1/3 bias, 1/4 duty, 32×4 pattern,
3.0V LCD driver
General Description
HT1134A is an LCD Pin Ball game designed by
HOLTEK. It has a built-in sound effect driver to
create vivid resul ts. It is much like a real pin
ball. This game contains five levels. The higher
the level is, the faster is the speed. Wh en the
LCD Pattern
Pin Ball LCD Game
12 kinds of sound effects
RC oscillator
score reaches a certain number, the level goes
up. The highest score is up to 19990. The level
can be set up before the ga me starts. It is not
necessary to start from level 1-1.
1 24th Dec ’98

Functional Description
Key descripti o n
Pressing this key at any ti me resets the sys-
tem back to the starting condition and the
highest score is cleared.
Pressing this key any time after power on, can
temporarily stop the game, freeze the screen
and stop the sound effects. Press this key
again, and the game will continue. During the
pause condition, all the other keys have no
effect except OFF and RESET key.
Pressing this key any time after power on,
can clear the screen. Except turning on the
power again, all the other keys are disabled
and the entire system goes into the low power
mode. It is similar with the powe r off condition, however, the highest records are kept.
This key can turn the sound effects on or off
without disturbing the game. Wh en power is
on, press this key to turn off the sound effects.
Press it again to restore the sound effects.
When power is off, thi s key is to turn on the
power. When power is on, this key is to restart
the game.
Press this key to move up two flips on the left
of the screen. When it is released, the flips are
moved down.
At the beginning of the game, this functions as
in serving a ball. Wh en the b all gets into the
activity zone, it becomes a right flip which has
the same function as LFLIP.
Operationa l desc r i p t i o n
There are five levels in thi s game. Each level
has different shifting speed. The higher the
level is, the faster is the speed. When
START/ON key is pressed, the highest score is
shown and the initi al le vel is dis pla yed . P layer
can press RFLIP to select the level . After that,
press START/ON key to start the game. Press
RFLIP to serve the ball, when the ball drops,
depending on its position press LFLIP or RFLIP
to flip the ball and prevent it from droppi ng to
the goal. The strength to serve a ball depends on
the length of time alloted in pressing RFLIP
key . There is a gate at the bottom left side of the
screen. The gate will open or clos e at interva ls.
The ball should be prevented from dropping
down to the gate when it is open. There are only
three balls served in each level. When the score
reaches 3000 or 7000, one ball is relatively
added as bonus. When power is on, or player
has to select a level, or when the game is over, if
the player does not press any key at any one of
the three conditions, then it automatically goes
into free run within one minute. During free
run, if START/ON or OFF key is pressed, then
the game starts, or the power is off. Otherwise,
if the free run lasts about 4 minutes 20 seconds,
the power is automatically turned off. The highest score is lost only when RESET key is
pressed or when the battery is changed.
LCD test pattern
At any time, press LFLIP or RFLIP key simul-
taneously with RESET ke y, then release the
RESET key, all the LCD patterns are shown.
When LFLIP or RFLIP key is also release d,
the program goes back to normal.
2 24th Dec ’98

Counting method
10 score is counted wh en the ball is touched
once with left or right flip.
10 score is counted wh en the ball is touched
once with the three circles. 30 score is counted
if it gets into any one of the circles.
30 score i s counted whe n the ball is pa ssing
through the left or the right gate.
50 score is counted when the ball gets into the
two circles located between screen.
30 score is counted when the ball gets into the
gate at the bottom left.
When the ball is served, 10 or 20 or 30 score is
counted depending on the path it takes to get
into the activity zone. The smaller the
strength to serve the ball, the lower is the
Sound effects
There are 12 kinds of sound effects in this game.
Power on sound
Game start
Sound of serving a ball
Sound that the ball is touch ed with circle or
right or left flip
Sound that the ball gets into the circle
Sound that the ball gets into the rotating circle
Sound that the ball is shifting
Sound that the ball is in the hole
Sound that the ball is passing through the
Sound that the ball is dropping into the goal
Game over sound
Sound that the flips flip th e ball
3 24th Dec ’98