Honeywell DBC2000E10, DBC2000E20, DBC2000E30 Handbook

ENS7003R16 KO65 2013
The Honeywell DBC2000 is a microprocessor-based
integrated bur ner c ontroller for automatically fired gas, oil or combination fuel industrial single bur ner power burner appli c ations. The DBC2000 system consists of the relay m odule and wir ing subbase. The DBC2000 Standard Model pr ov ides the minimum requirements to control an industrial burner system, such as automatic burner sequencing, fl am e supervision, system status indicati on, system or self-diagnostics and troubleshooting. The DBC2000 Enhanced Model includes an integrated Valve Proofing System, whilst the Ultimate model includes bus communication on top of this.
The DBC2000 is programmed to provide a level of
safety, functi onal c apability and features beyond the capacity of conventional controls.
Employs a plug-in mounting method
Uses a microprocessor to improve performance
Status and fault indication by indic ator LEDs
A 4-wire firing rate switching circuit controls an air
damper motor or other auxiliary equi pm ent during start-up of the bur ner .
Safe start check before and dur ing pre-purge
Dual flame amplifier for UV, IR or flam e rod sensor
Automatic rec ycle once per 24h of uninterrupted
heat demand.
Frontal jac k plug (Ø 3.5mm) to read the flame
signal with a microampere meter.
An electrical sub base loc k ( r eset and safety limit
terminals are swapped) to avoid that a Standard model is used systems wired for an Enhanced or Ultimate model. The DBC2000 cannot start then.
Safety shutdown occurs on
- malfuncti on of t he burner controller
- failure to ignite the pilot burner or main burner
- loss of flame duri ng r un peri od
- opening of air flow switch during pr e-pur ge, start-
up, run and post-purge period
- flame signal det ection during standby or pre-
purge period
Integrated Valv e P r oofing System (Enhanced and
Ultimate models only)
Remote bus communic ation (Ultimate m odel only)
1. Application 1
2. Features 1
3. Specifications 2
4. Dimensions 5
5. Installation and wiring 6
6. Operation 12
7. Trouble shooting 14
8. Approval s and Maint enanc e 23 Appendix: VPS calc ulation and diagrams 25
Importa nt no t e :
Subject to changes without notice. Please check our web site
for the most recent version of this document.
All rights reserv ed.
ENS7003R16 KO65 2013
Table 1: Model Se le c t io n Guide
Descr ipt io n / A pplicati on Supply voltage
DBC2000E10xx (*) Standard model
115V or 230V
(see detailed specs on page 4)
DBC2000E20xx (*) Enhanced model
DBC2000E30xx (*) Ultimate model (future release)
The Enhanced Model incl udes a Valve Proofing System.
The Ultimate model includes both r emote bus communication and a Valve Proofing System.
(*) xx depends on supply voltage and timings. For exact model num ber, plea se ref er to product selection m atrix ot technical catalogue on
Table 2: Sequence timing Standard Model
Waiting for
Waiting for
300s (max) 300s (max) 35s1) 3s 5s
3s2) 4s2) 15s3) 1s (max)
Default pre-purge time is 35s. Other timings on request, by OS number selection.
Set to 0s. when DBI function is enabled (terminal 22 jumpered to line voltage).
Set to 0s. when “no post-purge” feature is enabled (terminal 12 jumpered to line voltage).
Sequence at flame failure: immediat e lock out
Table 2a: Sequence timin g Enhanced and Ultimate Models
Waiting for
Waiting for
300s (max) 300s (max) 35s1) 3s 5s
3s2) 4s2) 15s3) 1s (max)
Default pre-purge time is 35s. Other timings on request, by OS number selection.
Set to 0s. when DBI function is enabled using the DIP-switches on the front, at the bottom lef t corner (F ig 4-5).
Set to 0s. when “no post-purge” feature is enabled using the DIP-switches on th e f ront, at the bottom left corner ( Fig 4-5).
