Controller Designer Software
-52-03-43, November 2019
Controller Designer software for the ControlEdge HC900
Controller is an easy-to-u se Windows-ba sed applic at io n
that is operable over Ethernet, a serial port or modem
connection to simplify controlle r configur ation. Designer
software supported in Engli sh and M andarin lan gua ge.
When used with the C70 series CPUs with dual Ethernet
capability, Controller Designer software supports
verification of both communication ports and may be used
with either port.
Figure 1 - Controller Designer Software
It provides advanced monitoring functions for debug,
allows RUN/PGM-mode configuration changes, uploads
the complete, annotated graphic controller control
strategy, plus supplies an array of reports for enhanced

• Graphic drag and drop, soft-wire configuration
• Supports configuration edit downloads in RUN
• Version Control System
• User Library Creation
• Configures:
Peer-to-peer data exchange (Peer and
safety peer communication)
Recipes, SP profiles,
SP Schedules, Sequences
Alarms, events, e-mail alarms/event s
Modbus Serial and Modbus TCP
Master communications
• Graphic function block configuration and
• Allows graphic configuration partitioning for
Process and Safety
• Extensive on-line monitoring features including:
User defined and pre-def ined watch
Power flow indication
Function block pin values
Multiple function block access
Signal trace-back to source
• 5 Zoom levels for detail viewing
• On-line diagnostic windows for analyzing
controller, I/O, network host and controller peer
• Supports Ethernet, RS 485 direct connection to
access controller
• Supported OS:
Windows™ 7 (32 and 64 bit OS)
Windows™ 8.1 (32 and 64 bit OS)
Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit OS)
The ControlEdge HC900 Controller Designer provides
separate functional tabbed worksheets for:
• Controller hardware setup
• 559 Operator interface setup
• Function block configuration for Process
• Function block configuration for Safety
• Utilities, communication ports setup and other
diagnostic support.
• Custom Modbus Map
The user-friendly graphic function block development
environment allows partitioning of the control strategy into
up to 160 (40 for version below 6.6) “worksheets” of 20
pages each.
This allows the configuration to be organized according to
Process and Safety fun ction, providing faster
configuration access, and improved documentation. In
addition, OEMs may apply additional security to specific
worksheets to prohibit access to proprietary operations
while allowing their customers to modify unprotected
worksheets. For maximum security, the default password
access feature for worksheets may be disabled.
Function Blocks are selected from a categorized list,
dropped on a selected worksheet page, and soft-wired to
other blocks directly or via tag references. Index numbers
allow users to read or write data within the block when
the data type is not brought to an output pin of the object.
Editing tools such as box copy and paste speed
development. You may also copy and paste portions of
strategies from other configurations. The Undo feature
provides a convenient method to reverse incorre ct or
undesired actions.
Configuration Management
The controller configuration file may be imported directly
into Station Designer software for configuring 900 Control
Station operator interfaces. Maintaining controller and
operator interface configuration files that match the actual
configuration being executed in the controller is a simple
task with Controller Designer’s configuration upload
capability. When a PC with Controller Designer software
is in communication with the controller, the Upload
feature reads the configuration from the controller’s
memory and back-builds an exact configuration file in the
PC, including all text annotations used to describe
functional areas. This file can then be saved to disk as a
back-up and downloaded when needed to simplify
New versions of Controller Designer software may be
used to develop configurations for older controller
versions. Configurations developed for early firmware
versions of ControlEdge HC900 Controllers are
automatically converted to be compatible with newer
controller versions when saved as the desired version
level. All controllers in the ControlEdge HC900 product
line are supported with the same software. Configurations
developed with Control Builder software version 5.0 for
UMC800 Controllers may also be converted for use with
ControlEdge HC900 controllers.

