Hobart CLF26D-10, GLG25DNA-10 Instruction Manual

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CHAP 1 PREFACE....................................................................................................................2
CHAP 2 INSTALLATION...........................................................................................................2
2.1 U
2.2 P
OSITIONING .....................................................................................................................2
2.3 E
LECTRICAL CONNECTION..................................................................................................3
2.4 P
LUMBING CONNECTION.....................................................................................................3
2.5 C
ONNECTION TO THE DRAIN LINE ........................................................................................4
CHAP 3 RISKS AND IMPORTANT WARNINGS.......................................................................4
CHAP 4 MACHINE USE ............................................................................................................5
4.1 C
ONTROL PANEL AND LEGEND............................................................................................5
4.2 S
TARTING .........................................................................................................................5
4.3 F
4.4 H
EATING ...........................................................................................................................5
4.5 W
ASHING CYCLE................................................................................................................6
4.5.1 Infinite cycle (
4.6 T
URNING OFF THE MACHINE................................................................................................6
4.7 E
MPTYING THE MACHINE ....................................................................................................6
4.7.1 Machine witho ut disch ar ge pump.............................................................................6
4.7.2 Machine wit h discharge pump ..................................................................................6
4.8 R
ESIN REGENERATION .......................................................................................................6
4.9 E
ND OF SERVICE................................................................................................................8
4.10 S
ELF-TEST AND INDICATION OF ANOMALIES .........................................................................8
CHAP 5 MAINTENANCE...........................................................................................................9
5.1 C
LEANING AND HYGIENE.....................................................................................................9
5.2 R
OUTINE MAINTENANCE (DAILY)..........................................................................................9
5.3 W
EEKLY MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................10
5.4 A
NNUAL MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................10
CHAP 6 ADJUSTMENT AND CONTROLS.............................................................................10
6.1 M
EASURING DEVICES.......................................................................................................10
6.1.1 Rinse aid measuring device ...................................................................................10
6.1.2 Models with no detergent metering unit..................................................................12
6.1.3 Appliance with detergent measuring device (available on request).........................12
6.2 S
6.2.1 Number of cycles for resin regeneration.................................................................13
CHAP 7 DEINSTALLATION....................................................................................................13
CHAP 8 DISPOSAL.................................................................................................................14
CHAP 9 REPAIR OPERATIONS.............................................................................................14
9.1 S
PECIAL PRECAUTIONS....................................................................................................14
9.2 R
ESTORING THE SAFETY THERMOSTAT.............................................................................14
9.3 R
EPLACING THE DETERGENT DISPENSER PIPE ..................................................................14
9.4 R
EPLACING THE TANK PRESSURE SWITCH ........................................................................14
9.5 R
EMOVING THE RINSE AGENT DISPENSER REGULAT OR.....................................................15
In legal terms, the manufacturer reserves the property of this document. It is forbidden to reproduce it or divulge it with any means without prior written authorisation. The manufacturer reserves the right to introduce changes in order to achieve the improvements it deems necessary without prior notice.
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Failure to follow the instructions provided in the attached documentation may jeopardize
safety of the appliance and immediately cancel the warranty.
The warnings contained in this manual provide important information regarding
safety during the various installation, operation and maintenance stages.
Carefully store all documentation near the appliance; give it to the technicians and operators who
will be using it.
It is the operator’s duty to read, understand and learn this manual before
starting any operation on the machine.
The appliance is intended for the professional washing of
dishes for communities, so installation, use and maintenance must in all cases to be performed by
trained personnel who follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not leave within the reach of
dren. The choice of materials, construction in conformity with CE safety directives and complete
testing ensure the quality of this machine. In addition to this manual, you will find in the machine :
wiring diagram
topographic table
The manufacturer declines all responsibility for damage to things or injuries to persons
deriving from failure to comply with the instructions given or from improper use of the
Proper installation is essential in order for the machine to operate well. Some
of the data neede d for
machine installation can be found on the data plate placed on the right side
of the machine and in
duplicate on the cover of this manual.
Only qualified, authorised technicians must install the machine.
