Hitachi lcd monitor User Manual

Thank you very much for purchasing the HITACHI LCD Monitor. Before using your mon itor, please ca refu lly re ad the "SAF ETY INSTRUCTIONS" and this "USER'S MANUAL" so you will know how to operate t he monito r properly. Keep this ma nual in a safe place. You will find it useful in the future.
Notes on lnstallation Work:
Note for Dealers:
After installation, be sure to deliver this manual to the customer and explain to the customer how to handle the product.
Please read this User's Manual thoroughly, especially the Safety Instructions on Page 3 to 6. Mis-use may cause damage to your LCD monitor, which could shorten its lifespan, or cause injury to yourself. Should you encounter any difficulty in the set-up or operation of your monitor, firstly refer to the Troubleshooting guide at the rear of this manual. In the unlikely event of a problem occurring with yo ur LCD monitor, switch off at the mains sockets, pull out the plugs, and contact your dealer immediately.
Under no circumstances remove the rear cover of your LCD monitor. Never guess or take any chances with electrical equipment of any kind - it is better to be safe than sorry!
Software Notice
It is prohibited for the end user of this product to copy, reverse engineer or reverse compile the software included therein, save to the extent permitted by law.
LCD Monitor
After the LCD mon itor has been on for any length of time, you will notice that the screen becomes warm. Please note that this is normal. Sometimes the screen might have some tiny bright or dark spots. Please note that this is normal.
To prevent scratches or damages to the LCD screen, do not knock or rub the surface with sharp or hard objects. Clean the screen with a soft cloth moistened with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. A mild soap may be used if the screen is extremely dirty. Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaners!
Use a soft cloth to clean the cabinet and control panel of the monitor. When excessively soiled dilute a neutral detergent in water, wet and wring out the soft cloth and afterward wipe with a dry soft cloth. Never use acid/alkaline detergent, alcoholic detergent, abrasive cleaner, powder soap, OA cleaner, car wax, glass cleaner, etc. especially becaus e they would cause discolorati on, s cr atc hes or cracks.
Large-screen, high-definition LCD panel
The 32-inch color LCD panel with a resolution of 1366(H) X 768(V) pixels, creates a high-definition, large-screen (aspect ratio:16:9) and low-p rofile fl at displ ay. Free from elec tromagneti c interferences from geomagnetic sources and ambient power lines, the panel produces high-quality display images free from color misconvergence and display distortion.
High Performance Digital Processor
A wide range of input signals can be handed, including composite, component, and HDMI. High Definition Digital Processor creates the fine-textured image with dynamic contrast. In addition, it correspond s to a broad arra y of person al comp uter signals, from 640 x 400 and 640 x 480 VGA to 1600 x 1200 UXGA. (Analog Input)
Easy-to-use remote control and on screen display system
The remote control included eases the work of setting display controls. Further, the on-screen display system, displays the status of signal reception and display control settings in an easy­to-view fashion.
Power saving system
The International ENERGY STAR® power saver feature saves power consumption automatically when input signals are not available. When connected to a VESA DPMS-compliant PC, the monitor cuts its power consumption while it is idle.
Connecting to an Audio Visual Device
• Two composite/S terminals*1, three composite terminals*2, two component terminal s*2 and a HDMI termi nal have been added. A
composite video output terminal is also provided as a moni t or i ng output.
A composite/S terminal = A side input.
If two composite terminal and two component termi nal are used at the same time, the com ponent terminal would gov er n.
• A wide range of devices can also be connected besides personal computers.
• A RGB input is possible to swi tch to com ponent signals from the Menu screen.
Power Swivel Feature
It allows to turn the LCD monitor left or right within ± 30 degree using the remote control.
