1.1 Experion Local Control Network System Overview....................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Experion LCN System Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................................16
3.2 System Software Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17
4.1 General Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
6 Models and Parts ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................23
6.1 Experion LCN Model Numbers .............................................................................................................................................................................................23
Figure 1 Example of Experion LCN System Architecture Overview .......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 Dual UEA Installation Front View ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 3 Dual ELCN UEA Installation in Rack ......................................................................................................................................................................10
Figure 4 Dual ELCN UEA Installation Cabling for ELCN Bridge and ENIM/AM/EHB .................................................................................10
Figure 6 Processor Module (with front panel).......................................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 7 Front Panel .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 8 ELCN Bridge, ENIM, AM, EHB and NG Termin ation Assembly ...............................................................................................................13
Figure 9 ELCN Bridge, ENIM, AM and EHB Termination Assembly Detail ...........................................................................................................14
Figure 10 Bridge, ENIM, AM, EHB, NG Termination Assembly Ethernet Port LED Indicators ..................................................................14
Figure 12 EPLCG Termination Assembly Ethernet Port LED Indicators ...............................................................................................................15
Table of Tables
Table 1 Acronyms and Definitions ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2 Summary of the Experion LCN Nodes and Platforms ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 3 Bridge, ENIM, AM, EHB and NG Termination Assembly Ethernet Port LED Definition ...............................................................14
Table 4 EPLCG Termination Assembly Ethernet Port LED Definition ....................................................................................................................15
Table 5 Summary of LCN/ELCN limits (assuming no FTEBs with C200, C200E or FIM2). ..........................................................................16
Table 6 System Software ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
Table 7 General Experion LCN Specifications ......................................................................................................................................................................20
Table 8 General ELCN Bridge/Appliance Specifications ................................................................................................................................................20
Table 9 MAU Power (from UEA) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Table 11 ELCN Bridge/Appliance Front Panel General Specifications ..................................................................................................................21
Table 12 ELCN Bridge/ENIM/AM/EHB/NG Termination Assembly General Specifications ........................................................................22
Table 14 UEA Mount (19” Rack) General Specifications ................................................................................................................................................22
Table 15 Weights and Dimensions ..............................................................................................................................................................................................22
Table 16 Experion LCN Model Numbers ..................................................................................................................................................................................23
Table 17 Upgrade Kit Models Available To Perform Upgrades To ELCN ..............................................................................................................24
Table 18 Optimum Replacement Parts ......................................................................................................................................................................................25
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Experion Local Control Network Specification
Acronyms and Definitions
Table 1 Acronyms and Definitions
ACE-T Application Control Environment - TotalPlant™ So lution
AM Application Module
CF9 Control Firewall (9 ports including the Uplink port)
E-APP Experion Application Processing Platform
EHB Experion Hiway Bridge
ELCN Experion Local Control Network
ENIM Enhanced Network Interface Module
EPLCG Enhanced Programmable Logic Controller Gateway
ES-CE Experion Station – Console Extension
ES-F Experion Station – Flex
ES-T Experion Station - TotalPla nt™ Sol uti on
ESVT Experion Server TotalPlant™ Solution
EUCN Enhanced Universal Control Network
FIM Fieldbus Interface Module
FTE Fault Tolerant Ethernet
FTEB Fault Tolerant Ethernet Bridge
GUS Global Universal Station
HM History Module
LCN Local Control Network
LCNE Local Control Network Extender
MAU Media Access Unit
NG Network Gateway
O/S Operating System
PIN Plant Information Network
PHY Physical Layer
TPN TPS Process Network
TPS TotalPlant™ Solution
UCN Universal Control Network
US Universal Station
UxS Universal StationX
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Experion Local Control Network Specification
1 Product Introduction
Experion LCN further continues innovation for Honeywell customers. Using the proven Experion Fault Tolerant
Ethernet (FTE) infrastructure, a new Experion Local Control Network (ELCN) Bridge connects Experion to Classic
COAX LCN. Once this connection is established, Classic LCN COAX-based nodes can be replaced with FTE-based
Experion LCN nodes, al low ing the removal of these LCN nodes as they are migrated one at a time.
With Experion LCN, existing control strategy, field terminations, applications, history and graphics can be retained,
allowing users to focus on high value improvements. It minimizes operating disruptions, maintains overall consistency
and delivers optional lifecycle advantages with virtualization.
1.1 Experion Local Control Network System Overview
The Experion LCN is the Fault Tolerant Ethernet (FTE) version of the classic coaxial cable-bas ed LCN. T he obj ect ive
of the ELCN is to convert Classic LCN COAX-based nodes to FTE-based Experion LCN nodes. This conversion can
occur incrementally, over time, without shutting down LCN nodes. Ultimately, all LCN nodes may be migrated to
ELCN, allowing for a complete elimination of the LCN-based system.
