Comparing items while configuring a project
At any time while working on a Quick Builder item, clickin the
tool bar.
The Compare Report appears, highlighting any difference that exists
between the item in your project and on the Experion server.
2. Click Close icon to return to Quick Builder.
Comparing items before downloading a project to the
1. As for any download, choose the Scope of the download and
check that the Summary contains the list of items you want to
download to the server.
2. Click Compare.
The Compare Report appears, highlighting any new or changed
items. You can use the tool bar icons to perform actions such as
l Jumping backwards and forwards between changed items in
your project or on the server
l Show all items, or only the ones that are different between your
project and the server
Click the close icon to close the compare report.
3. After reviewing the Compare Report, you can choose to either
Download the items to the Experion server, accepting the changes
as they have been highlighted in the report, or Cancel the
download to return to Quick Builder.
Adding items
To create new items
1. Use one of the following options to create a new item:
l From the menu bar, click Edit > Add item.
l Right-click on an item in the All items view and click Add item.
Chapter 2 - Getting started with Quick Builder
l From the relevant section within the Library, drag and drop the
template for the required item into the List View.
The Add Items dialog box appears.
2. Type the number if items you want to create in the Number of items
field. If you choose to create more than one item, extra fields
appear where you can define the suffix applied to each item name.
The variable used can be numbers of letters.
3. From the Item Family list, select the applicable family. If you used a
template or a right-click menu option to invoke this dialog, this
field will default to the template type or the item you had selected
at the time.
4. From the Item Type list, select the item type.
5. In the Name text box, type in the name for this item, or you can
accept the default provided. A summary of the details you have
provided is displayed.
6. Click OK to add the item(s) to the list.
The new items appear in the List View.
As more than one user can work in a Quick Builder project at the
same time, you may notice changes occurring in the List view
other than those that you have made. These changes appear
whenever you refresh the List view.
If an item you are adding has the same name as an item added by
another user, an error message appears. If you are adding multiple
items, those that do not have conflicting names will be added
successfully, but you will need to add any conflicting items again
using a different item name.
7. Use the properties tabs to configure the item.
Deleting and restoring deleted items
Deleting an item moves it to the Recycle Bin, which means that you can
restore it, or undelete it, if needed.
To delete one or more items
1. Select the item(s) you want to delete in either the Navigation pane
or the List view.
Click(or press Delete).
You can also delete items by:
+ 311 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.