FEATURES .......................................................... 1
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .................................... 3
NOTES ................................................................ 7
COMPONENT NAMES ......................................... 8
Main Unit ............................................................................... 8
Remote control ...................................................................... 9
Loading Batteries............................................................... 9
Handling the Remote Control ............................................ 9
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ...................... 12
Installation ........................................................................... 12
Anti-tumble measures ......................................................... 12
Connection to an Audio Visual Device ................................ 13
Connecting to a PC ............................................................. 15
Connecting the Speaker Cables .......................................... 16
Mounting the Side Input ...................................................... 17
Power Cord Connection ...................................................... 18
OPERATING INSTRUCT ION S ....... ... ................. 19
Turning Power On and Off .................................................. 19
Input Switching .................................................................... 20
Size Switching ..................................................................... 20
Volume Adjustment .................................................... ......... 22
Audio Mute .......................................................................... 22
Power Swivel ....................................................................... 23
Input Signal Screen Display ................................................ 24
Displaying MULTI PICTURE ............................................... 25
Picture Freezing .................................................................. 27
Using the Menu Screen ....................................................... 28
SETUP MENU (TV mode) ................................................... 29
SETUP MENU (Video mode) .............................................. 31
(RGB mode: RGB1 (DVI-PC), RGB2 (RGB)) ...................... 32
FUNCTION MENU ......................... ..... ...... .......................... 34
PICTURE MENU (TV/Video mode) ..................................... 35
PICTURE MENU (RGB mode) ............................................ 38
AUDIO MENU ..................................................................... 39
TIMER MENU ..................................................................... 40
LANGUAGE MENU ............................................................. 40
OTHER FEATURES ........................................... 41
Automatic Store ................................................................... 41
Audio Switching ................................................................... 42
Power Save Mode ................................................................ 43
DVD Player/ STB Selection ................................................. 43
Signal Check (RGB mode) ................................................... 44
TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................... 45
Symptoms That Seemingly Appear to be Failures ............... 45
Actions to Correct Abnormal Displays ................................. 47
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ............................ 48
Signal Input .......................................................................... 49
Recommended Signal List ................................................... 50
Note about This Manual
• The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
• While meticulous car e has been taken in the preparation of this manual, you are requested to notify your dealer or us should you have any comments, views or questions about our prod uct.
• Fully understand the prerequisites to using the product, such as hardware an d software specifications and constraints, in using the product. We are not held liab le for dam ages caused by improper handling of the product.
• Reproduction of this manual in whole or in part without our prior written permission is prohibited.
• The product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
This LCD monitor has bee n designe d and manu factured to m eet interna tional saf ety sta ndards, bu t like any e lectrical equ ipment, care must be taken if you are to obtain the best results and safety is to be assured. Before using this product, please read and understand the Safety Instructions thoroughly to ensure correct usage, and follow all the instructions.
About the Symbol s
V arious sy mbols are use d in this ma nual, the us er’s manual and on th e product it self to en sure correc t usage, to p revent dang er to the user and others, and to prevent property damage. The meanings of these symbols are described below. It is important that you read these descriptions thoroughly and fully understand the contents.
Typical Symbols
This symbol indicates an additional warning (including cautions). An illustration is provided to clarify the contents.
This symbol ind ic ate s a p rohibited action. The con ten t s w ill b e cle arl y indicated in an illus trat ion o r nearby (the symbol to t he left indicates that disassembly is prohibited).
This symbol indicates a compulsory action. The contents will be clearly indicated in an illustration or nearby (the symbol to the left indicates that the power plug should be disconnected from the power outlet).
This symbol indicates infor m at ion that, if ignored, could possi bl y r esu lt i n per sonal injury or even death due to incorrect handling.
This symbol indicates infor m at i on that, if ignored, could possi bl y r esu lt i n per sonal injury or physical dam age due to incorrect handling.
Never use the monitor if a problem should occur.
Abnormal operations such as smoke, strange odor, no image, no sound, excessive sound, damaged casing, elements, cables, penetration of liquids or foreign matter, etc. can cause a fire or electrical shock. In such case, immediately turn off the power switch and then disconnect the power plug from the power outlet. After making sure that the smok e or odo r has s topped , cont ac t your d ealer. Never attempt to make repairs you rse lf bec ause t his could be dangerous.