ELCN is divided into two general parts. The first part is the ELCN Bridge product which has a singular purpose or
operating as a bridge between the LCN and FTE. The second part is the conversion of LCN nodes to Experion LCN
nodes. An Experion LCN node is a hardware/software entity that performs the same function as its LCN equivalent
node where an FTE network replaces the COAX network.
Migration to the ELCN requires an ELCN Bridge node to connect the Classic LCN to the Experion LCN, creating a
single logical hybrid network. The ELCN Bridge must be installed as a redundant pair.
The ELCN Bridge translates LCN messages into Ethernet messages and vice versa. The ELCN Bridge provides a
means for legacy LCN functions and the Experion version of those functions to co-exist and inter-operate during
migration of the classic LCN nodes to Ex peri on LCN n odes . Once an LCN Br id ge cr eates a communication path
between the LCN and the FTE, classic LCN nodes can be upgraded one at a time. During the upgrade process the
node number, such that the node's logical role in the system remains unchanged. The legacy node that migrates from
a physical LCN segm ent to the ELCN net w ork appear s uncha nge d in conf ig urati o n to its oper ating peer nod e s .
Upgrade process may occur over an extended period of time until no nodes remain connected to LCN, other than the
ELCN Bridge. At this time the ELCN Bridge may be removed (as the final step of the upgrade) and reused as a spare
part (Experion LCN node or bridge).
Before migration to ELCN can be accomplished, an Experion system with an ESVT, Microsoft 10 O/S and Server
2016, are required. The following is a summary of the Experion LCN nodes and their platforms:
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Experion Local Control Network Specification
Available in
TPN R687
Available in
Available in
Virtual Machine/x86
ELCN Bridge
ELCN TPS Node s:
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
Windows 10 or
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
ELCN Appliance and Virtual Nodes:
Linux X X
Non-redundant AM
X Linux X X
X Linux** X
Redundant EPLCG
X Linux**
Linux X
Redundant AM
X Linux X
Table 2 Summary of the Experion LCN Nodes and Platforms
(Dell or HP)*
* For a list of supported DELL and HP hardware platforms, refer to the Experion PKS Software Installation Guide.
** Virtual EPLCG will not be available for a production application, but only for Open VEP (Virtual Engineering Platform). The virtual
EPLCG may be used for configuration or training purposes.
(Essentials or
R501.2 and
R501.4 / TPN
R501.6 / TPN
1.2 Universal Embedded Appliance (UEA) Overview
The Universal Embedded Appliance is a hardware component of ELCN. The UEA can be configured to be a bridge
between LCN and ELCN, and also configured to be an ELCN appliance (node), which allows for LCN nodes to be
replaced by their ELCN equivalent nodes.
1.2.1 Experion LCN Bridge
The ELCN Bridge is a new node that enables upgrade of classic LCN nodes to Experion LCN nodes and allows for
Experion LCN nodes to coexist with a classic LCN network. The UEA is used to function as an ELCN bridge. The LCN
connection to an ELCN bridge is made via Media Access Unit (MAU) cables. The MAU cables contain electronics that
convert LCN analog signals to digital signals, which are then processed by the ELCN Bridge to be made compatible
with ELCN FTE. The reverse occurs when ELCN FTE signals are sent to LCN nodes. This two-way process allows for
full two-way LCN-ELCN communication.
The ELCN Bridge is not seen on the LCN system status, but on Experion. The ELCN Bridge is monitored and
operated from Experion.
ELCN Bridge Requirements:
The following requirements must be in place prior to implementing an ELCN Bridge for LCN to Experion LCN node
• TPN/LCN Release R688.1 or later.
• Experion PKS for ELCN Bridge is Experion Release R501.4 or later.
• Experion TPS Nodes (ES-T, ESVT, E-APP, ACE-T) must be running Windows 10or Sever 2016 Operating
• The redundant pair of ESVTs must be running Windows Server 2016
• The Experion Base IP address must be configured
• The BOOTP Server service must be running on ESVT
• NCF clock must be configured on ESVT server
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Experion Local Control Network Specification
ELCN Bridge Configuration:
Configuration of the ELCN Bridge requires the following Experion applications:
• Control Builder (to configure ELCN Bridge or Appliance)
1.2.2 Experion LCN Appliance Nodes
An ELCN Appliance node is a UEA-based TPN personality that communicates through its legacy LCN interface (which
now communicates over FTE). An Experion LCN node has the same personality image as its LCN equivalent – no
modifications are needed to load the personality. ECLN nodes can be pure virtual machines, hardware-based (UEA),
or a mixture of both.
When all LCN nodes are converted to ELCN, the ELCN Bridge (UEA) can be decommissioned and used as a spare
part (an ELCN appliance, or bridge).