Sequence at flame failure: immediate lock out
Table 3: Contact ratings
Load Contact rating
3 Blower / Fan 3A @ cosφ=0.6 4 Ignition transformer 3A @ cosφ=0.6 5 Intermittent pilot or main (DBI) valves 3A @ cosφ=0.6 6 Interrupted pilot 3A @ cosφ=0.6 7 Main (PI) valves 3A @ cosφ=0.6
12 Main (PI) valve 2 (ENH/ULT models only) 3A @ cosφ=0.6
8, 9, 10, 11 Control motor 0.5A @ cosφ=0.6
21 Alarm 0.5A @ cosφ=0.6
Total load (based on set): Max 8A (Internal Fuse : 10A) Total load (based on terminal 4,5,6,7): Max 5A (Internal Fuse : 6.3A)
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Table 4: Flame detection systems
Flame detector model no.
Max. lead wire
Standard stable flame
current on jack plug
UV detector C7027A, C7035A, C7044A < 100m 4µA (min)
14µA (max)
Flame rod Flame rod or rectifyi ng optical sensors,
C7012A,G (UV) or IRD1020.1 (IR)
< 15m 14µA (min)*
4µA (max)*
* When using a flame rod, the current on the flame jack plug is inverted. S ee also Fig 4-2.
Flame detector l eads are colour coded. The blue lead wire must be connected to the F terminal (T23) and the
white lead wire to the G terminal (T24). The UV sensing tube is polari ty sensit ive. Reversing the lead wires even momentaril y will destr oy the UV sensing tube.
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Mains input: Supply voltage
220 to 240Vac -15% +10% 50/60Hz or 110 to 120Vac -15% +10% 50/60Hz
Allowable ambien t Temperature & Humidity
-10 °C; +60°C 90% RH max. at 40°C (non-condensing)
Classificatio n to EN298 ( Chapter 4) F/B/L/L/X/N
F = Fan assisted B = Interrupted and Intermittent pilot capable
L (1
) = non-volatile lockout after flame loss
L (2
) = non-volatile lockout after flame loss final stage X = Fixed timings per model number N = Intermittent operation (non-self-check)
CE certification to EN298:2003 (gas, UV & flame rod) CE certification to EN230:2005 (oil, UV only) EN746-2 compliant AGA certified GOST-R listed
Power consumption
Protection class
Plug-in mounting method using sub-base
103mm x 103mm x 124mm (W x D x H) incl. sub base
Status in dic a t or LEDs
- Standby
- Purge
- Ignition
- Pilot
- Main
- Modulate
- Flame On
- Alarm The LEDs will shortl y blink as soon as power is appli ed to t he
DBC2000 and then as soon as there is a heat demand, indicate the bur ner sequence.
The LEDs are also used to indicate faults. For example, if a loss of flame signal oc c ur s during RUN, the LEDs for Alarm, Flame and Main will blink the fault code.
Jack plug
The flame signal can be measured using the jack plug (Ø
3.5mm) on the front, using a microampere meter. The measuring device m ust be c apable of reading microamperes between 2 and 15~20 µA.
Although the v oltage on t he jac k pl ug is of low voltage, it is not consi der ed to be safe when touching the wires connected to t he jac k plug, in case of a malfuncti on of t he devi c e. Therefor e av oid touching the lead wires to avoid an electrical shock.
Reset switch
When the DBC2000 is in Lockout condition* press the internal or remote reset button one time to reset the DBC2000 and stop the alarm. The reset button must be held for a minimum of 3 seconds. If the heat demand is still present, the DBC2000 will perform the start sequence normally when the fault condition has been resolved. Otherwise the lockout will repeat. If during the lock out condition the DBC2000 is de­energized and power is reapplied afterwards, the DBC2000 will rem ain in loc k out ( non-volatile lock out). A remote reset push button switc h c an be c onnec ted between termi nals 15 and 19 (Standard Model) or between termi nals 15 and 18 (Enhanc ed and Ultimate Model s). The f unctionality of the remote reset is the same as the red push butt on on the f r ont of the device, with one exc eption; the remote reset may occur only 5 times during 15 mi nutes of operation, whilst the internal reset button is unlimited.