Do not insert liquids or foreign objects.
Penetration of liquids or foreign objects could result in fire or electrical shock. Use special caution in households where children are present. If liquids or foreign obje ct s sh ould e nter the m onitor, immediately turn off the power swi tch, di sconn ect the powe r plug fro m the power outlet and contact your dealer.
• Do not place the monitor in a bathroom.
• Do not expose the monitor to rain or moisture.
• Do not place flower va ses, pots, cups, cosmetics, liquids such as water, etc on or around the monito r.
• Do not place metals, combu st ibl es, et c on or around the monitor.
Never disassemble or modify the monitor.
The monitor contains high voltage components. Modification could result in fire or electrical shock.
• Never remove any fixed cover.
Do not give the monitor any shock or impact.
If the monitor should be shocked and/or broken, it could result in an injury, and continued use could result in fire or electrical shock. If th e glas s p anel is broken or dama ged, im medi ately tu rn of f the po wer swi tch, di scon nect the powe r plug from the power outlet and contact your dealer.
Do not place the monitor on an unstable surface.
If the monitor should be dropped and/or br ok en, it co uld re sul t i n an inj ury, and continued use could res ul t i n f ire or electrical shock.
• Do not place the monito r o n an un stab le , s lant or v ib ra nt sur fa ce such as a wobbly or incline d stan d.
Do not obstruct the ventilation of the monitor.
If the ventilation is obstructed during the operation of the monitor or just after switching off the power, it could result in damage and shorten the lifespan of your monitor due to overheating. Make sure there is ample ventilation.
• Keep a space of 100mm (10 cm ) or m or e between the sides, rear an d to p of th e m onitor and other objects such as wal ls .
• Do not place anything around ventilation openings of the monitor.
• Never block ventilation openings.
• Do not put the LCD scre en si de up.
• Do not cover the monito r wit h a tablecloth, etc.
• Do not place the monitor o n a carpet or bedding, or near a cur tain.
Use only the correct power outlet.
Incorrect power s upply could re su lt in f ire or e lectrical shoc k. U se on ly the co rrect p ower outlet depend ing on the i ndica tion on the monitor and the safety standard.
• The enclosed power cor d m ust be used depending on the power outlet to be used.
Disconnect the plug from the power outlet.
Do not disassemble.
About the Symbols (continued)
Be cautious of the power cord connection.
Incorrect connection of the power cord could result in fire or electrical shock.
• Do not touch the power cor d w i th a wet hand.
• Check that the connecting portion of the power cord is clean (with no dust), before using. Use a soft and dry cloth to clean the power plug.
• Insert the power plug into a pow er outlet firmly. Avoid using a loose, unsound outlet or contact fa ilur e.
• Do not cut off the fitted power plug, the removal of which cou ld le ad t o impair ed performance. If you wish to ex te nd the le ad, obtain an appropriate extension lead or consult your dealer.
• Should you require replacing the fuse in the molded plug with a new fuse, then please replace with new one of the same value, type and approval as th e or ig inal . Ensure the fuse cover is return ed to its original position.
Be sure to keep safety ground connection.
Connect the ground terminal of AC inlet of this monitor with the ground terminal provided at the power outlet using the enclosed power cord. If the provided plug does not fit your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
Be careful in handling the power cord and external connection cables.
If you keep using a damaged power cord or cables, it can cause a fire or electrical shock. Do not apply too much heat, pressure or tension to the power cord and cables. If the power cord or cables are damaged (exposed or broken core wires, etc.), contact your dealer.
• Do not place the mon itor or heavy objects on the power cor d and cables. Also, do not place a spr ead, cover, etc, over them because this could re sul t in the in advertent placing of heavy objects on the concealed power cord or cables.
• Do not pull the power cor d an d cables. When connectin g and disconnecting the power cord or cables, do it with your hand holding the plug or connector.
• Do not place the cord near th e he at er.
• Do not touch the pow er plug j ust after dis co nnecting it from the power ou t let to pr event electric shock.
