Installation instructions for FS-ONE
1. Clean opening. 2. Pack mineral
3. Apply FS-ONE. 4. Smooth FS-ONE. 5. Leave completed
wool. (If required)
1. Clean the opening. Surfaces to which FS-ONE will be applied
should be cleaned of loose debris, dirt, oil, moisture, frost and
wax. Structures supporting penetrating items must be installed
in compliance with local building and electrical standards
Application of firestop sealant
2. Install the prescribed backfilling material type and depth to
obtain the desired rating (if required). Leave sufficient depth for
applying FS-ONE.
3. Application of firestop sealant: Apply FS-ONE to the required
depth in order to obtain the desired fire rating. Make sure
FS-ONE contacts all surfaces to provide maximum adhesion.
For application of FS-ONE use a standard caulking gun, foil pack
gun, bulk loader and bulk gun. With FS-ONE buckets, Graco type
sealant pumps may be used. (Contact pump manufacturer for
proper selection.)
4. Smoothing of firestop sealant: To complete the seal, tool immediately to give a smooth appearance. Excess sealant, prior to
curing, can be cleaned away from adjacent surfaces and tools
with water.
5. Leave completed seal undisturbed for 48 hours.
6. For maintenance reasons, a penetration seal could be permanently
marked with an identification plate. In such a case, mark the identification plate and fasten it in a visible position next to the seal.
6. Fasten identification
seal undisturbed for
plate (if required).
48 hours.
Notice about approvals
Check that the penetration has been sealed according to the specified
drawing in the UL Fire Resistance Directory or Hilti Firestop manual.
For further advice, please contact Hilti customer service. Refer to
Hilti product literature and UL fire resistance directory for specific
application details.
Not to be used...
• For high movement expansion joints
• Underwater
• On building materials which bleed oil, plasticizers or solvents
(impregnated wood, oil-based seals, green or partially vulcanized rubber)
• In any penetration other than those specifically described in the Hilti
Firestop Manual or the test reports
Safety precautions
• Before handling, read the product and material safety data sheet for
detailed use and health information.
• Keep out of reach of children
• Wear suitable gloves and eye protection
• Store only in the original packaging in a location protected from
moisture at temperatures between 40°F (5°C) and 86°F (30°C).
• Observe expiration date on the packaging.