* Remark: Lockout condition refers to the state the DBC2000 is in after a safety shut-down occurs and the lockout timing (20 Seconds), plus the post purge timing (15 Seconds - if enabled) have been completed. For safety reasons the reset button is disabled immediately aft er a safety shut-down until both of these above timings are completed. The lockout timi ng is fixed at 20 seconds for all models, to allow tim e for the air dampers to return to the start position, and to allow a safety time between ignition att em pts, for applications without pre- and post-purge.
Note: The Alarm and LED’s will indicate the fault immediately, but c annot be reset until the unit has progressed to the Lockout Condition.
Remote communication
- Under construction
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Fig. 1: External Dimensions (in mm)
Fig. 2: Mounting dimensions of sub-base and terminal layout
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When Installing this Product…
1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could damage the produc t or cause a hazardous condition.
2. Check the ratings giv en in the instructions and marked on the product t o m ake sure the produc t is suitable for the application.
3. Installer must be a trained, experienced, fl ame safeguard service technician.
4. After installation is completed, check out the product operation as provided in these instructions.
Fire or Explosion Hazard. Can cause property damage, severe injury, o r death.
Carefully f ollow safety requirements when installing a burner control .
Electrical Shock Hazard or Equipment/ Control Damage.
Disconnect power supply before beginning installation, to avoid electrical shock or equipment damage..
1. Wiring connections for the relay modules are
unique; refer to Fig. 3-2 or the appropriate Specifications for individual subbase wiri ng.
2. Wiring must comply with all appli c able c odes,
ordinances and regulat ions.
3. Wiring must comply with NEC Class 1
(Line Voltage) wiri ng.
4. Loads connected to the DBC2000E must not
exceed those listed on the relay module label or the Specificati ons; see Table 3.
5. Limits and interlock s must be rated t o
simultaneously c ar r y and break c ur r ent t o the ignition transformer and fuel valve(s).
6. All external timer s must be listed or component recognized by aut hori ties who have proper jurisdiction.
7. For on-off gas-fired systems, some authorities who have jurisdicti on pr ohibit the wiring of any limit or operating contacts in series between the flame safeguard control and the mai n fuel valve(s).
8. Two UV flame detect or s can be connec ted in parallel.
9. This equipment generat es, use s and can radiate radio frequency ener gy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, can cause interfer enc e with radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed t o pr ov ide reasonable protec tion against such interference when operated in an industrial or commercial environment. O per ation of this equipment in a residential area c an c ause interference, in which case, the users, at t heir own expense, may be required to take whatever measures are required to correct this interference.
10. T his digital apparatus complies with the requirements as stated in the EN298 standard.
11. Do not install the Burner Controll er under any circumstances in the following locations.
Where chemicals or corrosiv e gases are
present, such as ammonia, sulfur, chlorine, ethylene compounds, ac ids, etc.
Install the relay module where the relative
humidity never reaches the satur ation point. The relay module is designed t o oper ate in a maximum 85% relative humi dity continuous, noncondensing, moisture environment. Condensing moistur e c an c ause a saf ety shutdown or damage the devic e.
Where temperatures exceed the maximum
specificat ion for thi s device.
Where excessive continuous vi br ation exists.
12. Do not bundle power wiring and high voltage ignition cable with the flame detector wiring, or run them in parallel wit hin the same conduit. High voltage cables must be k ept separated at least 10 cm from the Burner Controller.
13. Use proper grounding work in accor danc e with the engineeri ng standar ds for electrical equipment
14. Connect the high voltage cabl e of t he ignition transformer pr operl y to t he ignition electrode. A poor connection c an c ause an el ectr ic al shock or damage the equipment . Additionally the ignition transformer must be properly grounded according the standards.
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1. Loosen the M3 fixing screw as shown in F ig. 1 by about eight turns using a Phili ps head screwdriver.