• Do not touch the power plug when lightening is close to you.
• Avoid coiling the power cord and bending it sharply.
• Protect the power cord from being walked on, pinched particularly at plugs, conveniences receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
• Do not modify the power cord.
Be careful in handling the battery of the remote control.
Incorrect handling of the battery could result in fire or personal injury. The battery may explode if not handled properly.
• Keep the battery awa y from children and pets. If swallow ed consult a physician immed i at el y for emergency treatmen t.
• Do not allow the batter y t o be exposed to fire or water.
• Avoid fire or high-temper at ur e environment.
• Do not hold the battery with metallic tweezers.
• Keep the battery in a dark, cool and dry place.
• Do not short circuit the battery.
• Do not recharge, disassemble or solder the battery.
• Do not physically impact th e battery.
• Use only the battery sp ecified in the manual of this moni tor.
• Make sure the plus and minus terminals are co rrectly aligned when loading t he battery.
• If you observe a leakage of the battery, wipe out the liquid and then replace the battery. If the liquid adheres your body or clothes, rins e wel l with water.
• Obey the local laws on disposing the battery.
Surely connect the ground wire.
About the Symbols (continued)
Be careful in moving the monitor.
Neglect co uld result i n an injury or damage.
• Do not move the monito r du ring use. Before moving, dis con nect the power plug and all exte rn al connections.
• You are advised to move the monitor with two persons .
• Avoid any impact or shock to the monitor; particularly take care of glass screen.
Do not put anything on top of the monitor.
Placing anything on the m onitor cou ld result in loss of bal ance or fall ing, and cau se an inju ry or damage . Use special c aution in households where children are present.
Avoid a humid or dusty place.
Placing the monitor in a smoke, a highly humid, dusty place, oily soot or corrosive gas could result in fire or electrical shock.
• Do not place near the kitchen, a humidifier or other plac e where there is oil, smoke or hum idi t y.
Avoid a high temperature environment.
The heat could have adverse influence on the monitor and other parts, and could result in transformation, melting or fire.
• Do not place the monito r, the remote control and other parts in direct sunlight or near a h ot obj ec t su ch as heater, etc.
• Do not put the monitor in a place where the temperature is widely changing.
Remove the power cord for complete separation.
• For safety purposes, disconnect the power cord if the monitor is not to be used for prolonged periods of time.
• Before cleaning, turn off and un pl ug the monitor. Neglect could result in fire or ele ct r ical shock.
Be careful in operating power swivel.
Placing hands or faces near the monitor while operating the swivel function could cause a physical injury or da m age. Use special caution in households where childre n are present.
Disconnect the plug from the power outlet.
Installation environment
Do not obstruct a ventilation hole. Do not put the monitor on carpet or blanket, or near a curtain which has a possibility of obstructing a ventilation hole of the monitor . Do not put the monitor in the following places.
• Hot places such as ne ar heat er, place exposed to the direct rays of the su n.
• A place where the temper at ur e i s w idel y changing.
• Places with soot, du st or high humidity.
• Poor air ventilation place.
• Place near fire.
• A wet place such as bathr oom , or shower room.
• Place where you can tri p ov er it.
• Always vibrating or stro ngly vibrating places.
• Distorted or unstable places.
Please avoid ins talling the monitor direct ly on the wooden floor . D e pen din g o n the quality and the condit ion of the floor, the monit or stand may stick to the floor face, and the surface could come off when the monitor is lifted up.
How to view the monitor
If you use the monitor in too dar k a r oom , your eyes may become tir ed. Please use it in a reasonably br i ght ro om. Avoid direct rays of the sun t o t he screen in order t o prevent eye fatig ue. Your eyes will get fat igued after viewing the monitor for lon g pe riod of time. Relax your eyes by viewin g aw ay from the monitor from tim e to tim e. Please watch the monitor in dow n w ar d di r ect i on .
