The HT1132A is a single chip Space War LCD
Game designed by HOLTEK. This LCD Game
has two modes (mode 1 and mode 2) of playing.
In mode 1, enem y’s space shuttle app ears with
two types of musical accompaniment a t different stages and shoots
the player ’s space shuttle. The player ’s space
shuttle then immediatel y shifts right or left to
avoid the attack and fires back with his own
LCD Pattern
α, β, or γ laser beams at
Built-in sound generator
RC oscillator
laser beams. In mode 2, enemy’s space shuttle
can quickly shift from up to down or from left to
right, but it can not fire laser beams. The
player’s space shuttl e can move righ t or left to
the best position for firing laser beams. If it hits
the target, a 50 bonus point is award ed and a
HAPPY melody is played. If no target is hit,
then no score is added and a sad melody is
117th Nov ’98
Functional Description
Key description
This key can clear the mem ory and registers
to zero or restore the default value in the
system. The intern al program can be reiniti ated.
This key can restart the game at any time.
However, the highest score record will be
Pressing this key at any time temporarily
stops the on-goin g game. The screen wil l remain still and the sound effects will be
switched off. If it is pre ssed again, the game
This key can turn off the melody sound effects
without influence on the game. Press it again,
and the music resumes.
This key is to fire the player ’s laser beam. It
has no effect when player ’s laser beam does
not hit enemy’s space shuttle or before it disappears.
When force enhance ment machine is shifted
to the bottom, move the player’s space shuttle
to the extreme right, and the n pres s thi s key.
The player ’s space shuttle is with enhanced
Pressing this key at any time will stop the
system and remain in the HALT condition.
However, the highest score recorded will b e
Pressing this key moves the player’s space
shuttle to the left.
Pressing this key moves the player’s space
shuttle to the right.
LCD test pattern
First, press the ATTACK Key and hold it,
then press RESET or the START/ON Key.
All the pattern dots are shown on the
screen. When the ATTACK Key is released,
the game program is executed.
Auto off function key
When PPO of Port P is connected to VDD, it
automatically turns off after two minutes of
no activity . When PPO is connected to GND,
it automatically turns off after four minutes
of no activity. (*PPO cannot be floating)
Operational desc r i p tion
There are two modes: MODE 1 an d MODE 2.
When the RIGHT Key is pressed and then the
RESET or START/ON Key is pressed, it gets
into MODE2, otherwise MODE1.
START/ON Key is pressed and MODE1 is
on. Highest stage and highest score are
shown on the screen. Th e game sta rts from
level 1-1; the score is countin g from 0000;
and the player’s space shuttle appears.
217th Nov ’98
The player’s space shuttl es consist of thre e
types. In accordance with the different
weapon equipm ents, there are three kinds
of laser beams (
α, β, γ). Τ he energy propor-
tion is 1:2:4. Enemy’s space shuttles are also
equipped with
α, β, γ laser beams. Their
energy proportion is 1:2:4. For example, destroying the enem y’s sp ace sh uttl e “ ”
needs to fire either
β once or α twice, while γ
could penetrate it. Energy contrast table is
shown as follows:
At the major stage, if the space shuttle is hit
three times, then the game is ove r. In such
circumstances, if the START/ON or OFF
key is not pressed within 4 seconds, the
game goes into free-run mode. The free-run
mode’s auto power-off timer can be set by
adjusting the PPO switch of port P to 1 for a
4-minute time-out or to 0 for a 2-minute
During the game, the enemy’s spacecraft,
the player’s laser fire, and destructive
sounds are all accompanie d by their corresponding sound effects. A melody is playe d
to celebrate the rise to a new level when the
the last level has been successfully completed. When the game is finally over, there
is finale.
The highest score can always be saved unless the power is turned off. Pressing the
RESET key can clear the highest score.)
To enter mode 2 press the RIGHT key and
hold it down, and then press the START/ON
Once in MODE 2, the highest score is shown
and a START melody is played. At this moment, the Enemy’s space shuttle will
quickly shift from left to right, up to down.
The player can shift the space shuttl e and
fire laser beams. When the targe t i s hit, 50
bonus points are awarded and a jubilant
music is played. When the target has been
missed, regret music is on.
There are sixteen opportunities to shoot.
Each shot is worth 50 points, hence the
maximum score is 800. The highest score
can be saved. After the 16th shot, the game
ends and goes into free ru n mode. At this
time, power is automatically switched off
after 16 DEMO MODE.
The path of the enemy’ s spac e shuttle
X3P— X4P— X5P
W3P—Y4P— Z5P
W3P—X4P— W5P
W3P—Y4P— W5P
X3P— W4P— W5P
X3P— W4P— X5P
Y3P— W4P— X5P
Y3P— W4P— Y5P
Y3P— Y4P— Y5P
W3P— X4P— W5P
Z3P— Y4P— W5P
Z3P— Y4P— Z5P
Z3P— Z4P— Z5P
Y3P— W4P— X5P
Y3P— W4P— Y5P
317th Nov ’98
Counting method
10 bonus points are awarded when the enemy’s space shuttle is hit. When the score
reaches 100, the enemy’s mo ther space shuttle appears from the upper left. When 50
points are scored by hitting the mother space
shuttle or the score exce eds 150, an oppo rtunity for force enhancement appears in the
corner. When moving the to bottom right,
shifting player’s space shuttl e to the extre me
right and pressi ng JOIN key, th e extra force
is added to the player’s space shuttle.
This game consists of 9 major stages. Each
major stage contains 3 minor stages. When
the score reaches 300, it goes into next sta ge.
There are three LUCK PLAY opportunities
between each stage. 50 bonus points are
awarded when each e nemy’s space shuttle is
hit. 9990 i s th e h igh es t sco r e a nd th e highest
stage is 9-3. When the game is over, the highest score achieved is recorded.
Sound effects
There are 15 kinds of sound effects in this
POWER ON music
Starting music
Completing a stage music
Enemy’s space shuttle flying sound
Enemy’s space shuttle explosion sound
Player’s firing α laser beam sound
Player’s firing β laser beam sound
Player’s firing γ laser beam sound
Player’s explosion sound
Missile collision sound
Ship’s appearance sound
Ship’s attack sound
Force enhancement machine appearance
Force enhancement machine joining sound
417th Nov ’98
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