dhesive Anchoring Systems
4.2.1 HVA Capsule Adhesive Anchor Installation Instructions
HAS Rods,
HIS Inserts & Rebar
HAS Threaded Rods
HIS Internally
Threaded Inserts
1. Set the drill depth gauge and drill a
hole to the required hole depth.
Important: Clean out dust and
debris. Use compressed air or
vacuum at bottom of the hole.
When using a Hilti matched
tolerance diamond core bit,
immediately remove standing
3. Thread a HAS nut on the HAS rod.
Place a washer on top of the first
nut and then thread a black setting
nut down on top of the washer.
Tighten the two nuts together
“locking” the washer between
them. The top nut should be flush
with the top of the rod.
2. Insert appropriate diameter HVU
adhesive capsule* into pre-drilled
hole in base material.
Note: The best method for setting
multiple capsules is to crush the
first capsule(s) into the hole and
then insert the next capsule. DO
NOT cut off capsules partially protruding from the hole.
4. Insert a square drive shaft into the
hammer drill and attach the proper
impact socket. At the rotary hammer drill setting, engage the top nut
of the HAS rod assembly with the
socket and drive the rod down
through the capsule(s).
rotation immediately upon
reaching bottom of hole.
Stop drill
* Capsule length is longer than
standard embed. depth and will
protrude from the hole.
5. Do not disturb or load the set
anchor before the specified
curing time elapses.
102 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www
3. Insert the shaft with socket into the
hammer drill,
into the HIS and place in the socket.
3. Rotate knurled locking sleeve and
insert appropriate diameter rebar.
End of rebar being inserted into
base material must have a 45° cut
or a 90° chisel point.
screw the setting tool
I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www
4. At the rotar
drive the HIS down through the
rotation immediately upon
reaching bottom of hole.
4. Place chisel pointed end of rebar on
top of HVU capsule and switch on
hammer drill. Drill rebar down
through the capsule(s). Stop drill
rotation immediately upon
reaching bottom of hole.
y hammer drill setting,
Stop drill
5. Do not disturb or load the set
anchor bef
curing time ela
5. Do not disturb or load the set
anchor before the specified
curing time elapses.
I Pr
oduct T
ore the specified
echnical Guide 2006