I ns ta ll at i on P ro ce d ur e, F ir eW i re I nt er f ac e
Ope ra ting In str uc ti ons 9
Res ol ut ion s 10
Tr ue Re so lu ti o ns
Cal ib rati ng the Scan ne r 11
Fo c us C al i br at io n 12
W hi te C al i br at io n f or R ef l ec ti ve s 13
The Ligh t Tubes 14
Cle an ing t he Ex te rn al S ur face of th e Scann er 16
Dis po sal 16
Techn ic al Sp ec if ica ti ons 16
FC C Not ic e 17
CE - Dec la ratio n of co nfo rm ity 18
Fl e xt ig h t X1 18
Fl e xt ig h t X5 19
The Flextight X1 and the Flextight X5 satisfy the demand
for image quality and speed requirements from professional photographers and production environments alike.
Developed around Hasselblad’s patented virtual drum
design and exible magnetic holder and incorporating a
3x8000 optic CCD sensor and a Linos (Rodenstock) lens,
both scanners are fast, easy-to-use and oer unparalleled
image quality. They also feature a new time-saving facility
– an ‘Auto Scan’ button, which with one press automatically delivers a superb, high resolution scan.
The Flextight X1 scans 35mm originals at a maximum
non-interpolated optical resolution of 6300 dpi at a maximum speed of 60MB per minute while the Flextight X5
scans 35mm originals at up to 8000 dpi and at 300MB per
minute, making it the world’s fastest, high-end scanner.
The Flextight X5 also has an A4 reective scanning option, can take a batch or a slide feeder and incorporates
Hasselblad’s active cooling capability, where an electronic
device is placed directly on the CCD to cool it down and
prevent an increase in electrical noise.
As with all Hasselblad scanners, the Flextight X1 and
Flextight X5 oer outstanding sharpness and image quality and are designed to bring out the nest details and
the full tonal range from the professional photographer’s
negatives or transparencies. Both Flextight models oer a
maximum non-interpolated, optical resolution of 3200 dpi
in true 8 or 16 bit colour from 60mm originals and 2040
dpi from 4” x 5” originals, both positive and negative. The
two scanners also provide automatic frame detection,
batch scanning, automatic focus and calibration, hardware (Flextight X5 only) and software-based Auto Dust
Removal and both utilize Hasselblad’s unique FlexColor
software and 3F – Flexible File Format. These features produce a digital data management system to provide users
with a fully integrated workow solution that spans from
image capture to output. Both scanners are PC and Mac
compatible using a FireWire interface.
The Flextight scanners also include a full selection of holders for mounting all of the most common original formats
without requiring gel, tape or glass plates and include a
full selection of the most common negative lm set-up
proles. Support for special formats, such as panoramas,
can also be customised and supplied by Hasselblad. The
scanners use glass-free original holders that ‘ex’ the
original during the scanning process to form a completely
straight line that places nothing between the original and
the electronic image sensor. This ensures that the quality
remains at its highest level without glass distortions and
other unwanted artifacts.
For the optimum in investment security, a Flextight X1
can be modied and upgraded to a Flextight X5 model at
a later date for approximately the dierence in price between the two scanners. Either way you can rest
assured you have made the right choice.
The supreme Hasselblad potential is there,
it’s up to you to exploit it!
Warnings and restrictions
• Read all of the included documentation before attempting to install and use the
• Do not touch the originals and/or the original holder while scanning.
• Do not start scanning or previewing until an original holder with an original has
been mounted.
• e original holder is only to be mounted or removed when the drum is in the load
• When you turn on the scanner, the drum will roll to the load position, if it is not
there already. Do not touch the scanner while the drum is rotating.
• Do not place your fingers or any other object into the scanner while it is connected
to power.
• Before servicing or opening the scanner, the power supply must be disconnected
from the mains (unplugged). It is not sufficient simply to press the on/off button.
• Install the scanner in a location where children can not get to it. It contains small
openings and moving parts that can cause injury.
System requirements
Below are the basic hardware requirements for the PC or Macintosh system to which
the scanner is to be connected. For information about the processor, operating
system, RAM and harddisk requirements please refer to the “Soware Reference”
manual, that comes with the FlexColor soware.
• Screen resolution of minimum 800 x 600 pixels with true colors (24-bits).
• Mouse or other pointing device.
• FireWire interface.
Preventive maintenance
All Flextight scanners should be serviced every 25,000 scans or every 12 months,
whichever comes first. If a Feeder is mounted, the recommended number of scans is
15,000 provided that the feeder is mounted for all scans. Please note that previews are
also counted as scans.
Newer Flextight scanners have a counter installed so that the number of scans can be
monitored from FlexColor. Please refer to the FlexColor manual to learn more about
monitoring the number of scans.
Failures or faults originating from lack of service and/or daily maintenance are not
covered by the factory warranty.
Parts and components − front panel
A Feed table
is must be in the lower position for normal scanning.
When scanner is not in use you can return it to closed
position to protect it from dust etc. Adjust to horizontal
position when using the 35 mm slide mount holder.
B Light table
For viewing originals. e grid helps you to align your
transparent originals.
C Transparency holder guide
Two rails that guide all the transparency holders and keep
them in a straight orientation.
D Original holder clasp
All original holders slide into a slot here and are held in
place by a magnetic clasp.
E Power switch
Button to turn the unit on/off.
F Power indicator (Green)
Remains lit when ready to scan. Flashes when first installed
to indicate that firmware must be loaded (it will be loaded
automatically when you run FlexColor).
G Motor drive indicator (Yellow)
Lights when the scanner is repositioning the optics to scan
in a new format or when drum is repositioning.
H Scan indicator (Red)
Lights when scanning. Do not touch the scanner while this
indicator is lit. If the light is flashing when not scanning,
then an error has occurred - please contact your Flextight
dealer for assistance.
I Start/stop scan button
With this button you can initiate a 3F scan. Parameters are
set according to your 3F scan setup. e button will also
stop any normal scan process.
Parts and components − cutaway view
A Power cable socket
Connect the power cable into this socket.
B FireWire interface sockets
Socket for FireWire cable (max. 6 m) for computer connection. e second socket allows connection to another
device (hard disk, printer etc.) in the FireWire chain.
C CCD housing
Movable platform holding the CCD sensor.
D Spindle
For positioning of the CCD housing and optics housing for
the appropriate resolution and original size.
E Optics housing
Movable platform holding the optics that focuses the image
of the original on the CCD-sensor.