Honeywell International Inc. (“HII”) reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice,
and the reader should in all cases consult HII to determine whether any such
changes have been made. The information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of HII.
HII shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained
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This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.
All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of
or registered trademarks of other companies and are the property of their
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The 5010/5080 or 5110/80 Image Engine, integrated into an OEM device, may
require testing by the OEM to insure compliance with the following federal
47 CFR Part 15
EC’s Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2004/108/EC) and Low
Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC)
For CE-related inquiries, please contact:
Honeywell Imaging & Mobility - Europe BV
Nijverheidsweg 9-13
5627 BT Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Honeywell shall not be liable for use of our product with equipment (i.e., power
supplies, personal computers, etc.) that is not CE marked and does not comply
with the Low Voltage Directive.
CB Scheme
IEC 60950-1 Second Edition
UL/c-UL (Recognized Component)
UL 60950-1 Second Edition, 2007-03-27
CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07, 2nd Edition, 2007-03
LED Safety Statement
LEDs have been tested and classified as “EXEMPT RISK GROUP” to the standard IEC 62471:2006.
Laser Safety Statement
LASER has been tested and classified as a “Class 1 LASER Product” to the
standard IEC 60825-1(2007) Second Edition for 5310/5380 models only.
The Standard also states that the following be included in all user documentation, spec sheets, and brochures, which describe this product:
Caution: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other
Note: This warning states that altering the inner parts of the laser engine in a
than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
way not specified in the user guide may cause light levels to exceed Class
1 limits. It is not an issue when using under normal conditions.
Legal - i
ESD Precautions
The 5X10/80 is shipped in ESD safe packaging. Use care when handling the
scan engine outside its packaging. Be sure grounding wrist straps and properly
grounded work areas are used.
Dust and Dirt
The 5X10/80 must be sufficiently enclosed to prevent dust particles from
gathering on the imager and lens. Dust and other external contaminants will
eventually degrade unit performance.
Code Page Mapping of Printed Bar Codes..................A-5
Getting Started
The 5X10/80 series of products is designed for integration into a wide range of
OEM devices. The engine’s compact mechanical design can drop into many
existing applications, allowing OEMs and third-party manufacturers to integrate
the benefits of image-based scanning into a variety of devices, including
handheld computers (PDTs), medical instrumentation, diagnostic equipment,
and robotics.
Two different decoding configurations provide OEMs the flexibility required to
address various application-specific needs. The 5X10, with linear and PDF417
decoding, delivers "laser-like" reading on linear codes, and point-and-shoot on
stacked codes. The 5X80 full-featured decoder incorporates Honeywell
comprehensive list of decoding capabilities. A Software Developers Kit provides
a simple software interface (APIs) to help ease integration. For software updates
and additional information, visit the Honeywell website at
About This Manual
This User’s Guide provides demonstration, installation, and programming
instructions for the engine. Product specifications, dimensions, warranty, and
customer support information are also included.
Honeywell’s bar code engines are factory programmed for the most common
terminal and communications settings. If you need to change these settings,
programming is accomplished by scanning the bar codes in this guide.
An asterisk (*) next to an option indicates the default setting.
Unpacking the Engine
After you open the shipping carton containing the OEM Engine, take the
following steps:
• Check to make sure everything you ordered is present.
• Save the shipping container for later storage or shipping.
• Check for damage during shipment. Report damage immediately to the
carrier who delivered the carton.
1 - 1
OEM Engine Models
There are three models of the OEM Engine, which may be used with many
interfaces described in this manual. Refer to the chart below to determine the
models that can be used with your interface.
The following interfaces apply to all OEM Engine focal distances and decoding
ModelsInterfaceDecoding Capability
5X10XX-XXX3USB 1.1Linear
5X80XX-XXX3USB 1.1Linear
a. This output format allows direct connection to a PC RS-232 serial port.
TTL Level 232 inverted
TTL Level 232 inverted
Note: The 5X80 decoded out image engine can be used by customers to
evaluate the 5X00 non decoded out image engine. Refer to the 5X00
Integration Manual for detailed part numbers and integration information.
Stacked Linear
Stacked Linear
Stacked Linear
Stacked Linear
1 - 2
Connecting the Development Engine to the PC
The development OEM Engine can connect to a PC for evaluation.
1. Turn off power to the terminal/computer.
2. If using a USB connection, connect the included interface cable to the
engine and to the matching USB port on the back of the computer. Skip to
step 5.
