DS-1000KI Keyboard User Manual
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Chapter1 Features of DS-1000KI
1.1 Main Features
Support DVR cascade. One DS-1000KI keyboard can maximum control 99
DVR units via network. If you use RS485 bus mode, one keyboard can
maximum control 32 DVR units.
DS-1000KI Keyboard has two liquid crystal screens with the left one showing
the controlling and configuring menu respectively. Press the key 【Menu】for
less than 2 seconds and enter into the controlling menu, while press【Menu】for
more than 2 seconds and enter into the keyboard configuring menu. The right
one shows the information including the user information, the present login
state, alarm information etc.
DS-1000KI has two communication modes: Network mode and RS485 bus
mode. You can use either of them to control DVR.
DS-1000KI keyboard users are divided into administrator and operator.
Administrator can operate both the controlling and configuring menu while the
operator can only operate the controlling menu.
DS-1000KI has the function to lock keyboard. Press【 】key to lock the
keyboard, and only input the correct password to unlock it.
DS-1000KI controlling menu can carry out DVR configuration, video playback,
manual record, PTZ control, DVR local preview and other functions. Both the
administrator and operator can control them.
DS-1000KI configuring menu can set up keyboard IP address, user ID number,
keyboard communication mode, keyboard password management etc. This part
is only controlled by the administrator.
DS-1000KI can control the different DVR units. Before operating DVR, enter
the configuring menu, in the “SysCfg” menu, select the keyboard control mode
(either network mode or RS485 bus mode). In the “UserCfg” menu, create one
new user, input the user ID, then input the information of the DVR including
DVR user name, password, DEV ID, DVR IP etc. After setting up the user
information, press the key【ID】and input the correct user ID, you can login and
operate the corresponding DVR.
DS-1000KI network keyboard is equipped with the joystick. You can use it to
control PTZ easily.
DS-1000KI network keyboard could receive the alarm information of DVR.
Before being permitted, it should set up to receive the alarm. In the alarm
configuration of the keyboard configuring menu, set up the information on
permitting to receive the alarm. Then, by choosing the alarm handling in the
keyboard controlling menu: set “Arm” to receive the alarm; set “Disarm” not to
receive the alarm. Meanwhile, the keyboard can receive the alarm information