(2-1) Tuning target of each parameter
(2-2) SLV Control block diagram
(2-3) V2 Control block diagram
(2-4) Standard motor parameter settings for SJ300 (400V class EU version) series inverter
(2-5) Example of tuning effects (SLV mode)
[3] Positioning Under ASR mode (Orientation Function)
(3-1) Orientation Function
(3-2) Example of positioning under speed control mode (ASR) on SJ300 with SJ-FB
(3-2-1) Example of wiring
(3-2-2) Example of parameter settings
(3-2-3) Timing chart
[4] APR Control
(4-1) Example of parameter settings
(4-2) How to adjust control parameters for APR control
[5] Master Slave Control
(5-1) Example of parameter settings for Master-Slave control
(5-2) How many slaves can be connected?
(5-2-1) Parallel connection
(5-2-2) Series connection
(5-3) Explanation of each P parameter
(5-4) Explanation of each output related to V2 control
Appendix A Calculation of total inertia (reflected to the motor shaft)
(A-1) Ventilation Fan
(A-2) Truck
(A-3) Conveyer
Appendix B Calculation of load inertia
(B-1) A column
(B-2) A cylinder
(B-3) A rectangular solid
(B-4) A Cone
(B-5) Wind up (vertical linear motion)
(B-6) Horizontal linear motion
This document is a guideline for optimizing motor/inverter performance in vector mode through
parameter adjustments. Please note that actual performance of the motor depends on a combination
of many parameters, and is difficult to describe concisely. Trial & error is the customary means to
achieve good motor performance. Therefore please regard this information as just a guide only.
This document only shows technical issues related to vector control. Please refer to the SJ300
Inverter and SJ-FB manuals for detailed information for installation and operation.
This engineering note applies when using SLV, 0-SLV and V2 (closed loop) control. It is often difficult to
get optimized motor performance because many parameters interact. Please refer to this document for
getting a rough idea how to achieve good motor performance with above control modes. Please also note that
the performance WILL NOT BE like a servo drive even in the case of V2 mode.
There are 3 basic modes with which you can get high torque performance with the SJ300 inverter:
(1) SLV control (No SJ-FB is used)
High motor torque performance with open loop can be obtained in the low frequency range (~0.5Hz).
Please refer to a standard SLV block diagram in Fig 1 (section 2-2).
[H***] parameters are mainly adjusted for the control.
(2) 0-SLV control (No SJ-FB is used)
High torque performance can be obtained at around 0Hz. This does NOT mean the motor shaft will be at a
standstill. The motor rotates slightly to generate motor torque, since this is not a servo drive. Depending on the
application and tuning, you may be able to get full torque with the motor at standstill. This control algorithm is
different from SLV control.
[H***] parameters are mainly adjusted for the control.
Œ Frequency control block portion
of control
• Voltage control block portion
Magnetizing current
Torque current
at 0Hz
q-axis flux
Output frequency
Voltage Vector
Motor torque
Output phase
Feedback current
(3) V2 control (SJ-FB is used)
High torque and stable, accurate motor performance can be achieved with the SJ300 in vector mode.
A motor encoder and a feedback option card for SJ300 (SJ-FB) are needed to use this control mode.
There are two regulation modes within the V2 control mode: ASRmode and APRmode.
Œ ASR mode : Inverter is controlled by speed command input (digitally set, analog input, or RS485)
• APR mode : Inverter is controlled by pulse train input signal
[H***] and [P***] parameters are adjusted for achieving good motor control.
A suitable mode should be selected depending on the application.
ItemSLV control0-SLV controlV2 control
Down sized motor150% or more150% or more150% or more
Same kW motor100% or more100% or more100% or more
s These are guaranteed minimum values with a Hitachi standard induction motor. Actual capability is greater.
Ø Torque performance at 0Hz
Item0-SLV controlV2 control
Down-sized motor150% or more
with a small slip
Same kW motor100% or more
with a small slip
150% or more
with standstill
100% or more
with standstill
s This has been confirmed using Hitachi standard induction motor and J2 motor (for V2 control).
[2] How to tune each parameter
Equivalent circuit of one leg of
(2-1) Tuning target of each parameter
There are many parameters, which influence the motor performance in SLV, 0-SLV & V2 control modes.
In some cases auto tuning is not fully sufficient to get the best motor performance because there are
various kinds of motors in the world. It is sometimes necessary to adjust by hand after the auto tuning.
Generally the performance of the motor can be determined from two criteria:
Ø Torque performance at low speed
Ø Speed response against target speed
Table 1 shows main parameters that influence the motor performance inSLV mode. The concept is the same
in 0-SLV and V2 modes as well.
Table 1. Explanation of parameters related to motor performance in SLV mode
H001Auto tuning modeThis determines the method of auto tuning.
00 (NOR) : Auto tuning invalid
the motor winding
01 (NRT): Auto tuning with motor at standstill
02 (AUT): Auto tuning with motor rotation
Auto tuning determines the following motor constants
automatically. (See left figure as well.)