2. Take the subbase and cover with both hands and unfold them gently. Fold the relay module upwards, the turni ng point is on the top. Do not apply excessive force, otherwise damage may occur.
3. Punch out the needed conduit knockout holes for the wiring as shown i n Figs 1 and 2, and install the wiring conduit (s).
4. Using the fixing screws, mount the subbase in the specified position.
Avoid to overtighten the fixat io n screw on the
front of the device, to avoid damaging the (Phillips) head o f the screw.
1. For applications with a UV detector, remov e the jumper terminal located at the t erminal block on the bo ttom of the relay module.
2. For applications using remote communicati on, connect communication cable to “BUS” terminal located at the terminal block on the bottom of the relay module. In addition, set the communic ation address uring the rotary switches at the bo ttom of the relay module.
1. Fig. 2 shows the lay out of the terminals on the subbase, and Figs. 3-1 to 3-3 show examples of connections to external equipment. Regarding the wiring to the flame detector, refer to Fig. 4.
2. When using Intermittent Pilot, connect the pilot valve to Terminal 5. Connect the main valves to Terminal 7 (Enhanced and Ultimate models: connect main valve 1 to Terminal 7 and main valve 2 to Terminal 12 for the VPS function)
3. When using Interrupted Pilot, connect the pilot valve to Terminal 6. Connect the main valv es to Terminal 7 (Enhanced and Ultimate models: connect main valve 1 to Terminal 7 and main valve 2 to Terminal 12 for the VPS function)
4. When using direct ignition (DBI), jumper Terminals 15 and 22. And connect the Main(DB I) valves to Terminal 5.
5. When not using purge positi on interlock, jumper Terminals 15 and 16.
6. When not using start posi tion interlock, jumper Terminals 13 and 17.
7. When not purge and start posi tion interlocks, jumper Terminal s 15 and 16 as well as Termi nals 13 and 17 simultaneously.
8. Connect the safety switc h ci r c uit (lockout interlocks) bet ween Terminals 15 and 18. The safety switch cir c uit must be cl osed al way s, otherwise a lockout oc c ur s immediately.
9. For non-floating mains power grids (Neutral to Ground), connec t t he Line-L to Terminal 1 and t he Line-N to Terminal 2. Use a corr ect fuse: 10A fast bl ow maximum.
10. Check all wiring circuits and assure that the correct fuse is installed. Check the correct voltage.
11. F inally plug the relay module on to its sub base and fix it with the M3 fixing screw. Do not overtight the screw.
12. When using a surge absorber, connect it between Terminal 2 and application ground.
13. Connect the mains supply volt age usi ng 0.75mm
or larger lead wire.
14. Never connect blank stripped wir es to the wiring sub base. Loose wire strands may c ause short circuits to elec tric ally safe contacts which may cause an electri c al shock haz ar d.
Always use cable lugs to attach the wires to th e
sub base.
See Fig 2-1 for do’s and don’ts about wiring.
Fig. 2-1: Wiring the sub base terminals
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Note: terminals 18 and 19 are swapped for the Standard and Enhanced/Ultimate models. This is to prevent that a Standard model can be used by mistake in a system that is wired for an Enhanced or Ultimate model.
Fig. 3-1: Terminal layout
Fig. 3-2: Example of wiring to external equipment (see fig 3-3 for more)
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Fig. 3-3: More examples of wiring to external equipment
Fig. 4-1: Wiring a flam e detector
There is line voltage on fl am e sensor inputs. Don’t touch the lead wires of the UV detector or the flame sensing electrode t o avoi d an electri c al shock.
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Flame signal monitoring
Fig. 4-2: Real flame current versus reading on frontal jack plug.
Note: The flame signal strengt h on the flame current jack plug is only for reference
and can vary between differ ent DBC2000 devices. When measuring the fl am e signal c ur r ent direc tly in the flame sensor wiring whilst:
1. Using a flame rod, the (multi -)meter will show the real flame current in µA.
2. Using a UV sensor (C7027, C7035 or C7044), the current in the sensor lead wires will be in the range of 20…25mA (inverted values).