How to clean the LCD screen panel of the monitor
Before cleaning the mon itor, turn off the monitor and d is con nect the power plug from the p ow er out l et. To prevent scratching or damaging the LCD screen face, do not knock or rub the surface with sharp or hard objects. Clean the screen with a soft cloth moistened with wa rm wat er and dry with a soft cloth. If it is not eno ugh, then use a cloth with mild detergent. Do not use ha rs h or abrasive cleaners.
How to clean the cabinet of the monitor
Use a soft cloth to clean the cabinet and control panel of the monitor. When excessively soiled dilute a neutral detergent in water, wet and wring out the soft cloth and afterw ar d w ipe with a dry soft cloth. Never use acid/alkalin e det ergent, alcoholic deterge nt , a br asi ve cl eaner, powder soap, OA cleaner, car wax, glass cleaner, etc. especially because they would cause discoloration, scratches or cracks.
About the Symbols (continued)
Prevention of an obstacle to Radio receivers
This monitor has been designed pursuant to the international EMI standards. This is t o pr event a problem to Radio recei v ers .
- Keep the monit or away from Radio.
- Adjust Radio antennas in order for the monitor not to receive interference.
- The antenna cab le of Ra di o should be kept away from th e m onitor.
- Use a coaxial cabl e f or ant enna. You can check if thi s m onitor influences Radio r ec ei ver s by turning off all other equipmen t other than the monitor. If you find a problem rece iv ing R adio when using the monitor, check the instruc tions mentioned above.
Precautions for the cable connection
- Do ensure that all co nnections, (including the pow er plug, extension leads an d in te rc on nections between the piec es of equipment), are
properly made and in accordance with the manuf act ur er s i nstructions. Switch off and withdraw t he power plug before makin g or changing connections.
- Confirm the connector is fixed tightly when the signal cable is conn ect ed .
Also confirm the screw s on the connector are tightened.
- Plug the power cor d of th e m oni t or into a di fferent socket from that for other eq ui pm ent, such as Radio etc..
- Use a plug with grou nd ter m i nal and make sure that it conne cts to t he gr ou nd.
Precaution during transportation
Please pay attention when you transport this monitor because it is heavy. Furthermore, use the ori ginal carton box and its packaging m at er ials w hen th e m oni t or is transported. Failure to transport th e monitor in any carton except the original carton may r esult in damage to the moni to r. Save the original cart on bo x and all packing material. Do not push the monito r ov er si deways as transporting it. It ma y cause damage on the panel glass, increase of the screen defects and/or damage of the internal fluorescent lamps.
Do not physically impact the remote control.
A physical impact could cause damage or malfunction of the remote control.
• Take care not to drop the remote control.
• Do not place heavy obj ec ts on the r emote control.
Avoid strong rays.
Any strong rays (such as direct sun rays or room lighting) onto the remote control sensors could invalidate the remote control.
Avoid radio interference.
Any interfering radiation could cause distorted images or noises.
• Avoid radio generator su ch as a mobile telephone, tran sceiver, etc. around the monitor.
Set the sound volume at a suitable level.
It is better to keep the volume level low and close the windows at night to protect the neighborhood environment.
Precautions for the installation
- Do not use makeshift stands and NEVER fix legs with wood screws - to ensure complete s afety, always fit the manufacturers approved
stand or legs with the fixings pr ovi ded according to the instructions.
- Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use
caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
- This product is designed to comply with the recommended safety standards for tilt and stability. Do not apply excessive pulling force to
the front, or top, of the cabi ne t that could cause the product to o ver t ur n re sul t i ng in pr oduct damage and/or pe rs onal injury.
- Follow instruct ions for wall, shelf or ceiling mounting as recommended by the manufactu re r.
- Only use the attachments/accessories speci f ie d by the manufacturer.
- Consult your dea le r if y ou ar e i n an y doubt about installation, operation or safety of your equipm ent.
Other precautions
- Do not leave equip m en t swi t ched on when it is unattende d unl es s i t is specifically stated that it is designed for unattended op er at i on or
has a stand-by mode. Switch off using the switch on the equipment and show your family how to do this. Make special arrangements for infirm or handicapped people.
