HERON dipper-T Operating And Maintenance Instructions Manual

Operating and Maintenance Instructions inside
Thumbscrews Set (2) 3250 TScrewsx2
drawDown Electronic Panel 1408 1408 dD-EP
Detachable WLM probe 1403 Detach-WLMP
Item Part Numbers
the well casing. protects the tape from sharp edges on supports the meter on the casing and Unique hanger and tape protector
Figure 3
dial is turned fully clockwise.
the system is okay. Make sure sensitivity screw on the frame. The buzzer will sound if the axle; touch the probe body against the the probe against the stud on the back of To test entire system, Hold the center pin on
Figure 2
Mode Select Button
Figure 1
Mode Indicator
Keep Thumb Screws Tight
Signal LED
switch. The water is the switch. Please note: this is not an on/off
cascading water Sensitivity Knob for
Keep Thumb Screws Tight
Battery Box
• Interface Meters
• Conductivity Meters
• Temperature Meters
• Well Casing Indicators
• Well Depth Indicators
447 Moxley Road | Dundas, ON Canada L9H 5E2
1-800-331-2032 | info@heroninstruments.com
Please visit our website www.heroninstruments.com
for more information on the complete Heron line.
dipper-T Water Level
Meter with drawDown
Operating and Maintenance Instructions
Made in Canada
dipper-T Water Level Meter Instructions
General Care of the dipper-T
The dipper-T is a high quality, robust unit that will give many years of reliable
service if these recommendations are followed:
Avoid sharp edged casing, use the tape guide on the unit.
Take care to avoid the tape becoming entangled with other equipment in boreholes or wells, use stilling pipes when possible.
• DO NOT use the dipper-T as a guide to backlling, bentonite sealing or sand packing in wells. This type of material falls through the water column at a much slower rate than the dipper-T probe and can result in a trapped
probe and tape.
Neatly rewind and clean the tape after each use. Refer to: Cleaning the dipper-T
Warranty is conditional upon adherence to these guidelines
Equipment Check
Before taking the unit into the eld, carry out these simple tests with the sensitivity knob turned fully clockwise (see Figure 1 panel controls), and the two panel retaining thumb screws (nuts) are tight.
The sensitivity knob is used to adjust the unit’s response to varying conductivities to maintain a sharp distinctive signal. Turn the knob clockwise for low conductivity (pure) water and anti clockwise for high conductivity (dissolved minerals) water.
NOTE: There is no on/off switch on the instrument. If using in DRAWDOWN mode, return the unit to STATIC mode to turn the meter off. The dipper-T consumes no power in STATIC mode when not in water.
To check the condition of the battery and circuit, press the CHANGE MODE button.
The unit should sound and the INDICATOR light will come on. If the unit does not respond, replace the battery and try again.
To test the entire unit from the panel to the probe, short the probe across the stand off screw and the pin on the axle as shown in (Figure 2), the unit should
sound as above.
Use in the Field
The dipper-T will operate in two modes, STATIC level and DRAWDOWN. In the STATIC mode, the unit will be silent until it touches the ground water. In
DRAWDOWN mode, the unit will be sounding and the light will be on until it
touches water.
Reel the tape down the well carefully avoiding the edge of the casing. Hang the dipper-T on the casing when possible and run the tape over the guide on the frame leg to avoid cuts and nicks to the tape. Swivel the probe holder on the frame to allow the tape free movement down the well. (See Figure 3)
When the unit sounds (in STATIC mode) carefully measure the depth to water
indicated on the tape from your reference point. Raise and lower the tape in
and out of the water to get a consistent result.
NOTE: The inverted triangle on the probe holder serves as a datum point indicating “top of casing”. In wells that have cascading water that may give false readings, reduce the sensitivity by turning the sensitivity knob anti-clockwise.
The dipper-T probe is depth rated to the full length of the tape.
DO NOT use the dipper-T to measure the progress of back lling wells. The tape and probe may become stuck in the backll material.
DO NOT allow the tape to “freewheel” down the well. It may become caught in
other equipment in the well.
When rewinding the tape remove as much water and debris as possible from
the tape and the probe.
Cleaning the dipper-T
Always clean the meters after use in the eld to maintain optimal performance
and extend the life of the unit.
The dipper-T may be cleaned with any mild household dishwashing detergent
and rinsed with water.
DO NOT use abrasives, partially halogenated hydrocarbons or ketones to clean the reel. If the electronic panel is removed rst, the reel and tape can be
washed with a power washer.
Remove the panel retaining thumb screws (nuts) to release the panel. Take care not to lose the thumb screws as the unit will not work without them.
For longer units with aluminium reel discs, the panel is connected to the tapes
with male and female push connectors.
Troubleshooting the dipper-T
Q. No sound or light when the unit is tested.
A. Refer to Equipment Check and follow procedures. Change the battery. Switch from STATIC to DRAWDOWN and back. If the unit is in
DRAWDOWN mode and it sounds, put the probe in water and the sound should stop.
Q. Equipment checked, panel okay but probe not working.
A. Make sure both panel retaining thumb screws (nuts) are tight.
Q. Every thing okay, but the probe is still not working.
A. Carry out full continuity test, as shown in (Figure 2).
Q. Still not working in STATIC mode.
A. Adjust the sensitivity setting. Check the probe connection to the tape.
Carefully remove the probe, wipe the male connector and replace the
probe, tighten fully (do not lose the O-ring). If the unit still does not work check all the connections inside the hub. (Inside the hub polarity is not an issue as the current is AC.)
Q. The instrument continues to sound when not in water.
A. Press the MODE button. Dry the probe with a clean cloth if the water is
saline. Remove the probe and dry the male connector. If at this stage the unit stops sounding, replace the probe. If the instrument starts sounding again there is a short in the probe.
Contact Heron Instruments or your supplier if you cannot isolate the problem.
Warranty (5 years, probe 1 year)
Heron Instruments Inc. warrants to repair or replace any such defective
equipment or part (determined to our satisfaction to have a defect in workmanship or original material) upon receipt and inspection of such defective equipment to Heron Instruments Inc. with all shipping pre-paid by the user.
In no event shall Heron be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages, abuse, acts of third parties (rental equipment), environmental
conditions or other expenses which may arise in connection with such defective equipment.
This warranty shall not apply to damage of equipment caused by improper installation, usage, storage, alteration or inadequate care.
Heron Warranty coverage does not extend to the following:
Tape, bag or batteries used with the product
Products used as rental equipment
Products contaminated by materials which are known to be hazardous
and; as such, have rendered the unit unserviceable
Parts failure due to neglect in cleaning or servicing
Failure of parts caused by misuse
For service information:
visit www.heroninstruments.com under the CONTACT heading
email service@heroninstruments.com
call 1-800-331-2032 or 905-628-4999
Warranty is conditional upon adherence to these guidelines.