Experion Release 501 introduces the ELCN Bridge and functionality for Experion TPS nodes which only needs an
FTE connection (no LCNP4 card, MAU connection, or COAX cabling).
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Experion Local Control Network Specification
2 Experion LCN Architecture
2.1 Experion LCN System Architecture Overview
The diagram that follows is an example of a basic ELCN system that includes the following migration scenario:
1. A redundant pair of ELCN Bridge UEA boxes has been installed and connected to the LCN and FTE
2. The Microsoft Windows based nodes (E SVT , E S-T, ACE-T, and E-APP) have been converted from
LCNP4E-based nodes to run as Virtual Machines on x86 servers running Microsoft Windows operating
system. These Virtual Machines have been provided with thin clients. The diagram shows a Honeywell
Orion Console used for the control room thin clients.
3. The History Module has been virtualized to run as a Virtual Machine on an x86 server platform. The History
Module can be Physical on x86 server platform with Server 2016.
4. The K4LCN-based ENIM has been converted to UEA hardware. Note that the LCN NIM, AM, EPLCG, NG
and EHB with C300s can also be migrated to equivalent ELCN UEA nodes.
5. This example system requires the ELCN Bridge to get data from the remaining LCN NIM, AM, EPLCG, EHB
and NG for the Experion System.
6. The K4LCN-based NG has been converted to UEA hardware. Note the details of the NG Planning,
Installation, and Service are covered in the Experion Local Control Network Gateway Planning, Installation and Service Guide (HWDOC-X608-en-A).
Figure 1 Example of Experion LCN System Architecture Overview
Some LCN nodes that provide Man Machine Interface (MMI) are US, GUS and UxS. These will be converted to ELCN
variants (ES-T, ACE-T and E-APP nodes). ACE-T and E-APP not used for graphics or MMI. only ES-T or Flex can be
used to replace US, GUS and UxS.
These Experion LCN nodes can be either virtual nodes in VMware or the personality will be contained in a stand-alone
PC (bare-metal node), but there will be no LCN connected (LCN P4 E2) har dw ar e.
Legacy LCN based user interface nodes (also called MMI nodes) such as the Universal Station (US), the UxS (third
party user interface), and the GUS, must be converted to forms of ES-T.
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Experion Local Control Network Specification
Classically, all Windows based user interface nodes on the LCN used LCNP electronics (LCNP, LCNP4, LCNP4M,
LCNP4E and LCNP4E2) to attach to the LCN COAX. As these nodes are converted from the LCN COAX to FTE, the
LCNP electronics must be removed. Two options are available:
•The user interface node (ES-T, ESVT, E-APP or ACE-T) PC-based (Experion) software must be upgraded
to use both encapsulated LCN communication and the legacy LCN communication. This can be done if the
hardware platform of the bare-metal PC is still supported by the OS platform of Windows 10 (for ES-T) and
Server 2016 (for ACE-T, E-APP and ESVT). The upgraded user interface node may be used in the same
manner as before.
•Virtualize the user interface node and remove the old PC platform. This requires the use of a thin client and
peripherals (video, keyboard, cursor control, removable media, etc.) to provide user interface functions.
• ELCN Bridge (must be installed as a redundant pair)
• ACE-T (Application Control Environment - TPN connected, Physical and Virtual)
• ES-T (Experion Station - TPN connected, physical and virtual platforms)
• ESVT (Experion Server for TPS, physical and virtual platforms)
• E-APP (Experion APP node, physical and virtual platforms)
• HM (physical and virtual platforms)
• ENIM (UEA-based and virtual platforms)
• AM (UEA-based and virtual platforms)
• EPLCG (UEA-based and virtual platforms)
Note: Virtual EPLCG is not supported for production environment
• EHB (UEA-based and virtual platforms)
• NG (UEA-based and virtual platforms)
2.2 Experion LCN Hardware Overview
The Universal Embedded Appliance (UEA) is the hardware platform used for the ELCN Bridge and ELCN Appliance
nodes. It is a multipurpose platform, havi ng a 1U high r ac k -mount enclosure. It has two major subassemblies that
mate together; a processor module (front box) and a termination assembly (rear box). These subassemblies mate
together and reside in a 19-inch 1U rack mounting shelf. The shelf can house two side-by-side UEAs. Two UEAs can
be installed in a redundant configuration using redundancy cables that interconnect the primary and backup UEA
2.2.1 Universal Embedded Appliance Installation
UEAs are rack-mounted in Honeywell LCN cabinets or 19-inch rack mount server cabinets. Front and rear cabinet
access is required to accomplish cabinet mounting and module cabling. The UEA processor modules are removable
from the front of the rack by loosening two captivated retaining screws located behind “flip-up” latches. The
termination assembly may remain installed during the processor module removal or installation.
ELCN redundant module dimensions are shown below:
Figure 2 Dual UEA Installation Front View
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