Note: For additional USB programming and technical information, refer to
Honeywell’s “USB Application Note,” available at
1 - 3
3. If using an RS-232 connection, connect the serial interface cable to the
RS-232 Interface
engine and to the matching port on the back of the computer.
4. Connect the power supply connector to the serial interface cable. Plug in the
power supply.
5. Turn the terminal/computer power back on. The engine beeps.
6. If connecting the Development Engine using an RS-232 interface, all
communication parameters between the imager and terminal must match for
correct data transfer through the serial port using RS-232 protocol. Scan
the RS-232 interface bar code below. This programs the Development
Engine for an RS-232 interface at 115,200 baud, parity–none, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit, and adds a suffix of a CR LF.
7. Verify the engine operation by scanning a bar code from the Sample
Symbols in the back of this manual. The engine beeps once when a bar
code is successfully decoded.
To connect an 5X10/80 engine to your host system, please refer to the
Integration Manual.
1 - 4
Reading Techniques
Linear bar code2D Matrix symbol
The engine has a view finder that projects a bright red or green aiming beam that
corresponds to the engine’s horizontal field of view. The aiming beam should be
centered over the bar code, but it can be positioned in any direction for a good
The aiming beam is smaller when the engine is closer to the code and larger
when it is farther from the code. Symbologies with smaller bars or elements (mil
size) should be read closer to the unit. Symbologies with larger bars or elements
(mil size) should be read farther from the unit. To read single or multiple
1 - 5
symbols (on a page or on an object), hold the engine at an appropriate distance
from the target, send a trigger command, and center the aiming beam on the
symbol. If the code being scanned is highly reflective (e.g., laminated), it may
be necessary to tilt the code +
5° to prevent unwanted reflection.
1 - 6
RS-232 Interface
IBM SurePos
(USB Handheld Imager)
IBM SurePos
(USB Tabletop Imager)
Getting Connected
Plug and Play
Plug and Play bar codes provide instant engine set up for commonly used
Note: After you scan one of the codes, power cycle the host terminal to have
the interface in effect.
The RS-232 Interface bar code is used when connecting to the serial port of a
PC or terminal. The following RS-232 Interface bar code also programs a
carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) suffix, baud rate, and data format as
indicated below:
Baud Rate115200 bps
Data Format8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit
IBM SurePos
Scan one of the following “Plug and Play” codes to program the OEM Engine for
IBM SurePos (USB Handheld imager) or IBM SurePos (USB Tabletop imager).
Note: After scanning one of these codes, you must power cycle the cash
2 - 1
Each bar code above also programs the following suffixes for each symbology:
Note: The following USB “Plug and Play” codes (USB Keyboard - PC, USB
Keyboard - Mac, and USB HID) are supported on specific OEM Engine
models. Refer to OEM Engine Models on page 1-2 to determine if this
interface applies to your engine.
Scan the following code to program the OEM Engine for USB HID bar code
imagers. Scanning this code changes the terminal ID to 131.
USB COM Port Emulation
Scan the following code to program the OEM Engine to emulate a regular RS232-based COM port. If you are using a Microsoft
to download a driver from the Honeywell website
driver will use the next available COM port number. Apple® Macintosh
computers recognize the engine as a USB CDC class device and automatically
use a class driver. Scanning the code below changes the terminal ID to 130.
Windows® PC, you will need
). The
Note: No extra configuration (e.g., baud rate) is necessary.
2 - 2
RS-232 True and RS-232 TTL
RS-232 True and RS-232 TTL
USB PC Keyboard
USB Mac Keyboard
USB SurePOS (Handheld Imager)
USB IBM SurePOS (Tabletop Imager)
USB PC Keyboard
USB Mac Keyboard
IBM SurePOS (Handheld Imager)
USB IBM SurePOS (Tabletop Imager)
2 - 3
USB Japanese Keyboard (PC)
* Off
* Off
USB Japanese Keyboard
CTS/RTS Emulation
2 - 4
Terminal ID
Terminal Interfaces
Terminal ID
If you want to change the pre-programmed interface of your image engine, refer
to Supported Terminals, below.
For example, a USB HID POS device has a Terminal ID of 131. You would scan
the Terminal ID bar code, then 1, 3, 1 from the Programming Chart inside the
back cover of this manual, then Save. If you make an error while scanning the
digits (before scanning Save), scan the Discard code on the Programming
Chart, scan the Terminal ID bar code, scan the digits, and the Save code again.