Fig. 4-3: Measuring flame signal with multi meter (µA range selection) using a jack plug.
STD & ENH Models (flame detector sel ec t only) ULT Model (bus connector and address switches)
Fig. 4-4: Position of flame sensor selection jumpers and bus connector on the back of the DBC2000.
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1. Post-purge or no post-purge
Post-purge mode
(default for all DBC2000E models): before going to standby after heat demand has ended, the DBC2000E performs a 15s post-purge cycle t o ventilate the burner chamber, with the bl ower swit c hed on and the firing rate in low positi on to save energy.
No post-purge mode
(selectabl e option): the DBC2000E goes to standby with the blower switched off immediately after heat demand ends and the firing rate goes to low position.
STD model:
To enable no post-purge, apply line voltage to terminal 12 on the wiring base. Practically this means that a jumper is placed bet ween term inals 1 (L) and 12.
ENH/ULT models:
To enable no-post-purge, make the correct DIP­switch setti ng on the front of t he DB C2000E . SW1 = POSTPURGE select. Factory set to post-purge (SW1=off). See fig. 4-5 to locate the DIP switches.
2. Pilot Ignition (PI) or Direct main Burner Ig nit i on (DBI)
PI mode
(default): the main burner is ignited indirectly by usi ng an interrupted or intermittent pilot flame. Aft er the pilot is ignited and stabelized, the DBC2000E goes for a second trial of ignition (2
safety and main stabilization are
3s) to ignite the mai n burner. DBI mode
(selectabl e option): the intermittent pilot ignition cycle is used to ignite the main burner directl y via the spark igniter. The second trial for ignition has become redundant in this mode. In DBI mode the 2
safety and main stabilizati on times are 0s and DBC2000E goes straight into running/modulate after pil ot stabilization.
STD model:
To enable DBI mode, apply li ne v oltage to terminal 22 on the wiring base. Practically this means that a jumper is placed bet ween term inals 1 (L) and 22.
ENH/ULT models:
To enable DBI mode, make the correct DIP-switch setting on the front of t he DBC2000E. SW2 = DBI/PI select. Factory set to PI (SW2=off). See fig. 4-5 to locate the DIP switches.
3. Valve Proofing System – VPS (ENH/ULT models only)
Connect a gas pressure switc h ( such as the C6097A2210) to terminal 22 on the wiring base (N.O. contact). Rule of thumb: adjust t he pr essure switc h to 0.5x the inlet pressure.
Table 5: VPS function:
VPS enabled SW3 = on
VPS is being perform ed
VPS disabled SW3 = off
VPS is not used (default)
VPS pre-config
SW4 = on SW5 = off
The VPS test cycle i s
performed duri ng pr e-purge cycle, right aft er the heat
demand has started.
VPS post-config
SW4 = off
SW5 = on
The VPS test cycle i s
performed ri ght after the heat
demand has ended.
VPS both config
SW4 = on
SW5 = on
The VPS test cycle i s
performed before and after
the heat demand cycle.
Table 6: VPS timing:
VPS test time 25s
SW6=on SW7=on
VPS test time 20s
SW6=on SW7=off
VPS test time 15s
SW6=off SW7=on
VPS test time 10s (default)
SW6=off SW7=off
SW1: Post-p urg e use (default: off = post-purge enabled) SW2: DBI/PI select
(default: off = PI enabled)
SW3: VPS use
(def ault: off = dis abled)
SW4: VPS pre-config
(default: off = dis abled)
SW5: VPS post-config
(default: off = disabled)
SW6: VPS test time
(default: off = see timing table)
SW7: VPS test time
(default: off = see timing table)
SW8: Not used (for future use)
Note for DIP switches:
on = upwards off = downwards
Fig 4-5 Configurati on DIP switc hes (VPS) on the front of the DB C2000E (ENH/ ULT only)
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