- Disposal of this product may require specific instructions pertaining to your resident region.
- Never guess or take any chances with electrical eq ui pm ent of any kind - it is better to be safe than sorry!
About screen defects
• High precision technology is used in the making of LCD panels but ther e ma y be dar k spots (points that do not illuminate) and bright spots (points that are too bright) in som e cases. These do not indica te a m al fu nc tion.
About residual images
• In some cases, residual images may remain a fter th e short-term display of stil l images is displayed. Thes e wi ll disappear in a few minutes and the display will return to normal. However, if used in high temperatures, it sometimes spends some tens of minutes to return to normal. Please note t his is not a malfunction.
About the panel screen
• LCD screens display images by illuminating fluorescent lamps inside the panel. Because of this, the temperature of the panel surface may rise in some cases.Also , LC D panel s ar e m ade of finely processed glas s, so pl e ase avoid pushing by finger s or hands and giving strong impact on the panel. It may cause dam age to the LC cells, and/or ther e i s danger of glass breakage.
About the power swivel
• Do not put hands or faces close to the monitor while operating the swivel function. It could cause a physical injury. Use special caution in households where chil dr en ar e pr esent. (Refer to Power Swivel shown on )
Using in low temperatures
• The response speed of LCD panel becomes slow as the ambient temperature goes down. This feature may cause residual images in some cases, but this is not a malfunction. It will return to normal in a while after the temperature becomes normal.
Main Unit
Control panel
• Adjustment buttons are located on the top.
VOLUME UP/DOWN buttons ( WXADJUST buttons)
(STSELECT button) INPUT SELECT button (OK button)
MENU button
• ( ) indicates the function w hile th e M E NU i s di sp la yed on the screen.
SUB-POWER button
Cabinet (front frame)
Remote-control receiver Indicating lamp
• The main power swit ch is located on the top. Main power switch
Caution when moving the main unit
• As this product is heavy, whenever it is moved, two people are required to transport it safely.
• Whenever the unit is moved it should be gripped by holding the top of the moni tor, and the unit should then be held at the base on both sides for stability as shown.
• Do not hold the speaker units while moving the set. The speaker holders ma y be separated off and the monitor may fall, and it may result in a physical injury.
External device connection terminals
RGB input terminals
Speaker terminals
Remote control
POWER button
RECALL button
MENU button
OK button
TV/TEXT button
Loading Batteries
1. Open the battery cover.
• Slide back and remove the battery cover in the direction of the arrow.
CH I/CH II button (TV) CHANNEL UP/DOWN button (TV)
MUTE button
SWIVEL button
Handling the Remote Control
Use the remote control within about 5 m from front of the unit’s remote-control sensor and within 30 degrees on both sides.
2. Load batteries.
• Load two Size AA batteries included observing the correc t po la rit i es.
3. Close the battery cover.
• Replace the battery cover in the direction of the arrow and snap it back i nt o place.
• Do not use new and old batteries togethe r. The batteries could explode or leak, resultin g i n fir es, physical injury, or stains.
• When loading batter ies, observe their correct polarit ie s as marked on the product. I f load ed in the wrong direction, the batteries could explod e or le ak, resulting in fires, physical injury, or stains.
With in 30 degreesWith in 30 degrees
About 3m About 3m
About 5m
• Do not drop or impact the re m ot e control.
• Do not splash the remot e co nt rol with water or put it on a wet object to av oid possible failures.
• Before leaving the remote control out of use for an extended period of time, remove the batteries from it.
• If the remote control begins to lack responsiveness, replace the batteries.
• Strong light such as direct sunlight impi nging on the photoreceptor of the remote control can cause oper at i onal failure. Position this unit to avoi d direct contact with such light.
Remote control (cont inued)
Press this button to indicate function mode with a lamp. *1
DVD and SAT *2
Press this button to change input mode.
You may recall the sound mode by pressing this button. Each time pressed, sound mode is changed in following sequence.