2.1 Unpacking
Check that the packing is in perfect condition and write down any damage found on the delivery
note. After you have removed the packing, make sure the appliance is intact
. If the machine is
damaged, immediately notify the dealer by fax or by reg
istered letter with advice of receipt and the
haulage contractor that transported it. If the damage is such as to jeopardize machine safety, do not
install an d/or us e unti l a qualified tec hnic i a n ser vi ces it.
The packing compon
ents (plastic bags, foam polystyrene, nails, etc. ...) must not be
left within the reach of children and pets as they may be dangerous.
2.2 Positioning
Check that there are no objects and materials in
the installation area that can
be damaged by steam
that may exit the machine during operation, or at
least that they are s u ffici e ntl y pr ot ec t ed .
In order to ensure stability, install and balance the
machine on it s four fee t.
Different installation solutions must be agreed upon
and approved by the manufacturer.
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V~ Hz kW
kPa °C
2.3 Electrical connection
There must be an omnipolar type of main
switch that disconnects all contacts, including
the neutral, with a distance of at least 3 mm
between the open contacts and with safety
cuit breaker tripping or connected with
, to be sized or calibrated in conformity with
the power indicated on the machine’s dat a plate.
The main switch must be located on the electric
line close to the installation, and it must serve only
one appliance at a time.
Electric network voltage and frequency must
coincide with those given on the data plate.
There must be an effective earthing system in
conformity with the prevention standards in force
for operator and equipm e nt sa fety .
The power supply cable (type H07RN-
F only) must
not be pulled or crushed during normal operation or
routine maintenance.
The unipotential terminal fastened to the body must
be connected to a unipotential cable having a
section suited to the application.
Respect the polarities in
dicated in the wiring
Consult that attached wiring diagram for additional
Do not use adaptors, multiple socket-
outlets or cables of inadequate type and
section or with extension connections not compliant w
ith plant engineering
standards in force.
2.4 Plumbing connection
The appliance is to be connected to the water network
with a hose. There must be a slide on-
off, ball or ga te
able to quickly and completely turn off the
water if n e c essa r y
between th e wa te r ne t work an d the
appliance’s solenoid valve. The on-
off valve must be on
the line near and right before the appliance.
If the system is new or barely used, have the water run a long time before making the
The water supply, temperature and pressure must be comp at ible
with what is indicated on the
machine’ s t ech ni c al da ta pl a te.
If the water’s hardness is greater than 14 F (8 dH), we recommend you use the machine with
internal water softener (available on request).
If the w ater ’s ha rdne ss is grea ter t han 35 F ( 19.5
dH), we recommend you install an external water softener upline of the solenoid valve.
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Free drain
2.5 Connection to the drain line
The drain line must be made up of a free water
of a size proportionate to the delivery of the
drain pipe supplied with the machine. The pipe
must be able to reach the water trap
being p ulle d, sque ezed , be nt, c rush ed, p ressed
or forced by anything.
The tank empties by gravity, so the drain m
ust be
at a lower level than the base machine.
1 m
With discharge pump (available on
If the drain is not at a lower level than the base of
the machine, you can use the version equipped
with a discharge pump (available on request).
In this case the maximum drain height is 1 m.
Always check that the drain works properly and
that i t is not clogged.
All ot her s olut ions mu st be previ ously ag reed up on
and approved by the manufacturer.
This applianc
e is to be used only for the use for which it was expressly designed. All other uses
are to be considered unfit and therefore dangerous.
The specialised personnel who will install the machine is obliged to appropriately instruct
the user on the appliance’
s operation and any safety measures that are to be complied
with, also by providing practical demonstrations.
Any type of service done on the mach ine, also in the case of failure, must be performed only by
the manufacturer or by an authorised service centre and by qualified personnel,
using only
original spare parts.
Always disconnect or separate the machine from the electric and water networks before
performing maintenance, repairs or cleaning.
Untrained personnel must NOT use the machine.
The machine must NOT remain live when it is not used.
NEVER open the machine door quickly if it has not finished the cycle.
NEVER use the machine without the factory-installed safety attachments.
NEVER use the machine for washing object of a type, shape, size or materi
al not guara nte ed for
machine washing or not perfectly intact.
NEVER use the appliance or its parts as a ladder or support for people, things or animals.
NEVER overload the open door of front-
loading machines, which are sized to support only the
rack loaded with kitchenware.
NEVER immerse bare hands in the washing solutions.
NEVER turn the machine over after installation.
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