Hitachi IC25N040ATCX05, IC25N020ATCX05 Quick installation guide

Quick installation guide
Hitachi Travelstar 40GNX
2.5 inch ATA/IDE hard disk drive
Enhanced Availability models
IC25N040ATCX05Models: IC25N020ATCX05
Handling precautions
to prevent damage from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
y Set the drive down gently to prevent damage from
impact or vibration.
y Do not open the ESD bag containing the drive until
y Handle the drive carefully by the edges. Do not
touch the exposed printed circuit board or any electronic components.
y Do not press on the top or bottom of the drive. y Do not cover the drive’s breather hole.
Quick installation
Installation of this Hitachi Travelstar drive in some notebooks may require use of unique hardware (such as mounting trays, connecting cable, insulating material). If you are uncertain if hardware is needed, consult your notebook manufacturer as this operation may require a qualified technician.
Back up all data before beginning installation.
1. Set the jumpers
Master drive. No jumper is required if the drive is
the only drive in a system or the Master drive in a two-drive system.
Slave drive. If this is the Slave drive in a system,
place a jumper in setting A2. (See the A2 setting in the illustration.)
Cable Select. Setting A3 in the illustration. Consult
the system manual to see if your computer supports
Cable Select.
Jumper settings
A1. A2. A3. A4. A5.
Pin 1
A1. Master A2. Slave A3. Cable Select A4 & A5. Never attach a jumper in these positions!
2. Attach the drive
For assistance on the physical installation of the drive, consult your system manual.
3. Configure the computer
1. Turn on the computer.
2. Enter Setup.
3. Go to Hard Disk Drive Configuration.
4. Select Autodetect if it is available.
5. If Autodetect is not available, set to User and set to appropriate parameters from the table below.
6. Save the settings.
7. Exit.
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8. Reboot the system from a floppy disk.
HeadsCylindersModel Number
4063416,383IC25N040ATCX05 2063216,383IC25N020ATCX05
© Copyright Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies 5600 Cottle Road San Jose, CA 95193
4. Partition and Formatting Verify that the hard disk is recognized by the BIOS and is reporting the full capacity of the drive. Instructions for accessing your BIOS can be found in the computer system manual or in the motherboard manufacturer documentation. If the drive is not recognized in the BIOS, set the BIOS options of your computer system to Auto Detection and LBA mode if available. Once the drive is recognized correctly in the BIOS, it is ready to be partitioned and formatted. Your operating system setup utility will provide instructions on how to partition and format your drive before it installs the operating system. For additional information, see our "Partitioning and Formatting Guide posted at: ""
5. Boot up the computer
If the system does not boot up after the installation of the drive, check all the settings. If the system still fails to boot up, contact the Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Support Center for assistance.
Produced in the United States
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Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
References in this publication to Hitachi Global Storage Technologies products, programs or services do not imply that Hitachi Global Storage Technologies intends to make these available in all countries in which Hitachi Global Storage Technologies operates.
Product information is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a warranty.
Information is true as of the date of publication and is subject to change. Actual results may vary.
This publication is for general guidance only. Photographs may show design models.
23 July 2003
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