This button is for A2 / NICAM models only.
With this button, the display change between “--”, “---”, “-” and AV00 on the top right hand corner of the screen. “--” is for 2 digit channel selection, “---” is for 3 digit channel selection and “-” is for 1 digit channel selection.
Press this button to display input signal.
Y ou can use these bu ttons to opera te the selected brand of DVD player.
Press this button to change the picture to freeze mode. Press it again to return to normal picture.
You may recall the picture mode by pressing this button. Each time pressed, picture mode is changed in following sequence.
NaturalDynamic Cinema
Press these buttons to select a TV program directly.
In multi-picture mode, pressing this button will change the multi-picture mode.
Pressing this button can indicate the time by On-Screen display when receiving a TV program on the screen including TELETEXT service with the time information.
Press this button can change Picture size.
This remote control has functions to control other makers of DVD player, DVD Recorder, and Set Top Box as well as this set. Press the button to switch between TV, DVD and SAT modes. Each time the button is pressed, the indicator will light below the function selected.
For details, refer to
*2 LED
The LED indicator lamps for DVD and SAT have 2 modes (Lit or blinking). Lit: Indicates the mode that has been selected. Press the button to change modes when the LED is lit.
Blinking: Indicates that the maker of DVD or STB can be set. You can set up the maker of DVD or STB while the LED is still
blinking (30 sec). For details, refer to
43 44
Press this button to turn off the set sound. When press again or the volume up button, the audio will be restored.
Press this button to change the screen to multi-pictures. Press it again to retu rn to normal picture.
These buttons are not available in this model.
Press this button to rotate TV. Use cursor key () to select the degree of rotation.
Remote control (cont inued)
[Buttons for TELETEXT Mode]
PAGE UP / DOWN button
TEXT / TV+TEXT button
INDEX button
CANCEL button
TV / TEXT button
Buttons on Remote Control Function
This switches the receiver between the TV mode and the TELETEXT mode. In TELETEXT mode, this button switches between TV+TEXT screen (split) and TELETEXT only. This selects the P100 (100 page). Use this to access a subtitle service directly rather than through a TELETEXT service (subject to subtitle service
broadcasting). This allows the screen to return to the TV mode temporarily while searching for a required text page. When the
required text page has been received, the page number will be displayed at the top left of the screen. Press the CANCEL button again to display the TELETEXT screen.
Each of these buttons selects a link page displayed at the lower part of the screen.
This allows hidden information (found on some teletext pages) to be displayed on the screen. This button increases / decreases the TELETEXT page number.
REVEAL button
SUB TITLE button
• Certain pages do not show linke d pages at the bottom of the screen. To display linked pages, press the INDEX but to n.
• Refer to Teletext Language shown on
Use one of the special mount units to install this product. A mount of insufficient strength or inadequate design can cause overturning or dropping and result in fire, electrical shock or injury. Please note that our company assumes absolutely no responsibility for personal injuries or property damage caused by use of other mount units or improper installation.
• In order to prevent an internal temperature increase, maintain a space of 10cm (4 inches : For a desktop setup) or mo re b etw een the sides and other ob je cts su ch as walls, etc., so that the ventilation holes are not blocked.(*)
10cm or more*
Cord or chain
Anti-tumble measures
Have this unit mounted in a stable place. Take measures to prevent it from tumbling down to avoid possible physical injury.
Securing to a wall or pillar
Using a commerci ally ava ilabl e cord , chai n and clam p, se cure th e set to a firm w all or pillar.
Cord or chain
Wall or Pillar
Cord or chain
Wall or Pillar
Securing desktop
(1) Using wood screws (two), fasten the s et to the cla mp ing screw hole s on the rear of the stand
as shown.
(2) Using commercially available wood screws, secure the set firmly in position.
Wood screw
Two places
Read SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ( to ) carefully to ensure maximum safety before proceeding to
3 6
these steps:
• Choose an appropriate site and install the product on a level table where the stand is secure.
• Install the monitor to have re ady access to a power socket available.