Note: After scanning one of these codes, you must power cycle your computer.
Supported Terminals
Ter mi nalModel(s)
IBM SurePOS USB Handheld Imager
IBM SurePOSUSB Tabletop Imager
RS-232 True
RS-232 TTL
USB COM Port Emulation
USB PC Keyboard
USB Mac Keyboard
USB Japanese Keyboard
Termi nal
3 - 1
RS-232 Baud Rate
* 115,200
Baud Rate sends the data from the imager to the terminal at the specified rate.
The host terminal must be set for the same baud rate as the imager.
Default = 115,200
3 - 2
RS-232 Word Length: Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Odd
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 2 Stop Parity None
* 8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd
Data Bits
application requires only ASCII Hex characters 0 through 7F decimal (text, digits,
and punctuation), select 7 data bits. For applications which require use of the
full ASCII set, select 8 data bits per character.
Stop Bits
Default = None.
sets the word length at 7 or 8 bits of data per character. If an
sets the stop bits at 1 or 2.
provides a means of checking character bit patterns for validity.
Default = 8.
Default = 1.
3 - 3
RS-232 Receiver Time-Out
RS-232 Receiver Time-Out
The unit stays awake to receive data until the RS-232 Receiver Time-Out
expires. A trigger command resets the time-out. When an RS-232 receiver is
sleeping, a character may be sent to wake up the receiver and reset the timeout. A transaction on the CTS line will also wake up the receiver. The receiver
takes 300 milliseconds to completely come up. Change the RS-232 receiver
time-out by scanning the bar code below, then scanning digits from the inside
back cover of this manual, then scanning
. The range is 0 to 300 seconds.
Default = 0 seconds (no time-out - always on).
RS-232 Handshaking
RS-232 handshaking is a set of rules concerning the exchange of data between
serially communicating devices.
If using RTS/CTS handshaking, the imager issues an active RTS signal to the
receiving device. The imager waits to send its data until it detects an active CTS
signal from the receiving device. The imager then sends its data while checking
the CTS signal before the transmission of each data character. If an inactive
CTS signal is detected at any time, the imager halts transmission until it detects
another active CTS signal. When the imager has finished transmitting data, it
issues an inactive RTS signal to the receiving device.
XON/XOFF Off, and ACK/NAK Off.
Default = RTS/CTS Off,
3 - 4
TTL Level 232 Interface
The 5X80 provides a TTL level serial 232 communication link. TTL Level 232
Inverted is the “normal” mode that allows direct communication from the 5X80 to
a standard PC RS-232 serial port with the use of cable (part number 42206139-
Non-Inverted serial TTL communication is provided to allow direct connection to
a TTL UART port, or to an RS-232 driver integrated circuit. Note that if theTTL
Level 232 Non-Inverted bar code is scanned, the 5X80 will no longer
communicate with a standard PC RS-232 port.
TTL Level 232 Inverted with Polarity Override allows direct communication from
the 5X80 to a standard PC RS-232 serial port with the use of cable (part number
42206139-04). This setting also allows you to override the polarity externally.
Note: For further information on the TTL Level 232 Interface, refer to the 5X10/
80 Integration Manual.
3 - 5
Default = TTL Level 232 Inverted with Polarity Override.
TTL Level 232 Inverted
TTL Level 232 Non-Inverted
* TTL Level 232 Inverted
with Polarity Override
3 - 6
* On
* On
Image VGA
You can set the image size to a VGA resolution, if necessary, to accommodate
older applications that require a smaller image size. When Image VGA is set to
On, the resultant image is 640x480 pixels. When Image VGA is Off, your image
is 752x480 pixels.
Good Read Indicators
Beeper – Good Read
The beeper may be programmed On or
this option off, only turns off the beeper response to a good read indication. All
error and menu beeps are still audible.
Note: Changes to Beep Polarity (see page 4-5) also affect the Beeper-Good
Read signal.
Default = On.
in response to a good read. Turning
Default = On.
4 - 1
Beeper Volume – Good Read
Low (1600 Hz)
* Medium (3250 Hz)
High (4200 Hz)
The beeper volume codes modify the volume of the beep the imager emits on a
good read.
Default = Medium for the 5X10, High for the 5X80.
Beeper Pitch – Good Read
The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the beep the imager
emits on a good read.
Default = Medium.
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