Configuration Edits-RUN Mode
Configuration changes such as block additions or
substitutions and soft-wiring can be transferred to the
controller during the RUN/PRGM mode, avoiding
initialization. All outputs and status are held during a
minimal transfer time after which processing continues at
the start of a scan. Changes with I/O module updates
require additional time. The amount of time the outputs
will be held, typically several seconds, is presented to the
user at the time of download along with options to
Configuration changes downloaded to the controller while
the controller is in the Program mode, or if cold start is
selected while in the Run mode, all controller outputs are
turned off and a re-initialization of the controller database
is executed.
Configuration File Properties
Configuration file properties are maintained during
configuration development ide ntify ing the date of initial
file creation and the date of the last file modifi cati on.
Areas are provided to include a configuration name and
the name of the author. During configuration, a Statistics
summary (Figure 2) indicates the amount of controller
resources used by the configuration and the amount of
resources available. Security is provided via password
entry to limit access to the entire configuration or to only
user specified configuration wor ksheets.
Figure 2 - File properties

File Browser shows all open files (configurations,
Main Menu
Function-related Tool Bar
Config tab lists all configured blocks,
Functional Tabs (left to right) (see page 20 for details):
Edit mode Overview
recipes, data storage, and backup)
block for properties
Controller - lists I/O used, e-mail alarms
Display - format select, tag assignment , F-key assignment (limited to versions prior to 6.0)
Function Blocks - graphic configuration (shown above)
Modbus Map – shows custom Modbus addresses
Utilities - setup for ports, data storage, time, calibration and diagnostics
click on any block to find.
Worksheet Toolbox lists available
Function Blocks and software tools,
categorized by tabs Normal/Fast Scan &
by block type.

On-Line Monitoring Features
Controller Designer on-line monitoring tools allows quick analysis of configuration problems. Tools include:
1. Multiple function block monitor access on a single display from multiple worksheets. Most internal
parameters are available for read/write plus block outputs may be forced including I/O and logic blocks. Principle
blocks such as PID, Setpoint Programmer and Sequencers have dialog boxes to allow operation and test. Stored
profiles or sequences may also be selected on-line.
Figure 3 - Multiple function block monitoring
2. Logic Power Flow indication. You can choose solid green = ON/dotted red = OFF or solid red = ON/dotted green
= OFF to indicate power flow.
Figure 4 - Logic power fl ow

On-Line Monitoring Features (cont’d)
3. User-selected Watch Window. Allows access to digital and analog I/O, Signal Tags, Variables), and custom
display data groups by tab selection. A custom Watch Window may also be created by selecting parameters from
the configuration diagram. Write capability from Watch Windows is supported. Variables on the safety worksheet
must be enabled and restricted to non-critical safety functions for writing while operating in the safe mode. Writes
are then enabled utilizing the associated Write Variables function (WVAR) located on the process worksheet.
Figure 5 - User defined watch window
4. Dynamic function blocks input and output values. Provided when monitoring the function blocks of the
configuration diagram, the dynamic value presentation may be limited to a single pin, a single function block, or it
may encompass the entire display window.
Figure 6 - Dynamic function block values
5. Signal Trace-back for any function block input. Used to find the signal source for quick identification of potential
6. FIND. A FIND function allows location of multiple instances of specific tags across all worksheets.

On-Line Monitoring Features (cont’d)
7. Recipe Management. A separate Recipe Management feature allows creating, editing, copying and exporting
recipes, profiles, schedules an d sequen ce s to allow transferr i ng th is infor mat ion between configurations and
8. Diagnostic Monitoring. Provided in the Utilities section of the software to view controller status, I/O rack status
and communication port diagnostics sta tus for both serial and network ports. A search function to
locate/force/unforce function blocks is also provided.
Figure 7 - Forced blocks window (left), Diagnostic mon itor in g windo w
900 Control Station
When configuring 900 Control Station , the confi guration file from Controller Designer is imported into Station Designer
software to simplify database management when building displays. Database mismatches between the controller and
operator interface configurations are detected at run-time of the interface.