• Make sure that the power switch of this device is turned off.
Loosen a cord or chain enough while operating power swivel to avoid possible troubles.
Connection to an Audio Visual Device
(1) Make sure that the power switch of the monitor is turned off. (2) Make sure that the power switch of the audio visual device is turned off. (3) Use a commercially available cable and connector to connect the signal input terminal on the rear panel of this device
and the signal output terminal of the audio visual device.
Monitor (rear panel)
DVD Player
To composite
To audio output
output terminal
T o audio output
Set-Top Box
To component
input terminals
To component
output terminals
To component
input terminals
Speaker (R) Speaker (L)
Power Cord
Side Input
To S, composite
audio output terminal
To component
output terminals
DVD Player
T o audio output
To audio output
To S-video
output terminal
To composite
output terminals
To audio input
To composite
input terminals
[An example of connecting audio visual devices]
• If a component input terminal and a composite input terminal of AV1 and A V2 connect to the monitor at the same time, the component input would govern.
• If a video equipment with an S video output terminal is used , cabl ing by the S video cable is recomm ended to provide finer vid eo quality. (If an S video input terminal and a vi deo input terminal of AV3 or AV5 (side input) connect to the monitor at the sam e tim e, S vi de o in put would govern.)
• If the OUTPUT (Monitor) terminal is connected to an external monitor with a 75 Ohm terminal, it is possible to view the same image as on the main unit. But it is possible to monitor only the composit e vi de o si gnal from AV1 ~ AV5 input or the S video sign al from AV3 and AV5 that is displayed on the scre en at the time.
• Secure connecting c abl es to the stand w ith the provided clamps.
• HDMI (High-Definiti on Mu lti m edi a Interface) is a digital interface base d on D VI (Digital Visual Interface), which is an ad ded function for audio visual equipment.
- It does not have degradation by transmiss io n si nc e i t is digi tal.
- With only one cab le , it is possible to transmit both pict ur e signals and audio signals.
• In case of using analog au di o when connecting with DVI -HDMI transformation connector, use analog audio terminal for AV1 input.
Connection to an Audi o Visual De vi ce (cont inue d)
Precautions when connecting the antenna
• Please use a coaxial cable which is free from interference to connect the antenna. Avoid using a parallel flat feeder wire as interference may occur, causing reception to be uns table and stripe noise to appear on t he screen.
• Avoid using indoor anten na as th is may be affected by interference. Pl ease use CATV net or outdoor antenna.
• Keep the power cor d as f ar away from the antenna wire as possible.
• For safety, install an external antenna conforming t o AS1 417.1 (applicable for Australia only)
If there are noise appearance in the picture of VHF-Low band channel, please use the double-shielded cable (not provided) for RF LEADS to reduce the noise.
Connecting to a PC
(1) Make sure that the display signal of the personal computer to be used is compatible with the specifications of this
• See "PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" concerning the specifications of this device. ~
(2) Make sure that the power switch of the personal computer is turned off. (3) Connect the signal input terminal (RGB 1 or RGB 2) on the rear panel of this device to the display signal output terminal
of the personal computer.
• Use a cable that fits the input ter m in al of this devi ce and the output terminal of th e per sonal computer.
• Depending on the type of personal computer being connected, the use of an optional conversion adapter or the adapter provided with the personal computer may be necessary in some cas es. For deta ils, re fe r to t he instruction manual of the personal computer or ask the personal computer manufacturer or your local retail dealer.
48 52
Speaker (R) Speaker (L)
Monitor (rear panel)
Power cable connector
3.5 mm
Power cord
Stereo mini jack
Connecting to a PC Device Connecting to an Audio Visual Device
To signal output terminal (DVI)
•Setting RGB1: DVI-PC RGB2: RGB
For details, refer to
51 52
To signal output terminal (D-sub)
To audio output terminal
To signal output terminal (DVI)
• Setting RGB1: DVI-STB RGB2: Component
For details, refer to
50 51
To audio output terminal
DVD Player
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