Ÿ R1 (primary resistance)
Ÿ R2 (secondary resistance)
Ÿ L (leakage inductance)
Ÿ Io (magnetizing current at base frequency)
Ÿ J (total load inertia)
Normally better motor performance can be obtained by auto tuning
with motor rotation with an actual load on the motor. But if the
system does not allow rotating the motor, like a lift application for
example, auto tuning with motor at standstill can be used.
H002Motor constant selectionThis determines which set of motor parameters is used by the drive.
00 : Motor parameters for a Hitachi standard motor
(Uses [H020] ~ [H024] )
01 : Use auto tuning data
(Uses [H030] ~ [H034] )
02 : Use auto tuning data with On-line auto tuning
On-line auto tuning occurs every time the inverter stops. It
measures R1 and R2, the main values that may change
due to a motor temperature change. The tuning period is roughly
5 seconds maximum, and if the RUN command is given during
the tuning routine, the inverter will start and tuning is aborted.
H003Motor kWThis sets the motor kW, not a kW of an inverter.
H004Motor poles
H006Motor stability control factorThis should be adjusted in case of motor instability.
H020 / H030Primary resistance of the
H021 / H031Secondary resistance of the
Speed response factor K
motor R1 [Ω ]
motor R2 [Ω ]
Big R2
Controls the speed response
Large K à Quick response (Too high a value can cause instability.)
Ÿ Small K à Slow but stable response
Value is also dependent on Proportional gain (P-gain : [H050])
and Integration gain (I-gain : [H051]). ( K = f(Kp, Ki) ).
Increase / decrease depends on the situation.
Influences mainly the torque at low speed.
Ÿ Large R1 à Higher torque (Too high R1 à Over magnetizing)
Ÿ Small R1 à Smaller torque
Influence mainly on the speed change ratio (= slip compensation)
Ÿ Large R2 à Increase speed change ratio
(= Actual speed becomes faster than a target speed.)
ŸSmall R2 à Decrease speed change ratio
(= Actual speed becomes slower than a target speed.)
This should be the total inertia (Σ J) on the motor shaft,
including the inertia of the rotor of the motor and the load. See
table 2 for information on how to tune in each case.
See appendix A for calculation of the total inertia.
H050Proportional gain under
PI controlmode (Kp)
(% based on [H005])
H051Integration gain under
PI controlmode (K
(% based on [H005])
Fine tuning of proportional portion of speed response factor.
Ÿ Large Kp àQuick response (Too high Kp can cause instability.)
Ÿ Small K
à Slow but stable response
Fine tuning of Ki portion of speed response factor.
Ÿ Large Ki à Quick response (Too high Ki can cause instability.)
Ÿ Small K
à Slow but stable response
H052Proportional gain under
P control mode (Kp)
(% based on [H005])
F002Acceleration time
F003Deceleration time
Acc and Dec time influence the response. Even if
optimized tuning parameter values are set, actual motor speed willchange according to the set ramp time.
If a quick response is required, the ramps should be set as fast as
possible. Or, use LAC (LAD cancellation) to make the ramp invalid.
A044Control modeControl mode should be set to 03 (SLV), 04 (0-SLV) or 05 (V2).
A045Output gain (Vgain)Output gain scales the duty cycle of PWM output, regardless of
the input voltage of the inverter.
Decreasing output gain can solve the problem of motor instability,
however the output torque will also decrease in this case.
A081AVR functionAVR function attempts to maintaina stable output voltage by
changing the duty cycle of the PWM output in real-time. If the input
voltage changes or bus voltage changes due to regeneration, motor
sees constant voltage. That means the motor efficiency will be better.
In some cases, disabling the AVR function can resolve motor
instability problems.
AVR function attempts to always mainain constant output voltage.
During operation, DC bus voltage is always changing, which
means AVR function is always acting to change the duty cycle of
PWM output voltage. Since it is an active control function it may
lead sometimes motor instability (unstable energy transmission).
In such cases, setting AVR OFF can solve the problem.
b022OL restriction levelSet OL level [b022] as high as possible, or elsedisable it
(set [b021] to “00 ”), because a rather high motor current is
required in low frequency area in the case of vector control.
b041~b044Torque limit levelSet torque limit level as high as possible, or else disable it
b083Carrier frequency
* Second and 3rd functions ([H2**] & [H3**]) have the same meaning for 2nd and 3rd motors.
Refer to Table 3 for standard (default) motor parameter settings for SJ300 series inverter.
High torque cannot be achieved if OL restriction is preformed.
( = assign TL to an intelligent input terminal and leave it OFF),
because high motor current is required in the low frequency area
in the case of vector control.
Maximum torque cannot be achieved if torque limit is triggered.
Decreasing carrier frequency can solve the problem of motor
This is because the effect of dead time will be reduced.
Table 2 shows suggestions for adjustingthe SLV and other related parameters to correct various phenomena.